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How Feminism Destroyed Real Men


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Women thought the last victory of equality was to make men more 'sensitive'. The bitter irony, says this male writer in a piece that will infuriate the opposite sex (including his wife Liz Jones), is women don't like wimps after all...

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-398998/How-feminism-destroyed-real-men.html#ixzz17hGlli26

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Before this gets going, let me take this moment to remind our members that we don't tolerate nastiness in this forum so if you find yourself unable to have a reasonable and civilized discussion please do not bother to post.

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Feminism didn't beat men into submission, but it did drive many of them away to rediscover a more traditional balance of the sexes in other countries like Thailand.

After a lifetime of being attracted to ballsy women, the last of whom refused resolutely to say that she loved me over a seven year close relationship as that might show weakness (how about that for role reversal), I find Thai women a breath of fresh air - for all their weaknesses.

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This is embarrassing (sort of), but I REFUSE to read either the Daily Mail or Express.

Is the article really worth it?

Have to add - got on a plane once and they were offering the Express. I smiled at the air hostess and said "wouldn't touch it with a barge pole" and had to laugh when she replied "I have to agree"!

Edited by F1fanatic
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Problem as I see it, women want equality, but only their definition of equality which is hypocritical because its not the equal way of deciding it.

OK. Not having read the article - you're joking right??

All the women I know do most things around the house (or eventually get fed up as they're working full-time too, so arrange for a cleaner).

To be fair, the husband would (eventually) do anything he was asked to do - but badly.

Please explain why you think women want 'their definition of equality'.

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wimpy men allow themselves to be wimps but find it easier to blame feminism rather than acknoledge their own weakness.

There are plenty of men who aren't wimpy or weak but who are able to accept/not feel threatened by a women & who don't blame feminism/women for all of their issues in life.

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wimpy men allow themselves to be wimps but find it easier to blame feminism rather than acknoledge their own weakness.

There are plenty of men who aren't wimpy or weak but who are able to accept/not feel threatened by a women & who don't blame feminism/women for all of their issues in life.

Agree entirely.

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sorry Eek, but I think we disagree on this one

I couldnt even get past the first few paragraphs

I dont think he even made any attempt at an analysis of anything. it sounded more like a vent against women who deviate from 'his' idea of a conventional wife.

the example he gave of the successful woman and her husband - does that really have anything to do with feminism? or is it more to do with 2 people's personalities and their choice to marry each other?

feminism is about equality - in the sense of respect and opportunities. no 2 human beings, regardless of their gender, will likely to be EXACTLY equal. so it is not that women are demanding to get exaxtly what another man gets, but that in general women should be entitled to similar things in society, and that they should not be discriminated against, or harassed simply because they are women.

as to real men:

I dont believe one needs to be into chick flicks to be appreciated. at the time when metrosexuals was at its height of popularity, I wrote something making reference to the ubersexuals. what I said then which I will repeat again here is that: for me it is the ubersexuals that I wish to see as the rising trend. this has nothing to do with their dress sense, their choice of sports or music (or movies for that matter). but it has everything to do with what I view as an essential criteria of being ubersexual (ignore the term, but basically what I am referring to is, what makes a real man):

that they are men that respect women.

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Actually, I thought this article was very interesting, and it threw up some very good questions, which I wouldn't mind the answer to.

Lets look at chivalry for a start. I was brought up with a strong sense of opening doors for a lady, leting a lady go first, giving up a seat for a lady etc..

Now I have always and continue to think this behaviour is polite and though not requested is the right way.

Am I to believe that a lady does not like it when a gentleman holds open the door for them or does something else in a 'gentlemanly'(sp) way? I would like to think both the man and he woman feel equally happy with this.

And there it comes to feminism..man has always been subservient in my world, others are not the same, but we are talking western values here I think, and not other oppressve cultures..it all comes down to expression.. is not opening a door and letting a female go first subservient ?

I honestly believe that a woman / lady (i'm not sure how to refer to females in this context) need a certain ammount of strenght from a male partner, and that does not mean they cannot be strong in themself, but on a different level.. you can't change humanity.

At the end of the day, natural selection means you will pick the best person to carry your genes.... some like a strong female..or male..and some don't.

Totster :D

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Women thought the last victory of equality was to make men more 'sensitive'. The bitter irony, says this male writer in a piece that will infuriate the opposite sex (including his wife Liz Jones), is women don't like wimps after all... Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz17hGlli26

Women don't like wimps? OH RLY? As a man who never bought into the drivels of feminism I must say I always knew that truth and I completely agree with the article. Well, excluding the cheating bit, for a real man keeps his word and doesn't cheat unless that was discussed and agreed upon beforehand.

I must also say that the dynamics of my present relationship mirror the author's one and that is great fun and joy for me and my partner :D

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Feminism didn't beat men into submission, but it did drive many of them away to rediscover a more traditional balance of the sexes in other countries like Thailand.

After a lifetime of being attracted to ballsy women, the last of whom refused resolutely to say that she loved me over a seven year close relationship as that might show weakness (how about that for role reversal), I find Thai women a breath of fresh air - for all their weaknesses.

Check out new topic " Why you lock my post?" SantiSuk.

It won't be up there for long.

Give me a country girl from Northern Thailand any day in preference to euro girl in Mercedes Benz.

I said to MamaSan Linda in London :" Prettiest girls come from Thailand, but the Germans make the best cars." She said: " How you know I got Mercedes Benz?".

Very class act MamaSan Linda. Small Thai woman. Silver Merc 500. I could write a book about the events before and after. One day I will.

"My wife has gone". "Your wife Thai?" "No, my wife Italian."

Viet Cong Mig fighters at 2 o'clock, napalm at 4, Go-Go Bar at 8.

Great respect for MamaSan Linda, Daisy, Lucky and Silvia.


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wimpy men allow themselves to be wimps but find it easier to blame feminism rather than acknoledge their own weakness.

There are plenty of men who aren't wimpy or weak but who are able to accept/not feel threatened by a women & who don't blame feminism/women for all of their issues in life.

Why you lock my post?

Papa in Petchabun die with respect and dignity.

Me happy to help him and his family.

And feminism/women is a bracket I don't understand.

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An interesting topic, but I hope this doesn't evolve into a "farang women bashing" thread. What I mean is I've seen a lot of farang men who find a need to justify being with a Thai woman by bashing farang women. Why do they do that? I have my own theories, but don't want to get off point. Equal rights for women is not the same as that whole "femi-nazi" propaganda that some ultra right wing folks make the movement out to be. I find that the typical western woman likes to be treated as a woman, likes the romance, the chivalry...and doesn't support, for example, the uni-sex bathroom idea. For western men in Thailand who may enjoy the company of Thai women, do recognize that the vast majority of farang men are with farang women and most are doing just fine.

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wimpy men allow themselves to be wimps but find it easier to blame feminism rather than acknoledge their own weakness.

There are plenty of men who aren't wimpy or weak but who are able to accept/not feel threatened by a women & who don't blame feminism/women for all of their issues in life.

Why you lock my post?

Papa in Petchabun die with respect and dignity.

Me happy to help him and his family.

And feminism/women is a bracket I don't understand.

You said it Boo not me. 'Your problems are not my fault'. You use it as a banner.

I make no apology for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Sometimes not appreciated by cool heart Jai Yen Thai but we have to be careful about farang interpretation of 'cool heart'.

Fragile paper lantern fuelled by burning petrol candle inside is something Thais have, English people don't.

Don't know where you come from but instinct tells me your affinity with Thailand is questionable. Happy to be proven wrong.

My post "Why you lock my post?" seems to have disappeared from the forum. Not just locked but eradicated.

As I said in the post "You can control what I do but you can't control how I feel."

'Your problems are not my fault'


London for money/Nam Ko Phetchabun for something else.

Chris, please do not use this to discuss moderation action, but PM a moderator to find out what happened to your post as discussion of moderation actions in the open forum is not allowed and is hijacking the topic, thanks.

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I don't buy the basis for the article. If anything, I think feminism destroyed real women. It is a movement that has beeen almost wholly co-opted by the "women's studies" brigade who at their base were always somewhat man hating (and in many cases justified). I should note that I differentiate feminism from the fight for equal rights which of course any reasonable person supports.

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Give me a country girl from Northern Thailand any day in preference to euro girl in Mercedes Benz.


Nothing personal, Chris, but I've always found this type of statement to be incredibly disingenuous. It's like some country bumpkin in the states saying "I wouldn't trade my 300 lb. girlfriend for Jessica Alba." As if he really had any choice in the matter.

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I don't buy the basis for the article. If anything, I think feminism destroyed real women. It is a movement that has beeen almost wholly co-opted by the "women's studies" brigade who at their base were always somewhat man hating (and in many cases justified). I should note that I differentiate feminism from the fight for equal rights which of course any reasonable person supports.

"I should note that I differentiate feminism from the fight for equal rights which of course any reasonable person supports."

That touches on what i believe also.

I think a strong feminist movement was required, for, as often the way, some issues need to be addressed in a dramatic way in order to be taken seriously.

However, for me its a question of balance. I dont wish men to feel castrated. I enjoy being a woman, and i enjoy all those things men do for women (the small things, like holding open a door etc). I enjoy feeling feminine. I want to be treated with respect, and i want a man to be a man (which i suppose is open to interpretation, but hoping the gist of what i mean is there).

I dont find movies/tv etc depicting women humiliating men funny. Just as i dont find anything humiliating women funny. (Teasing between the sexes is different).

I believe in mutual respect, and for me I need to have respect for a man (and feel respect from him) in order to be with him.

Just giving some random thoughts on this topic. I have no right answer, only thoughts. Im enjoying reading others perspectives.

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I think the problem with equal rights has also gone too far.

We have women in australia that are given months of work with pay to have children (married or not). When they come back to the workforce the employer is legally bound to ensure she is provided with flexible working hours so that she can care for her children. Then the women will make a song and dance about a glass ceiling when not being given a promotion. What they don't seem to grasp is that a man doing the same job without the 'interruption' of childberth has just as much 'right' to the promotion.

Unfortunately government policies have been put in place where some women, who are not experienced enough, have been put in a position that they cannot handle.

One particular problem I know of first hand was a certain female barrister in Brisbane. The state govt appointed her a Supreme Court Judge and lampooned criticism from the legal profession that it was a political appointment based on gender. Unfortunately for the govt it was then revealed that to be appointed a District Court Judge the applicant must have been in practice for 5 years, she hadn't. Sort of shot down in flames their argument that she was the most appropriate person.

It is those kind of appointments that do get men annoyed. No problem with putting the best person in the position, man or woman, but all the policies that you must have a certain percentage of women in management etc can sometimes be a very bad and costly outing.

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Chris I have no idea who you are or what you think I did to some post of yours but you're barking up the wrong tree so chill out & quit stalking me. it's creepy

From my point of view as a man .... it's pretty much you stalking us.

Please don't ban me again for this post, just expressing my male feelings.

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I dont see how you came to that opinion.

somebody made a comment about moderation and has been politely asked to take that up in PM with the concerned Moderator. (as you all know discussion of moderation in public forum is against TV rules)

I suggest if you wish to discuss the article, the subject of this thread, or the views expressed by anyone about the subject of this thread, please feel free to do so.

however, if you have other issues, I suggest you drop it :)

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I dont see how you came to that opinion.

somebody made a comment about moderation and has been politely asked to take that up in PM with the concerned Moderator. (as you all know discussion of moderation in public forum is against TV rules)

I suggest if you wish to discuss the article, the subject of this thread, or the views expressed by anyone about the subject of this thread, please feel free to do so.

however, if you have other issues, I suggest you drop it :)

Polite request appreciated and responded to appropriately. But not through fear. Regards. Chris

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Give me a country girl from Northern Thailand any day in preference to euro girl in Mercedes Benz.


Nothing personal, Chris, but I've always found this type of statement to be incredibly disingenuous. It's like some country bumpkin in the states saying "I wouldn't trade my 300 lb. girlfriend for Jessica Alba." As if he really had any choice in the matter.

Anything wrong with the country bumpkin in the US? Anything wrong with the country bumpkin in Nam Ko Phetchabun?

Anything wrong with weighing 300 lb? Anything wrong with the concept of "One man, one woman."

Anything wrong with a man or a woman saying "I choose You."

I love the sound of a tractor in the morning. Don't want Mercedes Benz.

Regards Chris

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au contraire sarahs bloke, i have no interest in you or anything you post until you step over the line & I need to moderate. stay within the rules & I will happily have nothing to do with you but please do take off the tin foil hat, I'm not out to get you.

gawd :rolleyes:

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