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Aussies Help Thai Police Battle Sexual Exploitation

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. This is a much more serious issue then the young whores in Thailand who ask their older sister for a copy of their ID card so they can go for the big money too. Little bitches they are they no need any help.

Success with the activities.

Your agenda shines through here....somewhat bitter hey....quite possibly I would be also if I had been ripped off by someone that has not exited her teens yet.....like you have obviously been.....cheer up chap, learn from the experience, they ain't all bad.

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Estimates of the number of child prostitutes living in Thailand range from 12,000 to the hundreds of thousands

Quite frankly, these statistics are probably made up from thin air (which is one reason that they are so wildly inexact) by organizations that profit from exaggerating the numbers. Saving youngsters that are sexual slaves is well worth doing, but honesty is the best policy when estimating the size of the problem. ;)


. This is a much more serious issue then the young whores in Thailand who ask their older sister for a copy of their ID card so they can go for the big money too. Little bitches they are they no need any help.

Success with the activities.

Your agenda shines through here....somewhat bitter hey....quite possibly I would be also if I had been ripped off by someone that has not exited her teens yet.....like you have obviously been.....cheer up chap, learn from the experience, they ain't all bad.

My agenda is not that much about girls, but had a nice little cafe here some years ago and always girls hanging around voluntarily. Usual pretty Lisu hill tribes (which are Thailand's best girls if you ask me, and several happy marriages started in my cafe) and of course having girls around is essential for the business, but my passion was more the design and Latin music theme.

I must say the current available choice of bar girls is not what is used to be ! All the dark pro-sluts with tattoos and lip gloss, some only 15 but they won't tell you. The fines for the bar owner are pretty serious, like also for selling illegal liquor and playing counterfeit cd's.


bangkokcitylimits..................I have come to expect this type of stupidity from a minority in this forum.

This will never stop me from having my say,on matters that concern me.

There are a lot of issues in this world that people choose to make a career out of.

Picking a career that attacks an issue that self-perpetuates its existence, as its primary function, and making it your concern, is your own affair.

You may have your say, but please do not call people, who disagree with your personal crusade, stupid.

You were better off when you were gray and no one took notice. Coming out and being black and white makes your case what it is; futile and self-serving.

Again, I do not hold anything against you if you choose to be a fireman and make Hades your target, however, please dispense with the "we need help here" mantra. Hades is what it is, and being a fireman in Hades is ludicrous and out of place only if you ask for more volunteers or for equipment or for money.. You can not put out fires where the ground is designed to burn.

It is clear to me and probably the "stupid" people that this is your fight. Collaring people with guilt, or espousing your mighty deeds as a fireman in Hades does not constitute forming a charity to help you achieve what "stupid" people feel is unachievable. It sickens me when people play the charity card for their personal crusades, and always in the name of people who are born into this world to be the sacrificial lambs. You can't stop people from being born to be the sacrificial lambs, and saving them creates a society of dependents that will overburden the rest of society. You can not expect to go around collecting the poor, abused and damaged of society, and then dump them on the doorsteps of the rest of society, and expect others to take care of the results of your concerns, especially when there are probably 10 more children lined up to replace the ones you think you are saving. Saving from what, and to go on to be what?

The day that you come out of the billowing smoke of Hades with Satan in hand-cuffs, or its right hand demon shackled securely, then you will get my attention. Until then, please stop trying to part my money from me, or engender guilt upon my conscience towards the ones who were predestined to be sacrificial lambs in the burning lake. You will get too many blisters and burns in your present course. This is your battle, and not any one else. As an SAS soldier, I am sure that you were taught about acceptable losses. What you determine to be acceptable doesn't always add up to the views of others. But please accept what you yourself can do, and accept the losses of what you can not do, and then leave others who disagree with you out of the equation.

I truly admire your personal beliefs, yet I fear you will go to your grave a frustrated old man of many years, and sacrificial lambs will not remember you or mourn your name or this micro-religion you have begun in the name of your concern.


It may be a drop in the ocean but to do nothing will mean the problem increases, at least some one is making an effort to stamp out what others think is fun.


Talk about a guy that seems to have as his religion 'walk on by' attitude......

Take another cup of joe COC...and watch the world go by.

If nobody tackled the huge problems of the world....or even in a single city...where would we be.

You seem to prefer to leave fires burn....others do not and will not.....some like to do, rather than sit and say its all to hard.


It may be a drop in the ocean but to do nothing will mean the problem increases, at least some one is making an effort to stamp out what others think is fun.

But you are saying the glass is have full, rather than half empty.

I am saying that the glass is twice as large. I am saying this can't be stopped. Anything else is a feel good thing. So do not urge me to jump on board your belief wagon and support an exercise in futility.

The problem - with or without rescue organizations - will continue to increase as long as the idea of "the value on human life" life is decreased through convoluted thinking: ignorance (the Mayans and Incas and Aztecs to name an extreme), or through manipulation of the poor by the greedy and treacherous.

What others think is fun. That is an ignorant and naive statement. What about the parents who sell their children in order to survive, because their governments oppress them; do you think they are having fun?

What about the children who willingly go into slavery and send money to their moms and dads who sold them into this life. Do you think those children are having fun?

And how about the countries and the governments, who are sanctioned by the USA and its ilk, who would like to help, but can not, and they do know that their people are suffering. Do you think they are having fun?

And regarding the people who conduct this business under premeditated means and methods, so you think they give a hoot about whether you think they are having fun or not?

You are living in a fantasy world.


I applaud anyone's good intentions to right a wrong no matter where it happens. However, there are several guidelines we must all adhere to, not the least of which are the rules of international law. Thailand is a sovereign nation, not an oulaw state like North Korea or Myanmar and, therefore, no other state or its citizens can interfere in their legislative or judicial system. We are here as guests only, just as our embassies with its diplomats, and must follow all laws. One can only report an injustice to local authorities and/or their respective embassy. The embassy can then through official channels voice a concern, but in no way can intervene in any action carried out by the local government or its representatives.

On a smaller scale nobody would take kindly to a neighbor who was invited to dinner who then began dictating how one should govern their own children. I wonder how the Aussies would react if the Blue/White Men from Thailand went to Australia and began rescuing underage children who were working in brothels. This is a worldwide problem and there is plenty of rescuing that can be done in one's own state where you are a citizen and have the rights provided to you by your native state.

When I first arrived in Thailand I was given good advice by a Thai: "You will live happily here if you don't interfere with our laws and our politics." Later when I worked for the Thai police as a volunteer medical adviser and was involved in a pedophile case, I was warned by a Thai policemen to cease and desist in my investigation if I wanted to stay alive. The only reason I can fathom that the Thai police have put up with these "good samaritans' is that they would lose face on an international level if they killed or arrested them. It's probably easier just to let them grab a few kids and write about how they were assisted by the Thai police.

This is a Thai problem, so let the Thais handle it. Those of us who have lived here for a long time know the real story about who profits from these children and how powerful and unstoppable they are. If you want to do something for the poor children, raise funds to build a small school. This won't make the headlines or give you a medal, but it will make a difference. Just like the last "politically correct" movement to rescue the underage children who were working in the factories for 50B per day, those women returned to their spoiled lives in the west, and the children returned to the factories, wondering who those crazy farang women were.


It may be a drop in the ocean but to do nothing will mean the problem increases, at least some one is making an effort to stamp out what others think is fun.

But you are saying the glass is have full, rather than half empty.

I am saying that the glass is twice as large. I am saying this can't be stopped. Anything else is a feel good thing. So do not urge me to jump on board your belief wagon and support an exercise in futility.

The problem - with or without rescue organizations - will continue to increase as long as the idea of "the value on human life" life is decreased through convoluted thinking: ignorance (the Mayans and Incas and Aztecs to name an extreme), or through manipulation of the poor by the greedy and treacherous.

What others think is fun. That is an ignorant and naive statement. What about the parents who sell their children in order to survive, because their governments oppress them; do you think they are having fun?

What about the children who willingly go into slavery and send money to their moms and dads who sold them into this life. Do you think those children are having fun?

And how about the countries and the governments, who are sanctioned by the USA and its ilk, who would like to help, but can not, and they do know that their people are suffering. Do you think they are having fun?

And regarding the people who conduct this business under premeditated means and methods, so you think they give a hoot about whether you think they are having fun or not?

You are living in a fantasy world.

I was talking about those who pay for these girls, take away the money and it would stop.


Talk about a guy that seems to have as his religion 'walk on by' attitude......

Take another cup of joe COC...and watch the world go by.

If nobody tackled the huge problems of the world....or even in a single city...where would we be.

You seem to prefer to leave fires burn....others do not and will not.....some like to do, rather than sit and say its all to hard.

Nawtier, unless you consume your waking hours with saving the world, I believe that you, too, watch the world go by as well. Chanting to me about being a savior does not make you a savior, or even better than me, so please cut the crap.

You assume too much about my intentions. It is just as simple for me to deny your view. Where does that put us?

No, I question the motives, intentions, methods of these people. I never will shoot bullets into the backs of people who are bent to the task of doing noble deeds. I will however chastise them when they turn their backs on their noble deeds and turn to me, the general population, in an effort to curry financial support for a method I have a right to disagree on.

As long as the human population continues to increase out of control, and with no restrictions on people's right to procreate, then human beings will continue to be a valuable and disposable resource for creatures whose aim is to utilize that resource.

So go ahead and pick your fights. There are plenty of fights to choose from. BUT, just because you think something is noble; that does not necessarily justify a means to an end whenever you are fighting something that will never die. If you were so right about your view, then everyone would be doing it. On that premise, I am more right in my view, in that more people do not get involved because there simply is no way to stem the flow of humanity that is being poured into this industry.

Do you want to fight the ocean tide, go ahead. I admire it, but I think it is futile, and regrettably many people will have short-lived lives before a solution is made to stop people from breeding humans to be chattel slaves. Admit it, overpopulation is the cause of diseases like this. "Over" as in "too much". If you are not honest enough to admit your limitations as a human being, and not honest enough to be forgiving towards the limitations of others, who choose not to be saviors, then you are placing too much demand on people's rights to "watch life go on by".

If you want to fight "too much" in your lifetime, go ahead. But if it is a part time basis, then please keep your galactic ignorance to yourself. Allow me to explain:

I have a son. I love him. I take care of him. I did not become a part of his creation with the intention to sell him so that an organization could exist to save him. I am doing my part by taking care of my responsibilities as a father. That should be enough to clear myself of your overly critical views towards responsible people who do not create problems for others, or care to get involved with these things.


I they only save ONE child from those pedophile creeps all their efforts are vindicated and we should applaud them, my work with HIV+ orphans and other kids often shows me the seedy side of the Thai sex trade and any help given to children must be a positive step.

You missing the point, you don’t have any results if you just move them away from their income.

You need to follow up for a very long period, and most likely move them away from there environment

Sad but true the moment you see this girls having aids they lost their value for employee, parents, officials and police and they been dumped.

So don’t think that taken them away from this brothels and sending them back home supporting school, parents for 400 dollars a year make any good because it isn’t.


I they only save ONE child from those pedophile creeps all their efforts are vindicated and we should applaud them, my work with HIV+ orphans and other kids often shows me the seedy side of the Thai sex trade and any help given to children must be a positive step.

You missing the point, you don’t have any results if you just move them away from their income.

You need to follow up for a very long period, and most likely move them away from there environment

Sad but true the moment you see this girls having aids they lost their value for employee, parents, officials and police and they been dumped.

So don’t think that taken them away from this brothels and sending them back home supporting school, parents for 400 dollars a year make any good because it isn’t.


If this sting is not a publicity stunt for fund raising, rescuing 15 year olds, sounds like they were prisoners, why did they only target the western owned bar?

If indeed there are 15 year olds needing rescuing, then go up the street and rescue the hundreds more working in the 20 or so bars up the street.

Unless of course the Thai Police own those bars, and we cant really raid the bosses bar, he wouldnt like that,duh. This story is just stirring up shit for someones purpose, not any girls either. The padlocked doors and bars on the windows,implying they were being kept in, I would suggest keeping theives out is more likely.

Having said all this, there is a big problem with child exploitation, and something needs to be done, but there has to be a beter way to fight it than publicity stunts like this.


It has to do with mental capabilities as well...which no 15 year old has.

Wow....you give a lot of credit to young people don't you ?

Were you ever 15 yo ?

I never suggested 15yo's should be able/allowed to work in a brothel....i am saying that some do and of those that do, some do it of their own free will, but for whatever reasons....but no, they certainly at that age should not be working in any type of bar, gogo or brothel.

I also mentioned 15/16yo's being borderline and that if resources are there and available for investigating this type of thing....i would much prefer to see it going to dealing with the far more sickening situation of very young children, be it boys or girls.

When I was 15 I wanted to run away and join the circus. Glad my parents wouldn't let me...because I would have done it. Nuff said about the mentality of a 15 year old. 15/16 or very young. It is all wrong. I understand where you are going with your argument, but hope you understand a 15/16 year old should not be allowed to make decisions like this. Still too young....


Why is it that you Australian and other farangs dont mind your own business and concern yourself with you own country, that incidentaly I must remind you,you have deserted,and thats onother reason why did you???

These so called Greyman People.

Ex special forces?????

Ya got to be kidding!

God jockeys is what these perverts must be??

I have always been of the opinion that it "takes one to catch one" and that the Kiddie porn cops,internet etc,have to be perverts themselves to understand the scene,and be succesfull in tracking perverts.

Are you greyman people that way inclined??

I would imagine so!!!!

"we are not trying to stamp out prostitution"

Is President Mr. John Curtis aware that prositution is actually illegal here in the first place????

This is all just an event for some group to get some press about what a bang up job they are doing to rid Thailand of this horrible crime. Arresting three 15 year old prostitutes is laughable. I could have done that in 15 minutes of walking out of my apartment door. I wonder how long they "investigated" the situation first.


Read this before you pass any further judgment on there work.It saddens me no end, to hear comments like this from expatriates living in Thailand.There investigations into underage sex rings in Cambodia,Burma,Laos and Thailand,are ongoing.they have my total support!!!


If this sting is not a publicity stunt for fund raising, rescuing 15 year olds, sounds like they were prisoners, why did they only target the western owned bar?

If indeed there are 15 year olds needing rescuing, then go up the street and rescue the hundreds more working in the 20 or so bars up the street.

Unless of course the Thai Police own those bars, and we cant really raid the bosses bar, he wouldnt like that,duh. This story is just stirring up shit for someones purpose, not any girls either. The padlocked doors and bars on the windows,implying they were being kept in, I would suggest keeping theives out is more likely.

Having said all this, there is a big problem with child exploitation, and something needs to be done, but there has to be a beter way to fight it than publicity stunts like this.

I agree, except for the last part. The OP is about sexual exploitation, and I believe that this presents an intricate and difficult problem; a conundrum.

Drawing the line at having sexual relations with another human being, based upon their age, seems to be the issue, but the age of consent gets clouded over other issues such as the line between what is abuse and the mental and or physical age at which one can be subject to consenting; or going even further into the realm of non-sexual exploitation, we have separating the fine line between promoting or exploiting a child, or living your life vicariously through your child, or taking away a human's "childhood" due to extenuating circumstances that make the child have to "grow up" a lot quicker, or even using a child to get back at a spouse.

It almost seems that the issue of sexual exploitation is a wild card that is frequently used to drown out the other, more prevalent, issues of non-sexual exploitation; where the children are being forced into labor. Additionally, who is to say that the task masters do not occasionally take their turn at molesting the child laborers and then threaten them with punishment or a fatal "accident" if they speak out?

I would be willing to bet that there are more children who fit into this category than there are actual prostitutes per se. But the child laborers, who possibly frequently get molested by their authority figures, are not a news item (they "blend in" to the background), and therefore get passed over for the more extreme stories of "prostitution". There's a difference between exploitation and prostitution. One is hidden and the other is in the public eye.

Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action if you can drum up enough allegations, or even fabricate a sting operation and lure unsuspecting people into your web, whereas the suspects would probably have never bothered to do it if the operation to lure was not fabricated. The fact that nothing changes, rather it is increasing in proportion, tells me that people are simply selling and buying, without any consideration for the subject matter.

Pain, to a child, is pain, no matter how you slice it up. Whether mental or physical, you can not describe to any child the reasons about the differences in the individual pain each child experiences. To them, that is the worst moment of their life. it is all consuming and nothing else matters. It doesn't make any difference if the child suffers for the moment, or has bombs go off later during their adult life.

But even knowing these things and other things does not change anything when the odds are stacked against it ever reaching a conclusion.


. I will however chastise them when they turn their backs on their noble deeds and turn to me, the general population, in an effort to curry financial support for a method I have a right to disagree on.

I have a son. I love him. I take care of him.

So, you being the general population and voice of all can tell the likes of greyman to stop what they do because it is a fruitless saga ?

When were you voted the voice of the general population by the way...I must have missed that broadcast.

If you know of some magical software out there that can preclude you from graymans and any other similar organisation marketing approach, then please let them have it as i am sure they would prefer to direct target people that do want to help, or at least might want to.

It is a fact that these organisations need money to help with what they do....if you do not like that, then it is so much easier for you to ignore them, than it is for them to not market to you.

I actually agree with many of your points, but i do not think that as you do, people should not do anything when it comes to young children.

You have a son...good for you, so do I as well as a daughter and an adopted one to boot.

Now imagine your son as I did recently about mine, I am not sure how old your son is, but simply change the ages here to suit your sons age......recently I watched a video on child sexual abuse....it was not graphic, but the shots it did show were quite emotional to a father with a son of the same age as depicted in the video. The boy, 8yo was tied up, arms, hands to ankles, legs, gagged and blindfolded and lying on a bed. That is all that was to it.....but then place your son in that position, imagine what would be going through your sons mind and wondering where you were and why this is happening. That is a sickening thought and if that child, my child, anyones child tied up on that bed could be rescued by the Greyman....then what you are saying is you think it is a futile effort.

It might be futile in that he is just one, but that one is your or my son say....is it futile then ?....there might be 10 more waiting to replace him...but should he be left there and be number 11 ?

You paint a broad brush in that every child in this position is there because of parental neglect or sold there....what about the ones abducted and their parents are worried sick if they will ever see their child again and what is happening to them right now. If this child was theirs....would it be ok to leave them because it will only be replaced tomorrow ?


Why is it that you Australian and other farangs dont mind your own business and concern yourself with you own country, that incidentaly I must remind you,you have deserted,and thats onother reason why did you???

These so called Greyman People.

Ex special forces?????

Ya got to be kidding!

God jockeys is what these perverts must be??

I have always been of the opinion that it "takes one to catch one" and that the Kiddie porn cops,internet etc,have to be perverts themselves to understand the scene,and be succesfull in tracking perverts.

Are you greyman people that way inclined??

I would imagine so!!!!

Not very wise are you wise man ?

One might think that you are the perverted one when you champ the cause of the pervert by way of rubbishing those that wish good.

Are you wiseman perosn that way inclined??

I would imagine so!!!!


"we are not trying to stamp out prostitution"

Is President Mr. John Curtis aware that prositution is actually illegal here in the first place????

This is all just an event for some group to get some press about what a bang up job they are doing to rid Thailand of this horrible crime. Arresting three 15 year old prostitutes is laughable. I could have done that in 15 minutes of walking out of my apartment door. I wonder how long they "investigated" the situation first.

Yes , but you didn't did you?


If this sting is not a publicity stunt for fund raising, rescuing 15 year olds, sounds like they were prisoners, why did they only target the western owned bar?

If indeed there are 15 year olds needing rescuing, then go up the street and rescue the hundreds more working in the 20 or so bars up the street.

Unless of course the Thai Police own those bars, and we cant really raid the bosses bar, he wouldnt like that,duh. This story is just stirring up shit for someones purpose, not any girls either. The padlocked doors and bars on the windows,implying they were being kept in, I would suggest keeping theives out is more likely.

Having said all this, there is a big problem with child exploitation, and something needs to be done, but there has to be a beter way to fight it than publicity stunts like this.

Yes give everyone a fair wage and a decent living and you will see a rapid decline. However they elite and privileged will never allow it no matter what country they are the benefactors financially.


I am very afraid that when all has quitened down after departure of these people, it will all be normal within a day or two.

I just wonder, all those farang organisations trying to weed out sexual exploitation in Thailand, how about their own country?

I do think that most expats heard about, saw it themselves, everything about minors in the bargirl scene.

Try to go to the police!

And just see what happens.

The Grey man never departs and is always there.



It may be a drop in the ocean but to do nothing will mean the problem increases, at least some one is making an effort to stamp out what others think is fun.



I they only save ONE child from those pedophile creeps all their efforts are vindicated and we should applaud them, my work with HIV+ orphans and other kids often shows me the seedy side of the Thai sex trade and any help given to children must be a positive step.


Someone who does it with a 15 years old is not a pedophile.

But someone who does it with an 8 yrs old is and the grey man is catching these creeps and rock spiders as well.

The bar in question, the Jigsaw Bar, was Western run, a minority among those in the town, but nevertheless a target and a first for the organisation that usually directs its efforts at native-run bars and brothels of this kind.

Ah, I see, it all makes perfect sense now. Time to ante-up the tea money.

If the elitist in Thailand actually gave a ratz azz about the poor, they would do something about it. Such as improvement to the education system in the country, so that peasants from Isaan would not have to sell or shame their daughters into prostitution.


AN AUSTRALIAN organisation comprising ex-police and special forces soldiers has rescued four child sex workers from an illegal brothel near the Thailand-Cambodia border.

The team of volunteer operatives from The Grey Man, a Brisbane-based charity, staged the successful operation at a brothel in the Thailand town of Aranyaprathet, 1km from the Cambodian border, on Saturday.

"The Thai unit was briefed on the location and a plan formulated.

"The Grey Man operatives then re-entered the brothel with police nearby ready to conduct a raid."

Mr Curtis said 20 Thai police officers were involved in the raid with the Grey Man team - all of whom had a background in the police force or in Australian special forces.

He said four Cambodian girls aged between 14 and 15 were rescued from padlocked rooms with bars on the windows.

"Thai police made multiple arrests including the Mama San (brothel manager) and a number of Thai males assisting in the operation of the brothel," Mr Curtis said.

The Grey Man's team leader for the operation, who asked not to be identified, labelled the operation as a good outcome.

"Working with the Thai police has shown us that the Thai government is serious about tackling the problem of human trafficking," he said.

Was the owner arrested, or just some staff? After all there were only 20 Thai police present, so expectations must have been low that the owner was available for arrest...

Good to know that the ThaiPolice are serious about tackling the problem when it is near Cambodia.

What was the rank of the most senior Thai Police officer present at the raid?

A "good outcome" for nearly everyone, it seems.


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

Alot of rubbish...................read this blog about there fund raising!!!!


It must be true, you found it on the Internet. :rolleyes:



On a smaller scale nobody would take kindly to a neighbor who was invited to dinner who then began dictating how one should govern their own children. I wonder how the Aussies would react if the Blue/White Men from Thailand went to Australia and began rescuing underage children who were working in brothels. This is a worldwide problem and there is plenty of rescuing that can be done in one's own state where you are a citizen and have the rights provided to you by your native state.

Hear, hear. Surely there are more than enough brothels in Brisbane and around the great civilised continent of Australia to keep you and the rest of the grey men very busy for a lifetime. By all means lock up each and every sex offender with an Australian passport.

Then when you have finally made sure that your own glazing is perfectly morally irreproachable, can you start throwing stones at the poor neighbours glasshouses.

Until such a time, it is difficult to defend the cavalier holier than thou stomping into third world countries demanding action. It does look rather hypocritical at best


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

Alot of rubbish...................read this blog about there fund raising!!!!


Established in 2004, The Grey Man is an international organization dedicated to eradicating the trafficking and exploitation of children. Based in Brisbane, Australia our activities are focused on the countries of SouthEast Asia.

Our main role is the rescue of children from traffickers. However, early on we realized that rescuing children was not enough. Once they enter sex work they can become socialized to their life there and it becomes difficult to convince them that they deserve something better. Many of them will be physically or psychologically damaged and face the prospect of death from AIDS. We realized that we needed to stop them from entering the sex trade in the first place.

Our website is http://www.thegreymam.org

Reading your various postings defending the organisation with much anger, I have a feeling that you might be associated with this organisation. Whatever intention and motive they have in trying to eradicate the trafficking and exploitation of children in South East Asia, this organisation you so grossly defending in this forum should do their charity work at home first, as the saying goes, "charity begins at home". The first issue they should investigate and help is the trafficking of Aborigine underage girls for sex in Australia itself. It is still happening right at the orgainsation doorsteps.

Let the South East Asia countries police do their job and also in Thailand. The Grey Man Organisation should not try to be acting like Interpol, just because most of them are ex police personnel. They should work with Interpol and let Interpol work with Thai police in this case.

I smell a rat by the way they are conducting their raid, especially now in Thailand. If The Grey Man organisation main mission is to help underage girls from entering the sex trade, they should help to provide assistance in terms of education and support. There are many ways they can help. The mancho way of trying to conduct bar raids when you are not even a Thai police official here is like telling the Thai police and official that they are not doing their job and need some Australian to do wake up calls here.

I support their work if they are doing this the proper way, but in this case, it seems that they are going about doing the wrong way.

Oh BTW KunAussie52, I notice that you are using the word "there" many times when it should be "their". Thought you might want to take note and correct it.

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