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Are Thai Ladies Clumsier?


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In reviewing my observations, part of what may be considered clumsy is using the most inappropriate tool for some simple task. Crescent wrench as a hammer, screwdriver as a pry bar, metal bits to drill cement, scotch tape instead of electrical tape, scour pads to clean Teflon pans, etc. This practice seems to end with self injury as well as the replacement of a assortment of items damaged beyond repair. I guess we wopuld not want it any other way as it does add a little humor to a otherwise blah day.

Not sure laughter would be my first emotion, I am in awe of your attitude though, better man than me.

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YES! Although my main bugbear is at a service level. If there's ever a hassle in doing business, such as in a shop, it is generally because the female staff are lazy, absent-minded or too bored to bother... if there is a 'hassle' that is. They can also be super-efficient, of course, although all are crap at driving, but isn't that a woman thing? :lol: Flame away dollybirds. :whistling:

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My wife is, but not because she is uncoordinated. Indeed, while playing badminton or catching a set of keys thrown across the room, she has excellent eye hand coordination. However, she bumps into things and breaks glasses and dishes all the time. I believe it is because she is daydreaming - not quite paying attention to what she is doing. I have had several Thai female employees and at work they don't appear clumsy at all (except for one who was young and bounded around like an enthusiastic puppy and tended to knock things over) - perhaps because they are concentrating (I hired really good staff).

In fact, try applying the observation "not quite paying attention" to just about any Thai person, and it explains a lot - waiters, politicians, police...

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An emphatic NO. Just out of curiosity, how many Thai ladies have you closely observed to come to the conclusion that "Thai Ladies (are) more clumsy than their Western Counterparts?" In scientific terms, what was your sampling size?

13 years here - 5 Thai ex girlfriends and a wife... compared to a similar number of Western ex girlfriends.... Not exactly a scientific study hence the curiosity and question....

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My wife is, but not because she is uncoordinated. Indeed, while playing badminton or catching a set of keys thrown across the room, she has excellent eye hand coordination. However, she bumps into things and breaks glasses and dishes all the time. I believe it is because she is daydreaming - not quite paying attention to what she is doing. I have had several Thai female employees and at work they don't appear clumsy at all (except for one who was young and bounded around like an enthusiastic puppy and tended to knock things over) - perhaps because they are concentrating (I hired really good staff).

In fact, try applying the observation "not quite paying attention" to just about any Thai person, and it explains a lot - waiters, politicians, police...

I agree with a lot of your comments here zthyadat.... And perhaps clumsy is not the correct words.

My wife too has excellent hand eye coordination when catching items etc... However invariably she is often concentrating on something else while walking around the condo, doing the washing up etc...

She'll walk into things, trip over steps (that are immovable and always there !!!)... dishes and glasses get broken on a rather regular basis, items get dropped a lot...

In short, a lot of broken items. I'd have to put it down to lack of attention....

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Some Thai girls are definitely clumsy. I think those who did a lot of physical work on a farm or have been doing some sport regularly in the childhood usually do not have those problems. Such activities train your brain and teach coordination. Since physical activity is not on a priority list in most Thai families, whose who don't have to work physically are likely to have poor coordination skills. It is also inability to concentrate on whatever they do. Those of them who come from uneducated background, are usually those who become farangs' girlfriends, and they are more likely to have poor concentration skills. Education teaches you concentration.

And yes, my TGF is very clumsy.

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Some Thai girls are definitely clumsy. I think those who did a lot of physical work on a farm or have been doing some sport regularly in the childhood usually do not have those problems. Such activities train your brain and teach coordination. Since physical activity is not on a priority list in most Thai families, whose who don't have to work physically are likely to have poor coordination skills. It is also inability to concentrate on whatever they do. Those of them who come from uneducated background, are usually those who become farangs' girlfriends, and they are more likely to have poor concentration skills. Education teaches you concentration.

And yes, my TGF is very clumsy.

Sometimes I despair at what utter hogwash some Farangs come out with, "And yes, my TGF is clumsy," after intimating that she must be educated because she is clumsy, because if she was from a poor background, she would not be clumsy. blink.gif

Therefore, all those who have replied No, Thai women are not clumsy, must be with uneducated women who are more likely to be Farang Girlfriends, again he finishes with how clumsy his GF is, excusing this lack of her co-ordination skill as something to do with education.

If we analyze this theory, do Doctors, Surgeons, Aircraft Pilots, Racing drivers etc etc need good co-ordination, Yes or No ?

If yes, are we to assume that an uneducated person would do any of these jobs better than an educated person ?

Are Jugglers, professional dancers and acrobats uneducated ?

The mind boggles at times.

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I would say it is hard to find a Thai woman that can be considered athletic, but I haven't noticed the clumsy aspect.

The world is full of klutzes, I am sure Thailand has an equal share.

I don't know about athletic, but as young girls from the farms, the certainly do a lot of tree climbing, hill climbing, jumping into anything that has more than 12" of water and I've seen them wield a machete very handily. So well I'd want to stay away.

They seem to have all their limbs an fingers and grown up with out too many major injuries.

Maybe the ladies from the cities are what you speak of.

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I would say it is hard to find a Thai woman that can be considered athletic, but I haven't noticed the clumsy aspect.

The world is full of klutzes, I am sure Thailand has an equal share.

I don't know about athletic, but as young girls from the farms, the certainly do a lot of tree climbing, hill climbing, jumping into anything that has more than 12" of water and I've seen them wield a machete very handily. So well I'd want to stay away.

They seem to have all their limbs an fingers and grown up with out too many major injuries.

Maybe the ladies from the cities are what you speak of.

I believe that in Thailand that there are less women who are into fitness and sports then you would find in the west. I am talking about women with real muscle tone, nice abs and a generally more ripped physique. You are free to disagree it is just my observation.

Thailand is full of thin people of course, no one can deny that the west in comparison is much fatter. But these thin Thai girls, what is their fitness level? Can they run a mile? How about when they get past the age of 25?

I would say that western countries have a greater proportion of females who are serious about some type of athletics. One example might be to consider female celebrities. The west has a great deal of highly toned starlets, are there any in the Thai celebrity circles?

When I was in university in the west, quite a few of my female friends had athletic physiques. In Thailand the university girls are thin but they don't look strong.

I have spent time in quite a few villages too, the hard workers are there, but this is not quite the same thing as being athletic.

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My wife must be a one off then - by crickey she gets through the crockery... and if my In-laws didn't know her better I suspect I may be in trouble my now considering the knee and shin bruises she picks up.....

Either that or many of you have dated a whole host of clumsy western women too...

Don't worry, you're not alone. My wife is unbelievably clumsy when it comes to the washing up. smashed china and glasses galore, which is quite odd, as she has very fine hands and delicate fingers great for sewing, weaving and arty stuff. Also, while we are both technophobes, she often manages to break items that are mechanical, in a quite uncanny way. We usually have a joke that she is allergic to anything manufactured or "modern". :rolleyes:

Yes my girlfriend likes to break cups and dishes, we have now invested in some very nice plastic bowls that she loves however I still drink coffee from chipped cups.

Its not a Thai trait its just everyone is different and I am six foot odd so this means my centre of gravity is higher so when I was trying to paint the house on Thai scaffolding and other similar situations it makes me look a lot more clumsy than the average Thai.

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I would say it is hard to find a Thai woman that can be considered athletic, but I haven't noticed the clumsy aspect.

The world is full of klutzes, I am sure Thailand has an equal share.

I don't know about athletic, but as young girls from the farms, the certainly do a lot of tree climbing, hill climbing, jumping into anything that has more than 12" of water and I've seen them wield a machete very handily. So well I'd want to stay away.

They seem to have all their limbs an fingers and grown up with out too many major injuries.

Maybe the ladies from the cities are what you speak of.

I believe that in Thailand that there are less women who are into fitness and sports then you would find in the west. I am talking about women with real muscle tone, nice abs and a generally more ripped physique. You are free to disagree it is just my observation.

Thailand is full of thin people of course, no one can deny that the west in comparison is much fatter. But these thin Thai girls, what is their fitness level? Can they run a mile? How about when they get past the age of 25?

I would say that western countries have a greater proportion of females who are serious about some type of athletics. One example might be to consider female celebrities. The west has a great deal of highly toned starlets, are there any in the Thai celebrity circles?

When I was in university in the west, quite a few of my female friends had athletic physiques. In Thailand the university girls are thin but they don't look strong.

I have spent time in quite a few villages too, the hard workers are there, but this is not quite the same thing as being athletic.

The title is about clumsy.

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In reviewing my observations, part of what may be considered clumsy is using the most inappropriate tool for some simple task. Crescent wrench as a hammer, screwdriver as a pry bar, metal bits to drill cement, scotch tape instead of electrical tape, scour pads to clean Teflon pans, etc. This practice seems to end with self injury as well as the replacement of a assortment of items damaged beyond repair. I guess we wopuld not want it any other way as it does add a little humor to a otherwise blah day.

Not a Thai girl, but I once had a Russian woman use a Brillo pad to clean my car. She wanted to surprise me. She did.

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