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Buncha Babies!


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A quick reading of the general topics today has me shaking my head and having a quiet laugh!

Several topics on how dangerous it is in the Land of Smiles. No, not the thread on Box Jellyfish, that is scary.

No, I'm talking about topics like the chef smoking in his own restaurant and the horrified responses. The one on local hygiene that has just started but is sure to draw similar responses.

How about the one about chewing with mouth open and a runny nose? :unsure:

Jeez..at one time, international travel required a sense of adventure and a certain sense of invincibility. Because at one time, many travelers never returned to their port of embarkation. I suspect many of the current posters on these "dangerous" topics are Brits. They would have been the wash-outs in the Days of Empire!

Stay at home in the living room or man up and take a chance! Life isn't for sissies. Neither is international travel. :)

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Whilst I agree with you, travelling the world is an adventure and a bit of a runny nose shouldn't necessarily prompt a complaint.

I have to take issue with the alleged namby pamby-ness of the UK!

Well, the part of it I live in anyway, us East London folk have never nambied, nor pambied, and never shall!

Must be bumpkins that are all complaining!


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o.k. i will bite, seeing as i am that bored and nothing else seems to be going on around this place !

the post if you " READ " it was said tongue in cheek.

i am well aware of the traits of most who live in this fare land, as i first came here back in the late 90s. i just posted the thread as a general observation of things i see out here from day to day. as a bit of fun to see if id get a reaction from all the usual suspects. seems there are a few more out there than i first thought. whistling.gif

oh and as luck would have yes i am a brit, english actually, a londoner born and bread. wouldnt have any other way old chap ! wink.gifbiggrin.gif

btw bifftastic, last time i looked the east end of london resembled more like a convention of the united nations ! why the hel_l do you think i got out ?

do miss a good old curry down brick lane though from time to time smile.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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Well said!!!

If you don't like the heat stay out of the fire!

This is not wrapped in cotton wool mamby pamby UK.

And I didn't even mention what happened to me today; got almost into a fight with a gook, who I had never seen before, for no apparent reason other than that I had inconvenienced him by moving a bit to the side on the bus to let another guy get off. The guy had a chip on his shoulder, and thought he could kick and threaten me, just because he was big and fat and twice my size. Doing it the proper way I tried to get the local BIB to sort it out on location. But the officer didn't see a profit for himself in this and just waved it off, so finally I had to kick the assailant's a*# (myself) when he left the bus. - In Thailand (and other countries) you are on your own; don't rely on the police to help you in case of a crime; nothing for sissies, so be prepared for self justice! And no, the other Thais on the bus weren't all over me, as they saw who the jerk was, but didn't take my side either as they were scared of the guy: a really fat and ugly guy with pimples, in business shirt, lower middle class, who had a high opinion of himself, quote: 'Get of the bus. This is not your country...' (Thank you, a*#hole, but don't ever come to my country, either!!) :angry:

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Im closing this thread, as Ive always discouraged people to start a new thread just to whinge about an existing one. in this case its a whinge against more than one thread. same principle :)

please continue discussions in the already opened topic/s.


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