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Hezbollah says ready for another war with Israel

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Says more about your blinkered belief then doesn't it.

And is there any possibility that you might have that backward?


Yes of course there is, but I'm sure you would only disagree.

Why would you put a photo of the pot calling the kettle black? What is my blinkered view?

I can certainaly see that Israel has been hard done by at times and continues to be threatened and I am no sympathizer of Hezbollah, Palestine, Iran etc. But I certainly don't defend Israel for every and all it's actions regardless of how provocative and illegal the actions are. That would be stupid wouldn't it?


Here's some news for you: They BOTH suck. Both the Israeli government and Hezbollah openly murder people who get in their way. Both commit acts of terrorism in the true sense of the word. Both are responsible for large numbers of civilian deaths.

Neither has any claim on the moral high ground. The proposition that one side is holier-than-thou is a crock. Wake up.


But I certainly don't defend Israel for every and all it's actions regardless of how provocative and illegal the actions are. That would be stupid wouldn't it?

Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

On each and every post that has anything to do with Israel they swarm like flies over shit

All their reactions are simple variations on the same 4 rules over and over again :

1. No matter what happens, Israel is always right, and the Palestinians, Hamas, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and nowadays Turkey, are always wrong.

2. In other places in the world bad things happen too, so what Israel does is not as bad (Two wrongs do make a right.)

3. Critics of Israel are ridiculed, insulted and humiliated

4. If all of the above fail, play the "Anti Semitism Card" - guaranteed success

Repeat a lie often enough, and some people will start believing you...


You need to be more specific - and provide credible links - but it is not "my cause".

However, how does Hamas blowing up buses full of children further your cause? :whistling:

Can you give a specific about hamas blowing up busses of children ???

your plural.

See the loooong list provided where you will also find where Hamas claimed responsibility officially.

Your looooong list of suicide bombings ended in 2004. Operation Cast Lead in 2009, 5 years after the last

suicide bombing killed more innocent civilians, mostly women and children, than all the Hamas suicide bombings

and Hamas rocket fire (enhanced fireworks) combined.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?


You need to be more specific - and provide credible links - but it is not "my cause".

However, how does Hamas blowing up buses full of children further your cause? :whistling:

Can you give a specific about hamas blowing up busses of children ???

your plural.

See the loooong list provided where you will also find where Hamas claimed responsibility officially.

Your looooong list of suicide bombings ended in 2004. Operation Cast Lead in 2009, 5 years after the last

suicide bombing killed more innocent civilians, mostly women and children, than all the Hamas suicide bombings

and Hamas rocket fire (enhanced fireworks) combined.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

Really? You want to claim that Israel killed mostly women and children?

Because that's in direct contradiction to what Hamas claims. If we're to take IDF's claim as valid, then at least 60% of the people killed were Hamas members (also note that 162 of the remaining where men with unknown affiliation--dropping the ratio of women and children to no more than 25%; even less if you don't consider someone greater than 16 as a child) . If we're to take PCHR's FIRST numbers as valid, the ratio stays the same. It's only PCHR's latest, inflated, numbers that drop the ratio below 50%...where I have to assume you get your claim that "mostly women and children" were the victims of that war.

And that's disregarding the games that Hamas and PCHR plays with their numbers. A prime example is here: why do the number of 'martyrs' who 'die as a result of the occupation' (list includes people with cancer and other terminal illness) drop during Operation Cast Lead? Excuse me for being cynical, but what with Hamas hijacking the ambulances to carry out terror attacks during that war, it would seem to me that the numbers would be up, not down.

I hate playing games where people's lifes (no matter who they voted into to power) are reduced to percentages, but you wish to point out that Hamas rocket fire is just 'enhance fireworks' (which is interesting--would you care if someone 20 km away from you lauched Qassam rockets in the general vincinty of your house?), and tried to conflate the moral imperative of the State to only reduce the number of people trying to kill your citizens by an equal number of your citizens that the enemy has in fact killed....this is preposterous; after all it seems that people, such as yourself, give Gazans carte blanche to armed resistance with no limitations on the number of Israelis killed, so why are you so quick to condemn a nation for defending its inhabitants?


You need to be more specific - and provide credible links - but it is not "my cause".

However, how does Hamas blowing up buses full of children further your cause? :whistling:

Can you give a specific about hamas blowing up busses of children ???

your plural.

See the loooong list provided where you will also find where Hamas claimed responsibility officially.

Your looooong list of suicide bombings ended in 2004. Operation Cast Lead in 2009, 5 years after the last

suicide bombing killed more innocent civilians, mostly women and children, than all the Hamas suicide bombings

and Hamas rocket fire (enhanced fireworks) combined.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

For starters put on your glasses, then push the "ON" switch in your brain and look again at post 127 and then write again its stopped in 2004.

With all the drivel you been posting you have not provided even 1 fact, nothing but utter rubbish.

You have been asked to provide evidence to support your claims of land been taken, in response you come out with this rubbish.

Please find another thread to ruin, because clearly on this one you have already proven to be a complete nuisance.


Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

On each and every post that has anything to do with Israel they swarm like flies over shit

All their reactions are simple variations on the same 4 rules over and over again :

1. No matter what happens, Israel is always right, and the Palestinians, Hamas, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and nowadays Turkey, are always wrong.

2. In other places in the world bad things happen too, so what Israel does is not as bad (Two wrongs do make a right.)

3. Critics of Israel are ridiculed, insulted and humiliated

4. If all of the above fail, play the "Anti Semitism Card" - guaranteed success

Repeat a lie often enough, and some people will start believing you...

Again with stupidity and nuisance. Post just 1 and i mean link to support anything that you post. Have you forgotten to name a few more terrorist organizations who are "always wrong" like Jihad, Al-Queda to name a few, i am sure in regards to them they also been mistreated.

So its terrible to have terror attacks in your home country, but perfectly normal and acceptable to have it in Israel, because bigots like yourself, do not have enough intelligence to look at the facts and analyze it.


.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.


.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.

Worst than the Russian pogroms? Or even the Maoist? How about the Armenian Genocide? Or the Indonesian killings of the Chinese in 60's? Or Sri Lankha's anti-Tamil actions? all those resulted in MUCH more terror and deaths (all of them at least 5x more than what occured at Hiroshima) than the actions of the nations you listed above...but that wouldn't fit your world view would it?


Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

How about hardcore Israel hate-mongers who blame them for absolutely everything and justify the killing of innocent me, women and children - no matter what nationality - by terrorist groups and rogue countries.

Is that all empty rhetoric, blatant lies or just hypocrisy?



Says more about your blinkered belief then doesn't it.

And is there any possibility that you might have that backward?

Why would you put a photo of the pot calling the kettle black? What is my blinkered view?

I can certainly see that Israel has been hard done by at times and continues to be threatened and I am no sympathizer of Hezbollah, Palestine, Iran etc.

Where are these posts condemning Hezbollah, Palestine and Iran? I see a number blaming Israel for the whole situation, but none that are fair and balanced in any way.

You and your buddies have no problem calling other people zealots, but never seem to look in the mirror at your own distorted views.

Blinkered is as blinkered does.



.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.

LMAO. You even get this wrong. Second world war, over 56 million people died(but some say close to 80 million), so i would say Germany would be the leader http://www.hitler.org/ww2-deaths.html


.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.

LMAO. You even get this wrong. Second world war, over 56 million people died(but some say close to 80 million), so i would say Germany would be the leader http://www.hitler.org/ww2-deaths.html

The countries Germany and Russia as they were in those days no longer exist.

(Why not talk about Romans and Genghis Khan?)

America and the UK are still at it!

It seems to me you lack all common sense, logic or ability for reasoned debate.

I'm just gonna put you down as a religious nut job and pretend you no longer exist.


.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.

LMAO. You even get this wrong. Second world war, over 56 million people died(but some say close to 80 million), so i would say Germany would be the leader http://www.hitler.org/ww2-deaths.html

The countries Germany and Russia as they were in those days no longer exist.

(Why not talk about Romans and Genghis Khan?)

America and the UK are still at it!

It seems to me you lack all common sense, logic or ability for reasoned debate.

I'm just gonna put you down as a religious nut job and pretend you no longer exist.

Really care to enlighten me what happened to Germany and Russia?

and how America and UK are still at it, considering that your example was "America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam"

It would appear to that you would not even know what common sense or logic is, never mind reasoned debate.


This forum is not exactly overloaded with reasonable debaters. :D

You do not say-haha.

He makes America nuking Hiroshima as an example but then denies any argument of the same time frame and then has enough "common sense" to call it reasonable debate.

Not to mention all the previous rubbish about concentration camps he personally saw in Israel


I must admit. I'm not sure how Russia and Germany got off the hook. :blink:

HAHAHA Well thats because "you lack all common sense, logic or ability for reasoned debate and you just a religious nut job"


Well, I was an altar boy when I was young, but when I got kicked out of catechism (Sunday school) for being too contrary, I think that I blew my religious fanatic status.


.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.

LMAO. You even get this wrong. Second world war, over 56 million people died(but some say close to 80 million), so i would say Germany would be the leader http://www.hitler.org/ww2-deaths.html

Nice try to quote only a part of my post. Obviously my question was about israelis vs palestinians, 1400 death in a few days compared to a few hundred in several years....

So let me rephrase the question : Since the "creation" of Israel, which side killed more innocent civilians, israel or palestinians?


Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

How about hardcore Israel hate-mongers who blame them for absolutely everything and justify the killing of innocent me, women and children - no matter what nationality - by terrorist groups and rogue countries.

Is that all empty rhetoric, blatant lies or just hypocrisy?


Without Israel, there would not be a conflict between Israel and the lawful owners of the land Israel occupies. And where did you see me justify killings by other groups, whether one call them terrorists or freedom fighters.

You seem to have forgotten that the zionists who blew up the King David Hotel killing dozens of innocent people were also branded terrorists.

Because you know all to well that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. As long as Israel occupies other peoples land there will be resistance.


.... so who is the biggest terrorist killer of innocent women and children?

That would either be America for nuking Japan, killing in Vietnam, etc.

Or the UK (mainly the RAF) for bombing civilian targets, Dresden, etc.

I'm pretty sure neither Hamas or Israel can really compete for mass murder terrorist acts with the big boys.

LMAO. You even get this wrong. Second world war, over 56 million people died(but some say close to 80 million), so i would say Germany would be the leader http://www.hitler.org/ww2-deaths.html

Nice try to quote only a part of my post. Obviously my question was about israelis vs palestinians, 1400 death in a few days compared to a few hundred in several years....

So let me rephrase the question : Since the "creation" of Israel, which side killed more innocent civilians, israel or palestinians?

Well it was your brother in arms who did it, so take it up with him.

But back to your question "Since the "creation" of Israel, which side killed more innocent civilians, israel or palestinians" According to whom? Israel or Hamas?

And what do you classify as innocent?Would a woman allowing terrorist store rockets or fire them from her house where her children are innocent or not?


Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

How about hardcore Israel hate-mongers who blame them for absolutely everything and justify the killing of innocent me, women and children - no matter what nationality - by terrorist groups and rogue countries.

Is that all empty rhetoric, blatant lies or just hypocrisy?


Without Israel, there would not be a conflict between Israel and the lawful owners of the land Israel occupies.

You are very particular about which UN resolutions you pay attention to. Israel is the lawful owner of the land that makes up most of the country and the rest was won after being attacked repeatedly and they are willing to trade most of that for peace, but the terrorists keep refusing.


Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

How about hardcore Israel hate-mongers who blame them for absolutely everything and justify the killing of innocent me, women and children - no matter what nationality - by terrorist groups and rogue countries.

Is that all empty rhetoric, blatant lies or just hypocrisy?


Without Israel, there would not be a conflict between Israel and the lawful owners of the land Israel occupies. And where did you see me justify killings by other groups, whether one call them terrorists or freedom fighters.

You seem to have forgotten that the zionists who blew up the King David Hotel killing dozens of innocent people were also branded terrorists.

Because you know all to well that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. As long as Israel occupies other peoples land there will be resistance.

And without Hamas and Hezbullah there will be no terrorists or conflict. As for the rightful land owners, i am still waiting on the names and location.

Again if you make a claim, provide some factual support.

And you are right, Hamas and Hezbullah will always be terrorists in all peoples eyes, but to Iran and Syria and YOU, they would be the freedom fighters.


And you are right, Hamas and Hezbullah will always be terrorists in all peoples eyes, but to Iran and Syria and YOU, they would be the freedom fighters.

Unless he is just posting absolute nonsense for a lark, which is a distinct possibility. :whistling:


Israeli government apologists: Go stick your head in a bucket of water.

Hezbollah apologists: Go stick your head in a bucket of water.

Do you really believe one is better than the other? Both sides are demonstrably responsible for brutality, murders and terrorism. Both the Israeli government and Hezbollah are a pathetic bag of oxygen thieves. The world would be a better place without both.

And as front page news, its boring. If they want to kill each other for the next thousand years, go right ahead. Island theory dictates that sooner or later, someone is going to lose. I look forward to that day.


Israeli government apologists: Go stick your head in a bucket of water.

Hezbollah apologists: Go stick your head in a bucket of water.

Do you really believe one is better than the other? Both sides are demonstrably responsible for brutality, murders and terrorism. Both the Israeli government and Hezbollah are a pathetic bag of oxygen thieves. The world would be a better place without both.

And as front page news, its boring. If they want to kill each other for the next thousand years, go right ahead. Island theory dictates that sooner or later, someone is going to lose. I look forward to that day.

Excellent in depth analysis, now you can find another thread to analyze.


Fortunately more and more people around the world are seeing the true character of the state of Israel. Israeli officials are not welcome anymore in an increasing number of countries, and/or are afraid to travel because they might get arrested for war crimes. And Israel is doing its utmost to become a pariah state because it is continuously blocking every change on peace. Even in Israel an increasing number of people begin to realize that they are living in total isolation and are looked upon with disgust by the civilized world.

Of course you refuse to see what the rest of the world is seeing and that is that Israel refuses to be a part of any solution and therefor is a part the problem only.

The boycott against Israel is gaining momentum, and after the massacre of innocent people in international waters, the whole world saw the true face of Israel.

So you and your fellow Israel apologists are fighting the same losing battle as Israel.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you will never succeed in fooling all of the people all of the time....

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