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Foreign Manufacturers Ripping Off Thai Brands


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Maybe the director General could team up with Microsoft, Gucci, etc and put a stop to the pirating of goods. She could probably get some great ideas here in Thailand from several Thai cottage industries.

Does that mean that my original Rolex for 750 THB also is a fake?

I am shocked

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Red Bull is not Thai, it is Austrian. Kating Daeng is Thai.

The Austrian guy who was originally a supplier of packaging to Krating Daeng franchised and translated it in the West. Chaleo, the Thai founder who cannot speak much English and had not seen the global potential for himself, has a stake in the Western business. I don't now if the Austrian franchise covers Asia or not. The Austrian guy did a brilliant job of transforming a sugar and caffeine based tonic for Thai truck drivers and labourers a trendy middle class drink in the West. It is still the same unhealthy garbage inside the bottle, although it is unbelievably bought by fitness freaks in the West, some of whom have dropped dead after drinking several cans of the gunk following an exercise session.

The hilarious Thai reaction to their own brands being ripped off abroad is like the early days of the US which used to systematically pirate books from the former colonial power and then suddenly realized that their own American authors were building up a substantial body of internationally desirable product that needed copyright protection. Now the US is the global enforcer of copyright protection. What goes around comes around.

the European Red Bull tastes completely different from the Thai version. It's like day and night. Even those that are sold as Red Bull here and not Krating Daeng.

Red Bull won as sponsor the Formula One Championship and now it's expanding to the US where they're setting up soccer clubs.

The European version tastes great on the rocks with a shot of vodka. Thai version tasted bad (sugar sirup with caffeine) and locals drink it with lao-khao.

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I don't care about the trademark complaint since Trademark and Copyright laws are anti-competition and anti-free market. I do however care if one company tries to pretend to be another company/making a product from another company, as this is consumer fraud. And they can and should be sued by consumers and consumer protection agencies if the fraud is carried out.

Trademarks are here precisely to protect the consumer from frauds - provided the trademark rights an the laws are enforced (which is the big problem in Thailand), because a trademark is sort of a guarantee that the product bearing this trademark comes from the original manufacturer, who owns the trademark.

A competitor, who wants to sell a similar product must use a different trademark, a trademark which cannot be confused with the older trademark.

So if you want competition and a free market, you need trademarks to distinguish products and to protect the consumer.

Copyright is something different. Basically copyright protection protects works of art.

You are incorrect that Trademarks protect the customers. If you really want to dive into the area of TM's, there is several good books on the subject.

However, let me say this: If a person is selling a bag of cloned Prada design, the attached logo on the bag etc, but the sign the seller has says 'Prada copy, 500 baht', then no customer fraud has been carried out. But according to current TM laws the manufacturer, not any customers suffer fraud, is the ones getting reimbursed via a suit.

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Maybe the director General could team up with Microsoft, Gucci, etc and put a stop to the pirating of goods. She could probably get some great ideas here in Thailand from several Thai cottage industries.

Does that mean that my original Rolex for 750 THB also is a fake?

I am shocked

No that's real for as long as it keeps ticking!

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Red Bull is not Thai, it is Austrian. Kating Daeng is Thai.

The license to manufacture and distribute "Krathing Daeng" in Austria and Europe was acquired by an Austrian entrepeneur, that is true. Since "krathing Daeng" would be incomprehensible and difficult to pronouce, an English transliteration (i.e. "Red Bull") was chosen to market the licensed product in Europe. The ingredients and manufacturing process are similar to the original Thai product, the bottling and labeling rather similar. The Thai brand owner is receiving considerable licensing fees fro the Austrian licensee. To come to the point: "Red Bull" never was an Austrian brand, but is a legally licensed product originating in Thailand.

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Marmite and Ryvitas!

Impeccable taste you have Jirapalicklips.gif. Those products are uniquecool.gif, we would discern a fake in about a nano second.rolleyes.gif

Besides there are no bragging rights or snob value attached to aforementioned products.clap2.gif

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Could this be karma?

Why would it be karma? Care to explain?

I think what he/she means is that what goes around comes around. Thais have been pirating things for years and now something of thier own is being pirated. Go to any market and you can buy Guchi for 100 baht or any of the latest DVD's even before they have been released.

Well, they do something about and law enforcement working to reduce it.

Except you are some xenophobe racist who stereotype all Thais and blame all for what a few have done there is no reason to say any Thai patent/copyright holder has lost his right to complain because of the other pirates.

People make such silly and thoughtless comments will telling for sure here other stories how and unwelcome foreigners are or that they are always get ripped off. But that is probably only a karma like payback for this ugly mindset.

All this CDs - everyone know that is a copy, but when it comes to food products like drinks and and seasoning products fake products bearing a much greater risk like the health of the costumer.

You're correct about the health risks for the customer, especially the fake KFC. LOL


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You have to wonder who the real villains are? The brand names producing overpriced products many of which are produced by poorly paid workers or the little sweat shops producing the same products at a fraction of the price. Especially T-shirts where there is absolutely no difference in quality but you'd buy in the UK for 70-90 quid or in Bangkok for 200 Baht or less. Same T, same ink, same silly design and the percentage of the sale price that goes to the workers and production process is far greater than that of the original version! Make affordable products and your much less likely to suffer from replica retail.

Food and drinks on the other hand is a different story as the manufacturing process of a small scale reproduction outfit is probably more expensive than it is for the original manufacturer due to sheer size (bulk buying of ingredients etc..., labor costs must be about the same) and copies can't be sold for more than the original. Obviously there's a bit of money in it by cutting out the middle man but 100000 USD for lost sales to Red Bull is hardly a goldmine!

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I would like to express my deepest Thanks for the publisher of this article and all commentary within. I am always looking for a great story Idea for the News Weird Magazine which is read in over 200 countries and this story is by far one of most hilarious yen/yang’s I have encountered in a while.

I shall do my best to spread the word of this tragic horror so millions of reader will know that something is amiss in Thailand and perhaps draw attention where needed to stamp out this unlawful act being committed by the pirates.


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Red Bull is not Thai, it is Austrian. Kating Daeng is Thai.

The license to manufacture and distribute "Krathing Daeng" in Austria and Europe was acquired by an Austrian entrepeneur, that is true. Since "krathing Daeng" would be incomprehensible and difficult to pronouce, an English transliteration (i.e. "Red Bull") was chosen to market the licensed product in Europe. The ingredients and manufacturing process are similar to the original Thai product, the bottling and labeling rather similar. The Thai brand owner is receiving considerable licensing fees fro the Austrian licensee. To come to the point: "Red Bull" never was an Austrian brand, but is a legally licensed product originating in Thailand.

there is nothing similar about red bull you buy in europe and red bull you buy in thailand, its a totally different product imho

I used to drink a red bull every morning instead of coffee when I was in Europe, but now in Thailand I dont drink it anymore because it just isnt available , the Thai version is not even a little bit alike .

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siamjimi, listen:

You cannot blame one person or company for the wrongdoings of another person or company just based on the fact that their share the same nationality. If you do that you just come up with stupid stereotypes.

If you don't get this point you cannot be very intelligent and have probably a little arrogant mindset that looks down on others based on their nationality. And that is called xenophobia or racism.

I think you are missing the fact that it is the Thai government who are neglecting to do something about the rampant producing and selling of pirated goods, and now oh irony it is the SAME Thai governement that is complaining about Thai products being pirated.

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Marmite and Ryvitas!

Impeccable taste you have Jirapalicklips.gif. Those products are uniquecool.gif, we would discern a fake in about a nano second.rolleyes.gif

Besides there are no bragging rights or snob value attached to aforementioned products.clap2.gif

If I could get fake Ryvitas that tasted as good or almost the same I'd buy them as I've got 2 jars of real Marmite in the fridge and they go together like good fish and chips....with a good malt vinegar and a bit of salt of course!

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This actually has the potential to be very interesting, because in order for the Thai Intellectual Property Department to make a credible complaint to other countries, they will have to show that they are doing something about trademark infringement of foreign brands in Thailand.

SergeiY is correct that it is the few trademark holders in Thailand who are complaining about this issue, and they do not necessarily represent all of the Thai people. However the problem is more complex than that, due to the fact that many Thais (inadvertently or otherwise) purchase counterfeit goods (or pirated copies, in the case of music, movies and software) at a much lower price than the cost of the genuine brands. It will be interesting to see if the Thai people will be willing to pay the full price for genuine foreign brands, in return for protection of their own brands.

Edited by oevna
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A typical case of som nam naa. Add to that, that 90% of thai wealth is in the hands of ethnic Chinese and Indian people and that the copying is done by those people too, than it is even more interesting. The Chinese are knocking off so many food and drug related items, from mars chocolate to child formula's. The world thinks however that copyright infringements are only happening with life style brands. Not the likes of Rolex should be protected but the health of people. The focus here is about the loss of money for filthy rich people. Nobody could care less. Shift the focus to the vulnerable, and copyright infringement becomes hip. For the krating daeng owner I can ply say give mire to the poor and your karma may change.

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This actually has the potential to be very interesting, because in order for the Thai Intellectual Property Department to make a credible complaint to other countries, they will have to show that they are doing something about trademark infringement of foreign brands in Thailand.

You are 100% correct

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Even the boys copy the girls over here hence all the ladyboys. I just wish they'd copy some useful stuff like Marmite and Ryvitas!

Haven't the ozzies launched something called Vegemite that is a rip-off of Marmite? Ryvita is surely a rip-off of stale bread?

IMNSHO it is deliciously ironic to see the Thais raising this complaint. I'm going to smile all day to further rip them off.

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This actually has the potential to be very interesting, because in order for the Thai Intellectual Property Department to make a credible complaint to other countries, they will have to show that they are doing something about trademark infringement of foreign brands in Thailand.

You are 100% correct

They do nothing about these any corruption or scams , if they still allow people to be openly assaulted and robbed on Pattaya beach with Police taking no action even after the scam being shown on Youtube it is still business as usual.

It is not unusual to see the police running very fast after a 60 year old old som tam lady on the beach and arresting

them , while the real criminals are allowed to continue to operate a few meters by.

Edited by saintofsilence
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In the land of counterfeit everything, it's nice to see one of the bigger fish getting a fin eaten off by someone else. Turnabhout's fair play, karma, plaenty of ways to see this. One benefit is that this big fish, might instigate a stronger anti-counterfeiting pcuh with the powers that be, just because of this.

... nah. TIT.

Racist and their stereotypes are out in full force. Always the same members can be seen with their little arrogant rants about Thailand.

If the hat fits they should wear it.

And the truth hurts.

99% of Thai's give the rest a bad name.

Thailand has never produced a person or product of any note and it's nice to see something where the tables are turned. And they don't like it. 'som num naa'

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Red Bull's claimsRed Bull claims to:

  • Increase performance
  • Increase concentration and reaction speed
  • Improve vigilance
  • Improve emotional status
  • Stimulate metabolism

Dear Red Bull owner,

Drink more of your product so you can increase production to offset losses due to piracy.

Drink more of your product so you can concentrate on the next big product.

Drink more or your product so you can be more alert and prevent this from happing in the first place

Drink more or your product so you do not feel so sad about your losses

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Thailand has never systematically policed intellectual property - apart from very few arrests for show, it is not only very easy to find fake goods, it is virtually impossible to avoid fake goods especially in Bangkok. The main reason for this is because until now fake goods only hurt mainly foreign manufacturers. If Thai incomes and jobs are not affected by an activity, and profits can be made, then why bother enforcing the law.<div><br></div><div>Now that Thailand is starting to suffer from serious infringement of intellectual property rights, perhaps we will see some enforcement of IP rights in Thailand for a change.</div>

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Could this be karma?

Why would it be karma? Care to explain?

I think what he/she means is that what goes around comes around. Thais have been pirating things for years and now something of thier own is being pirated. Go to any market and you can buy Guchi for 100 baht or any of the latest DVD's even before they have been released.

Well, they do something about and law enforcement working to reduce it.

Except you are some xenophobe racist who stereotype all Thais and blame all for what a few have done there is no reason to say any Thai patent/copyright holder has lost his right to complain because of the other pirates.

People make such silly and thoughtless comments will telling for sure here other stories how and unwelcome foreigners are or that they are always get ripped off. But that is probably only a karma like payback for this ugly mindset.

All this CDs - everyone know that is a copy, but when it comes to food products like drinks and and seasoning products fake products bearing a much greater risk like the health of the costumer.

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It seems that this government and the locals are getting more and more xenophobic and only blaming foreigners for everything. It time that the stupid foreigners stop coming to Thailand and also start boycotting everything Thai and if possible find ways to create more eceonomic hardships for these people. Lobby your governments to also stop all investments and aid to this xenophobic country.

Yep, how about to start with boycotting "Bizconsultsiam".

Somehow my "ignore" list has malfunctioned and I am receiving your banal posts again, but I'm fixing it - boycotting SergeiY you could say!


If you are with Bizconsultsiam and start to boycotting everything Thai than you should also refrain from making any further comments on Thaivisaforum, pack your bag go home and rant about immigrants and foreigners over there.

Bye, bye!

Whoo there tiger somebody definately got out of the wrong side of bed this morning.

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Even the boys copy the girls over here hence all the ladyboys. I just wish they'd copy some useful stuff like Marmite and Ryvitas!

Haven't the ozzies launched something called Vegemite that is a rip-off of Marmite? Ryvita is surely a rip-off of stale bread?

IMNSHO it is deliciously ironic to see the Thais raising this complaint. I'm going to smile all day to further rip them off.

Yeah watch out for that! Don't tell anyone your smiling.....anyone asks tell them your "smugiling!"

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Even the boys copy the girls over here hence all the ladyboys. I just wish they'd copy some useful stuff like Marmite and Ryvitas!

Haven't the ozzies launched something called Vegemite that is a rip-off of Marmite? Ryvita is surely a rip-off of stale bread?

IMNSHO it is deliciously ironic to see the Thais raising this complaint. I'm going to smile all day to further rip them off.

Yeah watch out for that! Don't tell anyone your smiling.....anyone asks tell them your "smugiling!"

Who would eat Marmite it tastes disgusting ,Aussies would never ask anyone to eat that crap. :)

Vegemite tastes much better.

Edited by saintofsilence
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