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I took delivery of my xbox kinect yesterday and had a few hours play around last night.

My short summary

The Hand guesture controls for selecting things is a little cumbersome and not that great - so far its my least favorite aspect of the system

Voice recognition stuff is great, its a bit limited right now and you cant really control the xbox with it, just a few aspects, but its pretty good, lets hope they extend this

You need a lot of space, my living room is quite large but i still need to move a few things around to give me optimal space for two player.

The games are pretty fun, lots of jumping around, dancing and ducking... great fun

Very easy and quick to set up

Limited games at the moment. I think theres only 15 titles but i expect to get more over the coming months

Overall 9/10


How much did it cost and where did you get it from? My missus has been on about it for a while, just been waiting for them to get here.


Imported from the US. They are not available over this side just yet, i think Australia is the first offical country on this side of the globe to get it... although i am not sure when

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