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Aussies Help Thai Police Battle Sexual Exploitation

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The grey man has been doing excellent work in Thailand, loas and cambodia for about 10 yrs. These guys do it for no rewards or thanks. Keep it up boys.

P.S Australia does not have special forces. (Thats the Yanks) Australia has the SAS.

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By the way, I'm not saying they don't have great intentions. My point is 1) three of them is a joke. 2) As soon as they get in their van to head to the airport, it's business as usual.

They need to go save children where they can actually make a difference. Thailand is not one of those places.

You clearly do not know the history of the Grey man. They have rescued more than 3 over the years and not just girls.


8:06 into Movie 1/3 - Little Girl: "Mothers sell their children

to cover their daily expenses."



My mother sold me to cover her expenses! She even told me

amazing things about following my lucky star, so that I would

not be afraid when they came to take me away!

And yet millions flocked to the cinemas to see Leagh Conwell (a young William Thatcher) get sold into servitude to a Knight.

No one protested about how Hollywood made this moment of being sold into slavery as enchanting and adventuresome. Why is that?

How many boys had been sold as pages' to lecherous old men roaming Europe's countryside in the days of old? These movies

summarily dismiss history and even make it enchanting; even enticing; but the same consideration is not given towards Asian people

who sell their children to survive. I am not taking sides, yet merely pointing out ironies at what society romanticizes and retches about.

It's easy to portray the same thing from opposite points of view.


My father sold me to cover his expenses! He even told me

amazing things about following my lucky star, so that I would

not be afraid when they came to take me away!

A Knight's Tale is the rousing story of lowborn William Thatcher's (Heath Ledger) quest to change his stars --that is,

his predestined course set by his low class birth.

William Thatcher grew up as a peasant and was sold by his father when he was a young boy because his father

couldn't take care of him. The father lied to his son and told him wonderful things about the man he would be going away with.

How many people got dewy eyed and maudlin when young William ran back to give his father one last hug? That's one of my points exactly!

The only way to make this problem go away is to remove our brain-washed thinking, and begin to think like these people think.

Mr. Curtis admits that children are often trafficked by their own relatives in their villages. Why; because they can't take care of them.

Let's make a Hollywood blockbuster about the Laos mom who sells her daughter to an Asian Mamasan, so that her daughter can "Change her stars".

Let's make it a success story about how the girl rises to the top and becomes a corporate mogul who runs a billion dollar business and earns the

respect of celebrities and politicians the world over!

It seems that until economies are set right, and people are empowered with a livelihood and hope, that the root cause of children being sold is the

governments of the countries who compel people to do this in order to survive under the conditions the government leaders impose.

I fear Mr. Curtis is not tackling a trail of crime. Rather, I fear he is tackling strands on a web that are so tangled that he will simply end up chasing his tale.

One can not change the stars for those who want those stars to remain there until something better comes along: Food / Shelter / Warmth / Good Health.

If you remove the white pedos, the children will still be sold

If you remove the Asian pedos, the children will still be sold

There are more children working as laborors than as prostitutes.

If you remove the traffickers, the children will die of malnutrition because poor people still have sex and make babies, and since there are no traffickers to sell these babies to, the children are left to rot

If you remove the sicko governments who make the people poor, cold, sick and hungry, and replace them with caring governments, then you establish hope!

Poor people (who can not stop having babies) are forced to look for avenues out of dying a certain and slow death. Like young William Thatcher's father, poor people do not give a dam_n about Mr. Curtis and his ex-special forces members.

These kids are throw-aways. Conceived in ignorance or pre-meditation, with the intention to use them in any manner necessary in order to preserve the welfare of the mother and father. It is the duty of the kids to do this, even if it means selling them off. THAT is the culture, and THAT is the way it is!

Lets form an organization to save the rubbish! Let's go to the city dump and try to re-construct the rubbish that was thrown away, damaged, abused, etc.

As long as people can make babies, and do so with the intention of using them as a throw-away resource, then people like Mr. Curtis are fighting an impossible battle.

I am not taking any sides her, but simply pointing out the stupidity of organizations that try to act like they are representing some sort of religious calling, and jumping into the middle of a rubbish heap that no one else wants to save but them.


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

Very good points to bring up...

I think this is a very bright post.


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

Very good points to bring up...

I think this is a very bright post.

I wholeheartedly agree. My point is that it all rises to the top. The movie "Taken" is a good example.

This business of human trafficking is simply another method for the rich to take advantage of the poor.

Having a culture where it is the duty of the children to do anything necessary to ensure the survival of the parent, and that being acceptable, is the clincher that will not make this go away ever!

Having rich, highly educated people, who should know better, and can end this, yet enable this sickness, is the real tragedy.

Organizations like this are like people who choose a career as firemen in Hades. No one there cares about putting out the fire because that is what it is all about!


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

Very good points to bring up...

I think this is a very bright post.

In the past The Grey Man have utilized hotels and guest houses as accommodation for rescued children, however these have always been an ad hoc measure. Over the past eighteen months the Thai government's handling of trafficking and child abuse cases has improved dramatically. The Grey Man now feels confident enough to pass children on to the authorities and government-run centers. The Grey Man have also investigated the centers run by various non-government organizations and are happy to support the costs of any rescued children who are sent to those centers.

By utilizing existing facilities rather than spending money on aftercare infrastructure, The Grey Man can now focus on what we do best ... child rescue.

In saying this, The Grey Man recognizes that in order to prevent the trafficking of children, we need to contribute to combating poverty . Reducing poverty will contribute to eliminating the attraction of selling children to make money.

The Rotary organization has now approved a number of The Grey Man projects under their Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS). Any donations to these projects are tax deductible. Projects for 2009/2010 include the following:-

1.Solar panels and power storage (Lahu Village School)

2.Construction of Lahu Craft Centre

3.Water filtration, pumping and storage system (10 Lahu hills tribe schools)

4.Motor cycle (Chiang Mai Child Shelter) for visiting families of trafficked children

5.Educational supplies – (Chiang Mai Child Shelter

Just a few of the projects currently being funded through Rotary Australia via the Greymen.

This organization is totally non-profit.If you care to read the information available.Let your fingers get some exercise on Google search.And you might see that your accusations are ill informed and inaccurate.!


I am very afraid that when all has quitened down after departure of these people, it will all be normal within a day or two.

I just wonder, all those farang organisations trying to weed out sexual exploitation in Thailand, how about their own country?

I do think that most expats heard about, saw it themselves, everything about minors in the bargirl scene.

Try to go to the police!

And just see what happens.


AN AUSTRALIAN organisation comprising ex-police and special forces soldiers has rescued four child sex workers from an illegal brothel near the Thailand-Cambodia border.

The team of volunteer operatives from The Grey Man, a Brisbane-based charity, staged the successful operation at a brothel in the Thailand town of Aranyaprathet, 1km from the Cambodian border, on Saturday.

Organisation president John Curtis said the brothel trafficked girls from Vietnam and Cambodia to Thailand where they were being offered to customers for sex.

"The Grey Man team in an initial investigation obtained video and audio and then called in the Royal Thai Police force for assistance," Mr Curtis said.

"The Thai unit was briefed on the location and a plan formulated.

"The Grey Man operatives then re-entered the brothel with police nearby ready to conduct a raid."

Related Coverage

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.


Mr Curtis said 20 Thai police officers were involved in the raid with the Grey Man team - all of whom had a background in the police force or in Australian special forces.

He said four Cambodian girls aged between 14 and 15 were rescued from padlocked rooms with bars on the windows.

"Thai police made multiple arrests including the Mama San (brothel manager) and a number of Thai males assisting in the operation of the brothel," Mr Curtis said.

The girls are currently being cared for by Thai government officials before spending a year at a Khmer centre for vocational training in Cambodia.

The Grey Man's team leader for the operation, who asked not to be identified, labelled the operation as a good outcome.

"Working with the Thai police has shown us that the Thai government is serious about tackling the problem of human trafficking," he said.

In January, Grey Man volunteers also rescued two Vietnamese girls, aged 10 and 14, from a brothel in Cambodia.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world/aussies-rescue-four-child-sex-workers/story-e6frfkui-1225921000307#ixzz15ddiFNkm

I don't believe this about girls padlocked in their rooms. I don't believe there any rooms there with padlocks.


Selling sex is an accepted way of life in any third world country, particularly where mia noi and giks are part of the culture and women have less legal rights than men. To make any real change you have to change the culture and Thailand's culture is "locked in".


Selling sex is an accepted way of life in any third world country, particularly where mia noi and giks are part of the culture and women have less legal rights than men. To make any real change you have to change the culture and Thailand's culture is "locked in".

An ill informed comment.do you approve of this insidious trade?


By the way, I'm not saying they don't have great intentions. My point is 1) three of them is a joke. 2) As soon as they get in their van to head to the airport, it's business as usual.

They need to go save children where they can actually make a difference. Thailand is not one of those places.

You clearly do not know the history of the Grey man. They have rescued more than 3 over the years and not just girls.



In Thailand right now, young hill-tribe children are being trafficked into prostitution. We have found that the best way to protect these children is to give them an education combined with support for their families in terms of basic staples like rice and other essentials. This assistance is conditional on the family keeping the child in education. This approach works very well to prevent trafficking.

To provide education for a child and support for the family costs around $400 per year. This is a small price to pay for the life of a child.

The Grey Man organisation has worked with the Kid's Ark foundation in the past and we are extremely impressed with the work that they do in providing education for hundreds of hill tribe children. As part of our prevention measures, we have partnered with Kid's Ark to support children in education in hill-tribe villages. To find out more about Kid’s Ark and the great work they are doing, please visit the Links page.

At the moment Grey Man supports 28 children in the Village of Baan Maey. This is not a traditional sponsorship arrangement. All money collected is pooled to aid these children and their families. So any donation will help these kids without donors personally committing to the ongoing cost of one child. We also provide funds for school transport and currently send more than 100 hill-tribe kids to school on a daily basis. Our website will provide updates on how The Grey Man is helping to improve the lives of these children and their fellow villagers.

You can be a big part of this effort either by making a donation yourself or joining together with a group of 10 friends and contributing $40 each. This donation will put one of these children into education for a whole year. Any amount will help though so feel free to contribute what you can afford.

You CAN make a difference in the world ... starting with ONE child.


It is quite absurd that a foreign entity is doing undercover operations. In any decent country these people should be thrown in jail, convicted and thrown out of the country. Just like the australian police and justice department did with that Dutch filmmaker who "helped" find a murderer and was arrested for trespassing.

Double standards are applied everywhere by NGO's it is simply not the task of foreign NGO's or policemen to interfere with the local justice system.

The road to hel_l is after all paved with good intentions.


FAQ Why are you called 'The Grey Man'?

'The Grey Man' is a military term that refers to someone who stays "under the radar" and isn't noticed. We chose the name because it fits in well with the covert nature of some of our activities. We also believe that most people lead their entire lives as 'the grey man' ... never standing for anything, never making a difference, never reaching their full potential as human beings. Best summed up as 'Consume, Be Silent, Die'. This attitude of resignation, cynicism and lack of trust in one's own ability to change the world is not good enough. Not good enough for you, not good enough for humanity and not good enough for the earth. You can stop being 'the grey man' and move forward to become 'The Grey Man'. There is a big difference.

Since you are called 'The Grey Man', does that mean you don't have women in your organisation?

No, approximately half of our membership is comprised of women.

Where is 'The Grey Man' based?

Brisbane, Australia.

What exactly do you do?

We have been quietly rescuing children since 2004, usually only when we have good intelligence and in low- to medium-risk environments. This is a slow process. We have also been tracking and gathering intelligence on child sex predators and passing the information on to the authorities. Our focus is rescue. However as a preventative measure we also provide educational infrastructure (school power, water, gardens, transport, etc) for hill-tribe villagers to release them from the poverty trap and diminish the need to traffick their children.

Do you accept volunteers?

Although we appreciate the generousity of people in wanting to donate their time to help The Grey Man we no longer accept volunteers. If you want to help in the fight against child trafficking the best way to do so is to either donate to us or join one of our branches (Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane)and get involved in fundraising. The more funds we have the more children we can rescue and send to school.

How do I know you are a genuine organisation?

We are an incorporated non-profit organisation under Australian law and a registered charity (No. CH1673). This can be checked through the Office of Fair Trading in Brisbane. Our books are audited annually.

Where does TGM conduct its activities?

Presently our focus is on Thailand but we are planning operations in Cambodia and Vietnam

How do I find out more about TGM?

Read the pages on this website or send us an e-mail.

If I make a donation what will it be used for?

It will be used to fund our investigations and operations in Thailand, send children to school or build infrastructure for a village (e.g. a pump, solar power, etc). Money may be used to purchase equipment or run an operation. You can stipulate how you want the money spent by sending us an e-mail after making a donation on our donation page. Virtually all donations are spent on protecting children and only around 7% on administration which places us in the top rating amongst charities in terms of making sure funds go to where they are needed).

How do I make a donation?

Go to our donations page. All transactions are secure.

Where can I join a branch of 'The Grey Man'?

Presently we have branches in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Newcastle.

Is Thailand the only country where sex trafficking of children goes on?

No, it is a worldwide phenemon but south-east Asia is of major concern.

Are you a religious group?

No. We have no affiliation with any religious group but we accept members from all religions as long as they want to stop child trafficking and are NOT interested in converting children to their religion.


"we are not trying to stamp out prostitution"

Is President Mr. John Curtis aware that prositution is actually illegal here in the first place????

This is all just an event for some group to get some press about what a bang up job they are doing to rid Thailand of this horrible crime. Arresting three 15 year old prostitutes is laughable. I could have done that in 15 minutes of walking out of my apartment door. I wonder how long they "investigated" the situation first.

Exactly, the word 'rescue' is used to make it an impressive story, but seems total shullbit as there's nothing about the girls being held prison, chained in a cellar and raped, so this is a complete nonsense story made for the international media machine.

The (probably christian, what else) 'humanitarian organization' are a bunch of whiners who need attention but choose the easy way and don't help anybody with this 'rescue'. The girls will hate loosing their job this way !


"we are not trying to stamp out prostitution"

Is President Mr. John Curtis aware that prositution is actually illegal here in the first place????

This is all just an event for some group to get some press about what a bang up job they are doing to rid Thailand of this horrible crime. Arresting three 15 year old prostitutes is laughable. I could have done that in 15 minutes of walking out of my apartment door. I wonder how long they "investigated" the situation first.

Exactly, the word 'rescue' is used to make it an impressive story, but seems total shullbit as there's nothing about the girls being held prison, chained in a cellar and raped, so this is a complete nonsense story made for the international media machine.

The (probably christian, what else) 'humanitarian organization' are a bunch of whiners who need attention but choose the easy way and don't help anybody with this 'rescue'. The girls will hate loosing their job this way !

Read my last post.No religious affiliation.

If you read there blog site,maybe,just maybe you might form an opinion based on facts and evidence obtained.After extensive investigations.


In Thailand right now, young hill-tribe children are being trafficked into prostitution. We have found that the best way to protect these children is to give them an education combined with support for their families in terms of basic staples like rice and other essentials. This assistance is conditional on the family keeping the child in education. This approach works very well to prevent trafficking.

To provide education for a child and support for the family costs around $400 per year. This is a small price to pay for the life of a child.

The Grey Man organisation has worked with the Kid's Ark foundation in the past and we are extremely impressed with the work that they do in providing education for hundreds of hill tribe children. As part of our prevention measures, we have partnered with Kid's Ark to support children in education in hill-tribe villages. To find out more about Kid's Ark and the great work they are doing, please visit the Links page.

At the moment Grey Man supports 28 children in the Village of Baan Maey. This is not a traditional sponsorship arrangement. All money collected is pooled to aid these children and their families. So any donation will help these kids without donors personally committing to the ongoing cost of one child. We also provide funds for school transport and currently send more than 100 hill-tribe kids to school on a daily basis. Our website will provide updates on how The Grey Man is helping to improve the lives of these children and their fellow villagers.

You can be a big part of this effort either by making a donation yourself or joining together with a group of 10 friends and contributing $40 each. This donation will put one of these children into education for a whole year. Any amount will help though so feel free to contribute what you can afford.

You CAN make a difference in the world ... starting with ONE child.

This could be considered SPAM

I'm also thinking of starting a charity, I need a new car but this time I wanna big one :lol:

(already have some real cute children pics)


KhunAussie52 goes for his personal worldrecord 'how many post I can submit in 1 hour' emoa.gif

A sarcastic comment that is uncalled for.

14 years ago my partner committed suicide as a result being sexually abused as a child.She was never able to seek out help.Her family in New Zealand had disowned her.

I was not able to help her.I miss her so much!!


bangkokcitylimits..................I have come to expect this type of stupidity from a minority in this forum.

This will never stop me from having my say,on matters that concern me.


I they only save ONE child from those pedophile creeps all their efforts are vindicated and we should applaud them, my work with HIV+ orphans and other kids often shows me the seedy side of the Thai sex trade and any help given to children must be a positive step.


I they only save ONE child from those pedophile creeps all their efforts are vindicated and we should applaud them, my work with HIV+ orphans and other kids often shows me the seedy side of the Thai sex trade and any help given to children must be a positive step.

Fair comment!!!!


In Thailand right now, young hill-tribe children are being trafficked into prostitution. We have found that the best way to protect these children is to give them an education combined with support for their families in terms of basic staples like rice and other essentials. This assistance is conditional on the family keeping the child in education. This approach works very well to prevent trafficking.

To provide education for a child and support for the family costs around $400 per year. This is a small price to pay for the life of a child.

The Grey Man organisation has worked with the Kid's Ark foundation in the past and we are extremely impressed with the work that they do in providing education for hundreds of hill tribe children. As part of our prevention measures, we have partnered with Kid's Ark to support children in education in hill-tribe villages. To find out more about Kid's Ark and the great work they are doing, please visit the Links page.

At the moment Grey Man supports 28 children in the Village of Baan Maey. This is not a traditional sponsorship arrangement. All money collected is pooled to aid these children and their families. So any donation will help these kids without donors personally committing to the ongoing cost of one child. We also provide funds for school transport and currently send more than 100 hill-tribe kids to school on a daily basis. Our website will provide updates on how The Grey Man is helping to improve the lives of these children and their fellow villagers.

You can be a big part of this effort either by making a donation yourself or joining together with a group of 10 friends and contributing $40 each. This donation will put one of these children into education for a whole year. Any amount will help though so feel free to contribute what you can afford.

You CAN make a difference in the world ... starting with ONE child.

This could be considered SPAM

I'm also thinking of starting a charity, I need a new car but this time I wanna big one :lol:

(already have some real cute children pics)

You are really pathetic.


bangkokcitylimits..................I have come to expect this type of stupidity from a minority in this forum.

This will never stop me from having my say,on matters that concern me.

Well, go on this already is your topic :lol:And I like it when people are passionate with something positive...

Oh, I dare to doubt if the stupidity just comes from a minority, that's why this is a real multicolored forum.

I guess 30% of the farang in Thailand are considered 'not being 100%'

PS, seriously... guess in Laos this organization could do much more useful work, around the capital are around 20 'private homes' where very young girls are working as prostitutes, starting (far as I have seen) around 12 y.o... Nothing secret every taxidude knows the places... This is a much more serious issue then the young whores in Thailand who ask their older sister for a copy of their ID card so they can go for the big money too. Little bitches they are they no need any help.

Success with the activities.


It has to do with mental capabilities as well...which no 15 year old has.

Wow....you give a lot of credit to young people don't you ?

Were you ever 15 yo ?

I never suggested 15yo's should be able/allowed to work in a brothel....i am saying that some do and of those that do, some do it of their own free will, but for whatever reasons....but no, they certainly at that age should not be working in any type of bar, gogo or brothel.

I also mentioned 15/16yo's being borderline and that if resources are there and available for investigating this type of thing....i would much prefer to see it going to dealing with the far more sickening situation of very young children, be it boys or girls.


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

Very good points to bring up...

I think this is a very bright post.

In the past The Grey Man have utilized hotels and guest houses as accommodation for rescued children, however these have always been an ad hoc measure. Over the past eighteen months the Thai government's handling of trafficking and child abuse cases has improved dramatically. The Grey Man now feels confident enough to pass children on to the authorities and government-run centers. The Grey Man have also investigated the centers run by various non-government organizations and are happy to support the costs of any rescued children who are sent to those centers.

By utilizing existing facilities rather than spending money on aftercare infrastructure, The Grey Man can now focus on what we do best ... child rescue.

In saying this, The Grey Man recognizes that in order to prevent the trafficking of children, we need to contribute to combating poverty . Reducing poverty will contribute to eliminating the attraction of selling children to make money.

The Rotary organization has now approved a number of The Grey Man projects under their Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS). Any donations to these projects are tax deductible. Projects for 2009/2010 include the following:-

1.Solar panels and power storage (Lahu Village School)

2.Construction of Lahu Craft Centre

3.Water filtration, pumping and storage system (10 Lahu hills tribe schools)

4.Motor cycle (Chiang Mai Child Shelter) for visiting families of trafficked children

5.Educational supplies – (Chiang Mai Child Shelter

Just a few of the projects currently being funded through Rotary Australia via the Greymen.

This organization is totally non-profit.If you care to read the information available.Let your fingers get some exercise on Google search.And you might see that your accusations are ill informed and inaccurate.!

The impression I get from the people who seem to be accusing is not far from a truth; a truth that you are not making us aware that you recognize. That truth being that you are attempting the impossible. You are defending your existence, but you are not acknowledging that your existence is futile. Using the guilt angle, or the "feel good" angle to curry support for your personal crusade is disingenuous, and wastes people's time over something that is not designed to cure itself, even with outside assistance.

I, myself am not accusing this organization, if its intentions are laid out at the beginning as being aware that you are endeavoring to accomplish something that can never be resolved; not EVER! In my respectful opinion, your endeavors are of a personal nature, and therefore a crusade that is limited to a pick and choose endeavor in an environment that exponentially procreates a (in your eyes; not theirs) problem.

No matter how many children you THINK your are saving, you will never be able to stop the following:

-Children across the street from suffering the same way of the children you are rescuing on the opposite side of the street

-Adults making children with the intention of using them to ensure their own survival at home (a form of slavery in the eyes of the high and mighty)

-Adults having children in ignorance, as the consequences (yes consequences) of unprotected sex, and having to choose to neglect them, put them out on the street, or sell them for a profit

-The elderly, who live with their grown up children, and pass on their beliefs that it is the children's duty to forsake their own hopes and dreams, and instead do anything it takes to ensure the survival of the parent and grandparent; even if it means physical labor or sensuality.

Instead, and without stemming the flow at its source, you will end up filling every room in every town and city and country with children who were procreated with the intention of fulfilling this mission. You are trying to "save the Toyota's' in the world from abusive drivers and evil salesmen and car thieves. That is how these people see these children; as being no different than Toyota cars; and the manufacturers and the evil people are in league with each other, despite the people who would like to adopt a Toyota car and give it a good home and good maintenance.

The Asian adults you are working with are being disingenuous in that they are not first telling you that they accept this culture, but for a price they will help you do something they do not believe in. They will feed you a fish or two, so that you can continue to believe that you are saving another child, while that same day 50 more children have been born into this destiny. It is as stupid as working with terrorists to stop terrorism, but having a "don't ask, don't tell" policy with these people - but just as long as they seem to be working with you.

You are outnumbered, out-manned, and in no way equipped to handle the hundreds of thousands of children that will be born over the next few years, as a resource to fuel this industry. The people procreating these children are intentioned towards it, as well as the people who purchase the children, as well as the rich people who buy the children to do whatever it is that they have children do. it is a cycle that you can not stop, and the resource (the children) increase in numbers with each passing day. It is a pick and choose endeavor.

In my opinion, it is a "feel-good" endeavor that does not strike at the heart of this evil; but evidently it makes you feel good enough to sleep at night peacefully.If that is the case, then so be it. But please do not advertise your existence and have your hat out if you are not going to let people know that you are receiving charity for something that is as effective as a square wheel, and will never bring an end to human trafficking, slavery and abuse. At least be truthful enough to admit that you you want people to fund your personal beliefs.

That is no different than the parents who get funded for selling the very children whom you are out there looking for in vain. You are both right in your own eyes and the twain shall never meet in agreement.


I they only save ONE child from those pedophile creeps all their efforts are vindicated and we should applaud them, my work with HIV+ orphans and other kids often shows me the seedy side of the Thai sex trade and any help given to children must be a positive step.


Someone who does it with a 15 years old is not a pedophile.


This could be considered SPAM

I'm also thinking of starting a charity, I need a new car but this time I wanna big one :lol:

(already have some real cute children pics)

You are a tad retarded with comments like this BCL.


I applaud your efforts  but what concerns me with these things is what percentage goes to administration?  

ie wages, expenses, cars.  

Australia is riddled with charities that have ngos living the good life on others donations in the third world.  

Not accusing the grey man of this but full disclosure and accountability goes a long way to alleviate this type of concern which many have and would lead to an increase in donations.


I applaud your efforts but what concerns me with these things is what percentage goes to administration?

ie wages, expenses, cars.

Australia is riddled with charities that have ngos living the good life on others donations in the third world.

Not accusing the grey man of this but full disclosure and accountability goes a long way to alleviate this type of concern which many have and would lead to an increase in donations.


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