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Police Arrest 5 Suspects For Grenade Attacks In Chiang Mai, Bangkok

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He confessed that he fired 60 grenades into Lumpini Park on May 16, after the security forces threatened to launch a crackdown, and he engaged in a gun battle with security forces from within the red-shirt group during the clashes on May 18 and 19.

Puts a whole new 'spin' to the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' slogan.

This guy should be going down for a long time. That is terrorism in any country.

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Of coarse people are bitter on the UDD/red shirt side.

The elites have used the courts to remove their last 2 elected governments, and then are now in power by that and not a real election open to the whole country.

Add to this that the UDD included many poor and uneducated, who are now seeing (or being told by the leaders who are rich again) that they are the fodder that enriches only the elite, and what do you think will happen?

There was this thing called a revolution that happened in France and in the USA over this very type of elitist attempt to rig the system. The UK had a serious of conflicts over it that forced it's monarchy to finally allow parliament and rights for commoners.

So what if the red shirts are associated with Thaksin....does that make it less obvious the Yellows are elitist, royalists, and middle class only, and effectively a minority of the voters in this 3rd world country (contrary to what the lies claimed by both Thaksin AND Abhisit that Thailand is actually a developed country)?

Does all this makes it less obvious that the UDD leaders and k. Thaksin and a few others are also elitists ? Do red-shirts really see they've been misused by their 'own' group of elites? At least PM Abhisit is not associated with the yellow shirts as comments from the last few days have clearly shown. PTP has one major goal for coming elections 'get Thaksin back', no further plans on how to improve the country, just 'get Thaksin back'.

When in the UK parliament was granted and rights for the commoners, voting was still restricted to those 'who mattered', i.e. the elite, people with money, etc. It wasn't till 1928 that universal suffrage was established.

Democracy will survive in Thailand, but not necessarily in a form which suits Western countries.

He confessed that he fired 60 grenades into Lumpini Park on May 16, after the security forces threatened to launch a crackdown, and he engaged in a gun battle with security forces from within the red-shirt group during the clashes on May 18 and 19.

Puts a whole new 'spin' to the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' slogan.

This guy should be going down for a long time. That is terrorism in any country.

It is a death sentence offense in Thailand.

He confessed that he fired 60 grenades into Lumpini Park on May 16, after the security forces threatened to launch a crackdown, and he engaged in a gun battle with security forces from within the red-shirt group during the clashes on May 18 and 19.

Puts a whole new 'spin' to the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' slogan.

This guy should be going down for a long time. That is terrorism in any country.

It is a death sentence offense in Thailand.

He has fessed up, if he continues to do so in court that should mean death is commuted to life inside if normal practice is followed.

This really is a jaw dropping confession. I await the fake label to appear.


This guy should be going down for a long time. That is terrorism in any country.

It is a death sentence offense in Thailand.

He has fessed up, if he continues to do so in court that should mean death is commuted to life inside if normal practice is followed.

This really is a jaw dropping confession. I await the fake label to appear.

Seh Daeng's right hand man retracted his confession after a visit of some PTP people. Things are possible ;)


Seh Daeng's right hand man retracted his confession after a visit of some PTP people. Things are possible ;)

Maybe it's the "witch" test.

If they retract their confession they're real red shirts, otherwise they're fake red shirts.


the guy who confessed is the weak link in a chain of Red financed terrorism. Guess which family shuttles the most money to people like that? I applaud the police work which led to the confession (if it didn't involve torture), and I look forward to more incriminating evidence from him and his associates. He likely knows a lot more than he's revealed thus far.

By all means, keep him away from any private meetings with Red operatives. Coercion by Red insiders could quickly turn the stool pigeon's evidence upside down. It would only take one sentence, something like: "if you don't want your entire family to die painful deaths, you're going to retract everything you said."

He confessed that he fired 60 grenades into Lumpini Park on May 16, after the security forces threatened to launch a crackdown, and he engaged in a gun battle with security forces from within the red-shirt group during the clashes on May 18 and 19.

Puts a whole new 'spin' to the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' slogan.

Absolutely ... it also adds a bit more to the discussion about WHO killed people during the move to get the UDD out of BKK.

Not much more to add.

It was the army for the far greater majority

He confessed that he fired 60 grenades into Lumpini Park on May 16, after the security forces threatened to launch a crackdown, and he engaged in a gun battle with security forces from within the red-shirt group during the clashes on May 18 and 19.

Puts a whole new 'spin' to the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' slogan.

Absolutely ... it also adds a bit more to the discussion about WHO killed people during the move to get the UDD out of BKK.

Not much more to add.

It was the army for the far greater majority

Purest conjecture (not saying it isn't plausible .. just that those facts are not in evidence)


the guy who confessed is the weak link in a chain of Red financed terrorism. Guess which family shuttles the most money to people like that? I applaud the police work which led to the confession (if it didn't involve torture), and I look forward to more incriminating evidence from him and his associates. He likely knows a lot more than he's revealed thus far.

By all means, keep him away from any private meetings with Red operatives. Coercion by Red insiders could quickly turn the stool pigeon's evidence upside down. It would only take one sentence, something like: "if you don't want your entire family to die painful deaths, you're going to retract everything you said."

He's one ... there are other weak links. Like the one that Jatuporn allegedly threatened. That one isn't backing off his story yet though.


Absolutely ... it also adds a bit more to the discussion about WHO killed people during the move to get the UDD out of BKK.

Not much more to add.

It was the army for the far greater majority

Purest conjecture (not saying it isn't plausible .. just that those facts are not in evidence)

Good,some light relief.


Good,some light relief.

Just from the forensics nightmare and the fact that the reds were armed I doubt that most deaths will be determined to be ..... indeterminate. Angle and velocity will tell some but not all of the story. Add to that the nightmare of trying to determine which way the victim was actually facing when there is no blood splatter to be examined days later when the investigations started and .... Then add to that the fact that trajectory is not as binding of an idea as people think it is. (was the person standing? leaning? pointing? kneeling? prone?) In each case it changes where the shooter would have to have been.

Then add in the deaths by high powered rifles ... who had them? Oh yeah ... both sides! The only thing that is relatively certain is that people killed by explosives were probably killed by the reds.


Of coarse people are bitter on the UDD/red shirt side.

The elites have used the courts to remove their last 2 elected governments, and then are now in power by that and not a real election open to the whole country.

Uh, no, they have not...perhaps you need a refresh-course?

ONTOPIC: Good they capture some of the insurgents. Funny how all #RedShirt fans on Twitter has been silent on these...


Good to see these mopping up operations are resulting in the apprehension of Red Shirt Bomber Battalion members.

Exposing this peace movement as using "C4 plastic explosives, electric blasting caps, mobile phone time delay circuits, a shotgun and cartridges"


"unlicensed gun and ammunition"


"grenade attacks"


"M79 grenade attacks"

I love it, where do you get the rhetoric ??

Red shirt bomber battalions indeed.

Do you have an assistant to help ??

More seriously, I no more approve than you do and it is very ominous that c4 and timers are now in play.

There are some seriously embittered people out there, on all sides, and more violence will come I fear,

Bucholz im with you - the article clearly stated these people were red shirt sympathizers and the question is - if you put on a red shirt and fire grenades with the red shirts does that not make you a red shirt - or in your opinion do you have to have a "union card". Pathetic to split hairs over an obvious quote - ANYWAY - good to see the red shirts claims of "we didnt do anything wrong" finally dismissed once and for all. Now we can prove categorically that theyre nothing but terrorists - murderers and liars.



the arrest of 26 year old Wallop Phiteephrom

Wallop admitted to having staged an attack against the head office of Chiang Mai Construction, a company owned by the father-in-law of Bhum Jai Thai Party de facto leader Newin Chidchob as well as attacks in a parking area at the Makro superstore, a furniture factory, and the area in front of the 5th Special Forces Regiment compound.

The other paper has Wallop (transliterated as Wanlop there) denying he conducted the grenade attack on the Chiang Mai construction company. He said someone nicknamed Pe did that attack, but he did admit to the other three grenade attacks in Chiang Mai.

Meanwhile, police are seeking warrants for two additional culprits in regards to these incidents.

In addition to linking this recent group of arrests to the Red Shirt bomber that exploded the apartment building in Nonthaburi killing the bomber and 3 residents, the police have also linked Wanlop to those 11 men arrested at the Chiang Mai resort who are detailed in this thread:

Thai Authorities Detain 11 Men For Threat To National Security arrested in a resort in Chiang Mai's Mae On district



Seh Daeng's right hand man retracted his confession after a visit of some PTP people. Things are possible ;)

I assume you are referring to Surachai Terwarat here as being Seh Daengs right hand man?

If that is the case there was no confession made. The DSI Chief said originally after Surachais arrest that he (Surachai) wanted a couple of days before naming names. Having not received any info from Surachai the DSI Chief tried a different tactic and made a new "proposal" (his words) to Surachai, that being offering immunity from prosecution for Surachais wife and mother. This is when the PTP lawyers stepped in. So no confession was made or retracted.

After getting permission from the Criminal Court to hold Surachai "Rang" Thewarat at the Bangkok Remand Prison, DSI investigatorsplanned to summon him for more information as their case investigation report needed to be submitted on Monday, Tharit said. "In my recent talk to Rang, he asked for 1-2 days to think before telling [us] what happened [in attacks]on the authorities." He added that although the suspect had not confessed, he seemed to be calmer and evidence clearly linked him to many violent incidents during the two-month red-shirt rally, especially the sale ofweapons. http://www.nationmul...l-30134024.html
The Department of Special Investigation has come up with a new proposal for Surachai Tewarat, a terror suspect who has so far refused to admit his suspected involvementin the Bangkok violence in May.

DSI chief Tharit Pengdit said on Wednesday that his department will offer immunity from prosecution to the wife and mother of Surachai, a right hand aide to slain Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, if he agrees to reveal information concerning the violence. Both women were allegedly involved in sting operations to buy war weapons and would testify as witnesses at the trial, Tharit said. http://www.nationmul...r-30134262.html

There has been no further news released on this case .


Red Shirt Grenade Launcher Wanlop and the ubiquitous crime scene reenactment (with the obligatory pointing included) of his grenade attacks on Chiang Mai...

redbomber2.jpg redbomber.jpg

Arrest Warrants Sought for More Bomb Suspects

Chiang Mai police have arrested another former solider suspected of firing an M-79 grenade at the construction firm of politician Newin Chidchob's father in law.

Arrest warrants for two or three other suspects wanted for recent grenade attacks in the province have also been issued.

The move followed the testimony by a former solider, Wanlop Pitheeprom, who was arrested two days ago for alleged involvement in a string of bomb attacks at several important public and private places in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

Wanlop confessed to Chiang Mai police that he worked with other two people in firing M-79 grenades at four locations, namely the Makro Superstore, Tananuwat Furniture Factory, the special warfare unit at the Khun Nain Army Camp and a Chiang Mai construction company run by Kanaen Supa, the father-in-law of Bhum Jai Thai Party de facto leader Newin Chidchob.

Investigators stated that Wanlop claimed he was the one who fired the grenades at the first three locations while the attack on the fourth target was the work of another former soldier in Chiang Mai.

Wanlop's information led to today's arrest of another suspect, named only as Adul, a former solider implicated as the person who fired the grenade at the construction firm.

Chiang Mai Police Commander Police Major-General Somsak Janthaping said investigators have already issued arrest warrants for two or three more people linked to the grenade attacks.

He also said Wanlop might be involved in bringing eleven men believed to be red-shirt elements to undergo arms training.

The 11 men were earlier arrested by Chiang Mai police.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-25



There is an amazing amount of silence from a select group of members on this thread :)

Color me surprised :)

Not really surprising,

they only come into fights they have half a chance of winning,

or at least sowing the seeds of confusion and propaganda,

and this one is so far beyond real 'redemption by spin', that most say nothing,

and some await orders on what to say.


There is an amazing amount of silence from a select group of members on this thread :)

Color me surprised :)

Not really surprising,

they only come into fights they have half a chance of winning,

or at least sowing the seeds of confusion and propaganda,

and this one is so far beyond real 'redemption by spin', that most say nothing,

and some await orders on what to say.

Seeds of confusion and propaganda come from many directions. I'm still waiting for one such to be rescinded.



Hunt on for more suspects in Chiang Mai grenade attacks

Police are on the lookout for a few other suspects behind the M-79 grenade attacks in Chiang Mai in April and May, national police chief General Wichean Potephosree said yesterday.

The suspects have not been previously named or included in the wanted list, he said, adding they were believed to have acted as trigger men or assistants in the several attacks using M-79 launchers in Chiang Mai at the peak of the red-shirt protests in May.

The five suspects already in police detention have been cooperative and have re-enacted their actions at the four attack sites, including the office of Newin Chidchob's father-in-law, Wichean said.

The police chief "hinted" that the five suspects "could have been linked" to an explosion in Nonthaburi in October, but declined to give further details.

"Their methods are similar to the explosion in the apartment building," he added.

An intelligence source said the new suspects could have fled to a neighbouring country after Wallop Phitheephrome, allegedly the lead triggerman, was caught and began cooperating with police.

The source said there were three new suspects, adding that one of them called Pay had fired an M-79 round at the Chiang Mai Construction office owned by Newin's father-in-law.

Pay was chosen for the job because his significant height helped with the accuracy of the shot. He is suspected to have left the country, though police are said to be keeping a close eye on the other two.

The source said Wallop denied ever having acted as a red-shirt guard and that he seemed normal, with no signs of mental health problems as claimed in news reports.

The source said many red-shirt guards were Army conscripts who were paid Bt500 a day and given free meals by late Army specialist Khattiya Sawasdiphol.

They paid Bt250 in bribe to their unit commanders, who are red sympathisers, to issue fake leave records.


-- The Nation 2010-11-26


Holy hel_l :o the BiB doing there job well. Well done to those guys for busting terrorist arse and deep within Red and Khun Thaksy territory to boot. Keep busting it but agree with Wombat it needs a serious arse kick, definitely not the firing squad, imposed for terrorism. For a serious attempt at getting some sort of law and order established in this country some serious punishment has to be dealt to terrorists of any peruasion running amok in the country. That also needs to be applied across the governance of the country as well. Some of the people who govern Thailand at their best in western countries would be getting hunted down by just about every government appointed agency for crimes against their country. The level of accountability displayed by some in Thailand is appalling, but what is more so is that the buggers can be out on bail, or part of the governance, after having lead such acts of terrorism be that Red, Yellow, opposition or government. It then becomes so refreshing to see that some of Chaing Mai's finest did a good honest cop job. B)


There is an amazing amount of silence from a select group of members on this thread :)

Color me surprised :)

Not really surprising,

they only come into fights they have half a chance of winning,

or at least sowing the seeds of confusion and propaganda,

and this one is so far beyond real 'redemption by spin', that most say nothing,

and some await orders on what to say.

Seeds of confusion and propaganda come from many directions. I'm still waiting for one such to be rescinded.

:) Join the wait ---- many of us that have been following and commenting on this from the beginning never do hear a Red say .... "I was wrong" .. or .. "Oooops they really DID do it", all we hear are excuses for terrorism, denials, and deflection.


There is an amazing amount of silence from a select group of members on this thread :)

Color me surprised :)

Not really surprising,

they only come into fights they have half a chance of winning,

or at least sowing the seeds of confusion and propaganda,

and this one is so far beyond real 'redemption by spin', that most say nothing,

and some await orders on what to say.

Seeds of confusion and propaganda come from many directions. I'm still waiting for one such to be rescinded.

:) Join the wait ---- many of us that have been following and commenting on this from the beginning never do hear a Red say .... "I was wrong" .. or .. "Oooops they really DID do it", all we hear are excuses for terrorism, denials, and deflection.

That's a very good point.

Perhaps it might be the perceived loss of face that prevents them from admitting the reality.

But if that's the case, they needn't be concerned. We're all mostly farang.



The face of Red reality...


Police to Seek Arrest Warrants for More Suspects in Chaing Mai Unrest

Regarding unsolved cases of M-79 grenade attacks, the police now have one suspect in custody, 27-year-old Wallop Pitheephrom.

Earlier this week, the commander said warrants are being sought for a couple more suspects.

Somsak added investigators have found evidence linking Wallop, a former soldier at the 7th Cavalry Squadron, and the eleven men caught previously at Doi Khoo Fah Resort in Mae On district, where they were allegedly taking part in a combat training.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-26



There is an amazing amount of silence from a select group of members on this thread :)

Color me surprised :)

Not really surprising,

they only come into fights they have half a chance of winning,

or at least sowing the seeds of confusion and propaganda,

and this one is so far beyond real 'redemption by spin', that most say nothing,

and some await orders on what to say.

Seeds of confusion and propaganda come from many directions. I'm still waiting for one such to be rescinded.

:) Join the wait ---- many of us that have been following and commenting on this from the beginning never do hear a Red say .... "I was wrong" .. or .. "Oooops they really DID do it", all we hear are excuses for terrorism, denials, and deflection.

Yes, but these criticisms are applicable to TV propagandists from more than one political persuasion ;) .



The face of Red reality...


Police to Seek Arrest Warrants for More Suspects in Chaing Mai Unrest

Regarding unsolved cases of M-79 grenade attacks, the police now have one suspect in custody, 27-year-old Wallop Pitheephrom.

Earlier this week, the commander said warrants are being sought for a couple more suspects.

Somsak added investigators have found evidence linking Wallop, a former soldier at the 7th Cavalry Squadron, and the eleven men caught previously at Doi Khoo Fah Resort in Mae On district, where they were allegedly taking part in a combat training.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-26


Any news on the eleven men who were allegedly training in Cambodia, sorry, the Doi Khoo Fah Resort aka the Proud Phu Fah resort in Mae On? Are they still helping the police with their enquiries?


There is an amazing amount of silence from a select group of members on this thread :)

Color me surprised :)

Not really surprising,

they only come into fights they have half a chance of winning,

or at least sowing the seeds of confusion and propaganda,

and this one is so far beyond real 'redemption by spin', that most say nothing,

and some await orders on what to say.

You really are insulting.

Do you do it to provoke ?

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