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I learned during my earliest visits to LOS in 1961 that the people of Thailand respect well dressed foreigners. By well dressed I mean a proper shirt, slacks with shoes and socks; smart casual as it is sometimes known.

I wear shorts at home and to the beach but never in other public areas and I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners. Thais, as you should know are class conscious and see farangs who dress like samlor drivers as inferior. Yes, I know they take your money but not with respect despite the smile.

Ok, have to admit, not read all the posts coz my computer has died and just using a net cafe today (interesting note, someone is using thaivisa forum behind me as well, I think its that Orlandoaim who once signed in as my name accidently).

Anyway my point is...........

Should we care too much? I mean if Thais look down on foreigneers for wearing shorts in public places surely thats there problem, not ours? I understand that its our problem if we are going to somewhere official like the immi office and need to get a certain amount of respect to get processed properly, but everyday in the street why should we care about other peoples opinions?

Do we all have to represent our race here? Are we all ambassadors for our country?

Do we have to bow down to the backwarding thinking of some inidviduals because we are in their country? I certainly hope not and hope also that people in our own home countries don't think they should dress a certain way because of the under the table comments by some stupid individuals.

I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners.

Would you feel ashamed of those people in your home country and make comments yourself? I think its the people making the comments that should be ashamed of themselves.

Some Thais make under the hand comments if we are with Thai women, does that mean we should not have girlfriends out here?

Some Thais comment on us because we like a drink, does that mean we should all stop drinking?

Some Thais comment on us just because we are foreign, do we have to pander to such racism and leave the country?

<deleted> that. If some Thai doesn't respect me because I wear a pair of bermuda shorts to the Emporium then thats their problem, the same way that if I wore the same shorts to a posh London shop and I got snotty nosed looks I would say <deleted> them too.

Uniform by the way I wear is jeans and a t shirt and sneakers. Bermuda shorts are an example and I don't wear them but if I chose to then thats my right.

Has this country now got dress codes for foreigners? :o

Why pander to the narrow minds of classist people, I wouldn't do it anywhere else in the world and do not do it here. I couldn't give a toss if someone things I am shabbily dressed in the restaurant, if the restaurant hasn't got a dress code then I'm fine, if they don't like it, they can go and eat elsewhere.

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I learned during my earliest visits to LOS in 1961 that the people of Thailand respect well dressed foreigners. By well dressed I mean a proper shirt, slacks with shoes and socks; smart casual as it is sometimes known.

I wear shorts at home and to the beach but never in other public areas and I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners. Thais, as you should know are class conscious and see farangs who dress like samlor drivers as inferior. Yes, I know they take your money but not with respect despite the smile.

Ok, have to admit, not read all the posts coz my computer has died and just using a net cafe today (interesting note, someone is using thaivisa forum behind me as well, I think its that Orlandoaim who once signed in as my name accidently).

Anyway my point is...........

Should we care too much? I mean if Thais look down on foreigneers for wearing shorts in public places surely thats there problem, not ours? I understand that its our problem if we are going to somewhere official like the immi office and need to get a certain amount of respect to get processed properly, but everyday in the street why should we care about other peoples opinions?

Do we all have to represent our race here? Are we all ambassadors for our country?

Do we have to bow down to the backwarding thinking of some inidviduals because we are in their country? I certainly hope not and hope also that people in our own home countries don't think they should dress a certain way because of the under the table comments by some stupid individuals.

I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners.
Would you feel ashamed of those people in your home country and make comments yourself? I think its the people making the comments that should be ashamed of themselves.

Some Thais make under the hand comments if we are with Thai women, does that mean we should not have girlfriends out here?

Some Thais comment on us because we like a drink, does that mean we should all stop drinking?

Some Thais comment on us just because we are foreign, do we have to pander to such racism and leave the country?

<deleted> that. If some Thai doesn't respect me because I wear a pair of bermuda shorts to the Emporium then thats their problem, the same way that if I wore the same shorts to a posh London shop and I got snotty nosed looks I would say <deleted> them too.

Uniform by the way I wear is jeans and a t shirt and sneakers. Bermuda shorts are an example and I don't wear them but if I chose to then thats my right.

Has this country now got dress codes for foreigners? :o

Why pander to the narrow minds of classist people, I wouldn't do it anywhere else in the world and do not do it here. I couldn't give a toss if someone things I am shabbily dressed in the restaurant, if the restaurant hasn't got a dress code then I'm fine, if they don't like it, they can go and eat elsewhere.

you haven't got it, have you?

it's not that we would not respect you (farang always attribute that to Thais) for wearing shorts in the city, it's just that you look stupid doing so

If you don't give a toss if you look stupid, that's fine, as long as you don't sit near me!! I hate to see hairy legs, nobbly knees and varicose veins, but that's just me.

I am sure back home you walk around London in the summer looking just as cute.


At home I wear my Sunday best!!!!

Work, usual slacks and shirt.

Socializing, I wear what I want as should anybody. Those who have problems with peoples dress sense should keep it too themselves. Everybody has a right to dress as they please.....nobly knees n all.

Great Thread

TAF...... Dressed as a clown.


I took the wife to dinner at the Marriott last week. (Great buffet, BTW). The restaurant was about 3/4 full, mostly Thai but quite a few palefaces as well (besides myself). All dressed up - from smart causual to even a few ties and jackets.

AND - one farang in his mid-30s in flip-flops, nylon shorts and singlet!

I have absolutely no idea where the guy came from, or why he wasn't screened out ("sorry sir, do you have a reservation...?"), but I felt embarrassed. My wife though he was an inconsiderate pr1ck, and I noticed several of the Thai guests commenting on the individual.

My take on the dress code - on the beach and in the beer bars: Anything goes (well, almost). Otherwise, use common sense - when in Rome, do as the Romans, etc. At the very least, when going out, don't dress any worse than you would have done in a similar establishement in your own country.

If in doubt - I'd say you are better to err on the "safe" side - i.e better to overdress, than underdress.

BTW ,  talk about shorts ... i like Knee length pants , i think its cute when guy wear :D


The real answer to all this is an old quote that fits:

"dress to please others, eat to please yourself"

The pun was intentional :D

Just remember it is too dang hot for some folks and others just dont care about image. :D

Those knee pants I thought were for ladies, and LA rappers and street gangs?

I could be wrong though. :o


I used to be careless but changed once I realised the truth about Thai impressions. Now I look like I got money and get approached more (is that good or bad?)

but current case in point:

I am one of two foreign teachers at my current school. I am Afreican and the other guy is from Italy. On some days he plays sports with the kids during lunch but does nothing about his reekness. His clotes be unironed. Now he might be nicer to the students and faculty and talks more cleary and smooth, but I am the more popular one since I always dress up and make sure I smell good.

I stopped going out with him since he makes me look bad with him and he makes a deal about how we get treated like shit and turned down by bargirls. He went to the bar district by himself and said no lady would sit with him. I won't tell him why even though the Thais tell me to tell him.

Anyway, he couldn't last the whole semester; he's broken hearted and going to England. So if anybody wants to teach in Phayao, holla at me.

Anyway my point is...........

Should we care too much?  I mean if Thais look down on foreigneers for wearing shorts in public places surely thats there problem, not ours?  I understand that its our problem if we are going to somewhere official like the immi office and need to get a certain amount of respect to get processed properly, but everyday in the street why should we care about other peoples opinions?

Do we all have to represent our race here?  Are we all ambassadors for our country?

Do we have to bow down to the backwarding thinking of some inidviduals because we are in their country?  I certainly hope not and hope also that people in our own home countries don't think they should dress a certain way because of the under the table comments by some stupid individuals.

I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners.

Would you feel ashamed of those people in your home country and make comments yourself? I think its the people making the comments that should be ashamed of themselves.

Some Thais make under the hand comments if we are with Thai women, does that mean we should not have girlfriends out here?

Some Thais comment on us because we like a drink, does that mean we should all stop drinking?

Some Thais comment on us just because we are foreign, do we have to pander to such racism and leave the country?

<deleted> that. If some Thai doesn't respect me because I wear a pair of bermuda shorts to the Emporium then thats their problem, the same way that if I wore the same shorts to a posh London shop and I got snotty nosed looks I would say <deleted> them too.

Uniform by the way I wear is jeans and a t shirt and sneakers. Bermuda shorts are an example and I don't wear them but if I chose to then thats my right.

Has this country now got dress codes for foreigners? :o

Why pander to the narrow minds of classist people, I wouldn't do it anywhere else in the world and do not do it here. I couldn't give a toss if someone things I am shabbily dressed in the restaurant, if the restaurant hasn't got a dress code then I'm fine, if they don't like it, they can go and eat elsewhere.

to answer all of your questions, my non-conformist days are over. If you wanna be treated good, you have to look good. As for me, I am representing my race. I am the first Black person these people have ever known and I gotta eliminate the stereotypes movies and rap music have created. And since I can speak Thai, I join in on the gossip. I know and they know "or eventually learn" I am different and I don't care for the sloppy tourists and expats.

as for you going to the Emporium, remember this IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY! YOU ARE A GUEST! you have to comply.

you better look good when you are next to me in the restaurant. They might tell me to tell you you stink.


Anyone see page 10B of The Nation, today Thursday 18/08/2005? The photo in the top left corner.

I realise the guy in the middle has a job to do but is that all he is allowed to wear?

as for you going to the Emporium, remember this IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY!  YOU ARE A GUEST!  you have to comply.
No dress code for Thailand, or the Emporium or the shops in the Emporium. So comply to what? What some snotty nosed gossiping Thai says? I couldn't give a sh.it about them.

I don't need to earn respect of Thais wherever I go.

Note everybody that though I'm sticking up for the shorts wearers I dont myself, so dont go mad flaming, just making a point with that example.

you better look good when you are next to me in the restaurant. They might tell me to tell you you stink.

ermm, yeah ok dude, I'll make a personal note of that. :D:o

Wonder why they wouldn't tell me themselves? :D


I also fully agree, specialy with the personal hygiene.

After I started to wash my teeth and take shower once a week, together with changing my clothes, my staff like me a lot more.

I agree with you 100% Peter!

I'm the only farang out of 200 at my workplace and I really make a big effort to dress well and take care of my personal hygiene. I can't believe how some farangs go to their offices and schools, bloody disgraceful and have they no shame?


I am normaly well dressed, but sometimes to the disappointment of my wife I take my 10 year old jeans and T-Shirt (partly broken).

I really don't care what what the ladies in the Emporium are thinking about me, I earn more money, I am better educated and most probably I controll my privat life better then them. I am customer there and I don't need to ask them for respect, if they don't behalf good I buy somewhere else.

But I fully respect your point, because I learned that Thais are terrible racists and automatic you are been seen as low class if you are indian, chinese (even they run the country, strange), black or Arab (thats almost 80 % of the world or so). On the other hand they respect you as more as you can show money. A new mercedes makes you perfectly handsome......

So I really understand that you want to do the things different.

But I am really pissed off, of these outside point of view, specialy in Thailand......

to answer all of your questions, my non-conformist days are over.  If you wanna be treated good, you have to look good.  As for me, I am representing my race.  I am the first Black person these people have ever known and I gotta eliminate the stereotypes movies and rap music have created.  And since I can speak Thai, I join in on the gossip.  I know and they know "or eventually learn" I am different and I don't care for the sloppy tourists and expats.

as for you going to the Emporium, remember this IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY!  YOU ARE A GUEST!  you have to comply.

you better look good when you are next to me in the restaurant.  They might tell me to tell you you stink.




My take on the dress code - on the beach and in the beer bars: Anything goes (well, almost). Otherwise, use common sense - when in Rome, do as the Romans, etc. At the very least, when going out, don't dress any worse than you would have done in a similar establishement in your own country.

If in doubt - I'd say you are better to err on the "safe" side - i.e better to overdress, than underdress.

you haven't got it, have you?

it's not that we would not respect you (farang always attribute that to Thais) for wearing shorts in the city, it's just that you look stupid doing so

If you don't give a toss if you look stupid, that's fine, as long as you don't sit near me!!  I hate to see hairy legs, nobbly knees and varicose veins, but that's just me.

I am sure back home you walk around London in the summer looking just as cute.

Sorry mate, it's you that hasn't got it. That's one of the great things about Thailand. You can dress how you want to, not as other people want you to.

you haven't got it, have you?

it's not that we would not respect you (farang always attribute that to Thais) for wearing shorts in the city, it's just that you look stupid doing so

If you don't give a toss if you look stupid, that's fine, as long as you don't sit near me!!  I hate to see hairy legs, nobbly knees and varicose veins, but that's just me.

I am sure back home you walk around London in the summer looking just as cute.

Sorry mate, it's you that hasn't got it. That's one of the great things about Thailand. You can dress how you want to, not as other people want you to.

Spot on lamps,

If you all dress that nice why not enter a fahion show...... we would have some laughs then..... :o

I can not remember one person at the TV doo who warranted laughing at because the way they looked and you had everything there in terms of the way people dress.

Live and let live.

As another person posted before if you don't like the way people dress, why not tell them than telling all us on the net..... are you scared of a reaction face to face?

TAF..... in his night gown


When I worked in an office - I wore the uniform. They paid me to.

When I worked in the budget-end of tourism, I wore bright casual holiday-gear (shorts & a bright Thai shirt) , because my guests were on holiday and wanted a relaxed holiday-atmosphere.

Now that I'm retired & living in Thailand, I wear what is comfortable for the climate, and casual (shorts & shirt again :o ) because it pleases me. Clean of course & not too old.

When I go out cycling - then I DO look scruffy, even by MY standards.

But I would admit, in deference to Thai values, I'll dig out my old suit - if I ever fly 1st-class or stay at the Oriental again.

This is what I regard as a reasonable balance - I call it freedom.

Others might feel I'm approaching Old-Fart-dom :D They are free to say so !



My take on the dress code - on the beach and in the beer bars: Anything goes (well, almost). Otherwise, use common sense - when in Rome, do as the Romans, etc. At the very least, when going out, don't dress any worse than you would have done in a similar establishement in your own country.

If in doubt - I'd say you are better to err on the "safe" side - i.e better to overdress, than underdress.

Totally in agreement.


Anyway my point is...........

Should we care too much?  I mean if Thais look down on foreigneers for wearing shorts in public places surely thats there problem, not ours?  I understand that its our problem if we are going to somewhere official like the immi office and need to get a certain amount of respect to get processed properly, but everyday in the street why should we care about other peoples opinions?

Do we all have to represent our race here?  Are we all ambassadors for our country?

Do we have to bow down to the backwarding thinking of some inidviduals because we are in their country?  I certainly hope not and hope also that people in our own home countries don't think they should dress a certain way because of the under the table comments by some stupid individuals.

I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners.

Would you feel ashamed of those people in your home country and make comments yourself? I think its the people making the comments that should be ashamed of themselves.

Some Thais make under the hand comments if we are with Thai women, does that mean we should not have girlfriends out here?

Some Thais comment on us because we like a drink, does that mean we should all stop drinking?

Some Thais comment on us just because we are foreign, do we have to pander to such racism and leave the country?

<deleted> that. If some Thai doesn't respect me because I wear a pair of bermuda shorts to the Emporium then thats their problem, the same way that if I wore the same shorts to a posh London shop and I got snotty nosed looks I would say <deleted> them too.

Uniform by the way I wear is jeans and a t shirt and sneakers. Bermuda shorts are an example and I don't wear them but if I chose to then thats my right.

Has this country now got dress codes for foreigners? :D

Why pander to the narrow minds of classist people, I wouldn't do it anywhere else in the world and do not do it here. I couldn't give a toss if someone things I am shabbily dressed in the restaurant, if the restaurant hasn't got a dress code then I'm fine, if they don't like it, they can go and eat elsewhere.

to answer all of your questions, my non-conformist days are over. If you wanna be treated good, you have to look good. As for me, I am representing my race. I am the first Black person these people have ever known and I gotta eliminate the stereotypes movies and rap music have created. And since I can speak Thai, I join in on the gossip. I know and they know "or eventually learn" I am different and I don't care for the sloppy tourists and expats.

as for you going to the Emporium, remember this IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY! YOU ARE A GUEST! you have to comply.

you better look good when you are next to me in the restaurant. They might tell me to tell you you stink.

Good for you! It took my wife coming to America to learn that African-Americans were not all drug dealers and pimps with gold in their mouths. :o


Anyway my point is...........

Should we care too much?  I mean if Thais look down on foreigneers for wearing shorts in public places surely thats there problem, not ours?  I understand that its our problem if we are going to somewhere official like the immi office and need to get a certain amount of respect to get processed properly, but everyday in the street why should we care about other peoples opinions?

Do we all have to represent our race here?  Are we all ambassadors for our country?

Do we have to bow down to the backwarding thinking of some inidviduals because we are in their country?  I certainly hope not and hope also that people in our own home countries don't think they should dress a certain way because of the under the table comments by some stupid individuals.

I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners.

Would you feel ashamed of those people in your home country and make comments yourself? I think its the people making the comments that should be ashamed of themselves.

Some Thais make under the hand comments if we are with Thai women, does that mean we should not have girlfriends out here?

Some Thais comment on us because we like a drink, does that mean we should all stop drinking?

Some Thais comment on us just because we are foreign, do we have to pander to such racism and leave the country?

<deleted> that. If some Thai doesn't respect me because I wear a pair of bermuda shorts to the Emporium then thats their problem, the same way that if I wore the same shorts to a posh London shop and I got snotty nosed looks I would say <deleted> them too.

Uniform by the way I wear is jeans and a t shirt and sneakers. Bermuda shorts are an example and I don't wear them but if I chose to then thats my right.

Has this country now got dress codes for foreigners? :D

Why pander to the narrow minds of classist people, I wouldn't do it anywhere else in the world and do not do it here. I couldn't give a toss if someone things I am shabbily dressed in the restaurant, if the restaurant hasn't got a dress code then I'm fine, if they don't like it, they can go and eat elsewhere.

to answer all of your questions, my non-conformist days are over. If you wanna be treated good, you have to look good. As for me, I am representing my race. I am the first Black person these people have ever known and I gotta eliminate the stereotypes movies and rap music have created. And since I can speak Thai, I join in on the gossip. I know and they know "or eventually learn" I am different and I don't care for the sloppy tourists and expats.

as for you going to the Emporium, remember this IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY! YOU ARE A GUEST! you have to comply.

you better look good when you are next to me in the restaurant. They might tell me to tell you you stink.

Good for you! It took my wife coming to America to learn that African-Americans were not all drug dealers and pimps with gold in their mouths. :o



Perhaps walking around Sukumvit Soi 1 to 17 like this... :o:cheesy: :D


''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable


Dunno what all the fuss is about.

been here in Khon Kaen for 5 months now and i have not seen a Thai who looked like they spent more that 200 baht on their complete outfit.

The majority of Thai's could not care less, sure some of them wanna have a little dig but simple things have always pleased simple minds....aint that right SiamoneBraincell? :o

Maybe I’m old fashioned but I cannot understand why most European tourists (and residents!) from young to old men habitually wear a uniform of beach attire in public places. Everyday I see westerners wearing grubby T-shirts or vests and those invariably black and hideous Roman Legionnaire’s sandals. They appear in government offices, banks, hospitals and upmarket shops as if they have dressed for the beach and missed their way.

I learned during my earliest visits to LOS in 1961 that the people of Thailand respect well dressed foreigners. By well dressed I mean a proper shirt, slacks with shoes and socks; smart casual as it is sometimes known.

I wear shorts at home and to the beach but never in other public areas and I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners. Thais, as you should know are class conscious and see farangs who dress like samlor drivers as inferior. Yes, I know they take your money but not with respect despite the smile.

Japanese tourists (being golf crazy) dress in shorts but invariably wear good shirts and shoes and socks thus managing to look clean and tidy.

Last year I was in Majorca in May. The weather was unseasonably cold and wet and locals and sensible visitors were appropriately dressed. I was shopping in the local produce market when I heard a loud voice with a Scouse accent. I turned and saw a pot bellied man wearing a dirty white T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off to leave ragged edges, dirty swim shorts and flip-flops. The temperature was 8 degrees C! His visible statement, typical of my fellow Brits, was that he was on holiday and regardless of weather he would wear his holiday uniform.

What do you usually wear in public places and why?

I've been here for 20 years and it didn't take me long to realise that if you dress up, you are treated as a totally different class of person. Thais put people (and situations) into pigeon holes and if you're not "one of those" you must be "one of them" If you are going on an official jaunt, visa or anything that involves government workers, the smarter, the better I've always found. This, coupled with fluency in the language and you have it made. Well worth the effort.


Anyway my point is...........

Should we care too much?  I mean if Thais look down on foreigneers for wearing shorts in public places surely thats there problem, not ours?  I understand that its our problem if we are going to somewhere official like the immi office and need to get a certain amount of respect to get processed properly, but everyday in the street why should we care about other peoples opinions?

Do we all have to represent our race here?  Are we all ambassadors for our country?

Do we have to bow down to the backwarding thinking of some inidviduals because we are in their country?  I certainly hope not and hope also that people in our own home countries don't think they should dress a certain way because of the under the table comments by some stupid individuals.

I feel ashamed at some of the ‘under the table’ comments made by Thai people at the sight of shabbily dressed foreigners.

Would you feel ashamed of those people in your home country and make comments yourself? I think its the people making the comments that should be ashamed of themselves.

Some Thais make under the hand comments if we are with Thai women, does that mean we should not have girlfriends out here?

Some Thais comment on us because we like a drink, does that mean we should all stop drinking?

Some Thais comment on us just because we are foreign, do we have to pander to such racism and leave the country?

<deleted> that. If some Thai doesn't respect me because I wear a pair of bermuda shorts to the Emporium then thats their problem, the same way that if I wore the same shorts to a posh London shop and I got snotty nosed looks I would say <deleted> them too.

Uniform by the way I wear is jeans and a t shirt and sneakers. Bermuda shorts are an example and I don't wear them but if I chose to then thats my right.

Has this country now got dress codes for foreigners? :o

Why pander to the narrow minds of classist people, I wouldn't do it anywhere else in the world and do not do it here. I couldn't give a toss if someone things I am shabbily dressed in the restaurant, if the restaurant hasn't got a dress code then I'm fine, if they don't like it, they can go and eat elsewhere.

to answer all of your questions, my non-conformist days are over. If you wanna be treated good, you have to look good. As for me, I am representing my race. I am the first Black person these people have ever known and I gotta eliminate the stereotypes movies and rap music have created. And since I can speak Thai, I join in on the gossip. I know and they know "or eventually learn" I am different and I don't care for the sloppy tourists and expats.

as for you going to the Emporium, remember this IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY! YOU ARE A GUEST! you have to comply.

you better look good when you are next to me in the restaurant. They might tell me to tell you you stink.

One thing that we are all clear on - clean, tidy and respectful - all good clean fun (pun intended). What, however, is the Thai take on farangs who "like to sweat" and won't wipe their faces of sweat even in mixed company (men, women, Thai/farang. Is this a social faux pas, or is it acceptable?

Dunno what all the fuss is about.

been here in Khon Kaen for 5 months now and i have not seen a Thai who looked like they spent more that 200 baht on their complete outfit.

The majority of Thai's could not care less, sure some of them wanna have a little dig but simple things have always pleased simple minds....aint that right SiamoneBraincell? :o

Thank you sweet person. I still don't understand why people think they can dress differently in Thailand to back home. Or maybe they do dress in shorts and white socks in sandals all the time. If so, sorry. If not, what I said still holds.

Most Thais do care, what you said is so incorrect. If you see people coming out of poor houses, you will see people who are clean and neat as possible, they really care.


I dont think it is necessarily what you wear, but whether it appropriate for the setting, and whether it is clean and neat. Scruffy, old football/running shorts, a Singha/Red Bull vest and a pair of flip flops should not be acceptable anywhere, even walking on Pattaya beach.

That is not to say shorts are unacceptable at all. I will wear shorts (bermuda/swimming style), a tank top /vest and flip flops to go to the food stalls or the 7-11 near my house. I wear below the knee length shorts or smart combat/cargo pants, a polo shirt/smart t-shirt and Birkenstock style sandals to go out on a Saturday afternoon to MBK or Carrefour or whatever. It may be a very casual style of dress but it is not scruffy and that is the point.

In the evening it depends where I am going. I usually wear jeans and a short sleeved shirt/polo shirt/designer t-shirt. Always clean and ironed. I either wear old school type trainers or casual shoes. If it is a more upscale place I will wear a smarter long sleeved shirt and possibly a pair of trousers (as opposed to jean before I get smart commenst :D ), with smart shoes. I occasionally go out in combat/cargo pants and trainers.

Work is obviously shirt, trousers and smart shoes. I may wear a more casual short sleeved shirt in the office. If out and about or meeting clients, it is full suit, shirt, cufflinks and tie.

As long as what you wear is neat and clean and appropriate for the setting then it should not matter what you are wearing. Shorts and vest in the Marriott hotel are unacceptable always, but walking up Sukhumvit Road in the daytime I cannot see any problem. If others look down on me then that is their problem and I really wouldnt want their 'respect'. White socks and sandals are ALWAYs, ALWAYS unacceptable and people who wear them should be immediately deported :o


Thank you sweet person.  I still don't understand why people think they can dress differently in Thailand to back home[/color]. Or maybe they do dress in shorts and white socks in sandals all the time. If so, sorry. If not, what I said still holds.

Most Thais do care, what you said is so incorrect. If you see people coming out of poor houses, you will see people who are clean and neat as possible, they really care.

You the fashion Police or something???? what YOU gonna do???? start arresting folks wearing shorts if they venture inside city limits?

You dont understand!!! :o:D:D:D

its because your are SiamOneBrainCell :D:D:D:D


I agree to a point…but remember some people here are on holiday and really think they are on the beach.

However these are a few things that really bug me…

1. The way that some (mostly Brits) dress at night. Topless with huge guts and sweaty arm pits!

2. And why does every Brit who comes here think that foot-ball strip is appropriate for a tropical climate???

3. Why do people wear socks with sandals? – Trainers yes, open sandals – NO!

4. Why do people wear lace-up or business shoes (and dark socks) with shorts?

5. Why do fat (and thin) men wear singlet (Shoulder strap T-shirts) in air-conned restaurants – I hate looking at their hairy shoulders when I’m eating. - and that whiff of B.O.!!!!

6. Why do old men wear surf shorts and sports gear designed for teenagers?

7. T-shirts with “witty” comments about Thai bar girls.

8. Nazi memorabilia

9. Any paramilitary garb

10. People who tuck their shirts into their shorts AND underpants!

That’s a quicky off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more

Me? Well I’m the epitome of sartorial elegance!

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