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Where To Buy A Kindle 3 On Phuket


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Hi, you may be lucky and find one in the classifieds, but I tried everywhere, entered in another post last week, I wanted one as a gift for xmas so my time was limited,........ tried amazon and they are not shipping outside US for another few weeks,........... in the end I bought from ebay US arriving in 6 days, but the kindle 3 wifi cost me over 220 US incl postage (excl duty too unless i'm lucky, but they have posted as gift)

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Do you need to specifically buy a Kindle? I am a very happy camper reading books on my iPhone. I have an App called 'Kindle for iPhone'. It's adjustable for large font and easy to use if you're used to swiping a screen. I'm a bit precious about my iPhone and found the Kindle a bit clumsy. But that's because I'm used to reading in bed with the iPhone set upside down so I don't have to move anything except my thumb to turn the page...

You can also get Kindle for PC and download books direct to your computer.

Then there's all the other stuff. Apple now have iBook. There are all sorts of other ebook suppliers popping up all the time.

Amazon supports Kindle. Some books (due to copyright I think) are unavailable in some regions. So if it's unavailable in South East Asia, I change my profile on Amazon to Australia. Or if I'm in Australia, I change my profile to Thailand. I do this because I have all sorts of addresses I have sent Amazon stuff to in the past. They have sent me a desperate email about my firsy successful download out of region which I ignored.

Sometimes I get a book before it's released - I'm just finishing Patricia Cornwell's 'Port Mortuary'. It's due to be released 7 Dec I think. LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why wouldn't you order it from Amazon? I had a visiting friend bring it over from the US. Love it. What would be the shipping, $50-75? Check the cost from Amazon UK also. By the way 1000's of free books from Piratebay. Use a program called Calibre to convert any eBook format to the Kindle format.

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