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Ahhh....but there is nothing anyone can do if you get the sophisticated Thai burglers reported from last year who fill your house with sleeping gas through the airconditioning. Then take anything they want whilst you and your dog snooze away.

You've all seen mission impossible too right?

Although being robbed by a gang as professional as that is very unlikely, I bet you could still prevent it. If the air con units were covered and locked for example.

I think if you work your way backwards and work out all the possible ways people have been burgled, you could prevent them all. I don't see why you couldn't have your house so tight, the only way in is to break through the concrete wall with a sledge hammer, or cut through metal with a disc cutter.

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Ahhh....but there is nothing anyone can do if you get the sophisticated Thai burglers reported from last year who fill your house with sleeping gas through the airconditioning. Then take anything they want whilst you and your dog snooze away.

You've all seen mission impossible too right?

Sleeping gas through aircon was and is not likely, a friend was put to sleep during burglary and they dont use aircon........

Besides, who has dog sleeping in aircon bedroom?


Smells dog, not to mention the snoring ;)


I think Peterocket's reply was tongue-in-cheek.

Don't you do irony?

Evan Johns.

I'm not sure he was being tongue in cheek. Sleeping gas has undoubtedly been used in burglaries before. Perhaps PR could clarify.

Either way. If he was being tongue in cheek, he most certainly was not being ironic. You're not American are you? They seem to be the worst offenders of misunderstanding irony, and using it inappropriately.

Please enlighten us by explaining what exactly was ironic about his reply?


I'm not sure he was being tongue in cheek. Sleeping gas has undoubtedly been used in burglaries before. Perhaps PR could clarify.

You don't think the Mission Impossible reference was a bit of a give-a-way?

Either way. If he was being tongue in cheek, he most certainly was not being ironic. You're not American are you? They seem to be the worst offenders of misunderstanding irony, and using it inappropriately.

Please enlighten us by explaining what exactly was ironic about his reply?

He refers to sophisticated Thai thieves that used sleeping gas when he clearly believes no such thing.

You're correct. Not irony. Maybe sarcasm? Which you still don't get?

Evan Johns.


I was listening to some crappy, local readio station in the car today. He was saying that a Canadian was burgled last night in Kamala, and CCTV caught a Farang breaking in.

I have to be honest, I was a bit naive. Before this thread, I had no idea there were so many Farang on the island that would stoop as low as burglary.

Then how has this thread changed your viewpoint? I have skimmed through this thread and found just ONE report of a farang committing burglary, and that was a 'British gypo' bragging about it (and who knows whether there was anything behind his bragging?)

For someone so critical of anyone stereotyping one group of people, you seem awfully keen to do so yourself.

Oh the farang contingent here are willing to stoop much much lower than mere 'burglary'. You really should get out more.


I was listening to some crappy, local readio station in the car today. He was saying that a Canadian was burgled last night in Kamala, and CCTV caught a Farang breaking in.

I have to be honest, I was a bit naive. Before this thread, I had no idea there were so many Farang on the island that would stoop as low as burglary.

Then how has this thread changed your viewpoint? I have skimmed through this thread and found just ONE report of a farang committing burglary, and that was a 'British gypo' bragging about it (and who knows whether there was anything behind his bragging?)

For someone so critical of anyone stereotyping one group of people, you seem awfully keen to do so yourself.

Oh the farang contingent here are willing to stoop much much lower than mere 'burglary'. You really should get out more.

If you read another post I made on a different thread, you will see I do get out, I'm just very fussy about where I ago, and I who I have to share space with.

What exactly is there much lower than burglary? Begging on the street is the next step down surely? Which I've seen in BKK many times and on Bangla once.

I'm not talking about villans. I know full well there are a huge amount of out and out crims on Phuket, but that's not lower than burglary. (unless you meant morally of course, but I meant lower down the scale of petty crime)

EDIT: It's just occured to me what a strange thing to say that was. Why do I need to get out more, because I'm not mixing with low life. Surely if I was running in to scum bags every 5 minutes, I would need to stay in more.


if you have anything worth stealing, hire a security guard to sit down in front of your house all night or when you are away, with a shotgun. Thats what they do in south american and it works well. that only comes to about 200$ a month.. tell him if he ends up killing a robber he gets a 10k baht reward(if he's allowed to get drunk and watch a small tv he'll definitely do the job right even for cheap money)


I'm not sure he was being tongue in cheek. Sleeping gas has undoubtedly been used in burglaries before. Perhaps PR could clarify.

You don't think the Mission Impossible reference was a bit of a give-a-way?

Either way. If he was being tongue in cheek, he most certainly was not being ironic. You're not American are you? They seem to be the worst offenders of misunderstanding irony, and using it inappropriately.

Please enlighten us by explaining what exactly was ironic about his reply?

He refers to sophisticated Thai thieves that used sleeping gas when he clearly believes no such thing.

You're correct. Not irony. Maybe sarcasm? Which you still don't get?

Evan Johns.

For that sarcasm to have worked, there would have to be no such thing as sophisticated Thai burglers, and burglers that have used sleeping gas. Are you sure you want to say that neither of those exist? Don't make me hit Google. :)

Sarcasm, although well known for being the lowest form of wit, is also highly amusing. Unfortunately, in this case, it didn't work in the slightest, as sophisticated Thai burglers, who use sleeping gas, before entering the house, actually do exist.

At least you held your hands up to the miss use of the word irony. Probably the most miss used word in the dictionary. :D


I'm not sure he was being tongue in cheek. Sleeping gas has undoubtedly been used in burglaries before. Perhaps PR could clarify.

You don't think the Mission Impossible reference was a bit of a give-a-way?

Either way. If he was being tongue in cheek, he most certainly was not being ironic. You're not American are you? They seem to be the worst offenders of misunderstanding irony, and using it inappropriately.

Please enlighten us by explaining what exactly was ironic about his reply?

He refers to sophisticated Thai thieves that used sleeping gas when he clearly believes no such thing.

You're correct. Not irony. Maybe sarcasm? Which you still don't get?

Evan Johns.

For that sarcasm to have worked, there would have to be no such thing as sophisticated Thai burglers, and burglers that have used sleeping gas. Are you sure you want to say that neither of those exist? Don't make me hit Google. :)

Sarcasm, although well known for being the lowest form of wit, is also highly amusing. Unfortunately, in this case, it didn't work in the slightest, as sophisticated Thai burglers, who use sleeping gas, before entering the house, actually do exist.

At least you held your hands up to the miss use of the word irony. Probably the most miss used word in the dictionary. :D

With hindsight, I realise 'peterockret' was obviously being sarcastic, and Thai burglers probably don't have the ability to euthanize their victims before entering their houses. It has been known elsewhere, but not in Thailand.

I do however, know what irony is, and that irony and sarcasm are two different things.;)


But do you know what euthanize means? I'd hate to think that these sophisticated burglars were euthanzing their victims :).

One deterrent I see my neighbor use is a thick hedge of bamboo that rises above their 2.5 metre high wall and reaches about 5 metres high.


I just cant imagine any Thai burgler (or any burgler in fact) being so intent on breaking into a house that he brings a canister of gas with him which he then injects into the house and then waits till you are fast asleep before coming in to steal your nintendo or whatever.

Maybe if you had the crown jewels on the coffee table.

Anyhow I shouldnt have brought it up.


But do you know what euthanize means? I'd hate to think that these sophisticated burglars were euthanzing their victims :).

Yes, that would be a bit of a worry. I think I meant anaesthetise. :whistling:


I was listening to some crappy, local readio station in the car today. He was saying that a Canadian was burgled last night in Kamala, and CCTV caught a Farang breaking in.

I have to be honest, I was a bit naive. Before this thread, I had no idea there were so many Farang on the island that would stoop as low as burglary.

Then how has this thread changed your viewpoint? I have skimmed through this thread and found just ONE report of a farang committing burglary, and that was a 'British gypo' bragging about it (and who knows whether there was anything behind his bragging?)

For someone so critical of anyone stereotyping one group of people, you seem awfully keen to do so yourself.

The one post you found when skimming, was actually six.

It was not six. It was one.

let us go through them:

(1) I once knew a British gypo that claimed to be fond of burgling here in Phuket, so it's not always Thai's that are nicking our stuff.

One: a vague example of someone bragging - doesn't carry much weight in my book.

(2) I would not just be suspecting Thai's. A lot of farang are now resorting to crime to be able to stay here and continue living "the dream."

No mention of burglary.

(3) Renting out apartments and studios to thai and farang, the only thieves have been brits and german

No mention of burglary.

(4) All the bad dealings Ive had in Thailand have been with Farang stealing a scheming. Just saying

No mention of burglary.

(5) I agree with your post. In the 13 years I've been here, the worst robbery I had was by another farang

No mention of burglary.

(6) I was listening to some crappy, local readio station in the car today. He was saying that a Canadian was burgled last night in Kamala, and CCTV caught a Farang breaking in.

Someone already pulled you up on that one. And despite that you are repeating the claim you have already admitted was probably wrong (after all it was a crappy radio station), so now you are telling fibs. The CCTV did not 'catch a farang'.

So, I was right: one mention of a farang committing a burglary, and a distinctly second-hand report at that.


So, I was right: one mention of a farang committing a burglary, and a distinctly second-hand report at that.

Have you checked the percentage of your posts, that are arguing with me and trying to prove me wrong?? A very unhealthy little obsession is developing there mate. Try to control it before it consumes your every waking moment, if it's not too late that is.

One person used the word robbery, (when referring to his house) Another used the word thieving (when referring to apartments and studio flats) Then one poster used the word stealing. The details about the more recent burglary, are different from two different sources. Both it would seem believe a white person was to blame.

Trying to deny that posters claimed to have been burgled by Farang, because they used the words, thieving, robbery, and stealing instead, when quite clearly in this case they all mean the same thing, is highlighting what a strange desire to argue with me you have.

So, I now have a new awareness of Farang having committed burglaries in the past, due to a handful of FIRST hand reports by TV posters. So once again I'll ask you to explain, what has that got to do with stereotyping?? How exactly am I stereotyping all Farang as burglers??

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