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Were I Bought It!


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Hi Gang, I think Thaivisa should open a new category in this forum. Hence the title of this post. I have only lived here for a couple of year now. I just moved from a furnished one room apartment to a two story two bedroom two bath house. As a result of the move I need almost everything. I have spent many many hours on the Internet looking for info on stuff for the house. If your not Thai. then shopping starts to be a nightmare. The major stores here have not heard yet that 40% of American will do there Holiday shopping on line. As a result there is little info on there web sites that can help the consumer make a chose. With that in mind. We could put are good and bad shopping experiences here for all to learn from. Also recommendation on stores you like. Or the clerk you just meet, that has received training in the big ticket idem he is trying to sell you. Were the good deals are. Most Thai think that falungs have buckets of money. Weather we do or don't is not relevant. Know one I know likes to spend more then they have to for stuff. I have only one bucket of money. So I need to watch that bucket closely. Would'nt be great to have a place you could go when you need a new aircon unit. And know the info you get is right on the money. Based on someones personnel experience. This will not only help us. It will help the department stores as well. Once they see that the people that are trained about the producks they sell, sell more. Then the training will start in earnest. Give Thaivisa some feed back on my idea.

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Ooooooh Haacker I wouldn’t stand for that! Them there’s fighting word!!!

Let me start you off: 7/11, main roads, 107, north bound, Mai Rim……..Mini Kit Kat bars………Wait for it, two for the price of one, (they are actually melted together) and the clerk was very do’ able, but I did feel like a bit of a perv as she was quite young….And my miss’s was with me…..but worth a look. Oh and the cheese and ham tosties are the mutt’s nuts……..That sort of thing?

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What's wrong with walking around a store? Probably get some better deals on things that way. Plus a bit of exorcise.

Yes, that`s what I done when I first set up home in Thailand. A bit of leg work.

This is the only way you are going to gain experience of living in Thailand. D.I.Y, and I`m not talking about my sex life.

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Would'nt be great to have a place you could go when you need a new aircon unit.

Aircons all over the place, just bring your own knowledge !

I think you miss my point. It was not just about aircon. Its about getting info from expats that have been there and done that. Buying stuff

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Ooooooh Haacker I wouldn’t stand for that! Them there’s fighting word!!!

Let me start you off: 7/11, main roads, 107, north bound, Mai Rim……..Mini Kit Kat bars………Wait for it, two for the price of one, (they are actually melted together) and the clerk was very do’ able, but I did feel like a bit of a perv as she was quite young….And my miss’s was with me…..but worth a look. Oh and the cheese and ham tosties are the mutt’s nuts……..That sort of thing?

Now thats what I am taking about!!!! Thanks alot. Yes, I get the joke.

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x 3 in regards to the spelling ...

But besides that, any site that has recommendations, experiences, etc is bound to get hijacked by competitors or people with a gripe against a particular store.

I have reread my post 3 more times. I just don't see all the misspelled words. Yes I have spell checker. Yes there might be some people that might try to manipulate the info. And yes some people might have a cross to bear against a department store. If 3-5 people have a bad experience at a store. That might be info I would like to have before I get off my ass, and go shopping.

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What's wrong with walking around a store? Probably get some better deals on things that way. Plus a bit of exorcise.

For most it seems. That is how its done here in Thailand. As for me I do not speak or read Thai. Doing a walkabout dose not help me with information about a product or a service. There are some here on the forum that think it foolish to research a product before you buy it.

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I have never see a post so littered with spelling mistakes and other such rubbish.

Were you pissed when you posted this ?

X 2,

Sounds like the OP's mum did his shopping for him.

Put your shoes on and take a walk and buy what you need, ......easy, peasy. :rolleyes:

PS. install a spell check, eeeeer, sorry, get mum to install spell check. :D

Everyone needs to ask them selfs is it my spelling or is it this guys plan to make a problem. He likes to start shit. He is a hater. That is his job. He spends his time going from forum to forum taking the other side. He get his kicks when someone dose not go along with his ideas.Is that why we are here? We come here to see how expats get along in Thailand. It's not about if I can spell. But to this guy its all about how can I make people pissed off. He want to play!!!!! Taking shit about can I spell is his way to get things going. If he wants to do a test on IQ test step up. I am only 60 years old, but I can assure you. I am not a dummy, dude!!!!!! Show me what you got, Dude!!!!!!!!!! Step up!

Edited by Haacker
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Haacker, This pond (TV) is inhabited by mud suckers, minnows, crawdads, tadpoles, larvae, pirranahs, and sharks and your dignity is not a concern of any of them.

However, if you are looking for a/c units you will pay about 2 baht per btu. If you want to save electricity then look at Daikin with the inverter. Cost more but from our experience the consumption is lower, hence cheaper (maybe close to 30%??).

Nooo...we have no connection to the company nor do we recommend the shop we bought from...unless you would like some practice in maintaining dignity while dealing with a Shanghai bit_h. :annoyed:

Cheers. M/n/s.

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I have never see a post so littered with spelling mistakes and other such rubbish.

Were you pissed when you posted this ?

X 2,

Sounds like the OP's mum did his shopping for him.

Put your shoes on and take a walk and buy what you need, ......easy, peasy. :rolleyes:

PS. install a spell check, eeeeer, sorry, get mum to install spell check. :D

Everyone needs to ask them selfs is it my spelling or is it this guys plan to make a problem. He likes to start shit. He is a hater. That is his job. He spends his time going from fouum to forum taking the other side. he get his kicks when someone dose not go along with his ideas.I that what why we are here? We come here to see how expats get along in Thailand. It's not about if I can spell. But to this guy its all about how can I make people take my side. He want to play!!!!! Taking shit about can I spell is his way to get things going. When he wants to do a test on IQ, step up. I am only 60 years old, but I can assure you I am no dummy, dude!!!!!! Show me what you got, DUSE!!!!!!!!!!

Any DUDE or DUSE who needs a hand shopping, well, to be honest l personally, as someone older than you,would not ask here as it would perhaps dent my street cred. If you must ask how to push a trolley then you should have posted in the ladies forum.

I jest. :D Chill out.

You are a funny guy!!!! And I will bet you are 22 years old. Not older then me. You know it just kills me when someone tries to claim higher ground. You too are a bull shiter from the get go

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Haacker, This pond (TV) is inhabited by mud suckers, minnows, crawdads, tadpoles, larvae, pirranahs, and sharks and your dignity is not a concern of any of them.

However, if you are looking for a/c units you will pay about 2 baht per btu. If you want to save electricity then look at Daikin with the inverter. Cost more but from our experience the consumption is lower, hence cheaper (maybe close to 30%??).

Nooo...we have no connection to the company nor do we recommend the shop we bought from...unless you would like some practice in maintaining dignity while dealing with a Shanghai bit_h. :annoyed:

Cheers. M/n/s.

I had to be leave that there are a few good people here on this forum that want to help other expats. Thank you very much for your input. I just wish others would contribute. Its all about serving here.

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I have never see a post so littered with spelling mistakes and other such rubbish.

Were you pissed when you posted this ?

X 2,

Sounds like the OP's mum did his shopping for him.

Put your shoes on and take a walk and buy what you need, ......easy, peasy. :rolleyes:

PS. install a spell check, eeeeer, sorry, get mum to install spell check. :D

Everyone needs to ask them selfs is it my spelling or is it this guys plan to make a problem. He likes to start shit. He is a hater. That is his job. He spends his time going from forum to forum taking the other side. He get his kicks when someone dose not go along with his ideas.Is that why we are here? We come here to see how expats get along in Thailand. It's not about if I can spell. But to this guy its all about how can I make people pissed off. He want to play!!!!! Taking shit about can I spell is his way to get things going. If he wants to do a test on IQ test step up. I am only 60 years old, but I can assure you. I am not a dummy, dude!!!!!! Show me what you got, Dude!!!!!!!!!! Step up!

I'm glad he's found someone his own age to play with, now. You two seem to get along just fine.

I buy my phone cards from a little stall under the station. They are exactly the same price and function as phone top-up cards anywhere else, but that station is probably less convenient for you than it is for me...

The Chapati House just along the road from there does the best samosas I've tasted since i left Scotland, but your tastes may differ.

Don't go to the brothel upstairs from the Chapati House, its infamous for your wallet getting stolen / emptied whilst you're distracted.

What else would you like top tips on?


Edit: I quite like the innovative spelling and malapropisms. I try to find double entendres and mis-interpretations - like the thread title: Shouldn't that be "Were I to buy it..." - a thread on the consequences of making certain purchases. I take it from the malapropisms that you've got the spell checker turned on now.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Everyone needs to ask them selfs is it my spelling or is it this guys plan to make a problem. He likes to start shit. He is a hater. That is his job. He spends his time going from forum to forum taking the other side. He get his kicks when someone dose not go along with his ideas.Is that why we are here? We come here to see how expats get along in Thailand. It's not about if I can spell. But to this guy its all about how can I make people pissed off. He want to play!!!!! Taking shit about can I spell is his way to get things going. If he wants to do a test on IQ test step up. I am only 60 years old, but I can assure you. I am not a dummy, dude!!!!!! Show me what you got, Dude!!!!!!!!!! Step up!

You tell 'em Haacker.

I understood your OP and believe the idea has merit, but the limitations are real and have already been stated. Also, there are some commercial issues in play as well, I believe. The traffic on this forum I imagine is quite attractive to those who wish to piggy-back on it for marketing without paying for the privilege.

But I do sympathise with your sentiments. At the moment, I'm having a stunningly hard time finding a professional cleaner who can eliminate smoke odours from a residential condo in Bangkok. I had thought it would be a 10 minute job online. I'm into hour 6 over 4 days and at Square 1. I was thinking about making a post but...yeah...

I'm pretty useless at the sort of thing you're looking for, but I recently 'discovered' Carrefours. Boy did I feel stupid walking around that mega-shopping centre after bashing my head against Paragon / Emporium for years. But if there's a product you need that isn't at Carrefours...I'd be surprised...

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I'm going to come out (no, I mean add my voice to his) in support of the OP, but I suggest broadening the scope. A general helpful hints and tips column would be useful - a bit like the Top Tips column that used to run in Viz, if any of you are juvenile enough to remember that magazine


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I'm going to come out (no, I mean add my voice to his) in support of the OP, but I suggest broadening the scope. A general helpful hints and tips column would be useful - a bit like the Top Tips column that used to run in Viz, if any of you are juvenile enough to remember that magazine


He he, top tips in Viz!

An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator. Sister S., Berwick

I don't think these tips would be any good to us!

Edited by onnut
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The major stores here have not heard yet that 40% of American will do there Holiday shopping on line.

Even if true, why would they care? The whole world doesn't revolve around yankland and you and yours you know. Given that the vast majority of Thais are not online, or don't do English particularly well when it comes to websites (even the big stores), it's pretty obvious why they're a long way behind how we shop in the West. However, the big stores like Index and Home Pro are online and you could fill the house with them. Expensive, yeah, but you'll need to pay for the convenience here... either that or traipse around the tacky furniture stores on the side of the road. To find out where they are in a given area, hit 'Search'. ;)

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x 3 in regards to the spelling ...

But besides that, any site that has recommendations, experiences, etc is bound to get hijacked by competitors or people with a gripe against a particular store.

I have reread my post 3 more times. I just don't see all the misspelled words. Yes I have spell checker. Yes there might be some people that might try to manipulate the info. And yes some people might have a cross to bear against a department store. If 3-5 people have a bad experience at a store. That might be info I would like to have before I get off my ass, and go shopping.

You're correct. There aren't many misspelled words (except producks, idems). They are just the wrong words.

For example, the title - "Were I bought it" ... should actually be "WHERE I bought it".

"If your not Thai." - If you are ... or ... If you're . A couple of "there"s instead of "their"s. Weather - Whether. Personnel - Personal. Know - No (surprising, it's usually the other way around).

More THAN, not more then (my pet hate).

But enough of the lessons ...

It just takes one bad post about a shop to make people avoid it, and people are more likely to post bad experiences, and it's very easy for competitors to post "bad experiences".

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Op dude, most shops over here do not bother to update there websites, so you will see a great deal and then go to buy it and the shop staff will say "no hab"

Better off to have a browse around yourself, it's a good way to get out and meet people. Why come all the way to Thailand just to sit indoors on the net!

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What's wrong with walking around a store? Probably get some better deals on things that way. Plus a bit of exorcise.

For most it seems. That is how its done here in Thailand. As for me I do not speak or read Thai. Doing a walkabout dose not help me with information about a product or a service. There are some here on the forum that think it foolish to research a product before you buy it.

Then what stops you learning even a little bit of Thai?. After all most Thais in shops I go to have never left Thailand, but they have made the effort to learn a little bit of English. Suggest you learn about thai culture as well. Then you might understand how things work here.

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I'm going to come out (no, I mean add my voice to his) in support of the OP, but I suggest broadening the scope. A general helpful hints and tips column would be useful - a bit like the Top Tips column that used to run in Viz, if any of you are juvenile enough to remember that magazine


He he, top tips in Viz!

An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator. Sister S., Berwick

I don't think these tips would be any good to us!

There was an earlier 'top tip' on another thread

- run your air conditioning cold, and save the cost of a refrigerator

and the perennial 'employ a multi-lingual gardener and save money on car purchases' - although I never actually saw the original post...

I am tempted to start a thread to allow us to collect the most 'useful'


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