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Marriage Of A Non-moslem Girl With A Moslem Guy


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Pork, simply remember that Mohammed (may he rest in peace), when he wrote the book about 1425 years ago, wrote what was then thought to be a reasonable guide on how to remain a devoted Moslem which included a few do’s and don’ts. Pork decays very quickly in a hot climate, and has to be cooked correctly. Not so easy for group of Bedouins and desert dwellers who are always on the move. I therefore believe that many of these “tips for survival”, which were quite relevant at the time, have now been honed by the fundamentalists into what is now considered Law.

By the way, most Arabs still prefer to eat with their fingers, right handed of course. So, we the westerners come along and try to make them use knife and fork.

Question, which hand do most (right handed people) hold their fork???

(Americans need not answer as this might be far too difficult), sorry, just couldnt resist it! :D

Mohammad did not write the book, it was revealed to him, as per the muslim beliefs. :D

Muslims eat with fingers as did Jesus eat with fingers :o

Edited by ajarnmark
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Mohammed (may he rest in peace),

I thought the saying was "Peace be upon him"?

And why do you say this planemad? From your post, i assumed that you was not a Muslim?


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"Peace be upon Him" is the correct phrase but I guess "May He rest in peace" isn't far from it and is perfectly acceptable.

My hat off and a handshake to planemad also (if you are indeed a non-Muslim) for using the phrase and being very respectful. :o

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Replying to Marriage Of A Non-moslem Girl With A Moslem Guy

There are so many issues that I can’t cover them all, but some notes from someone who has not only been down this road but also has a book on some of these matters,a serious block exists. It does not matter which faction of Islam that is followed, Wahhabis, Sunni, Shia, or Sufi.

In my case it was Sufi, I dont subscribe to this as I never did marry her, she was as in the LOS would say "Black Heart" not to be trusted at all. But I did complete my study and have been to Mecca.

This block that is in the way of not only the daily life of the couple it is mandated by some of the factions in what is called a "Hadith and or Fatwa", when the family of the Islam side will most likely be against this union this will cause enough friction that eventually one side or the other will take action. A quote from one such Fatwa ", the Shar'ia law which is to destroy the infidel." There can be no Buddha images in the house!

Some things must be understood about Islamite thinking; while it is called a religion it has a constitution, legal system, family and civil law system, a hierarchical beneficiary system. Some is contained in the Qur’an; some is in the hadiths and some in the Shar'ia legal systems. Sound curiously like a government or political party?

This is the block that currently exists

"And do not marry Mushrik women until they believe." (2:221) "It is not permissible for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men." (2:221 and 60:10)
That from the Qur'an However a hadith says
recognition marriages concluded under any religious or indigenous tradition and moreover acknowledges the right of communities to follow their own personal family law, whether such law is based on tradition or religion.(Ref: The Family Structure in Islam,  by Dr. Hammudah Abdul Ati, American Trust Publications).
So if the family has or makes and declares a Fatwa and it is approved by the senior at the particular mosque, the family may take any action they deem appropriate. And includes rape, murder, kidnapping and so on, while it may not be a regulation from the Qur’an it may be in the “personal family law” to deem it Hiram for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman, and may be a declaration at a later time by the family.

The last part of this Block is difficult to explain and keep it short, when a Muslim man marries a non-Muslim woman all her possessions become his, the children are automatically Muslim and he may also declare her sisters his co-wives. The rest of this is covered in some of the other responses here. “Children of the book”

I am not one to make a prediction but I will say the block in this union could prove to be very bad, I can just imagine the first or second real bad argument this couple has. Concerning Islamic law read http://www.2muslims.com/directory/Detailed...ding%20marriage


Edited by meelousee
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And includes rape, murder, kidnapping and so on

Thank you so much, meelousee, for such gratifying words of positivity. Once you've washed the excrement covered brush used to paint such a wonderful picture of Islam in the above context can I ask where I can find evidence backing the above quote?

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At the end of the day it is quite well known about the problems associated with Muslim and non-Muslim marriages. So a non-Muslim marrying a Muslim should really think hard about marriage and the consequences. I'm not at all saying this behaviour of a Muslim is right in any way but thinking about the future is a point which I believe should be taken into consideration.

There are many different religions in this world that each have their own views. This is going to cause some disagreements, but because I have my own religion I understand how fustrating it is when people share negative opinions on your religion. So I think the better thing to do is not judge a religion until the day comes when you become a believer in that relgion. Because I really don't think it is fair on peoples religion when negativity is shared about it.

So keep that negative stuff to yourself if you think it will offend anyone. :o

Edit - This is full of typing mistakes but I'm having a lazy day today :D

Edited by Ice Maiden
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Mohammed (may he rest in peace),

I thought the saying was "Peace be upon him"?

And why do you say this planemad? From your post, i assumed that you was not a Muslim?


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Thank you for the correction, you are quite right in how I should have addressed the prophet.

Also correct, I am not a Muslim, I was brought up to be a Christian with all that entails, however, as I said, I live in a Muslim country and have very many Muslim friends, why should I not afford them the respect that I guess we would like to enjoy in return?

Edited by planemad
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Totally agree IM.

I think another member posted above somewhere that any marriage of mixed race or religion have the same issues problems anyway and those involving a Muslim are no different. It's just the negativity some people latch onto that influences peoples perception.

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And includes rape, murder, kidnapping and so on

you are :o

Thank you so much, meelousee, for such gratifying words of positivity. Once you've washed the excrement covered brush used to paint such a wonderful picture of Islam in the above context can I ask where I can find evidence backing the above quote?

Well ZAZ what did you want all is rosy and no problems exist with mixed marriages in Islam? Or is it that you have some kind of hang-up, with the raw truth?

You can read all about this in every major newspaper, the last I heard, is that a honor killing just took place in Pakistan I think they killed the whole family, to include an old woman?

In Bangladesh they gang raped one girl that has been in the news for some time now.

A fatwa was issued by the family of a boy that married a Jew, he was beheaded and hung remains on his in-laws door. Jerusalem times, News Week, Washington Post, Bangkok Post, Al-Jezera, Nile Daily. Want some more? Or do you want the URLs too?

Note: you can not get to some of the stories without being a member and have a valid credit card. Washington post and Jerusalem times are free, as is Jihadwatch.
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I did not mean to offend anyone, some times the truth must be spoken to prevent someone anyone from making a mistake that will cost more than a normal person would want to pay.

If my post "Posted Today, 2005-08-22 14:13:52" is so offensive by all means have the moderator delet it. The truth is in most daily newspapers, it is not nice but it is the truth.

"courage is what it takes to stand up and talk

courage is also what it takes to sit and listen"

Winston Churchill.

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The world we live in today unfortunatley isn't what it seems to be in newspapers Meelousee. "Stories" are often twisted to make good news because things like that sell. Also there are not so nice people out there in every religion and these people I'm afraid do not so great things :o. But that dosen't go to say that because the minority of one religion are bad people that means the whole religion is full of terrible followers.

So just think before you bring up "facts" from newspapers and generalise. :D

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"Well ZAZ what did you want all is rosy and no problems exist with mixed marriages in Islam? Or is it that you have some kind of hang-up, with the raw truth?"

Agreed, all is not at all rosy all of the time but is rosy for many most of the time.

"You can read all about this in every major newspaper, the last I heard, is that a honor killing just took place in Pakistan I think they killed the whole family, to include an old woman?"

"Honour" killings are a downright disgrace and are NOT part of Islam - Islam forbids any such act.

"In Bangladesh they gang raped one girl that has been in the news for some time now."

In no way Islamic at all - without a shadow of a doubt forbidden.

"A fatwa was issued by the family of a boy that married a Jew, he was beheaded and hung remains on his in-laws door."

Totally disgusting. Islam allows a man to marry a Jewish woman so how could this possibly have been a fatwa? (Not actually a question to you personally) So this was obviously wrong too.

"Jerusalem times, News Week, Washington Post, Bangkok Post, Al-Jezera, Nile Daily. Want some more? Or do you want the URLs too?"

No need to, I think everyone's doing a great job about "educating" the World about what they think Islam is all about.

Anyway we're venturing too far off topic again.

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Mohammed (may he rest in peace),

I thought the saying was "Peace be upon him"?

And why do you say this planemad? From your post, i assumed that you was not a Muslim?


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Thank you for the correction, you are quite right in how I should have addressed the prophet.

Also correct, I am not a Muslim, I was brought up to be a Christian with all that entails, however, as I said, I live in a Muslim country and have very many Muslim friends, why should I not afford them the respect that I guess we would like to enjoy in return?

:o No problem on my part, with that Planemad. I was just interested to know why you felt the need to say it. I too have lived in Muslim countries and found it a little awkward (as a non-muslim) and so i would never mention the "name" so as not to have to follow the "name" with the saying. That way i wouldn't offend. If you get my drift :D

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In answer to a couple of queries above, firstly, a Muslim guy can only marry a Christian or a Jew mainly because they believe in a God (that's the primary reason, there may be other factors also).  The most important thing in Islam is to believe in God (one God) which is why the non-Muslim wife is preferred to come from one of the other mainstream religions.

Pork is from the "forbidden" animal.  There are many reason why we cannot eat it and these reasons, incidentally, are exactly the same as the reasons given in Judaism i.e. it is a disgusting animal, eats anything and everything etc etc

True also that we are not permitted to drink alchohol either, the reasons for which are very obvious.  I'm not sure about smoking though I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

I don't eat pork, never have never will, I don't drink, never had a single drop (except on the lips of a lady....) I do however smoke...

I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

off Topic as most of this thread is,but a pertinant question,if inflicting self harm is frowned upon,where does a suicide bomber stand as he is revered for doing something against the law of the QURAN .just curious ??

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In answer to a couple of queries above, firstly, a Muslim guy can only marry a Christian or a Jew mainly because they believe in a God (that's the primary reason, there may be other factors also).  The most important thing in Islam is to believe in God (one God) which is why the non-Muslim wife is preferred to come from one of the other mainstream religions.

Pork is from the "forbidden" animal.  There are many reason why we cannot eat it and these reasons, incidentally, are exactly the same as the reasons given in Judaism i.e. it is a disgusting animal, eats anything and everything etc etc

True also that we are not permitted to drink alchohol either, the reasons for which are very obvious.  I'm not sure about smoking though I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

I don't eat pork, never have never will, I don't drink, never had a single drop (except on the lips of a lady....) I do however smoke...

I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

off Topic as most of this thread is,but a pertinant question,if inflicting self harm is frowned upon,where does a suicide bomber stand as he is revered for doing something against the law of the QURAN .just curious ??

Now that really wasn't called for, was it?

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off Topic as most of this thread is,but a pertinant question,if inflicting self harm is frowned upon,where does a suicide bomber stand as he is revered for doing something against the law of the QURAN .just curious ??

A very valid question. Suicide is forbidden in Islam, full stop. Where suicide bombers strap themselves with explosives and place themselves amongst innocent people and kill them too is even more of a sin - they think they're martyrs but they've got a surprise waiting for them on the other side! There is no doubt and no danger of misunderstanding this in Islam. The only way suiciced bombers must be "recruited" is if they have little knowledge themselves and are just brainwashed.

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off Topic as most of this thread is,but a pertinant question,if inflicting self harm is frowned upon,where does a suicide bomber stand as he is revered for doing something against the law of the QURAN .just curious ??

A very valid question. Suicide is forbidden in Islam, full stop. Where suicide bombers strap themselves with explosives and place themselves amongst innocent people and kill them too is even more of a sin - they think they're martyrs but they've got a surprise waiting for them on the other side! There is no doubt and no danger of misunderstanding this in Islam. The only way suiciced bombers must be "recruited" is if they have little knowledge themselves and are just brainwashed.

Thanks for the info zaz, as an athiest I am not up with the finer points of religious teachings , and its hypercritical acts carried out by many cultures in the name of religion that reinforces my beliefs (or lack of) :o

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In answer to a couple of queries above, firstly, a Muslim guy can only marry a Christian or a Jew mainly because they believe in a God (that's the primary reason, there may be other factors also).  The most important thing in Islam is to believe in God (one God) which is why the non-Muslim wife is preferred to come from one of the other mainstream religions.

Pork is from the "forbidden" animal.  There are many reason why we cannot eat it and these reasons, incidentally, are exactly the same as the reasons given in Judaism i.e. it is a disgusting animal, eats anything and everything etc etc

True also that we are not permitted to drink alchohol either, the reasons for which are very obvious.  I'm not sure about smoking though I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

I don't eat pork, never have never will, I don't drink, never had a single drop (except on the lips of a lady....) I do however smoke...

I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

off Topic as most of this thread is,but a pertinant question,if inflicting self harm is frowned upon,where does a suicide bomber stand as he is revered for doing something against the law of the QURAN .just curious ??

Now that really wasn't called for, was it?

Yes IM ,as zaz said ,it is a valid question, whereas your constant digs at posters is not valid or called for, like my old dad used to tell me when I was your age,children should be seen but not heard in the company of adults. :o

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