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David Cameron Cancels His Christmas Holiday To Thailand To Avoid Sending 'Wrong Message' In Age Of Austerity


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David Cameron has abandoned a Christmas family holiday in Thailand after criticism of the lavish break.

It is the Prime Minister’s third U-turn in the space of a week and last night some Tory MPs were voicing fears that he was making too many mistakes.

Downing Street sources claimed that publicity surrounding his visit had made it unsafe for the Prime Minister to travel and that he is now too busy to go. But the cancellation was confirmed only after details were leaked of the £50,000 cost to taxpayers of security for Mr Cameron.

article-1328293-099AC597000005DC-350_468x286.jpg 'Human rights abuses': Red Shirt protesters were fired upon by government troops during clashes in Bangkok in May, and David Cameron has been asked not to holiday in Thailand so as not to support such action

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1331718/David-Cameron-cancels-Christmas-holiday-avoid-wrong-message-age-austerity.html#ixzz15zGrnNjG

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