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The Burglar


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In the duration of 6 years in Bangkok, I've been the victim of theft no less than 5 times. And these are the ones that I'm sure about. Last night, I met my first thief face to face and I'd like to share the story.

I rent a 4 story shophouse in MuangThong Thani and I live on the top floor. At about 11:30pm, I heard a terrible racket downstairs so I grabbed a mop handle and slowly descended in the darkness. At the third floor, I caught sight of the maid walking downstairs (she lives on the third floor). I figured she had heard the noise too and wanted to investigate.

As I neared the second floor, I noticed the maid had stopped in the hallway and turned to look at me. She then started to approach me and I sensed something was immediately wrong. This wasn't the maid! My mind struggled to analyze the situation and find a semblence of reason. I remember the situation fairly clearly but at that moment, things were slow and cloudy.

So there I was, standing on the staircase, linking the third and second floors, with a stranger standing in the hallway of the second floor. In the darkness I asked him who he was. To prove how disoriented I had become, I asked in polite Thai. He said he was looking for his friend. He was close enough now so that I could smell alcohol on his breath. I then told him to get out. He approached the window and asked me for help in holding the metal grating back so he could get out. There is some metal grating over the window which I now realized he had kicked in to gain entry.

I didn't believe him and I gripped the mop handle tightly. He pulled the metal back himself and struggled to leave. It looked as though the grating was about to collapse on the ground so I sprang forward to assist him and prevent additional damage. That's right, I helped the guy escape.

I watched him slowly walk along the roof in no obvious rush. I then did a sweep of the shop and finally went upstairs to report the event to my wife. "Honey, I saw a thief and then helped him get away."

Well, I caught hel_l from her and some of her relatives and also a few of the neighbors. Everyone was in agreement that I should have attacked the guy and killed him. And this is coming from a bunch of Buddhists.

Yeah, I agree that it probably could have been handled better, but killing the guy???

My wife's cousin is a police officer and he says he'll bring a gun over for us, but I honestly feel a can of high quality pepper spray will floor even the biggest of brutes.

I really hope there is no "next time" but I should expect the worse. He may come back to the "nice farang's place" and bring a few of his not so nice buddies. I'm going to accept the gun and probably purchase some non-lethal alternatives too. Anyone know where I can get some pepper spray or a taser? China town maybe?

Any other advice? I know this is ThaiVisa but go easy on the criticism, especially if you've never been in this situation.


Mr. Nice Guy?

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You helped him escape? He he that is a funny story.

Don't get the gun. I think next time you see a thief you might shoot to early because you don't want to make the same mistake. And that thief may well turn out to be the maid going to see what the noise is about.

Baseball bats work, tazers are no good as you have to get close and wouldn't be sure if it will work. Pepper spray is good too. Forget the gun.

Good locks and make sure they can't get in again.

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Some Thais often amaze me they will endure all sorts of crap off a neighbour but kill a burglar, Id rather shoot dead a noisy neighbour and let the burglar go he was obviously a pisshead probably didnt even know what he was doing. Was anyting actually taken?

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I think you did fine considering you were disorientated & shocked. You came away without injury. The best result really when confronted with a burglar or attacker.

I'd certainly be looking to beef up the home/shop security though & get something a bit more substantial than a mop handle.

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Whatever weapon you choose, make sure you know how to use it, Bear in mind that said thief may well have been confronted before, and is possibly more used to that situation and more comfortable than you are. wouldn't want thief to take baseball bat off you coz you hesitated, and clout you with it.

Personally, I would probably have ripped the head off the first living thing I saw, even if it was the maid. Best do what you did, let the next person sort him out. Get the grating fixed.

Dont underestimate the disabling properties of an extremely bright torch shone in the intruders eyes, just dont look at it yourself.

Edited by greasemonkey
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This is what you want.

Spray directly at the face. Enough power here to stop an elephant in it`s tracks:

Works even better with a flame in front of it....kidding of course :D

OP...you were lucky...must be good karma ;)

Next time please do not get within arms reach as you did when you ran forward to hold up the grate.

It could easily have been you thrown through the window & your family left to him.

When going to investigate noise you need, light,weapon,cell phone

Once you saw him yell/demand him to SIT.

At that point if he sat use the phone to call for assistance.

If he chooses the other route disable him...think of your family 1st.

They can get you out of the police station easier than a morgue.

Your families comments show they too know this.

Ultimately glad your ok & all went well. Now you have time to think about the next time.

Judging from the history you mentioned there will be a next time.

If you are not capable of these things either make your house impenetrable or move.

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In 8 years of living in Bangkok, Pattaya, Nong Khai, Krabi and Phuket - I have never been robbed, never had an intruder on the premises. No dog, no window bars, no security camera or alarm system, no gun.

Perhaps the solution to those who are unfortunate to suffer from break-ins is to adopt my solution.



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I think you had a very favorable outcome considering the circumstances: No one was hurt including the burglar and nothing was taken ... I would recommend motion detectors for at least the first and second floors hooked up to a very loud siren and maybe automatic SMS to police function ... leave the other options to the cowboys

Any farang in Thailand that LOOKS POOR just means that he is good at hiding it...

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I think the outcome was positive as some members have mentioned. Nothing was taken.

I need to clarify about the prior incidents of theft. The incident I wrote about is the first at this location. The others occured at different apartments that I lived in. One incident was getting my wallet stolen at JJ market. I haven't been back to that place since.

Some of the advice is good too. Thanks.

Edited by Phantom200
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In 8 years of living in Bangkok, Pattaya, Nong Khai, Krabi and Phuket - I have never been robbed, never had an intruder on the premises. No dog, no window bars, no security camera or alarm system, no gun.

Perhaps the solution to those who are unfortunate to suffer from break-ins is to adopt my solution.



I hope you touched wood while typing that! :-)

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I hope you touched wood while typing that! :-)

I'm not superstitious... maybe I have been lucky so far. Or maybe it's because I refuse to live in farang ghettos which no doubt attract burglars.

Clearly, some people seem more prone to burglaries - why is that? It cannot simply be coincidence.


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Well done, you did the right thing under the circumstances.

Next time when you are armed, I agree with the guy who said, tell him or them to sit down. Then call the cops. I suggest doing this with a small revolver registered in your wife's name. (god forbid it be unregistered because some less honest folk might use it on the burglar and then say it was the burglars and you wrestled it from him... :whistling: )

Bottom line, any confrontation you can walk away from is a victory. the coroner has seen more than enough heros. :(

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Well done, you did the right thing under the circumstances.

Next time when you are armed, I agree with the guy who said, tell him or them to sit down. Then call the cops. I suggest doing this with a small revolver registered in your wife's name. (god forbid it be unregistered because some less honest folk might use it on the burglar and then say it was the burglars and you wrestled it from him... :whistling: )

Bottom line, any confrontation you can walk away from is a victory. the coroner has seen more than enough heros. :(

And if you shoot, make sure he is dead.

Then put 2 shots into the roof and tell the police you fired 2 warning shots but he kept coming.

At least thats what the police tell me...

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You helped him escape? He he that is a funny story.

Don't get the gun. I think next time you see a thief you might shoot to early because you don't want to make the same mistake. And that thief may well turn out to be the maid going to see what the noise is about.

Baseball bats work, tazers are no good as you have to get close and wouldn't be sure if it will work. Pepper spray is good too. Forget the gun.

Good locks and make sure they can't get in again.

pepper spray indoors is a bad idea. you will end up gassing yourself.

If you somehow manage not to gas yourself, you may end up stuck in a room with a blind guy going berserk.

dont get a gun unless you are committed to using it, otherwise you will end up having it pointed at you.

why not get an alarm?

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I hope you touched wood while typing that! :-)

I'm not superstitious... maybe I have been lucky so far. Or maybe it's because I refuse to live in farang ghettos which no doubt attract burglars.

Clearly, some people seem more prone to burglaries - why is that? It cannot simply be coincidence.


Its luck of the draw I think. but you can better the odds by better locks, higher fences, dogs or whatever.

you may be poor, plenty of farangs are in thailand, but you still have more than many Thais.

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The gun thing is OK IF your prepared to use it, if the guy is doped up it will mean nothing to him and might still go for you. I would prefer a lump of 4 x 2, forget the head shot, arms will get in the way and whack the legs, he will go down. :huh:

Actually I own quite a few firearms because I compete but....

For home protection the one I have designated is an 18" 12 ga Remington express loaded with 00

None is getting up after that regardless if he has been doped or not.

16 thirty caliber balls have a way of keeping anything down

As a side benefit the Sit Down order followed by the sound of the slide racking will get anyone with a brain to comply.

2x4's & bats are fine if your willing to take a chance but unless your an escrima/arnis student better not take a chance. Not to mention no stick will do if the intruder has a gun

I would never consider going toe to toe with an unknown force in my home at night with my family at risk.

The OP asked for advice & it is all after the fact so hopefully he will get protection/security in what ever form suits his tolerance but.....

The main points to take from your experience is you & your family were very very lucky.

You said you could smell alcohol on his breath. You were way to close for common sense.

Take care of yourself & your family. #1

Edited by flying
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In 8 years of living in Bangkok, Pattaya, Nong Khai, Krabi and Phuket - I have never been robbed, never had an intruder on the premises. No dog, no window bars, no security camera or alarm system, no gun.

Perhaps the solution to those who are unfortunate to suffer from break-ins is to adopt my solution.



I have a couple of dogs, one with only 3 legs and the other one's brain is directly connected to it stomach.

I have lived up country now for over 6 years and, touch wood, never been touched

Also Simon I don't have far to go to look poor.

I am.

If you get a gun, get an automatic shotgun.

1st round rock salt

2nd round bird shot

3rd round man gauge shot

4th round the same

5th round solid shot.

If that doesn't work it won't matter cos they are really big and mean.

Edited by billd766
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The gun thing is OK IF your prepared to use it, if the guy is doped up it will mean nothing to him and might still go for you. I would prefer a lump of 4 x 2, forget the head shot, arms will get in the way and whack the legs, he will go down. :huh:

Actually I own quite a few firearms because I compete but....

For home protection the one I have designated is an 18" 12 ga Remington express loaded with 00

None is getting up after that regardless if he has been doped or not.

16 thirty caliber balls have a way of keeping anything down

As a side benefit the Sit Down order followed by the sound of the slide racking will get anyone with a brain to comply.

2x4's & bats are fine if your willing to take a chance but unless your an escrima/arnis student better not take a chance. Not to mention no stick will do if the intruder has a gun

I would never consider going toe to toe with an unknown force in my home at night with my family at risk.

The OP asked for advice & it is all after the fact so hopefully he will get protection/security in what ever form suits his tolerance but.....

The main points to take from your experience is you & your family were very very lucky.

You said you could smell alcohol on his breath. You were way to close for common sense.

Take care of yourself & your family. #1

I remember reading somewhere that most intruders get there guns from the bloke that is protecting himself with and ends up getting shot by his own gun. I would recomened not getting a gun unless you have had training.

better to get the dog and good locks. we have three dogs, my dog which is a bulldog, loud bark but a bit of a pussy. when he barks the little ones upstairs then start barking. so we get woken up if anyone comes near our house, not often because we are at the end of a dead -end street. if anyone got into my house I would be very angry and probably a little scared also. so who know what would happen, I know what I am capable of and would not think twice about confronting them. statistics say that most break-ins are by chancers, doubt they would have a gun, more likely a pcs of wood they found in the road. they would get my baseball bat rammed up there neverregions and I would make sure they couldnt tell anyone of there friends what happened to them so I wouldnt get any comeback.

but thats all easy to say on a forum, I just hope I do not find out what I would do the hard way.

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The gun thing is OK IF your prepared to use it, if the guy is doped up it will mean nothing to him and might still go for you. I would prefer a lump of 4 x 2, forget the head shot, arms will get in the way and whack the legs, he will go down. :huh:

Actually I own quite a few firearms because I compete but....

For home protection the one I have designated is an 18" 12 ga Remington express loaded with 00

None is getting up after that regardless if he has been doped or not.

16 thirty caliber balls have a way of keeping anything down

As a side benefit the Sit Down order followed by the sound of the slide racking will get anyone with a brain to comply.

2x4's & bats are fine if your willing to take a chance but unless your an escrima/arnis student better not take a chance. Not to mention no stick will do if the intruder has a gun

I have trained in various martial arts & would never consider going toe to toe with an unknown force in my home at night with my family at risk.

The OP asked for advice & it is all after the fact so hopefully he will get protection/security in what ever form suits his tolerance but.....

The main points to take from your experience is you & your family were very very lucky.

You said you could smell alcohol on his breath. You were way to close for common sense.

Take care of yourself & your family. #1

I do own a 12 ga Remington 870 express, but unfortunately it's in the home country. I agree that 00 shot at center mass would tear a serious hole through anything.

I have beefed up the security around the windows.

I would love a dog but it just wouldn't be a good idea for various reasons.

I agree that I got really lucky and I need to better protect my family. I was seriously under-prepared.

Perhaps two machetes will do.

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I do own a 12 ga Remington 870 express, but unfortunately it's in the home country. I agree that 00 shot at center mass would tear a serious hole through anything.

I have beefed up the security around the windows.

I would love a dog but it just wouldn't be a good idea for various reasons.

I agree that I got really lucky and I need to better protect my family. I was seriously under-prepared.

Perhaps two machetes will do.

870 same as mine...

Main thing is you learned from your experience & as I originally said must have good karma ;)

But don't tempt fate now that you have had the experience you will prepare for the possibility of any further encounters.

You think plan for it now so if there is a next time you can react without having to wonder what to do in the heat of the moment.

Chok Dee

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