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Polygamy In Thailand


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I went lately to the funeral of my gf's uncle. The guy had 3 wives and it seems he never divorced any of them. There was a bit of bad blood between the wives but the kids seem to get along well. When I ask my gf, polygamy is not legal in Thailand. But it seems to be accepted as long as the man can support everybody.

Actually I was surprised to learn than even "modern" couple tolerate that the husband has an affair, or even a second family on the side, as long as he can provide everybody withe the lifestyle they're "entitled" to.

Does anybody have information about what the law in Thailand says about that ? It seems so common and it should create so many problems that I can't believe that law turns a blind eye to this practice.

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Polygamy - or Bigamy for that matter - is not legal in Thailand.

I think you have mixed up the terminology with the actual facts in this case. Even though there might not be a moral/ethical difference in the minds of the average rural and generally uneducated Thai, a marriage is not legally registered unless registered at an Amphur, hence making a Buddhist ceremony nothing but exactly that - morally and ethically binding. You are not able to register a marriage unless you are previously unmarried or divorced.

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The reason I asked for the legal frame for these marriage is the arrangements after my gf uncle got sick and later died

The first wife, and her sons, got control of the small import/export company owned by her husband. The third wife has a nice house and a small restaurant. But the second wife were kicked out of her house (taken back by the first wife) and completely disappeared.

As far as I understand, and I know I don't understand very much, every thing was done privately, by mutual agreement between the family members. The son of the second wife is well take care off, plan to work in the family company once he has finished his studies and stay with the third wife family for the time being. But the second wife is just gone, with nothing !

I realize there are a big number of families in Thailand that are "number 2" or number 3". It should be really scary for them to know they have absolutely no rights should something happen to the the husband/father, beside what has been officially put under the mother name, and sometime it's not really much

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As far as I understand, and I know I don't understand very much, every thing was done privately, by mutual agreement between the family members. The son of the second wife is well take care off, plan to work in the family company once he has finished his studies and stay with the third wife family for the time being. But the second wife is just gone, with nothing !

Considering you initially mentioned "Polygamy" and continuously are making references to husbands, wives, daughters and sons are you sure you're not married to the daughter of your father in laws second wife who was actually his granddaughter? That way your mother in law could actually be your wives daughter. I mean, that way the polygamy would be explained…?

Or you meant bigamy?

Edited by Forethat
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There is no polygamy or bigamy in Thailand ,as such. What there is ,and is very common amongst wealthy Chinese Thais, is the concept of "Mia Noi" or "Minor Wife".They are not legally married, as the No. 1 wife is.These Mia Noi's have 2 uses. one is to cement certain business relationships, and the other is for pleasure. I used to teach , privately, the son of one of these Mia Noi's. The Gentleman in question had 8 of them. Each one was given a house + a car + a living allowance of B100,000 per month.Yes, the man, in this case was extremely wealthy.By the way, these "costs" were 12 years ago.There are also some "Mia Noi" in the less wealthy, but often ,that is because the no.1 wife and children have been dumped, and the man does a runner, and gives no financial support to the no.1 and kids.And never divorces the first wife. Quite common.

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There is no polygamy or bigamy in Thailand ,as such. What there is ,and is very common amongst wealthy Chinese Thais, is the concept of "Mia Noi" or "Minor Wife".They are not legally married, as the No. 1 wife is.These Mia Noi's have 2 uses. one is to cement certain business relationships, and the other is for pleasure. I used to teach , privately, the son of one of these Mia Noi's. The Gentleman in question had 8 of them. Each one was given a house + a car + a living allowance of B100,000 per month.Yes, the man, in this case was extremely wealthy.By the way, these "costs" were 12 years ago.There are also some "Mia Noi" in the less wealthy, but often ,that is because the no.1 wife and children have been dumped, and the man does a runner, and gives no financial support to the no.1 and kids.And never divorces the first wife. Quite common.

Quite common among the ethnic Thais as well back when more of them could afford it.


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I have a Thai friend in his mid-30s. He has 10 'wives' ranging in age from 55 to 18, the 18 yo has just had a baby.

The oldest wife (married at Amphur) gives him an allowance of 20kbht a month, the younger wives (Monk weddings) with jobs give him what they can.

He distributes some of the money to the jobless.

Nice guy, total piss-head, has very daft hair but pretty much looks like an average middle aged pot bellied guy.

He brought round a 16yo and her father to see me the other day, they wanted me to take her on as a mia noi, set her up in a room, all this was discussed in front of my wife (I'm going <deleted>), the father said he knew I could take good care of her. I politely declined.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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It's a form of social security. With the distribution of wealth being so uneven in Thailand, if the wealthy did not take mia nois then the deserted wives of poor husbands who do a runner would have no support. Obviously, it's usually only the young, beautiful and "talented" who managed to land a wealthy and usually elderly benefactor.

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I have a Thai friend in his mid-30s. He has 10 'wives' ranging in age from 55 to 18, the 18 yo has just had a baby.

The oldest wife (married at Amphur) gives him an allowance of 20kbht a month, the younger wives (Monk weddings) with jobs give him what they can.

He distributes some of the money to the jobless.

Nice guy, total piss-head, has very daft hair but pretty much looks like an average middle aged pot bellied guy.

He brought round a 16yo and her father to see me the other day, they wanted me to take her on as a mia noi, set her up in a room, all this was discussed in front of my wife (I'm going <deleted>), the father said he knew I could take good care of her. I politely declined.

Ha,ha, when i first moved from Bkk., to my little village, I had quite a few trying to palm off their underage daughters.To me. All "negotiations" were conducted between my wife. Not me. In retrospect , it was quite funny, but somewhat distressing at the time.

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General Sonthi, ex Chief of Army, leader of the Coup and the Junta, and Deputy Prime Minister… has 2 wifes with 2 registered marriages.

Deputy Prime Minister Sonthi Boonyaratkalin said he did not report assets of his third wife to the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) because they are not legally married.

He explained that he decided to report assets of his first two wives because he named his first wife Mrs Sukanya as his wife while his personal income taxform had the name of his second wife Mrs Piyada.

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Apparently, the law states that if you are muslim and live in one of the four southernmost provinces, you can have up to four wives legally. However, the first must approve of the second. The first two must approve of the third and so on. I got this from a lawyer in his late 50s (who I don't think had any 'extras')

Prove me wrong before telling me I"m wrong. This guy knows his stuff and is not a friend, friend of a friend, uncle or whatever.

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Apparently, the law states that if you are muslim and live in one of the four southernmost provinces, you can have up to four wives legally. However, the first must approve of the second. The first two must approve of the third and so on. I got this from a lawyer in his late 50s (who I don't think had any 'extras')

Prove me wrong before telling me I"m wrong. This guy knows his stuff and is not a friend, friend of a friend, uncle or whatever.

I believe you. You can marry twins too. Hill tribe women still get married to hill tribe men at 12 years old even though that freaks out some people.

Edited by mark45y
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