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Alternative To The Wp

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Well, last month I was happy, for the 3rd consecutive month my SME degaged enough benefits to allow me to get a decent salary ( 61 .000 bht), then I decided to beg for a WP.

the 2 millions bath are paid in the bank, they are secure since 15 month. I get a salary upper than the minimum needed for my nationality, then I will not be a "bona fide" tourist anymore.

Lol, today I get a letter from the Ministry of labour ... no visa allowed for me, as my business is IT/internet related,they will not give me the WP before I get my salary during 1 year ... funny ... how can I earn LEGALLY money in LOS if I don't have a W.P.?????????? I did it, and asked to have a personnal tax card for the last 3 month, but do they think I am stupid enough and will pay taxes on my personnal ILLEGAL earnings?

then enough is enough, there is place where the population is happy when you come and open a business, where the gouvernment is willing to get taxes and let you live quietly like a man, and not like an illegal worker. I will move my investments (in fact only the half, the other half 1 000 000 will stay the property of the wonderful thai people who were my partner, her signsture is worth like that they told me), and I will reopen it in LAOS, at least I will get :

one work permit

the right to have a longt stay

and nobody will tell me : go back home farang, because we don't need your money anymore, we hav stolen all :o

Sound crazy or bitter ... but those who have starting SME the past year (like you David) what will happend to you in Jully??????????????????? I have a big mouth, here and in real, then there is normal if I am on the top ofthe list .


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Sting -

If you want to head off to Laos, no problem. I like Vientinne (and Beer Lao), although I think I might get a bit bored after a week or so.

But - your story does not sound like the final word to me. Particularly if you are located in Bangkok.

My guess is that someone tried to get you a work permit under a category where no Thai employees are required - and qualifying standards are very high.

With four Thai employees, I have never experienced a case where a work permit was not granted, if all qualifying criteria were met.

I'd at least be willing to take a crack at getting you a work permit - provided that you and your employer are located in Bangkok.

If so, contact me - steve @indo-siam.com




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