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Need Small Book / Website /Advise In Thai For Starting Street Stall Selling Clothes Etc ? Maybe A Business Plan Website ?

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can I get some ideas on starting a street stall selling ladies clothes in front of a market, and what else to sell with the clothes that will earn a few extra baht.

She already has a place lined up, knows about Bo Bae to buy wholesale but really thats about it,

She finished high school so has some smarts but like most Thai girls is not very good at money management :)

So I would like to get her off to a good start, teaching her about what net and gross profit is, how she must keep buying fresh new clothes and get rid of the ones that do not sell well by selling at cost, that she cannot use the sales money for her needs, she needs to buy more clothes etc....

But she really needs something in Thai so I am sure she understands,

So please throw any ideas at me , things that can go wrong that I would not think of, things to add to the product mix , if you have a street stall how are sales ,

How many pieces of clothes do you think she needs ? 50-100-200 ?

I think if profit is 250 baht a day or more that is a good start.

Thanks for your advise,


Edited by BKKdreaming
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Partial Quote from OP:

.... but like most Thai girls is not very good at money management ....


You must be joking. Thai ladies may not be good at keeping accounting records but they certainly can handle money VERY well! In fact they could teach us farangs (especially us males) a lesson or two.

Lesson 1:

Buy some stuff for a few K Baht, set up table at allocated space and start selling.

Lesson 2:

At the end of day count your money, deduct what you've paid for the sold stuff and rent of space. The rest is "profit".

Do you think any Thai street vendor ever read a book about how to sell something at a stall?

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Ok....yes it sounds simple.....but

inventory control and getting rid of old stock,

not "eating" your profits so you have no money to re-supply,

plus lots of other stuff...

How many TG think about saving for the future ? Its day to day life for most of them, but a shop you have to think of the future, save for a rainy day and other non Thai things.......

I want her to be successful, but I am only funding this one time ( I hope ) :) and want her to do good, and think smarter than the other sellers.....

Still would love to hear from others ......


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