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Unbelievably Drunk Driver Not Arrested


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Drunk Driver Falls Asleep at the Wheel and Drives into a Road Side Vending Stall.

We joines Police Captain Gatanyoo from Banglamung Police Station at the Central Pattaya junction with Sukumvit Road. He had received word of a suspected drunk driver colliding with a roadside food vending stall. At the scene he inspected the black Chevrolet Saphira and spoke with the cars driver, Khun Gidsadar aged 34 who was clearly under the influence of alcohol. He was on his way home when he was forced to stop at a red light. He then admitted to falling asleep whilst waiting for the green light and because his car remained in drive and the man`s foot was still on the accelerator peddle, the car began to move and ploughed into the stall owned by Khun Wichien aged 49 who managed to escape injury. Unbelievably the man was not arrested and agreed to pay for the damage caused which is estimated at 200,000 baht.

Pattaya City News

Saturday 13th August 2005.

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I had driven very drunk many times in Thailand, (I know, very stupid, could kill someone and never forgive myself). I’ve sworn I’ll never do it again.

I would not dream of driving with any booze in my system in the UK.

So why did I do it in Thailand? See above post.

Of course being a Farang it would cost a lot more to avoid charges, but can be done.

In the UK your done, end of story.


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I arrived at the scene just after he ran into the stall (wich is much more a small open shop opposite of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road).

He was trying to go back :D destroying everything including the roof and the outside seatings.He just missed the poor lady owner.

TIT :o

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Not unusual!

Was riding home along 2nd road a couple of years back(infront of big c) when i noticed,in my mirror a car approaching at many mph..Said my prayers and braced myself..Luck would have it that he missed me but in doing so he forgot to negotiate the round-about.he missed 3 people on a side car coming from the north pattaya road by centimeters bounced off the curb almost flipping the car,ending up 20 meters up the naklua rd facing the wrong way..Always wondered what would have happened to him if he had killed me?(nothing i suspect)..

luckily for him,it was late and the police where not at their post.

I stopped to see if the people in the car where ok,and was greeted by 3 angry thais ranting and raving at me(as though this was my doing)

I wasn't going to hang around to see if they wanted to talk anymore and made off home,knowing that a farang could easily be made a scape goat in incidents like this (even though they were all very visibly off their heads)

When im out on the bike nowadays,i spend most of time checking my mirrors for either drink driving,yabba smoking or gold snatching young juveniles all potential life enders.

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My most fearful times in the country is when I am about to make a right turn, while cars are passing by on my left. Any one of them could make the slightest mistake and hit me. If the driver were drunk, he would more than likely drive right on by.

I wholeheartedly agree with the above poster when it comes to looking in the mirrors. I live by them, although I am having a ###### of a time geting my gf to undestand their importance.

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My most fearful times in the country is when I am about to make a right turn, while cars are passing by on my left. Any one of them could make the slightest mistake and hit me.  If the driver were drunk, he would more than likely drive right on by.


And as you are waiting in the middle of the road, you see someone in the oncoming traffic start an overtaking maneuver!

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WOW - my wife (she is black and from Detroit) feels imune and keeps up her DUI. ** Some time ago, a drunk old man with a nasty head wound (he had been mugged) was on the ground, unable to get up. I feared for his health - and flagged down a Cop. The drunk shouted abuse which would have gotten you jailed in most countries :-P EFF OFF etc., but the Cop just smiled and let it ride. // There seems to be a need for additional legal insurance for all drivers :--(

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