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Is Thailand A Paradise For Involuntary Celebates?


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i'm quite the contradiction then. i loved women in the west as they seemed to see past my skin colour and generally were of similar means and social standing. i find women here that would fit that spec too hard to find and i'm happy to abstain while here.

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Loz, you're a teacher right? If women are not a reason to be in Thailand, are you not tempted to teach in a country that pays significantly more? I mean, I don't hear people say that teaching in Thailand is better than elsewhere, in fact I often hear the opposite, so I wonder why you pick this country?

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Yeah most of them would give Quasimodo a run for his money in an ugly <deleted> competition.

If you cant attract a woman at home why will you be able to attract one here?

Come on with enough money in his pocket ,even Quasimodoes ugly brother can get a date here,though dont know about a girlfriend :rolleyes:

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A paradise for unattractive westerners or hell for poor girls, depends on your perspective I guess.

Thailand is hell for poor people regardless if male or female. And there are many westerners who are decent looking and are not able to find companionship in their countries either. Also I think unattractive people regardless everywhere should not be alone but they are.

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i'm quite the contradiction then. i loved women in the west as they seemed to see past my skin colour and generally were of similar means and social standing. i find women here that would fit that spec too hard to find and i'm happy to abstain while here.

Personally I prefer the dark toned girls, don`t know why, they appear more sexy and appealing to me.

I believe that humans come in different color tones for the benefit of men.

It gives us men more variety when choosing our women. Different hair types, cute little nose shapes and so on.

Race is only superficial. Perhaps some people need educating?

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You'd need to more clearly define ugly. To my mind its usually fuc_ked up people who can't find a partner. Most of us are finding we're less picky as we get on a bit......ugly...are we talking open sores....pustulating.....grossly obese with fungal hair growth poking out the side of the flip flops?

It must be love....just stand in front of the mirror and practise the mantra every morning. I'm sure it works wonders.

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My friend back in the Uk, has 3 big things going against him.

1. He is 47 and likes women 27 to 37.

2. He takes care of himself, 50% of UK women are overweight. This is a deal breaker for him.

3. He is a bit shy with women, and in the cold uk that alone can keep you single for ever.

There are millions of guys like him. He wants a slim, attractive girlfriend, and it aint going to happen back home.

What surprises me is that MORE guys dont pack it in and come over.

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Finding a companion is not wholly dependent upon appearances.  Sure, it you look like Brad Pitt rather than Danny Devito, you might have an easier time with a larger pool of prospective friends.  But the Devitos of the world can find partners, too.

While in the Marines, I had a member of my platoon who was a pretty good-looking guy.  OK, not pretty good-lucking, but dam_n handsome.  In the US, he never had a date as he was too shy.  But when getting ready to go to the Philippines, the other Marines kept telling him that Filipinas love Americans, are "easy to get," etc.   What this did was give him the confidence to try and find a woman there, and of course he was successful.  And that gave him further confidence. (And when we returned to the US, he took this new-found confidence with women there and ended up with a pretty active social life.)

So if a person is in "involuntary celibacy," well, any change of venue might help.  If coming to Thailand gives him/her the confidence to go out and seek companionship, then he/she will probably be successful.

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Yeah most of them would give Quasimodo a run for his money in an ugly <deleted> competition.

If you cant attract a woman at home why will you be able to attract one here?

A Thai persons idea of attractive is not the same as a western persons.

The idea of beauty/ugly is very much related to the society you were brought up in.

In Thailand the over-riding factor in deciding beauty appears to be whiteness of skin.

Person with white skin = beautiful

Person with dark skin = ugly

Guess what, we westerners seem to mostly have white skin = beautiful/handsome

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So if a person is in "involuntary celibacy," well, any change of venue might help. If coming to Thailand gives him/her the confidence to go out and seek companionship, then he/she will probably be successful.

I glad that the trip overseas was able to help your friend recover his awareness.

For me, it was a combination of Don Miguel Ruiz's books, mainly The Four Agreements, that assisted me in recovering my awareness. The awareness, of course, is that we have a choice.

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This is gonna be a good one..:D

My view is a big fat YES to the OP question..

On a kind of " I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine " basis too..

I don't fall for the " It must be a living hell for the Girls " stuff either..

The Girls DO have a choice, they can choose to do what they do ( & yes i'm talkign about the P word as why else what anyone in tehir right mind be with some of the people we see walkign around here from teh West ) or, for many of them, they can choose to work in the Agricultural or Contruction at home or in a Factory, elsewhere..

They don't HAVE to b withh these Men, Men that in many cases have so many issues it's scary & Men that are generally absolute Social Misfits in their own Countries, whether they are decent people or not..

I can completely understand what Sidjameson says though about his Pal in the UK, i have Pals along the same lines, but yet are much younger which is scary..

Some that have left the LOS & without them actually saying, my guess was that they left because one day they wanted a " real " Relationship with a Girl that they could actually relate to as opposed to 99% of Girls here who they really can't..

Many Guys i know here believe they are in " real " relationships, they have Family's now etc & tehy believe they are in " real " relationships & good luck to them if that's what makes them happy.

But they're not in real relationships, of course they're not..

It comes down to the definition of Love which is different here to what it is in the West & when you are talkign about Guys that have been Celebate & haven't even had a Cuddle for God knows how long & you then bring the emotional stuff & the relaity of it all into teh equation only for it to be completely Alien to what the know, it's no wonder you hear so many horror stories here..

For the Guys, you simply CAN have a physical relationship with a Woman here & 9 times out of 10, it doesn't cost a lot of moneys so that's what they do, tehy buy a Physical relationship & interaction & sadly overlook everything else & teh reality of it & they believe it's " real " & that the Women in question love them for who they are & not about the Financial Security they give the Women & ultimately their immediate Family's who are & forever will be, priorotiy number 1 for GF or even Wifey & that will NEVER change so long as i have a hole in my arse....

It's a 2 way Street in a place that in reality, isn't real, but is very real for the Men we are talking about which will eventually cause problems & lead the Traffic to flow only one way in the end..;)

None of this makes anyone wrogn though in my opinion..

I just wish though that the people in question WOULD actually see things for what they are as i believe if they did, it will help everyone concerned including themselves, " other half " & sadly, the Kids that get dragged into this too that are born into a very disfunctional " Family life ", 9 times out of 10..

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I just wish though that the people in question WOULD actually see things for what they are as i believe if they did, it will help everyone concerned including themselves, " other half " & sadly, the Kids that get dragged into this too that are born into a very disfunctional " Family life ", 9 times out of 10..

This applies equally to men and women in every country of the world.

In the western world the courts take money from men to give to women.

In Thailand the men give the money to the women by their own choice.

How is it any different?

How is your post not Thai bashing?

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Finding a companion is not wholly dependent upon appearances.  Sure, it you look like Brad Pitt rather than Danny Devito, you might have an easier time with a larger pool of prospective friends.  But the Devitos of the world can find partners, too.

While in the Marines, I had a member of my platoon who was a pretty good-looking guy.  OK, not pretty good-lucking, but dam_n handsome.  In the US, he never had a date as he was too shy.  But when getting ready to go to the Philippines, the other Marines kept telling him that Filipinas love Americans, are "easy to get," etc.   What this did was give him the confidence to try and find a woman there, and of course he was successful.  And that gave him further confidence. (And when we returned to the US, he took this new-found confidence with women there and ended up with a pretty active social life.)

So if a person is in "involuntary celibacy," well, any change of venue might help.  If coming to Thailand gives him/her the confidence to go out and seek companionship, then he/she will probably be successful.


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i'm quite the contradiction then. i loved women in the west as they seemed to see past my skin colour and generally were of similar means and social standing. i find women here that would fit that spec too hard to find and i'm happy to abstain while here.

With the Western woman I think you will find that they still believe that you guys are all hung like donkeys :-)

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i'm quite the contradiction then. i loved women in the west as they seemed to see past my skin colour and generally were of similar means and social standing. i find women here that would fit that spec too hard to find and i'm happy to abstain while here.

With the Western woman I think you will find that they still believe that you guys are all hung like donkeys :-)

Do not exactly understand. What does that mean?

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I was reading a story today about a man after 10 years of marriage in Thailand and with two lovely children, his wife wanted to go out and spend all night with her ex hooker friends.

Same thing happened to me after three years (no marriage and no kids). It was a non starter for me. I bounced her.

Bounce baby out the door

I ain't gonna take this no more

Bounce baby out the door

Get up and move

Don't make me act a fool

Just bounce

I haven't had a lot of different women since I have lived because most of the time I was in a relationship. On the side, maybe two or three a month. That's really rather conservative in comparison to a lot of people I know. In 6 years, 216.

Since I am an older guy my sex drive is not what it used to be. With the GF gone five times a week is fine. For the last 10 years that I lived in the West I was not married. I didn't have a shortage of women. They expected more out of a relationship even if it was a one night stand. Most of the time it was fun, Florida where I lived has about the same climate as Thailand with better food and infrastructure. Beer is cheaper and better. The US has developed a large new micro brewery industry.

As I got older and more cantankerous I found myself less patient with crafty women. Not devious but into crafts and Christmas things. After sex I just wanted to go to sleep. Before sex I didn't want make household projects.

I don't look at women as a separate species. Women are people and some I like and some I don't like. Some I like to be with and some I don't. Sex does not enter into it.

I have women friends in Thailand and I have men friends. I don't have sex with them.

Sex to me in Thailand is something different. It is a more varied and readily available menu. Some days I like a tight firm platform and other days when it gets a bit cold a softer more ample comforter.

I don't like a woman because of sex. You can get that anywhere even at the mall shopping for pineapple.

Friends are friends and I don't discriminate because of race, creed or color or gender or national origin.

I don't expect a sex object to be a friend.

I didn't come to Thailand for a wife. I got the t shirt before.

When I get really old and feeble I will hire a nurse.

I know some people think sex is better with love. I have heard sex is better with a particular kind of pill too. I really can't go into that on TV but I think the pill has a small lead.

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I just wish though that the people in question WOULD actually see things for what they are as i believe if they did, it will help everyone concerned including themselves, " other half " & sadly, the Kids that get dragged into this too that are born into a very disfunctional " Family life ", 9 times out of 10..

This applies equally to men and women in every country of the world.

In the western world the courts take money from men to give to women.

In Thailand the men give the money to the women by their own choice.

How is it any different?

How is your post not Thai bashing?

10 ot of 10 for.............errrrr.......Posting something that has no relevence whatsoever to the part of my Post you quoted yeah, good one..:rolleyes:

& why am i Thai bashing, because i dare to say the reality of certain aspects of Thai Society ??

You could always put your hand over your eyes on if parts of life, epecially real parts of life, offend or scare you, just like the Men in question in this Thread do..;)

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Sex to me in Thailand is something different. It is a more varied and readily available menu.

& why do you think that is Mark ??

Why do you think it is a "more varied & readily avaiblable menu " ??

Generalizing Thai women as being gold diggers is definitely incorrect. It is true that women search for a secure provider for building a family and I see nothing wrong with that. It happens in all countries.

Thus I must state that many Western - Thai marriages are happy marriages with wonderful children.

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Yeah most of them would give Quasimodo a run for his money in an ugly <deleted> competition.

If you cant attract a woman at home why will you be able to attract one here?

A Thai persons idea of attractive is not the same as a western persons.

The idea of beauty/ugly is very much related to the society you were brought up in.

In Thailand the over-riding factor in deciding beauty appears to be whiteness of skin.

Person with white skin = beautiful

Person with dark skin = ugly

Guess what, we westerners seem to mostly have white skin = beautiful/handsome

Well talking from a Thai perspective, I look at my neighbours, they are all compatible, they have married within their peer group.

I dont see 60 year old 130 kg men with a 20 year old from upcountry with 3 kids in tow.

I see accountants married to teachers, I see civil servants married to nurses.

I dont see a family of loafers lounging around drinking whiskey and playing cards all day, the gardens arent littered with bio degradable empty chang or sang som bottles.

The Thai women I mix with certainly dont see anything attractive with the farang misfits wandering around these shores.

For examples of the above take a visit to , the FC in Surin, The Mall Korat, Tesco/Lotus On Nut, try the dining room in the Nana hotel in the morning it resembles some sort of chamber of horrors or a theatre of the absurd.

Why do Thai men not find these women attractive, why is it so many farang end up with the rejects of Thai society?

Why are so many farang so desperate for company at any cost they are willing to put up with what is passed off onto these unsuspecting suckers as Thai tradition?

You know the sin sot for a mother of three, pay for the wedding, no envelope money returned, pay the girl a monthly allowance and then pay the in laws yet even more money, smacks of desperation not attractiveness to me.

The colour of the skin has nothing to do with beauty its to do with white skin rich black skin poor.

If Brad Pitt was sat in a gogo bar not throwing money around he wouldnt be viewed as attractive, but Frankenstein throwing his money around like a drunk sailor on shore leave would most certainly be a hansum man.

There is a young Thai girl I know that most farang would give their right knacker for, the Thais arent interested, they told me her family no good and have baby already.

Go and visit some of the condos these guys live in with their teerak, as soon as the farang goes back overseas the Thai boyfriend moves back in.

There are two types of women in Thailand, those you marry and those you have a good time with, most farang confuse the latter with the formor.

For many they are only as hansum as their wallet allows, they just havent figured it out yet.

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Sex to me in Thailand is something different. It is a more varied and readily available menu.

& why do you think that is Mark ??

Why do you think it is a "more varied & readily avaiblable menu " ??

Varied: Age (legal of course), size/height, skin color, social status, preferences, specialties, costumes, hair density, gender*, economic status, educational level, star status, media recognition, entertainment talent (singing, dancing acting etc).

Readily available: Malls, universities, shops, markets, buses, trains, airplanes, taxi and motorcycle taxi drivers, hospitals, beaches, waterfalls, optometrists offices, skin clinics, clinic clinics, weight loss centers, colonic spas, boxing training camps, concerts, government offices, auto dealerships, real estate firms, tire shops, restaurants and food stands, and of course the usual places, massage, Karaoke places, 7/11's and the others.

*Perhaps gender is a wild card but the lady boys in Detroit are not really in the running.

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Sex to me in Thailand is something different. It is a more varied and readily available menu.

& why do you think that is Mark ??

Why do you think it is a "more varied & readily avaiblable menu " ??

Generalizing Thai women as being gold diggers is definitely incorrect. It is true that women search for a secure provider for building a family and I see nothing wrong with that. It happens in all countries.

Thus I must state that many Western - Thai marriages are happy marriages with wonderful children.

Maybe I missed something but I see nothing in the quote you quoted that has anything to do with gold diggers or marriage. Enlighten me please.

Edited by mark45y
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Sex to me in Thailand is something different. It is a more varied and readily available menu.

& why do you think that is Mark ??

Why do you think it is a "more varied & readily avaiblable menu " ??

Generalizing Thai women as being gold diggers is definitely incorrect. It is true that women search for a secure provider for building a family and I see nothing wrong with that. It happens in all countries.

Thus I must state that many Western - Thai marriages are happy marriages with wonderful children.

Maybe I missed something but I see nothing in the quote you quoted that has anything to do with gold diggers or marriage. Enlighten me please.

I was replying to M. Singh. Sorry I quoted the wrong post.

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