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Aussies Help Thai Police Battle Sexual Exploitation

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"It is a fact that such organisations need money to help with their own paychecks. So what happens if anyone asks for transparency on the Grey Men's financing? Their top-paid guard dogs start a blog-campaign against those who ask the question here. How about the fact that in 2009, they managed to get their commercial aired on Aussi tv labeled as "documentary"? Well, it supposedly brought in over USD 21 mio in donations! Of which over USD 12 mio go for Grey Men's pay checks (see postings above that refer to their supposed financial disclosures). And of the USD 12 mio, the top 10 Grey Men cash in between 125'000 to over 200'000 EACH per annum! And a meager 192'000 out of 21 mio go to the "rescued" supposed victim's care. And what about the rest? The Grey Men prefer to stay hidden in the shades of anonymity."

You are a bit of a retard 008 when you quote something like this and obviously have not absorbd one thing you have claimed to read....go forth and read it again....then come back here and apologise if you have the gonads.

Having contacted the Queensland department of fair trading by phone.the "Greyman charity"has had it's books audited since there inception.7% of all donations goes to administrative costs.No wages are paid, i repeat,no wages are paid.All work is done on a voluntary basis.

Volunteers have to pay all their expenses from air travel,accommodation,food etc.They usually spend up to one month in service,depending on there skills.

My last word comes from my father.......it is better to sit back and say nothing,and have everyone think your a fool.then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Get your facts right farang!!!!!

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"It is a fact that such organisations need money to help with their own paychecks. So what happens if anyone asks for transparency on the Grey Men's financing? Their top-paid guard dogs start a blog-campaign against those who ask the question here. How about the fact that in 2009, they managed to get their commercial aired on Aussi tv labeled as "documentary"? Well, it supposedly brought in over USD 21 mio in donations! Of which over USD 12 mio go for Grey Men's pay checks (see postings above that refer to their supposed financial disclosures). And of the USD 12 mio, the top 10 Grey Men cash in between 125'000 to over 200'000 EACH per annum! And a meager 192'000 out of 21 mio go to the "rescued" supposed victim's care. And what about the rest? The Grey Men prefer to stay hidden in the shades of anonymity."

You are a bit of a retard 008 when you quote something like this and obviously have not absorbd one thing you have claimed to read....go forth and read it again....then come back here and apologise if you have the gonads.

Having contacted the Queensland department of fair trading by phone.the "Greyman charity"has had it's books audited since there inception.7% of all donations goes to administrative costs.No wages are paid, i repeat,no wages are paid.All work is done on a voluntary basis.

Volunteers have to pay all their expenses from air travel,accommodation,food etc.They usually spend up to one month in service,depending on there skills.

My last word comes from my father.......it is better to sit back and say nothing,and have everyone think your a fool.then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Get your facts right farang!!!!!

:clap2: well done should help a few of the knockers


Shock! Horror! the world must be ending/

Who cares? Do gooders save 3 girls, partaaay.... now only 1,299,998 to go, not a constantly growing number nope nope

Honestly, who cares?

"Who Cares" I do I have grandchildren of similar ages, but they are fairly safe in Australia with their parents.

"Who Cares" Some 20 years ago a house burnt down in the south of Thailand I think it was Hat Yai. When they went through the remains of the burnt out building they found very young females ( I think it was 8 ) were burnt to death because they had been "Chained to their Beds" (source a book called The Child Tourist.)


aussiejosh to make a statement like that you are a very sick piece of work.


I would rather be one of those do gooders than someone who could not care for a defenceless child or even someone who may consent to, allow, or partake in child porn and trafficking all for the sake of money or self gratification.

You are sick and inhumane and I feel sorry for you.

Well done to those guys for what they do

Shock! Horror! the world must be ending/

Who cares? Do gooders save 3 girls, partaaay.... now only 1,299,998 to go, not a constantly growing number nope nope

Honestly, who cares?

"Who Cares" I do I have grandchildren of similar ages, but they are fairly safe in Australia with their parents.

"Who Cares" Some 20 years ago a house burnt down in the south of Thailand I think it was Hat Yai. When they went through the remains of the burnt out building they found very young females ( I think it was 8 ) were burnt to death because they had been "Chained to their Beds" (source a book called The Child Tourist.)


aussiejosh to make a statement like that you are a very sick piece of work.


I am quoting a few entries from this blog from people who do not blindly believe the Grey Men's marketing material on their homepage.

"Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action if you can drum up enough allegations, or even fabricate a sting operation and lure unsuspecting people into your web. I would love to think the 'Greyman' Organisation really do not get paid for their work. This, I suspect, does not happen."

"The organisations reply of funding from the media blinded public and usually afford themselves massive paychecks when they are probably unemployable in the commercial world."

"Grey Men is like a ship on the ocean. The ocean is the Thai system and Greyman floats upon it. Sometimes the Thai system will give up a few farang fish. What began as a pure idea has now become corrupted by compromise. Greymen compromises their mission by not going after the people they can stop. If Mr. Curtis is indeed into intelligence and counter-intelligence as he says, I am sure he knows who the real culprits are, yet he draws the line at the few scrawny farang fish the ocean gives up to him. As self-acclaimed former top-notch soldiers, this compounds their insincerity more and more, each time they compromise further. These men are set up to do a little vigilante work, aren't they?"

"What happens if some Thai Police own some those bars? The Grey Men can't really raid those bars. This story is just stirring up shit for someone's purpose, not helping any children. This is a Thai problem, so let the Thais handle it. Those of us who have lived here for a long time know the real story about who profits from these children and how powerful and unstoppable they are. If you want to do something for the poor children, raise funds to build a small school. This won't make the headlines or give you a medal, but it will make a difference. Just like the last "politically correct" movement to rescue the underage children who were working in the factories for 50B per day, those women returned to their spoiled lives in the west, and the children returned to the factories, wondering who those crazy farang women were."

"When I first arrived in Thailand I was given good advice by a Thai: "You will live happily here if you don't interfere with our laws and our politics." Later when I worked for the Thai police as a volunteer medical adviser and was involved in a pedophile case, I was warned by a Thai policemen to cease and desist in my investigation if I wanted to stay alive. The only reason I can fathom that the Thai police have put up with these "good samaritans' is that they would lose face on an international level if they killed or arrested them. It's probably easier just to let them grab a few kids and write about how they were assisted by the Thai police."

"It is a fact that such organisations need money to help with their own paychecks. So what happens if anyone asks for transparency on the Grey Men's financing? Their top-paid guard dogs start a blog-campaign against those who ask the question here. How about the fact that in 2009, they managed to get their commercial aired on Aussi tv labeled as "documentary"? Well, it supposedly brought in over USD 21 mio in donations! Of which over USD 12 mio go for Grey Men's pay checks (see postings above that refer to their supposed financial disclosures). And of the USD 12 mio, the top 10 Grey Men cash in between 125'000 to over 200'000 EACH per annum! And a meager 192'000 out of 21 mio go to the "rescued" supposed victim's care. And what about the rest? The Grey Men prefer to stay hidden in the shades of anonymity."

"So the sad suspicion remains that the Grey Men cash in on the child exploitation by using drummed up cases for their own fund raising purposes. Australia is riddled with charities that have NGOs living the good life on others donations in the world. Full disclosure and accountability goe a long way to alleviate this type of concern which many have."

"Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action."

You are totally wrong!!

The Numbers that you are quoting are from the Web Site of I. J. M. Not The Grey Man.

Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble.

If you can read >>>> There is only ONE person paid by Grey Man and that is a Thai in Bangkok.

But try and have a nice day.


oldaussie, get your reading glasses: I clearly stated at the BEGINNING of my blog entry that I am QUOTING SOME BLOG ENTRIES. "May I qoute you now with: Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble." If your perception skills are those of the Grey Men, then help us god!



oldaussie, get your reading glasses: I clearly stated at the BEGINNING of my blog entry that I am QUOTING SOME BLOG ENTRIES. "May I qoute you now with: Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble." If your perception skills are those of the Grey Men, then help us god!

So you just quote anything without taking it into context....and you never bothered to read the posts prior and read them properly to see that what you were quoting is codswallop......good job.


I am quoting a few entries from this blog from people who do not blindly believe the Grey Men's marketing material on their homepage.

"Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action if you can drum up enough allegations, or even fabricate a sting operation and lure unsuspecting people into your web. I would love to think the 'Greyman' Organisation really do not get paid for their work. This, I suspect, does not happen."

"The organisations reply of funding from the media blinded public and usually afford themselves massive paychecks when they are probably unemployable in the commercial world."

"Grey Men is like a ship on the ocean. The ocean is the Thai system and Greyman floats upon it. Sometimes the Thai system will give up a few farang fish. What began as a pure idea has now become corrupted by compromise. Greymen compromises their mission by not going after the people they can stop. If Mr. Curtis is indeed into intelligence and counter-intelligence as he says, I am sure he knows who the real culprits are, yet he draws the line at the few scrawny farang fish the ocean gives up to him. As self-acclaimed former top-notch soldiers, this compounds their insincerity more and more, each time they compromise further. These men are set up to do a little vigilante work, aren't they?"

"What happens if some Thai Police own some those bars? The Grey Men can't really raid those bars. This story is just stirring up shit for someone's purpose, not helping any children. This is a Thai problem, so let the Thais handle it. Those of us who have lived here for a long time know the real story about who profits from these children and how powerful and unstoppable they are. If you want to do something for the poor children, raise funds to build a small school. This won't make the headlines or give you a medal, but it will make a difference. Just like the last "politically correct" movement to rescue the underage children who were working in the factories for 50B per day, those women returned to their spoiled lives in the west, and the children returned to the factories, wondering who those crazy farang women were."

"When I first arrived in Thailand I was given good advice by a Thai: "You will live happily here if you don't interfere with our laws and our politics." Later when I worked for the Thai police as a volunteer medical adviser and was involved in a pedophile case, I was warned by a Thai policemen to cease and desist in my investigation if I wanted to stay alive. The only reason I can fathom that the Thai police have put up with these "good samaritans' is that they would lose face on an international level if they killed or arrested them. It's probably easier just to let them grab a few kids and write about how they were assisted by the Thai police."

"It is a fact that such organisations need money to help with their own paychecks. So what happens if anyone asks for transparency on the Grey Men's financing? Their top-paid guard dogs start a blog-campaign against those who ask the question here. How about the fact that in 2009, they managed to get their commercial aired on Aussi tv labeled as "documentary"? Well, it supposedly brought in over USD 21 mio in donations! Of which over USD 12 mio go for Grey Men's pay checks (see postings above that refer to their supposed financial disclosures). And of the USD 12 mio, the top 10 Grey Men cash in between 125'000 to over 200'000 EACH per annum! And a meager 192'000 out of 21 mio go to the "rescued" supposed victim's care. And what about the rest? The Grey Men prefer to stay hidden in the shades of anonymity."

"So the sad suspicion remains that the Grey Men cash in on the child exploitation by using drummed up cases for their own fund raising purposes. Australia is riddled with charities that have NGOs living the good life on others donations in the world. Full disclosure and accountability goe a long way to alleviate this type of concern which many have."

"Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action."

You are totally wrong!!

The Numbers that you are quoting are from the Web Site of I. J. M. Not The Grey Man.

Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble.

If you can read >>>> There is only ONE person paid by Grey Man and that is a Thai in Bangkok.

But try and have a nice day.


oldaussie, get your reading glasses: I clearly stated at the BEGINNING of my blog entry that I am QUOTING SOME BLOG ENTRIES. "May I qoute you now with: Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble." If your perception skills are those of the Grey Men, then help us god!

Well it begs the comment.If you are quoting other blog entries.Do you have the lateral thinking ability to exercise some caution, before posting there dribble.I think not!!

I have posted enough information on this charity,i repeat charity not an NGO. Yet only a few have bothered to ascertain by research.Whether they "Greyman" are sincere and above board.

What they say little about is the fact that have been shot at.Molotov cocktail thrown at a member.Chased by some angry traffickers and there Pickup peppered with bullets.

They do not complain.They just get on with what needs to be done.

There are no medals to be had for these men and women.Some,i believe.Are still serving as police officers.many are ex military and retired police.

If some forum members are so anti,this organization.I feel profoundly sorry for you.

These people have the respect of many Australians.Whom understand the dangerous and difficult nature of there work.

They deserve the highest praise!!!!!


Then try this site!



Then check out FAQ

Was'nt to hard to find!!!

All positions are voluntary. In the villages at various times we occasionally need builders, plumbers, teachers, health workers, counselors, administrators, computer people, and others. However, anyone who wants to help is welcome. These volunteers are co-ordinated through our partner agency 'Kid's Ark Foundation' and generally we require a month of your time as a minimum.There are also roles in covert teams which are co-ordinated through our Director of Operations in Thailand and we can utilise you for a few days to a few weeks. However, it can be a long process to become involved in a covert team (6 months or more) and we prefer people with some experience though this is not always necessary, depending on the individual. We also prefer people who are willing to get involved in other aspects of our work. Bear in mind that we are increasingly utilizing local personnel in Thailand so the requirement for Caucasian personnel is diminishing.

Note: All Grey Man volunteers who work in Thailand are required to have a national police check and have completed the Grey Man basic course.

How do I know you are a genuine organization?

We are an incorporated non-profit organization under Australian law and a registered charity (No. CH1673). This can be checked through the Office of Fair Trading in Brisbane. Our books are audited annually.


This is for an application under the right to information act Queensland


Thanks for the info. I had looked at this site, read their statements, but did not contact the Fair Trading Office for official financial disclosures.

But based on their website, it does seem their motives are properly focused on helping those needing it, and they are not diverting large amounts of contributions into compensating the foreign 'saviours', such as the IJM is.

And also good that they have high standards and strict background requirements for checking out the volunteers to exclude volunteers who may have dubious reasons for wanting to investigate this type of crime.


Then try this site!



Then check out FAQ

Was'nt to hard to find!!!

All positions are voluntary. In the villages at various times we occasionally need builders, plumbers, teachers, health workers, counselors, administrators, computer people, and others. However, anyone who wants to help is welcome. These volunteers are co-ordinated through our partner agency 'Kid's Ark Foundation' and generally we require a month of your time as a minimum.There are also roles in covert teams which are co-ordinated through our Director of Operations in Thailand and we can utilise you for a few days to a few weeks. However, it can be a long process to become involved in a covert team (6 months or more) and we prefer people with some experience though this is not always necessary, depending on the individual. We also prefer people who are willing to get involved in other aspects of our work. Bear in mind that we are increasingly utilizing local personnel in Thailand so the requirement for Caucasian personnel is diminishing.

Note: All Grey Man volunteers who work in Thailand are required to have a national police check and have completed the Grey Man basic course.

How do I know you are a genuine organization?

We are an incorporated non-profit organization under Australian law and a registered charity (No. CH1673). This can be checked through the Office of Fair Trading in Brisbane. Our books are audited annually.


This is for an application under the right to information act Queensland


Thanks for the info. I had looked at this site, read their statements, but did not contact the Fair Trading Office for official financial disclosures.

But based on their website, it does seem their motives are properly focused on helping those needing it, and they are not diverting large amounts of contributions into compensating the foreign 'saviours', such as the IJM is.

And also good that they have high standards and strict background requirements for checking out the volunteers to exclude volunteers who may have dubious reasons for wanting to investigate this type of crime.

Those that have a vested interest in the industry have been trying to knock them down and it like trying to convince a turkey he is not christmas dinner. Good on you Greyman and keep up the excellent work.


It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

I'm with you on this. It's so terribly colonial that we "whites" think we have to go to the third world and show them how to do their job. Isn't it more likely that the Thai police knew about what was going on, and did nothing about it for "the usual reasons", but for some reason decided to sacrifice one farang bar keep, while the trade no doubt goes on unchecked elsewhere.

If Aussies want to do something about trafficked sex slaves, perhaps they could start in Australia where it undoubtedly goes on too. Or, if they want an overseas jolly, perhaps they could go to the States, which apparently has one of the highest rates of underage sex prostitution in the world.


I am quoting a few entries from this blog from people who do not blindly believe the Grey Men's marketing material on their homepage.

"Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action if you can drum up enough allegations, or even fabricate a sting operation and lure unsuspecting people into your web. I would love to think the 'Greyman' Organisation really do not get paid for their work. This, I suspect, does not happen."

"The organisations reply of funding from the media blinded public and usually afford themselves massive paychecks when they are probably unemployable in the commercial world."

"Grey Men is like a ship on the ocean. The ocean is the Thai system and Greyman floats upon it. Sometimes the Thai system will give up a few farang fish. What began as a pure idea has now become corrupted by compromise. Greymen compromises their mission by not going after the people they can stop. If Mr. Curtis is indeed into intelligence and counter-intelligence as he says, I am sure he knows who the real culprits are, yet he draws the line at the few scrawny farang fish the ocean gives up to him. As self-acclaimed former top-notch soldiers, this compounds their insincerity more and more, each time they compromise further. These men are set up to do a little vigilante work, aren't they?"

"What happens if some Thai Police own some those bars? The Grey Men can't really raid those bars. This story is just stirring up shit for someone's purpose, not helping any children. This is a Thai problem, so let the Thais handle it. Those of us who have lived here for a long time know the real story about who profits from these children and how powerful and unstoppable they are. If you want to do something for the poor children, raise funds to build a small school. This won't make the headlines or give you a medal, but it will make a difference. Just like the last "politically correct" movement to rescue the underage children who were working in the factories for 50B per day, those women returned to their spoiled lives in the west, and the children returned to the factories, wondering who those crazy farang women were."

"When I first arrived in Thailand I was given good advice by a Thai: "You will live happily here if you don't interfere with our laws and our politics." Later when I worked for the Thai police as a volunteer medical adviser and was involved in a pedophile case, I was warned by a Thai policemen to cease and desist in my investigation if I wanted to stay alive. The only reason I can fathom that the Thai police have put up with these "good samaritans' is that they would lose face on an international level if they killed or arrested them. It's probably easier just to let them grab a few kids and write about how they were assisted by the Thai police."

"It is a fact that such organisations need money to help with their own paychecks. So what happens if anyone asks for transparency on the Grey Men's financing? Their top-paid guard dogs start a blog-campaign against those who ask the question here. How about the fact that in 2009, they managed to get their commercial aired on Aussi tv labeled as "documentary"? Well, it supposedly brought in over USD 21 mio in donations! Of which over USD 12 mio go for Grey Men's pay checks (see postings above that refer to their supposed financial disclosures). And of the USD 12 mio, the top 10 Grey Men cash in between 125'000 to over 200'000 EACH per annum! And a meager 192'000 out of 21 mio go to the "rescued" supposed victim's care. And what about the rest? The Grey Men prefer to stay hidden in the shades of anonymity."

"So the sad suspicion remains that the Grey Men cash in on the child exploitation by using drummed up cases for their own fund raising purposes. Australia is riddled with charities that have NGOs living the good life on others donations in the world. Full disclosure and accountability goe a long way to alleviate this type of concern which many have."

"Child sexual exploitation is the hottest ticket in town now and a sure-fire way to get in on the money action."

You are totally wrong!!

The Numbers that you are quoting are from the Web Site of I. J. M. Not The Grey Man.

Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble.

If you can read >>>> There is only ONE person paid by Grey Man and that is a Thai in Bangkok.

But try and have a nice day.


oldaussie, get your reading glasses: I clearly stated at the BEGINNING of my blog entry that I am QUOTING SOME BLOG ENTRIES. "May I qoute you now with: Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble." If your perception skills are those of the Grey Men, then help us god!

Well it begs the comment.If you are quoting other blog entries.Do you have the lateral thinking ability to exercise some caution, before posting there dribble.I think not!!

I have posted enough information on this charity,i repeat charity not an NGO. Yet only a few have bothered to ascertain by research.Whether they "Greyman" are sincere and above board.

What they say little about is the fact that have been shot at.Molotov cocktail thrown at a member.Chased by some angry traffickers and there Pickup peppered with bullets.

They do not complain.They just get on with what needs to be done.

There are no medals to be had for these men and women.Some,i believe.Are still serving as police officers.many are ex military and retired police.

If some forum members are so anti,this organization.I feel profoundly sorry for you.

These people have the respect of many Australians.Whom understand the dangerous and difficult nature of there work.

They deserve the highest praise!!!!!

Please advise us as to how many Thais ( or any Asians ) of any importance have been arrested due to the "work" of this organisation.

I won't hold my breath waiting for your reply.


If Aussies want to do something about trafficked sex slaves, perhaps they could start in Australia where it undoubtedly goes on too.

You might have a point. There have been many reports about foreign women being sold into sexual slavery in Australia and forced to work as prostitutes. It is relatively common.


If Aussies want to do something about trafficked sex slaves, perhaps they could start in Australia where it undoubtedly goes on too.

You might have a point. There have been many reports about foreign women being sold into sexual slavery in Australia and forced to work as prostitutes. It is relatively common.

Perhaps he could get some retired Thai special forces troops to help him.


Please advise us as to how many Thais ( or any Asians ) of any importance have been arrested due to the "work" of this organisation.

I won't hold my breath waiting for your reply.

Well very simple research in the media both in Australia and Thailand shows quite a few Thais have been arrested. In fact it would seem way more than Falangs. But you don't want to hear that because it would interfere with your arguments...Shine on all you conspiracy theorists...One day you will prove the moon landing was faked too !

Also, it seems that most of you uninformed people are very quick to jump to conclusions without considering more than one possibility...For instance, do you think it might be remotely possible that The Grey Man does more than is released to the media ? I thought not. If you guys had a brain cell, it would be lonely !

Grey Man volunteers, all power to you, keep up the good work and I hope your paths and some of these guys cross in the future. I'd love to see the outcome.


Please advise us as to how many Thais ( or any Asians ) of any importance have been arrested due to the "work" of this organisation.

I won't hold my breath waiting for your reply.

Well very simple research in the media both in Australia and Thailand shows quite a few Thais have been arrested. In fact it would seem way more than Falangs.

Could you provide links to this information? Evidence would be helpful.


For all those thinking that child sex is easily available in Thailand.....

This is a news article from a few years ago....

Policeman gets 18 years

A former senior policeman was yesterday sentenced to 18 years in prison for statutory child rape, while a woman charged in the same case with procuring underage girls for prostitution was given jail sentences totalling 240 years.

Pol Lt-Col Sakda Changrua, 44, former deputy traffic superintendent at Lum-pini police station, was charged with paying for sex with a 12-year-old girl between Nov 6 and Dec 15 last year.

The Criminal Court gave him 18 years in jail after finding him guilty of raping a girl under 13, and of molesting a child under 15.

Another defendant, Pol Sgt-Maj Anant Naksuk, 35, former officer of Buppharam police station, was also given eight years in prison for child molestation.

Waew Suknum, 43, charged with procuring underage girls for prostitution, was found guilty on 16 counts and given a 15-year jail term per count, or a total of 240 years. However, the maximum jail term is 50 years under the criminal code.

Their lawyers said they would appeal.

The sentenses in Thailand is as follows:

The penalties under Thailand's new Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Bill are as follows:

1. Customers: 2-6 years jail if prostitutes are under 15 0-3 years jail if prostitutes are between 15 and 18

2. Procurers: 1-10 years jail if prostitutes are over 18 5-15 years jail if prostitutes are between 15 and 18 10-20 years jail if prostitutes are under 15

3. Venue Owners: 0-15 years jail if prostitutes are over 18 5-15 years jail if prostitutes are between 15 and 18 10-20 years jail if prostitutes are under 15

4. Parents: 4-20 years jail if prostitutes are under 18

5. Those who force or torture others into prostitution - 1-20 years jail Life sentence if prostitutes are seriously injured Death penalty if prostitutes are killed<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">


There is just no one winning when discussing this topic.

What age do hill tribe women marry?

What age do Australian women marry?

There is a big difference there, of course the Australians would be upset.

At what age do women start working in Thai brothels?

At what age do women start working in Australian brothels at Kings Cross?

There is a big difference there, of course the Australians would be upset.

Should the Australians come to Thailand and change things so they are just like Australia? I don't know. My gut feelings is to let the Thais sort things out for themselves.


The trouble is that it isn't that simple. Any of us who have been here for a long time can tell you many stories....after a while nothing much shocks or surprises you.

Some time ago I heard through the grapevine that one farang asked his friend who lived here if he could find a young girl for him around 15 or 16 years of age. This request was passed onto his wife who was offered around 20,000 if she could find one. What surprised me was that when I told this to some Thai girls I knew, the only thing that interested them was the "generous" offerering of 20,000 Thai baht. I know the farang's wife then made telephone calls to Issan and had many willing hunters, but I am unsure of the outcome. There was no shock from anyone I spoke to regarding the age of the girl requested. The only concern was the amount of money offered. Like it or not this is a reality in Issan. All that matters is money and it really doesn't matter where it comes from. In the dark corners of Issan, there isn't much respect for dignity or morality or much else... all that is respected is shiny gold and Thai baht. There is a cultural aspect which has to be considered before anyone thinks they can act as some knight in shining armour and save these girls..... you save them but then send them back to what? I am watching a girl dying from aids infection right now...an ex service girl..but she didn't get her HIV from her job... after her farang husband died some years ago, she has since been "dating" young Thai guys from whom she was infected.

It is no surprise that most parents in Issan want their daughters to do the sensible thing and find a farang to love or to exploit... and the easiest route to finding a farang is through the sex services industry. This is a fact that the Thais seem to understand more than some arrogant farangs do.

I am of the opinion that there should be an "18 is the limit" law, but I may well be wrong. It may well be better for these girls to get the helll out of Issan as soon as they can. If they don't, they run the risk of unwanted pregnancy and their risk of HIV infection is much greater. For there's no legal abortions allowed and Thai guys don't wear condoms. And the Grey Men can't do anything much about that.

Shock! Horror! the world must be ending/

Who cares? Do gooders save 3 girls, partaaay.... now only 1,299,998 to go, not a constantly growing number nope nope

Honestly, who cares?

"Who Cares" I do I have grandchildren of similar ages, but they are fairly safe in Australia with their parents.

"Who Cares" Some 20 years ago a house burnt down in the south of Thailand I think it was Hat Yai. When they went through the remains of the burnt out building they found very young females ( I think it was 8 ) were burnt to death because they had been "Chained to their Beds" (source a book called The Child Tourist.)


aussiejosh to make a statement like that you are a very sick piece of work.


AN AUSTRALIAN organisation comprising ex-police and special forces soldiers has rescued four child sex workers from an illegal brothel near the Thailand-Cambodia border.

The team of volunteer operatives from The Grey Man, a Brisbane-based charity, staged the successful operation at a brothel in the Thailand town of Aranyaprathet, 1km from the Cambodian border, on Saturday.

Organisation president John Curtis said the brothel trafficked girls from Vietnam and Cambodia to Thailand where they were being offered to customers for sex.

"The Grey Man team in an initial investigation obtained video and audio and then called in the Royal Thai Police force for assistance," Mr Curtis said.

"The Thai unit was briefed on the location and a plan formulated.

"The Grey Man operatives then re-entered the brothel with police nearby ready to conduct a raid."

Related Coverage

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.


Mr Curtis said 20 Thai police officers were involved in the raid with the Grey Man team - all of whom had a background in the police force or in Australian special forces.

He said four Cambodian girls aged between 14 and 15 were rescued from padlocked rooms with bars on the windows.

"Thai police made multiple arrests including the Mama San (brothel manager) and a number of Thai males assisting in the operation of the brothel," Mr Curtis said.

The girls are currently being cared for by Thai government officials before spending a year at a Khmer centre for vocational training in Cambodia.

The Grey Man's team leader for the operation, who asked not to be identified, labelled the operation as a good outcome.

"Working with the Thai police has shown us that the Thai government is serious about tackling the problem of human trafficking," he said.

In January, Grey Man volunteers also rescued two Vietnamese girls, aged 10 and 14, from a brothel in Cambodia.

Read more: http://www.news.com....7#ixzz15ddiFNkm

May I ask?

Where are the padlocked rooms and bars on the windows in Bang Chang?????B)


There is just no one winning when discussing this topic.

No, there is not.

Human trafficking is a business. People are the product. Greyman and all the other do-gooders are a part of the bean-counting process for the traffickers.

"Hmmm, let's see; how many workers did we lose last month to the raids?"

"I think it was about 20 or so. Why? Do you want to increase the order for next month?

"Yes. I think we need to inform our suppliers that the do-gooders are picking up their pace and collecting above their normal intake"

"Do you expect that will go on for long?"

"No, not too long. Our people on the street are telling us that the orphanages and shelters are so overcrowded that the kids are sleeping on the floors and there is not enough food"

"Wow! That sounds like we can put them out of business simply by flooding them with information leading to raids."

"Yes, that is also a good way for us to get rid of our used girls that no one wants anymore"

"Great, so I will send all our bad ones out, and have one of our double-agent informers call Grayman. Oh yes; also let our contacts down at the station know, so they can make it a bit more realistic. We can expect the kids to be picked up in a raid this Saturday."

"Good. Oh, and don't forget to have one of our people put a big article in the paper so that Grayman gets a lot of the credit for relieving us of our old batch"

"No worries. I will also get our suppliers to triple next months order for fresh new workers. What about those workers who have the fever?

"Right; I forgot about them. Throw them into the brothel with the used girls that no customers want. By the time they get rescued and processed, that should overburden the system so it is popping at the seams; and get them off our backs for awhile, so we can process these fresh new ones."

"Oh, and tell our suppliers to get those baby makers to pump out more kids. We're getting low. I want them to increase the demand to meet our 2011 projections. I want to factor in the NGO and other do-gooder "rescue" efforts, and coordinate them only getting our undesirables. That saves us a lot of money to do it ourselves."

"You got it!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maybe that is why the man doesn't care! Because there are people out there who count on YOUR type of caring to increase their profits.


Human trafficking is one thing. Busting a couple of girls who took a bus to work at a Thai brothel is another. It is not the same.

In any event there are many evils in the world. If vigilante groups from other countries invade another country one has to wonder about the motivation of such behavior.

For an operation that claims it is working quietly in the background one wonders why the story that prompted this thread made front page news in Australia. Hardly quietly in the background.

There are hundreds of thousands of children working in sweat shops all over the world. I wonder why this organization chose to go after a couple of young women who work in a bar and are probably paid more than the local doctor.


...........of course they can't answer that one. it's like comparing employees with slaves. One is a willing participant and the other is not. If the Grey Men were going about unchaining kids from brothel beds I can't see anyone here who wouldn't stick a good chunk of their income into their coffers. But they aren't doing such a thing. They just don't seem to see that they are getting involved in some great big culture clash. It is OK in my country for a 16 year old to have free sex.. but it isn't in Thailand if there is money involved.. that is exploitation..... except that in Thailand, sex without being paid is interpreted as exploitation.

Maybe even if they spent their time and effort in trying to get meaningful or alternative employment up and running in Issan. But that work wouldn't involve donning a nice suit of shining armour.

Funnily enough, the main NGO fighting child sex in Chiang Mai has strangely given up any hope of getting rid of the sex trade. In fact they actually encourage it now by opening Chiang Mai's only legal brothel. It is located on Chiang Mai Land. I believe you can get a blow job on the couch, although anytime I have driven passed, it has been empty. But what they annoyingly do is plaster the entire town with posters of some 9 year old kid hand in hand with a sex tourist, telling anyone who sees this sort of thing to call them quickly. In 20 years of experience in Thailand I haven't seen this once, but according to them it is rife. This is a poster campaign designed for their contributions rather than protecting children. It also doesn't do much good for tourist impressions of Thailand.

Here's something I copied from travelpod and it shows how eventually western women get a bit real about what happens here.. you can imagine her type! I couldn't see her contributing much to the Grey Man!

........ I adore this country -- the natural beauty, the prices, the food, the history and the people (at least some of them), that seedy side is there, and it is starting to ruin the kingdom for me. I used to feel bad for the women -- how the world's most disgusting farang come here to come onto them -- but lately I feel sorry for those losers who do, so many get their life savings sucked dry in the ongoing con: they have him buy a house (in their name) and then ditch him or squeeze him for money for their sick mother among other common scams. In fact, I'm totally bummed out with Thai women lately -- not just the ones sitting around at the lady bars either. I've been hanging out with a Western guy -- and he's cream of the crop here, since he has all his hair, all his teeth, and a good body (well, frankly he's downright handsome), and every time we go out, the Thai women fight to wrest him away and give him their number the minute I'm not looking, they like the real sneaky stuff too. It's unreal: the cashier at the gourmet store, the pharmacist, every waitress at every restaurant we've been too -- they all come on to him the minute I'm out of hearing range. The last couple weeks have been worse: the stewardess on Air Asia palmed him her number from the aisle as she passed by and yesterday when I was in the kitchen making a cheese plate while he was waiting in the living room, suddenly my housekeeper (whom I tip lavishly and give clothes and perfume and gifts from my travels) showed up in the living room crawling around his chair with the vacuum. I looked over to see her flashing him the most wanton look I have ever seen in my life; he said she'd been looking at me, rolling her eyes, then flashing the desirous looks at him, and then flashed her boobs at him before he walked away. Well she's canned, but the problem is that so many of the women here -- except for the very well-to-do -- seem willing to sell their bodies and souls to snag a foreigner, whether he has one leg, three eyes and/or weighs in at 400 pounds. You can argue that there's little opportunity for women here outside of that whoring, but this is a society that teaches females to play it up: they learn to walk in stilettos as toddlers -- you can see them at the mall clomping around in their plastic high heels. It's too much, and really taints my view of a country that I once regarded as my favorite...

AN AUSTRALIAN organisation comprising ex-police and special forces soldiers has rescued four child sex workers from an illegal brothel near the Thailand-Cambodia border.

The team of volunteer operatives from The Grey Man, a Brisbane-based charity, staged the successful operation at a brothel in the Thailand town of Aranyaprathet, 1km from the Cambodian border, on Saturday.

Organisation president John Curtis said the brothel trafficked girls from Vietnam and Cambodia to Thailand where they were being offered to customers for sex.

"The Grey Man team in an initial investigation obtained video and audio and then called in the Royal Thai Police force for assistance," Mr Curtis said.

"The Thai unit was briefed on the location and a plan formulated.

"The Grey Man operatives then re-entered the brothel with police nearby ready to conduct a raid."

Related Coverage

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.


Mr Curtis said 20 Thai police officers were involved in the raid with the Grey Man team - all of whom had a background in the police force or in Australian special forces.

He said four Cambodian girls aged between 14 and 15 were rescued from padlocked rooms with bars on the windows.

"Thai police made multiple arrests including the Mama San (brothel manager) and a number of Thai males assisting in the operation of the brothel," Mr Curtis said.

The girls are currently being cared for by Thai government officials before spending a year at a Khmer centre for vocational training in Cambodia.

The Grey Man's team leader for the operation, who asked not to be identified, labelled the operation as a good outcome.

"Working with the Thai police has shown us that the Thai government is serious about tackling the problem of human trafficking," he said.

In January, Grey Man volunteers also rescued two Vietnamese girls, aged 10 and 14, from a brothel in Cambodia.

Read more: http://www.news.com....7#ixzz15ddiFNkm

May I ask?

Where are the padlocked rooms and bars on the windows in Bang Chang?????B)


Busting a couple of girls who took a bus to work at a Thai brothel is another.

As per your previous verbal diareah here on this topic you have jumped to your own conclusions without basis in fact and purported them to be true. You lack credibility and should research before you post.

I assume if you disagree with me then you can provide a copy of their bus tickets ???


Busting a couple of girls who took a bus to work at a Thai brothel is another.

As per your previous verbal diareah here on this topic you have jumped to your own conclusions without basis in fact and purported them to be true. You lack credibility and should research before you post.

I assume if you disagree with me then you can provide a copy of their bus tickets ???

What are you asking me? Were the young women in Ban Chang of their own volition? Yes they were. Were they making a substantial amount of money working there? Yes they were. Could they have left any time they wanted to leave? Yes they could. Were they part of some kind of slave ring who worked in a brothel with bars on the windows? No they were not. Did they have cell phones and new clothes and go shopping at the mall when they were not working? Yes they did. Don't believe me. Go there yourself and look. It is not like Ban Chang is a mecca for prostitution like Pattaya. The bar is between two restaurants that are frequented by female English school teachers,oil field workers and a few retired guys. Did I know the women? No I did not. So I asked some people who did know them. I occasionally eat lunch at the restaurant next door to the bar. The ladies at the bar sit outside all day long and eat and chat with people walking by. They chat with the female English school teachers too. But like I said don't believe me. Go and look yourself. Take your mother or wife with you. Ban Chang is not Pattaya. It is a quiet little town. The bars close at midnight.


Please advise us as to how many Thais ( or any Asians ) of any importance have been arrested due to the "work" of this organisation.

I won't hold my breath waiting for your reply.

Well very simple research in the media both in Australia and Thailand shows quite a few Thais have been arrested. In fact it would seem way more than Falangs. But you don't want to hear that because it would interfere with your arguments...Shine on all you conspiracy theorists...One day you will prove the moon landing was faked too !

Also, it seems that most of you uninformed people are very quick to jump to conclusions without considering more than one possibility...For instance, do you think it might be remotely possible that The Grey Man does more than is released to the media ? I thought not. If you guys had a brain cell, it would be lonely !

Grey Man volunteers, all power to you, keep up the good work and I hope your paths and some of these guys cross in the future. I'd love to see the outcome.

Cripes, you actually believe the moon landing was for real. No wonder you believe in the "Grey Man"!

As the THAI underage sex market is undoubtedly large, how do the ( farang ) "volunteers" manage to infiltrate those organisations? Oh they don't do they! They like to concentrate on the much more lucrative ( in donations ) farang involvement.

Perhaps only young women abused by farangs are worthy of help???????

Please be so kind as to advise us as to how many people have been actually convicted of REAL criminality ( not set up for money ) and how much it cost to secure those convictions. I'm pickin' it's not very cost effective at best, and given the police involvement ( bribes ) basically a waste of scarce resources that might be better spent helping poor Thai women out of poverty, so that they don't have to get into the sex industry in the first place. Of cource that wouldn't generate any media accolades though.


From a previous post

If the Grey Men were going about unchaining kids from brothel beds I can't see anyone here who wouldn't stick a good chunk of their income into their coffers. But they aren't doing such a thing.

I absolutely agree.


I assume if you disagree with me then you can provide a copy of their bus tickets ???

You still have not provided links to your "simple research" that more Asians have been arrested than Westerners due to the work of the Grayman organization.

Evidence please.


Busting a couple of girls who took a bus to work at a Thai brothel is another.

As per your previous verbal diareah here on this topic you have jumped to your own conclusions without basis in fact and purported them to be true. You lack credibility and should research before you post.

I assume if you disagree with me then you can provide a copy of their bus tickets ???

What are you asking me? Were the young women in Ban Chang of their own volition? Yes they were. Were they making a substantial amount of money working there? Yes they were. Could they have left any time they wanted to leave? Yes they could. Were they part of some kind of slave ring who worked in a brothel with bars on the windows? No they were not. Did they have cell phones and new clothes and go shopping at the mall when they were not working? Yes they did. Don't believe me. Go there yourself and look. It is not like Ban Chang is a mecca for prostitution like Pattaya. The bar is between two restaurants that are frequented by female English school teachers,oil field workers and a few retired guys. Did I know the women? No I did not. So I asked some people who did know them. I occasionally eat lunch at the restaurant next door to the bar. The ladies at the bar sit outside all day long and eat and chat with people walking by. They chat with the female English school teachers too. But like I said don't believe me. Go and look yourself. Take your mother or wife with you. Ban Chang is not Pattaya. It is a quiet little town. The bars close at midnight.

Hear Hear!!!

Counter lunches are great at the Camel!!!

Can anybody tell me where they have the chained up young-ens in B/Chang as this would make a nice change to all the T/G's that are chained up 2 the coconut trees on Beach Rd.:D

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