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Water Pressure Booster Pumps


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I live one level under the top floor of my condo and the water pressure is really really bad. Instead of drawing the pipes from my ceiling they've drawn them from below the floor and up again making things even worse. I could draw new pipes myself but the pressure will never be as high as I want it to be anyways. Now I've heard about these pressure booster pumps and that they are pretty silent and come cheap.

I have a 35m2 condo and need a booster for 2 taps, my shower and the toilet+sprayer. Any advice on the capacity, power, brand, price do's and dont's would be very welcome! Is it possible a pump too strong for my place blows up the pipes?

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Speaking of water pumps in general, yes it is possible to get a pump too powerful for you needs and while the pipes might not explode, the pump will soon literally pop a gasket, it has happened to me.

I am clueless, if there is a special pump that can be installed at the entry point into your condo of your water supply, but I would be surprised if there was not.

The water pressure in most moo bans is poor requiring installation of a water pump, "booster" if you prefer. It is a pump that takes the available water supply, usually from a storage tank, and raises the pressure to the level desired.

I would really like to know if in fact there is such a thing as literally "a water booster" that takes low water pressure from condo supply pipe and increases the pressure without a tank to ensure a constant level of water, regardless of pressure.

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Well I just bought a 100w pressure booster, it was the weakest they had but from a good brand. If it was too weak I could change for a stronger one. I have no idea but they said this should do the trick....

It all makes sense to me, the water is pumped to the roof and than flows down into the condos hence the highest floors have the least pressure. The water flow itself is plenty though just like all the other rooms just no pressure to press it through the pipes and this thing should do that. I'll post the result.

Edited by Dutchman6
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  • 3 weeks later...

Some feedback on the pump:

I changed the 100w Fujika pump for a 250w model. They look identically but the 250w model is the better pump by far! I initially though a 250w pump would give more pressure but that's not the case, only 0.2 bar more. The 150w model even gives the same pressure as the 100w model. However the 100w model made my water pulse when I limited my taps or only opened them a little bit. the 250w model doesn't go on and of so no pulsing water taps ever! Apparently excellent pumps start at 8000thb.

And of course my toilet gave problems: first of all the floating valve needed to be replaced. Second after replacing it the pump still gave too much pressure for the toilet valve to handle making the pump go on and off every 15mins all day long. I put a little valve in front of the toilet water supply hose to limit the pressure and it was solved.

And of course my 3500w shower heater needs to be replaced for a 5500w model now because it can't heat up this much water but that's a good thing :rolleyes:

People living in high rise condos with shitty showers enjoy!


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