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Tsunami Of Wikileaks Has Hit Thailand

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Maybe its not there yet, but maybe it is coming. maybe other big fish have the same items on their lunch menu and maybe they are in a better position to buy it or bully a better price.

Maybe, maybe, maybe. :whistling:

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As Tsunami is bad, let just ban Wikileaks Thailand.

I agree, I also think you should spent lots and lots of time telling everyone what awful videos wikileaks have and how they should never ever go and look at them.


Why do "legitimate political actors" need weapons?

Pretty hard to protest peacefully without them. You run a major risk of being...ignored.

One nugget picked up in a brief scan is that Obama has never picked up the phone to speak to Abhisit and that Thaksin has easy access to Russia (including one to one meetings with Putin.)

Go figure.

You know that Putin is not the leader of Russia, right? You know how Putin feels about truncheons and skulls of protesters, right? Bit hypocritical for Thaksin to be conspiring with him, no? So very appropriate of course, but I'm talking about spin doctor tense, not reality....

Who might those be?

Clearly the World's Problem Solvers (self-titled), the Finns

There are a few people in my neighbourhood that I don't like (because they're dishonest people)

How does this honesty of yours, or this claimed appreciation of it, directly relate to Interpol - just out of interest?


I wrote this short essay a few days ago, shocked at seeing so many (otherwise) sane voices come out criticising WikiLeaks. I'd be much obliged if anyone read it and debated the nature of WikiLeaks potential v ? - I don't mind, I just think the concept is freaking exciting...


I am alarmed by the number of (otherwise) sane voices decrying the stated mission of WikiLeaks; alarmed by the wide range of (otherwise) rational sources criticising WikiLeaks' release of diplomatic memos into the public domain.

I am not overly impressed by Assange himself (he's likely nothing more than the [maniacally brave] public face of the project), but the potential of the WikiLeaks concept is simply...breathtaking. Increased transparency is ALWAYS a good thing. Only those who prefer to skulk about in darkness, those who would rather their conduct remain hidden in shadows of secrecy, only those who have something to hide are terrified by annoyingly-illuminating Transparency.

WikiLeaks has the potential to effect genuine, tangible, drastic - positive - change in a world racked by endemic corruption; a world in which innocents are currently subjected to epidemic-levels of injustice and horror. WikiLeaks is a genuine threat to the immense powers wielded by those who control the global media 'message'. Case in point: the CNN/BBC 'coverage' of the April/May riots in Bangkok this year. There are powerful, dark forces conducting the global media orchestra. Peons like Dan Rivers are merely playing to the beat of their conductors' batons.

Truth? They fabricate it. Integrity? They decide who has it. Ethics? Don't be ridiculous. This is a world driven by profits, not childish sentiments. WikiLeaks might present the greatest threat to the status quo since Gutenberg invented the printing press. A website promising to force (a measure of) accountability onto those who currently laugh at such petty restrictions? A website threatening to wash away corruption by publishing hard evidence exposing it to anyone with access to unrestricted internet? This can only create a better world.

In terms of advancing the best interests of Humanity (as opposed to the petty, selfish, nationalistic concerns of individual nation-states endlessly jostling for influence and power and profits); WikiLeaks has already achieved more than the collective efforts of every 'informant', 'contact', 'source', 'double-agent', 'mole' and 'operative' who has ever been cultivated or 'turned' by the undemocratic, unaccountable, heavily-funded intelligence agencies ostensibly seeking to progress the interests of the Western 'democratic' superpowers. What democratic governments are capable of doing, what they are capable of covering up or rationalising away (when they are allowed to cite "national interest" as 'justification' for their crimes) would simply horrify - what am I talking about, everyone understands how Iraq was invaded and why - should simply horrify any decent global citizen.

I am preparing myself for disappointment. WikiLeaks may well fizzle or fail or buckle under the pressure. Evil might win out by corrupting or crushing those who are currently casting light into the shadows used as cover by corrupt governments beholden to the corporations that control them. David surprised Goliath back in the day with an upset W, but Goliath has been more or less crushing since. It's hard to believe the WikiLeaks' slingshot stands much of a chance; one must accept imminent defeat is maybe likely. Perhaps, even inevitable. But if they can hold on, if they can fluke ongoing survival; I cannot imagine anything even remotely as exciting as a globally-recognised website which promises to publish simple, pure and uncorrupted Truth. It would be a watershed in the history of humanity's unfathomably slow progression out of the Barbaric Ages. How can anyone sane think WikiLeaks' stated mission is anything but overwhelmingly positive for Humanity (on the whole)?

The world is already a better place for their efforts. And they're just getting started. No wonder Evil is furious. It's not surprising there are those who want to silence (or even SILENCE) Assange and his volunteer colleagues.

Two days ago, Amazon was coerced by unidentified entities to defecate on the First Amendment and unceremoniously dump WikiLeaks from their servers. Immense leverage was exerted by unknown powers who, desperate and panicked, forced Amazon to censor a website which publishes nothing but Truth. This was not in China or Zimbabwe or Iran or some Sharia state. This was in "the Land of the Free". The overwhelming necessity for what WikiLeaks promises to deliver has never been more painfully evident, urgent or valid.

This is a clearly defined battle between Good and Evil. One side wants transparency; the other side wants to censor and kill them for it. When the camps are that cleanly defined, there is no need to speculate. If anyone wished to find me, I'm going to be found in the camp promoting the dissemination of Truth. Every. Single. Time.

"And then you shall Know the Truth, and the Truth shall Set you Free."


So, Mr. Flying, are you saying if somebody is stealing information from an entity you personally disagree with, it is acceptable? Please clarify your position.

What about the intellectual piracy mentioned in my post above. Do you object to that?

What does the Patriot Act have to do with any of this?

1) I never mentioned anything I personally agree with or dont as having a bearing...

But, if the entity is having a negative/unlawful effect on the world yes it is as acceptable as any other method that uncovered it now or later.

2) I did not read your post nor comment on it...nor do I intend to..As I would never consider uncovering crimes against humanity a theft of intellectual property

3) The patriot act was mentioned for its similarity to what folks like you are complaining about. It goes uninvited under the pretense of national security

into what was previously personal information...once protected by constitutional rights that are now trampled.

Yet they do not like the same being done to them. Yet they claim,,,in their case...it is what is needed to protect or to intercept evil.

Well tearing down some of this culvert BS is probably doing more to combat evil then they ever will.


1. Who determines the "negative/unlawful effect on the world"? Do you make up your own mind or do you blindly follow something like the UN or moveon.org?

2. If you didn't read my post, how do you know it was about the theft of intellectual property?

3. You do realize that every time you enter a foreign country, you give up your Bill of Rights and Constitutional protection, don't you? Just jumping across the Rio Grande will take them away from you. You aren't even covered when you come to Thailand.

What is "culvert BS"?

1) Crimes against humanity do not need anyone to help you make up your mind...well I cannot speak for you. For myself obvious is obvious I do not need herding

2) Duh.....That would be because of your question I replied to chuck...ie: What about the intellectual piracy mentioned in my post above

3) I am quite aware that US rights are for we the people of the US...I do not live in a foreign country I live in the USA where the tentacles of the patriot act are just as valid as any foreign country. so?.........

culvert BS.....come now chucke :rolleyes:


1) I never mentioned anything I personally agree with or dont as having a bearing...

But, if the entity is having a negative/unlawful effect on the world yes it is as acceptable as any other method that uncovered it now or later.

2) I did not read your post nor comment on it...nor do I intend to..As I would never consider uncovering crimes against humanity a theft of intellectual property

3) The patriot act was mentioned for its similarity to what folks like you are complaining about. It goes uninvited under the pretense of national security

into what was previously personal information...once protected by constitutional rights that are now trampled.

Yet they do not like the same being done to them. Yet they claim,,,in their case...it is what is needed to protect or to intercept evil.

Well tearing down some of this culvert BS is probably doing more to combat evil then they ever will.


1. Who determines the "negative/unlawful effect on the world"? Do you make up your own mind or do you blindly follow something like the UN or moveon.org?

2. If you didn't read my post, how do you know it was about the theft of intellectual property?

3. You do realize that every time you enter a foreign country, you give up your Bill of Rights and Constitutional protection, don't you? Just jumping across the Rio Grande will take them away from you. You aren't even covered when you come to Thailand.

What is "culvert BS"?

1) Crimes against humanity do not need anyone to help you make up your mind...well I cannot speak for you. For myself obvious is obvious I do not need herding

2) Duh.....That would be because of your question I replied to chuck...ie: What about the intellectual piracy mentioned in my post above

3) I am quite aware that US rights are for we the people of the US...I do not live in a foreign country I live in the USA where the tentacles of the patriot act are just as valid as any foreign country. so?.........

culvert BS.....come now chucke :rolleyes:

O. I. C.

Thanks for the expected response, although I still don't know what "culvert BS" is. I know what a culvert is and I have a suspicion what BS is but I have never heard them used in quite the same manner. A culvert is a means to transport water and the BS that I know is normally found inside your original posts. Am I correct?

If the tentacles of the Patriot Act are so bad, why don't you simply move? I can understand it if you are financially insecure, but why put up with it if you are in a position to do something about it. It is clear you have no power to change the law and constantly complaining about it falls on deaf ears. Simply move away and you won't have to endure all those nasty abuses.

By the way, I have asked you before to use my forum name when addressing me. Is your attention span so short that you have forgotten or are you simply using this method to draw attention away from your uninformative posts?


Thanks for the expected response, although I still don't know what "culvert BS" is.

If the tentacles of the Patriot Act are so bad, why don't you simply move? I can understand it if you are financially insecure, but why put up with it if you are in a position to do something about it. It is clear you have no power to change the law and constantly complaining about it falls on deaf ears. Simply move away and you won't have to endure all those nasty abuses.

Sorry chuck

brain fart....covert

But I know the spelling is always what is most important to you. As you struggled to see.

As for why I dont leave the US?...Well I was here first...Patriots dont run as some did.

As for financially insecure? :lol: I am not the one living in Issan am I... X-pat? ;)

Do you have anything to add to the actual topic?


A couple of posters are getting dangerously close to flaming and being seriously off-topic. Your personal comments toward one another can be exchanged via PM--do be aware forum rules still apply.

Meanwhile back at the ranch....

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