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Prince Charles' car attacked as tuition fee increase is approved


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User pays is a very fair system. Those students are way out of line. You want the highest education, you need to pay the fees that go with it SIMPLE REALLY.

People like this should be shot, its an absolute disgrace and anyone committed of such an offence should be penalised very heavily.

Nobody is denying anyone the right to protest peacefully.....This type of behaviour is not acceptable.

What if they were provoked by the police

:lol: You must be kidding. :rolleyes: Let me see how that works, >>>peaceful protest>>>>>police roll up and provoke the peaceful protesters>>>>protesters attack the convoy of a royal - SORRY, the idiocy of the suggestion is only outdone by the shameful act of these protesters.

Others might like to entertain this sort of nonesense or excuse, but I aint one of them.

Suggest you extend your education by reading what some of the more serious uk media have to say and also studying some of the eye witness accounts.

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3290 pounds. That's the annual tuition fee for the typical UK university. Does anyone believe that comes close to covering even a small portion of the actual cost of the services?

Yes, there should be accessibility to higher learning. Yes, there should be liberal arts courses. However, who is going to pay for all of this when there are limited financial resources available? Does one allow the delivery of services to deteriorate further? Does one do away with all athletic facilities and services? The fact of the matter is that current approach to deal with the situation of over crowded classrooms, and a rationing of scarce resources hurts all students. Something has to give. That means increased tuition, and cutting some courses, otherwise students will continue to see a deterioration in opportunities. How can one hope to make advances when one cannot provide functioning labs to students or to provide library? Some painful choices had to be made and tuition was one of them. Prince Charles didn't raise the tuition, and the UK taxpayers can't keep paying the high taxes to pay for all of the services. There's no blood left in them.

I am willing to wager that the majority of violent rioters in the UK were not students and the students that were there did not come from the science or professional faculties. It was incredibly hypocritical of the protestors to vandalize and destroy property. Who will pay for the repairs? Who will pay for the police? Who is going to address the environmental damage impact? The riots had more to do with having a mob rally than the tuition fees and were overtaken by a small group with a political agenda that didn't care about the students or tuition fees.

FYI, I spent 9 years in university. I held part time jobs throughout. My taxes paid since then have more than paid for any subsidies received. I had fellow students who goofed off and used uni as an excuse not to work or grow up. I watched as the various political factions came and went, always spouting the same empty slogans. No one really cared about the students. it was always the same shrill political cadres telling us what were were supposed to do and think. Never, ever, did anyone take into account the needs of the sciences, and athletic components of the student body. It was always whatever the angry artsies in polysci or sociology wanted. Snotty elitist ignorant bullies they were.

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Now, don't bombard me with hate mail as I'm trying to get an objective view in terms of who should pay for tertiary education in the UK.

I'm led to believe that it's becoming mandatory for young people to do something till they are at least 18 ie academic or vocational training. I don't believe it's mandatory that the government pay for tertiary education; people have just come to accept that it does pay.

In terms of government funds to pay for education, does it mean that it should pay for all education, despite people's situation or age? I say the following as a statement of fact, not to win sympathy: I was forced to leave school at 16 and find work as my parents would not support me even to 'A Levels'. I had to find work, it was just not possible for me to study. In later life I found that I wanted to study to degree level and possibly further but was offered no help whatsoever, as I was employed and therefore I classify myself as being means tested.

I don't really know if the students of today should get free education or what contribution they should make; but I find it hard to accept that I had to work, at a lower skill and pay level because of my situation and yet if I want to go for the same degree as a young person today, then I'd be expected to pay for all of it.

Please put me right about any misunderstandings I may have.

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Seemingly Clegg is turning out to be a mirror image of Obama :whistling: ... Say one thing to get elected and do another once in and reality sets in.. I've seen it all coming so no shock value for me only surprise that so few others have...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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User pays is a very fair system. Those students are way out of line. You want the highest education, you need to pay the fees that go with it SIMPLE REALLY.

People like this should be shot, its an absolute disgrace and anyone committed of such an offence should be penalised very heavily.

Nobody is denying anyone the right to protest peacefully.....This type of behaviour is not acceptable.

What if they were provoked by the police

:lol: You must be kidding. :rolleyes: Let me see how that works, >>>peaceful protest>>>>>police roll up and provoke the peaceful protesters>>>>protesters attack the convoy of a royal - SORRY, the idiocy of the suggestion is only outdone by the shameful act of these protesters.

Others might like to entertain this sort of nonesense or excuse, but I aint one of them.

Suggest you extend your education by reading what some of the more serious uk media have to say and also studying some of the eye witness accounts.

You call that extending my education. I refer you to post 33 & in particular the first two sentences of that post. If that sort of crap had taken place on my shift there would of been a few uni turds snapped in half, i can assure you of that.

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as i undesrstand it they dont have to start paying back until they earn £21,000 or above, Mcdonalds are never going to pay that so no worries.:cheesy:

urinating on churchills statue as well, were it not for churchill they probably would not have the right to protest. i was once a student, studied in a subject relevant to my career, worked 20 hours at nights and week ends to pay , yes there were fees even then,and for a council house kid like me. i ended up recruiting as part of my job, uni degrees in CV used to nearly always end up in the bin just by reading head up there bum applications. way way to many people now going to uni to end up in jobs that do not require a degree in some irrelevant subject.

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The fuse was lit a few years back.

Not just in the UK....

Does not matter that costs increase...matters that wages or lack there of has made it available to less & less

Yes governments worldwide are in debt up to their ears....

Where does it go from here?

If this is what you see when folks cannot afford education

What will you see when they cannot afford food & housing in greater & greater numbers?

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I finally had an opportunity to listen to more of the events as they folded. What stuck out for me was one of the attackers screaming out, "Off with their heads". That says it all doesn't it. A sick prick advocating a brutal murder. Mobs are like that.

I also heard another segment from some of the students venting their anger at a group of non students that overtook the protest to engage in violence and vandalism. As one of the students lamented, he was only there to speak out in a peaceful manner to express his views and this group of obvious non-students was running about causing trouble. Again, that says it all. Some kid trying to engage in peaceful protest gets shoved aside by a gang of thugs that don't care about the students, just their own angry political agenda. Man, some things never change.

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I finally had an opportunity to listen to more of the events as they folded. What stuck out for me was one of the attackers screaming out, "Off with their heads". That says it all doesn't it.

It certainly does. And I couldn't agree more with the sentiment.

Were you not whining about people calling for Assange to be assassinated. Why is it OK when it is Prince Charles and his wife? :bah:

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Seemingly Clegg is turning out to be a mirror image of Obama :whistling: ... Say one thing to get elected and do another once in and reality sets in.. I've seen it all coming so no shock value for me only surprise that so few others have...

dam_n! I hate when I post in a hurry!! Getting politicians mixed up is easy enough to do since they're all cut from the same filthy cloth but I meant Cameron not Clegg :wacko: .

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You must be kidding. :rolleyes: Let me see how that works, >>>peaceful protest>>>>>police roll up and provoke the peaceful protesters>>>>protesters attack the convoy of a royal - SORRY, the idiocy of the suggestion is only outdone by the shameful act of these protesters.

Others might like to entertain this sort of nonesense or excuse, but I aint one of them.

In my younger days, I went to a fair few things like this and the police were as up for it as anyone else.

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You must be kidding. :rolleyes: Let me see how that works, >>>peaceful protest>>>>>police roll up and provoke the peaceful protesters>>>>protesters attack the convoy of a royal - SORRY, the idiocy of the suggestion is only outdone by the shameful act of these protesters.

Others might like to entertain this sort of nonesense or excuse, but I aint one of them.

In my younger days, I went to a fair few things like this and the police were as up for it as anyone else.

Yeah !! and if I was in charge of the police I'd let them use rubber bullets, water cannon and tear gas as soon as trouble started.:jerk:

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Another post removed and suspension issued.

Under Thai Law, the Heads of State are given wide protection from defamatory remarks. In accordance with this law, please exercise care in comments about the British Monarchy that might be construed as being excessively negative.

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You must be kidding. :rolleyes: Let me see how that works, >>>peaceful protest>>>>>police roll up and provoke the peaceful protesters>>>>protesters attack the convoy of a royal - SORRY, the idiocy of the suggestion is only outdone by the shameful act of these protesters.

Others might like to entertain this sort of nonesense or excuse, but I aint one of them.

In my younger days, I went to a fair few things like this and the police were as up for it as anyone else.

I thought you might,

creeps tend to come out of the woodwork if there's a chance of whacking a copper with a stick or break a few windows with little risk of being caught.

And as for your previous post calling the UK Queen a pig, a blasphemous post and not meant for an open forum.

Please crawl back where you normally hide.

Thats exactly right, creeps do tend to come out and do extreeme things in these situations and they do it because they are normally cowards and they see an opportunity where they might be able to get away with something just due to the sheer numbers situation. There are no shortage of these sort of people around the world that actually come out to peaceful protests with the intention of causing trouble. Most of these types have absolutely no interest in the 'purpose' for the protest, whatsoever. Troublemakers........you even get steady flow of them here on thaivisa :rolleyes:

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