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Nope...secret intact... it's not a root... :lol:

Well it doesn't make any difference since Hang Lai does EXACTLY the same – can't see what you have to smile about since the perceived risk that you are so worried about is also exactly the same. But I do feel that it is very childish to post in a forum, which is all about trying to spread knowledge, that you have a solution but won't tell anyone. Next time you have a secret you don't want to share, do yourself a favour and don't tell anyone!

Well i did said to PM me but OP is too stuck up to do it... PM, it means i'm willing to share privately due to the perceived risk i'm concern and not "so worried" about, just like guns, it don't kill people, people do.

As for having a solution that you called secret, i've done as you said, done myself a favour and didn't tell anyone. B)

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ok, guys, stop bickering. since forum rules do not allow the discussion of potentially illegal subjects and poison to be used as poison is probably bordering on the illegal, take it to pm's (personal messages). poisons like insecticides and pesticides are safe to discuss if u are poisoning insects or weeds. but common sense please. since the substance sounds remotely illegal, the discussion will be stopped.

also, cannot understand how a group of thais did not succeed in clearing out a pong of fish... their nets are very efficient.

and nawtier, if u had let us know in the beginning what your fish problem was, the rest of the answers might not have been given the way they were given. this was not a case of TMI (too much info)...



Bina, the use of Hang Lai as a method of catching fish has long been practised (for centuries) throughout the world. It is NOT in any way illegal. Having lived with my present pond for 12 years, and used a great many Thai chaps from two villages to net fish, I can tell you categorically that netting does NOT remove all fish. Bickering? I hardly think the language or duration of this thread constitutes that description – personally, I saw RedBullHorn’s latest reply 7 hours ago (shortly after he had written it) and let it go, fully intending not to respond (no response was necessary).

To re-emphasize: the use of Hang Lai as a method of catching fish or as an insecticide is completely legal...and far more legal than foreigners engaged in farming without work permits, for whom this forum is actually serving!


We stocked our pond with one thousand fish and were aware of predator fish already living in the pond, we made a large net in the corner of the pond until the fish were big enough to look after themselves. Keep the net clean so oxygen can get in and there is no need for poisoning the pond, also the predator fish will also be always be eaten by someone.



Fish Research Stations. It seems no one reads constructive posts.I made reference to fish research stations.Not one subsequent poster mentioned or commented on or about them .I also gave another positive suggestion ,drain the pond. NO chemicals needed. Why cannot any of you see a perfectly natural method of control? Which is so simple. It's quite funny, My local village primary school drains its pond ,about every 2 years,Flogs the fish and makes BIG money for the school.I am appalled at all the rubbish that has been posted here.


For my case, draining the pond does not help much because of the slurry build up due to farming whole year round, slurry are more than ankle deep, just a couple of adult catfishes hiding in the mud would be enough to ambush and eat hundreds of new fingerlings when i refill the water level and restock.


Fish Research Stations. It seems no one reads constructive posts.I made reference to fish research stations.Not one subsequent poster mentioned or commented on or about them .I also gave another positive suggestion ,drain the pond. NO chemicals needed. Why cannot any of you see a perfectly natural method of control? Which is so simple. It's quite funny, My local village primary school drains its pond ,about every 2 years,Flogs the fish and makes BIG money for the school.I am appalled at all the rubbish that has been posted here.

And how do you propose to re-fill said pond at this time of the year without access to water???

I agree with RedBullHorn in respect to catfish hiding in the mud – any Thai pond-fisher would know this.

What’s your fear over this short acting poison? Why is this worse than any other method of death? Caught in nets, the fish are usually left to die of oxygen starvation, which is exactly what Hang Lai does. Are you merely offended by the word "poison"?


I did note that, which none of you took care to read. in my original post. Not one of you has still thought about contacting Fishery Research Stations. Certainly ,I am aware of fish remaining ,still in what you call the "slurry". They can be easily dug out.Or the pond left to dry out, if we get a traditional hot season.Yes, it may take a few months. But what is the hurry?To ensure success? I also wrote about how my local school makes a big profit , by draining their pool and selling the catch. You think that is a bad idea? You only comment on the negatives, not the the positives. By the way, "slurry" is the residue of mining operations, which may or not contain seriously bad chemicals. A pond , when drained, will be MUD. Which mayor may not be contaminated with agricultural chemicals, such as -weedicides

.pesticides, herbicides etc..


^Your post is not rational. Whilst emptying the pond and waiting for months is one option, it is only an option. Your statement, “I am appalled at all the rubbish that has been posted here” implies that yours is the only reasonable option, and that is patently not the case.

RedBullHorn has given you a very valid reason for him not doing this. As to the potential case of lack of water to refill, why should someone have to wait several months if they do not wish to when there is a perfectly good alternative option available? Has it occurred to you that the OP may not have sufficient fish in his pond to generate even enough cash to cover his fuel costs? Certainly, that would have applied to me at the time I was trying to rid my pond of the few fish that had escaped many netting attempts.

Perhaps you have forgotten that the OP specifically asked about a poison option – I (and partly RedBullHorn in a sense) addressed his specific question. Perhaps you should open a new thread on the benefits of draining pools.


I am sorry, i never stated that mine was. the only option. I did quite plainly state that you had not read ,nor commented on my solutions. Not interested in contacting the Fisheries Research Stations?Or too lazy?Only solution- Poison?No, You were obviously too lazy to read my original postI was inferring ,that there was a perfectly natural solution to his problem. Why did you presume that he had to solve this problem tonight?You see ,you have not answered any specific questions I asked.Yes ,i am opposed to chemicals ,when a perfectly logical, natural solution is available. Even if it does take some time ,to achieve the desired result. What is wrong with that?


Derris Involuta (Jewel Vine) and Derris Elliptica (Tuba Plant) are plats that i recon you can find i LOS they contains rotenone. Rotenone Powder was used in my country to clear even small lakes before planting trout etc. Now its forbidden though, ive seen it in action and its really efficient.

Mikki B)


He may well have asked about a poison option,as he did .Does that specifically infer that no other option is acceptable?Or can be be mooted? Or is possible.?Rubbish. Arrant nonsense.You still have refused to answer , or respond to any of my questions. I suspect you have still not read my earlier posts. I asked questions, with qualifications,as I did not know all of the rationale ,behind the original post. As this enquiry needed. Fishery research stations? No answer ,nor interest..Why? I found them a wonderful fount of knowledge.They were so helpful. But you totally decided to diminish and ignore heir wisdom.Why?You talk about fuel costs, to pump about a dam .W.T.F.How much? I said ,our local primary school made big money ,about every 2 years ,by pumping out their dam and selling the catch.Is that such an appalling solution? Absolutely, no response from you I have been totally rational. In my posts.I am sorry others have not. And ,yes there has been a lot of stupidity posted here.


afarang, u can also tone down your replies. u have a valid point and good idea but that is not what the OP asked, and if he doesnt want to consider your points thats his peragotive. perhaps someone else reading this might, howver, read your points and think they are pertinent.

khonwan, i wasnt talking about poisons like that root; i was talking about non descretionary poisoning just to kill off everything in a pond, and then of course anything that eats or drinks from said pond gets killed off. ive heard of retanone also vaguely, used for fishing, although i understood that this is like 'cheating' if used for fishing, but to clear out a pond, is practical. just not sure what RBH uses. and khonwan, its the 'written' tones that folks are taking in this particular thread. threads here are meant to be informative, not arguementative. its teh general tone here among all the posters.

afarang, it sounds to me that the OP has checked out his options and for whatever reasons, doesnt want to drain his pond.

curious as to what nawtier has actually done, and what the results were. dont forget- others read here for ideas to similar problems, and not eveyrone has to like the solution used by someone specifically.



Thank you for your reply and clarification, Bina. As far as I am concerned, the OP now has the answer he sought so this is my final post in this thread.


Just picked up this thread as I am in Cambodia for a while.

The Thais used to use cyanide which breaks down in sunlight and has no residual effect, but is now very hard to source (unless you are in the know).

Rotenone is available at many farm chemical outlets, it is sold as small chips and powder in 10 kg bags,we use it at times when we get an infestation of small fish(the locals call them Taiwan fish).

The best way is to pump the pond out and hand catch,at this time of year the pond will dry quickly ,toss about 6 bags of Poon Kao (lime) about and refill.(or wait for the wet if no klong available).

But why worry about a couple of Snakeheads that may survive the process,the first shower will have them coming overland to repopulate your pond anyway.


Thanks Khonwan......

I have not done the deed yet, need to locate the ....should i say it...'poison'.

We do not have a fisheries department around here and do not fancy going through the hoops at any thai run government org......easier to just ask here and hopefully get the right reply.

Draining is not an option.

I shall try to get the plants roots mentioned and see how they go, we live near jungle/forests, so hopefully is that is where it is, someone can get, or has it already for us.

And as for discussions on this being illegal....please, as mentioned, you best can the farming section in its entirety if that is the case cos all you illegal farming foreigners discussing all things farming here in Los.

I shall advise when job done and might even take pics.....


Rotenone is available at many farm chemical outlets, it is sold as small chips and powder in 10 kg bags,we use it at times when we get an infestation of small fish(the locals call them Taiwan fish).

Good news...shall try here.

What is the thai name for it, if it is above dun worry, I shall find it.

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