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Activities :

1. viewing flowers

2. grass cutting by lorne green

3. d.i.y. pruning

4.watering plants by ivor bucket



Just in case,some one may got that idea,that he want to take what I post a litle serius-here is the info:

Contests of decorative plants, orchids and orchid farms, horticultural exhibitions, sales of agricultural produce, fruit trees, ornamental plants, tea and coffee, sales of OTOP products, beauty contest and Miss Teen Contest. In these years, the festival will include another interesting feature – a floral procession.

Thanks for your,allways undersdtanding,helpfullness and kindness,in here-it a joy every time.!



Thanks Brian. I never realised there was anything but the flowers. I'll try to get there this time.

Always put off by the traffic before, but the new venue doesn't have such problems.

Sunny disposition can be funny at times brian. Just take it for what it is, harmless Humour.

And when can we expect to see both you two characters at the potluck. I know your both serious about mastication :)


Hey Brian- how about the date(s), and the location?

Saw the unbelievable photos posted by a member of the tulips from last year.

Of course, the tea and coffee, OTOP products and misc. beauty pageants will make it a don't-miss event for me...


Hey Brian- how about the date(s), and the location?

Saw the unbelievable photos posted by a member of the tulips from last year.

Of course, the tea and coffee, OTOP products and misc. beauty pageants will make it a don't-miss event for me...


Normaly-after what I have found out, it is from 25.12.-05.01.-but this year-dont ask me why-it is from d. 27.12.2010-07.01.2011.

Location-pu-ha-You know,when you cross the river,near that very big police-station-on the other hand you have a big school-and if you continue driving,you come to the airport-in that park,just under and beside the bridge-there it is.

Hope you know what I mean-or somebody else do and better can explain it.



Thanks Brian. I never realised there was anything but the flowers. I'll try to get there this time.

Always put off by the traffic before, but the new venue doesn't have such problems.

Sunny disposition can be funny at times brian. Just take it for what it is, harmless Humour.

And when can we expect to see both you two characters at the potluck. I know your both serious about mastication :)

Hi Jubby.!

Yes,I know and I think I, by my self, have alot of humour,but when you never are taking serius,no matter what you post about-then-for my part-it is to much, and I cant se so much fun in it-and thats also why I post, as litle as possiple, for the moment in here.

This is also why Suphaphon and I, diddent go to the potluck-maby I am wird,but I think this way-when people cant accept, and take me-just a litle serius in here-then why borther, to se them in your spare time.?

I must admid,that during this one and a half year, in Thailand-I have skipped all-exept one farang, as friends.

I find them arrogant,ignorant and egoistic+I and I alone know best-some one,even try to learn Thai citizens, to speak Thai.

The first 3 month, in Thailand, I lived whit a so called friend and hes wife,down in Nong Chang-Uthai Thani-I just had to leave-he make a room for her-so if she want to hear Thai music or look Thai-tv,she had to go in there,becourse he diddent want to se or listen to it-in her house-she had around 5-6 million baht,when they mett-today the wallet is empty-1 car crass she pais-a heart opperation, 3-400.000 baht becourse he killed 2 people in another car crass-7 new cars-in 10 years...and so on and on-have absolutly NO RESPECT, for that kind of people.

Sorry-I just needed it.....



Activities :

1. viewing flowers

2. grass cutting by lorne green

3. d.i.y. pruning

4.watering plants by ivor bucket



Just in case,some one may got that idea,that he want to take what I post a litle serius-here is the info:

Contests of decorative plants, orchids and orchid farms, horticultural exhibitions, sales of agricultural produce, fruit trees, ornamental plants, tea and coffee, sales of OTOP products, beauty contest and Miss Teen Contest. In these years, the festival will include another interesting feature – a floral procession.

Thanks for your,allways undersdtanding,helpfullness and kindness,in here-it a joy every time.!


If you know the answer to the question why ask it ? better to give the answers to the question that you answered without asking the question :D


Activities :

1. viewing flowers

2. grass cutting by lorne green

3. d.i.y. pruning

4.watering plants by ivor bucket



Just in case,some one may got that idea,that he want to take what I post a litle serius-here is the info:

Contests of decorative plants, orchids and orchid farms, horticultural exhibitions, sales of agricultural produce, fruit trees, ornamental plants, tea and coffee, sales of OTOP products, beauty contest and Miss Teen Contest. In these years, the festival will include another interesting feature – a floral procession.

Thanks for your,allways undersdtanding,helpfullness and kindness,in here-it a joy every time.!


If you know the answer to the question why ask it ? better to give the answers to the question that you answered without asking the question :D


Maby becourse I diddent knew the answer when I ask it(you see)normaly, I dont walk around and ask questions,I have the answer to-no when you came up whit you funny joke,I realice that I got no help here, so I start looking around the net, and found that answer.

Normaly,I do alot to try to help people if they ask something-and as fare as I remember-for not so long ago-it was you who need help, and ask alot in here-at that time,I think alot of people, do some good jobs helping you-so I wood have beleaved, that you knew the wearthy of other peoples help,and that you -after all that help you got-wood see,that other people, maby are in need for help, some times to-whitout your jokes, and correcting people as now.

So try to remember that time,when you needed help-and got alot of it-so another time you see some one in need-you dont ignore the asking for help-but really try to help-or leave it up to others who want to help.

And since you are so dam_n funny and correct,I am sure you will have a bright future,in the night bazar, or somewhere else,in the tourist industri.

Have a nice day.!



So , I expect to see both of you two characters at the Potluck. Its not an option Guys. If you fail to attend, I will hunt you both down and beat you both with a 'wet lettuce' or 'donner Kebab bread' :)

Chilli sauce is optional


So , I expect to see both of you two characters at the Potluck. Its not an option Guys. If you fail to attend, I will hunt you both down and beat you both with a 'wet lettuce' or 'donner Kebab bread' :)

Chilli sauce is optional

Hi Jubby.!

First of all,you have to tell me where and when-and then I have to think hard and serius about it no-becourse-on one hand, I wood like to go to the potluck-but then I miss the donner kebab bread.



Just have your pickled Herring sandwiches packed and ready to Roll on 26th. I'll send a self proclaimed Handsome man in a cowboy hat around to pick you up. We'll call for Sunny on the way up, see if he's playing out. I'm gonna struggle with the Donner Kebab bread , but I have lots of 'Wet lettuce'.

Very nice people surprisingly enough Brian. Honestly. And most seem to allow their wives to watch Thai TV or listen to Thai Music. Man, some don't even have Thai Wives. Whats that all about !? :lol:


I don't get the "self-proclaimed" thing. I spend a lot of time running from the women in the markets and occasionally, they even "tree" me when I have to climb a utility pole to get away from them. What is "self-proclaimed" about that?

But, yeah, I would be happy to go by Brian's place first so he can follow us to the site. He is good conversation and his wife can cook too. However, if we can get Sunny-side-up to go out there first, we can all just follow the trail of money that he throws so freely.


I don't get the "self-proclaimed" thing. I spend a lot of time running from the women in the markets and occasionally, they even "tree" me when I have to climb a utility pole to get away from them. What is "self-proclaimed" about that?

But, yeah, I would be happy to go by Brian's place first so he can follow us to the site. He is good conversation and his wife can cook too. However, if we can get Sunny-side-up to go out there first, we can all just follow the trail of money that he throws so freely.

I've noticed the stout stick on occasion marty. Maybe its the attraction for the ladies too :D

I'll come too Marty, just incase he resists

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