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Britain to compensate Guantanamo detainees

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Britain to compensate Guantanamo detainees

2010-11-17 00:21:47 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) - The British government has agreed to compensate former Guantanamo Bay prisoners with millions of pounds, officials said Tuesday.

British Justice State Secretary Kenneth Clarke said he could not reveal the amount of compensation after weeks of negotiation, explaining that "the settlement is not to be taken as any admission of liability" as it could be understood as a way of resolving lawsuits against the British government.

The British government had been sued by at least six people due to human rights violations suffered during their rendition to and detention in different locations, including Guantanamo.

However, the settlement will secure the risk of exposing thousands of documents in open court about British-U.S. operations in "extraordinary rendition" of terrorist suspects.

All British citizens and residents who spent time at Guantanamo will be covered in the settlement, Clarke said. Nonetheless, the exact amount disclosed in the settlement may never be revealed.

Guantanamo Bay is a U.S.-run detainment facility in Cuba, which was set up by the Bush Administration in 2002 to hold those detained in the Afghan and Iraqi war.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-11-17

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So why are they suing the UK Gov't and not the US Gov't?

a ) The US government is above the law.

b ) The action against the British Government is based on collusion between US torturers and British intelligence agents; that is to say while they may not have carried out torture, they were there, they knew what was going on but still took away and used the (questionable) information extracted. As such the British Government can be held accountable.


So why are they suing the UK Gov't and not the US Gov't?

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,

And the women come out to cut up what remains,

Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains

An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.

Go, go, go like a soldier,

Go, go, go like a soldier,

Go, go, go like a soldier,

So-oldier ~of~ the Queen!


Because they are British and the British government owed them a duty of care.

Take up the White Man's burden--

Send forth the best ye breed--

Go, bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives' need;

To wait, in heavy harness,

On fluttered folk and wild--

Your new-caught sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.

Take up the White Man's burden--

Ye dare not stoop to less--

Nor call too loud on Freedom

To cloak your weariness.

By all ye will or whisper,

By all ye leave or do,

The silent sullen peoples

Shall weigh your God and you.


So why are they suing the UK Gov't and not the US Gov't?

a ) The US government is above the law.

b ) The action against the British Government is based on collusion between US torturers and British intelligence agents; that is to say while they may not have carried out torture, they were there, they knew what was going on but still took away and used the (questionable) information extracted. As such the British Government can be held accountable.

Probably more accurate is that the Brits are pushovers. These "at least six" don't have any proof of torture. Too bad no one bothered to ask these former detainees what they were doing in Afghanistan during the fighting in the first place. Some guy in another forum posted a link proving that if they weren't terrorists when they went to Gitmo, they are very likely to be terrorists when they come out. So, go ahead, pay them millions, I guarantee that at least one will take that money and put it to bad use killing more UK citizens. Then the real scandal begins.


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

Are you serious? Are you really, really serious? You really don't have any idea, do you? I'd guess 99.99% of detainees in prison in Muslim countries would LOVE to have a prison like Gitmo (the rest would be lefties left braindead by their own propganda and believe Gitmo is worse than hel_l). For one thing, at Gitmo the prisoners are allowed to practice their religion and keep a koran. Not to mention the clean, single person cells, being well-fed and an exercise yard and no fear that their limbs will be chopped off. I wonder if in this fantasy facility in your mind if the Western detainees would get the same freedoms? I would be thrilled to go to Gitmo and suffer the "horrible" treatment instead of the real, proven, torture a Westerner would face in a Muslim country facility.


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I realize it is not a war to you but to the soldiers fighting and being killed it seems like a war.

What would you do with captured prisoners of war who may have intelligence to aid in the conduct of the war?

Two sides in the war. One side has uniforms and the other side wears civilian clothes but they both have guns.

I was only actively involved in one war. When people put up their hands and surrendered I didn't kill em.

I knew Koreans also fighting on my side. Surrender for the enemy was not an option.

I thought my war sucked. But what do you do? People shoot at you. You could try to explain the whole thing was not your idea. I don't think that is a practical solution.

I don't think this thread is about the legality of Gitmo. I think it is about the UK paying people for being detained there. That to me implies that the UK knew they were illegally detained there.

If the UK knew they were illegally detained there did they ask for them to be released? If they knew they were illegally detained and didn't ask for their release why didn't they ask?

Seems to me the payment is to hush up discussions of what the UK did and did not know. Does this make sense to you? Do you think that is the reason? I don't think this is an American bashing thread. I think it is a UK payment of terrorists (or not) thread. What do you think?


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I realize it is not a war to you but to the soldiers fighting and being killed it seems like a war.

What would you do with captured prisoners of war who may have intelligence to aid in the conduct of the war?

Two sides in the war. One side has uniforms and the other side wears civilian clothes but they both have guns.

I was only actively involved in one war. When people put up their hands and surrendered I didn't kill em.

I knew Koreans also fighting on my side. Surrender for the enemy was not an option.

I thought my war sucked. But what do you do? People shoot at you. You could try to explain the whole thing was not your idea. I don't think that is a practical solution.

I don't think this thread is about the legality of Gitmo. I think it is about the UK paying people for being detained there. That to me implies that the UK knew they were illegally detained there.

If the UK knew they were illegally detained there did they ask for them to be released? If they knew they were illegally detained and didn't ask for their release why didn't they ask?

Seems to me the payment is to hush up discussions of what the UK did and did not know. Does this make sense to you? Do you think that is the reason? I don't think this is an American bashing thread. I think it is a UK payment of terrorists (or not) thread. What do you think?

I think the "War on Terror" is the biggest hoax of all times. Guantanamo Bay is just a tiny little part of that hoax.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

Are you serious? Are you really, really serious? You really don't have any idea, do you? I'd guess 99.99% of detainees in prison in Muslim countries would LOVE to have a prison like Gitmo (the rest would be lefties left braindead by their own propganda and believe Gitmo is worse than hel_l). For one thing, at Gitmo the prisoners are allowed to practice their religion and keep a koran. Not to mention the clean, single person cells, being well-fed and an exercise yard and no fear that their limbs will be chopped off. I wonder if in this fantasy facility in your mind if the Western detainees would get the same freedoms? I would be thrilled to go to Gitmo and suffer the "horrible" treatment instead of the real, proven, torture a Westerner would face in a Muslim country facility.

I will pay 100% of your travel expenses if you promise to stay at least for 5 years in a clean, single person cell, have you well fed and access to an exercise yard in this wonderful facility. Heck, I would even let you keep your bible.... Mail me your bank account number and I'll have the money transferred today.


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I realize it is not a war to you but to the soldiers fighting and being killed it seems like a war.

What would you do with captured prisoners of war who may have intelligence to aid in the conduct of the war?

Two sides in the war. One side has uniforms and the other side wears civilian clothes but they both have guns.

I was only actively involved in one war. When people put up their hands and surrendered I didn't kill em.

I knew Koreans also fighting on my side. Surrender for the enemy was not an option.

I thought my war sucked. But what do you do? People shoot at you. You could try to explain the whole thing was not your idea. I don't think that is a practical solution.

I don't think this thread is about the legality of Gitmo. I think it is about the UK paying people for being detained there. That to me implies that the UK knew they were illegally detained there.

If the UK knew they were illegally detained there did they ask for them to be released? If they knew they were illegally detained and didn't ask for their release why didn't they ask?

Seems to me the payment is to hush up discussions of what the UK did and did not know. Does this make sense to you? Do you think that is the reason? I don't think this is an American bashing thread. I think it is a UK payment of terrorists (or not) thread. What do you think?

I think the "War on Terror" is the biggest hoax of all times. Guantanamo Bay is just a tiny little part of that hoax.

That is a nice thought but this thread is about Britain to compensate Guantanamo detainees. You are not posting on topic. You are just bashing the US like so many others in every thread about everything. Why don't you start a topic about the war on terror and Gitmo. Then your comments would be appropriate. BTW since you did not answer any of the questions I posed I will pose them again.

If the UK knew they were illegally detained there did they ask for them to be released? If they knew they were illegally detained and didn't ask for their release why didn't they ask?

Seems to me the payment is to hush up discussions of what the UK did and did not know. Does this make sense to you? Do you think that is the reason? I don't think this is an American bashing thread. I think it is a UK payment of terrorists (or not) thread. What do you think?


Think you'll find the government decdied to offer whatever was needed as the courts were releasign all kinds of documents showing undemocratic and probably illegal practices by security services of western nations which were a massive embarrasment on the scale of the wikileaks stuff.

Now the government are likley to pass some law that imfringes freedom of information and justice but which will stop the excesses of security services from being known an denable renditon and torutre of any innocent to be carried out without the embarrsing problem, that any innocent can ever receive justice. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.

Now when are Bush and Blair and their mateys going to be tried for their illegal war which has resulted not only in th deaths of loads of locals that few westerners care about but also the deaths of loads of their own countryment which it seems westerners wont even hjold them accountable for. And their war aims have not been even minimally achieved meaning they lost wars whihc is something that westerners seem to miss although ably distracted but useless media. I feel sorrow for both the soldiers and ancilliaries killed and wounded in these illeagl endevours and also for the death, maiming and destruction visited on the lcoals.


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I realize it is not a war to you but to the soldiers fighting and being killed it seems like a war.

What would you do with captured prisoners of war who may have intelligence to aid in the conduct of the war?

Two sides in the war. One side has uniforms and the other side wears civilian clothes but they both have guns.

I was only actively involved in one war. When people put up their hands and surrendered I didn't kill em.

I knew Koreans also fighting on my side. Surrender for the enemy was not an option.

I thought my war sucked. But what do you do? People shoot at you. You could try to explain the whole thing was not your idea. I don't think that is a practical solution.

I don't think this thread is about the legality of Gitmo. I think it is about the UK paying people for being detained there. That to me implies that the UK knew they were illegally detained there.

If the UK knew they were illegally detained there did they ask for them to be released? If they knew they were illegally detained and didn't ask for their release why didn't they ask?

Seems to me the payment is to hush up discussions of what the UK did and did not know. Does this make sense to you? Do you think that is the reason? I don't think this is an American bashing thread. I think it is a UK payment of terrorists (or not) thread. What do you think?

I think the "War on Terror" is the biggest hoax of all times. Guantanamo Bay is just a tiny little part of that hoax.

That is a nice thought but this thread is about Britain to compensate Guantanamo detainees. You are not posting on topic. You are just bashing the US like so many others in every thread about everything. Why don't you start a topic about the war on terror and Gitmo. Then your comments would be appropriate. BTW since you did not answer any of the questions I posed I will pose them again.

If the UK knew they were illegally detained there did they ask for them to be released? If they knew they were illegally detained and didn't ask for their release why didn't they ask?

Seems to me the payment is to hush up discussions of what the UK did and did not know. Does this make sense to you? Do you think that is the reason? I don't think this is an American bashing thread. I think it is a UK payment of terrorists (or not) thread. What do you think?

I think the UK plays a huge roll in the biggest hoax of all times, called "The War on Terror". Tony Blair is as much of a war criminal as George Bush. I do not think the UK Government pays money to people that are terrorists, even though Tony Blair used to receive a handsome salary for his doings...

Tony Blair is as much of a war criminal as George Bush.

We agree here. Neither of them is a war criminal.

The UK gov't would be fools to pay these former detainees. Do the UK taxpayers at least get to know the stories of what they were doing in a warzone to begin with?


Because they are British and the British government owed them a duty of care.

If they are British, they wouldnt be in Guantanamo Bay for Terror activities in the first place. I do not agree that they should be compensated! :annoyed:


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I guess your not an infidel!


Where will this compensation money end up? probably being used against the British in Terror activities. :angry:

do you seriously reckon these guys are just going to go into retirement once they get there payout.


Does it matter what they were doing? They are suing because the UK government was complicit in their torture.

Perhaps you have information that we don't have. Could you share it?


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I guess your not an infidel!

I guess you mean "you're not an infidel"?

Well, according to the definition of Merriam-Webster' :

Definition of INFIDEL

1 : one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity 2 a : an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion b : one who acknowledges no religious belief 3 : a disbeliever in something specified or understood — infidel adjective

I can safely say that I most surely am an infidel !!


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I guess your not an infidel!

I guess you mean "you're not an infidel"?

Well, according to the definition of Merriam-Webster' :

Definition of INFIDEL

1 : one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity 2 a : an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion b : one who acknowledges no religious belief 3 : a disbeliever in something specified or understood — infidel adjective

I can safely say that I most surely am an infidel !!

Infidel (literally "one without faith") is a chiefly archaic English noun, meaning one who doubts or rejects the central tenets of a religion other than one's own or has no religious beliefs; especially in reference to Christianity or Islam

if you read between the lines I am calling you a Muslim Terror supporter.


Because they are British and the British government owed them a duty of care.

Source please.

From the following source yesterday,


Among those said to be receiving settlements are Binyam Mohamed, Bishar Al Rawi, Jamil El Banna, Richard Belmar, Omar Deghayes, Moazzam Begg and Martin Mubanga. Not all are British nationals, with some said to be asylum seekers.

Hopefully their immigration status can be fast tracked and they can be on their way with their ill gotten gains back to their country of origin.

While they are at it the may also consider sending "hook man" on the same flight.


This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

I guess your not an infidel!

I guess you mean "you're not an infidel"?

Well, according to the definition of Merriam-Webster' :

Definition of INFIDEL

1 : one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity 2 a : an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion b : one who acknowledges no religious belief 3 : a disbeliever in something specified or understood — infidel adjective

I can safely say that I most surely am an infidel !!

Infidel (literally "one without faith") is a chiefly archaic English noun, meaning one who doubts or rejects the central tenets of a religion other than one's own or has no religious beliefs; especially in reference to Christianity or Islam

if you read between the lines I am calling you a Muslim Terror supporter.

Well he does think the war on terror is the biggest hoax of all time. If that's true no wonder the Brits are paying off these guys.


Because they are British and the British government owed them a duty of care.

If they are British, they wouldnt be in Guantanamo Bay for Terror activities in the first place. I do not agree that they should be compensated! :annoyed:

Why wouldn't they be there if they were British? Guantanamo housed UK citizens. Blair insisted on UK citizens being returned to the UK. Unfortunately Australia didn't follow suit and left David Hicks to rot until both governments could agree on a nice political sentence.


Because they are British and the British government owed them a duty of care.

If they are British, they wouldnt be in Guantanamo Bay for Terror activities in the first place. I do not agree that they should be compensated! :annoyed:

Why wouldn't they be there if they were British? Guantanamo housed UK citizens. Blair insisted on UK citizens being returned to the UK. Unfortunately Australia didn't follow suit and left David Hicks to rot until both governments could agree on a nice political sentence.

A true Brit would not be trying to blow up tube trains and busses with other Brits in them in the first place.

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