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Has any body had any experience with this company? Link Below.

The rates listed, I presume that is per car as is the norm with insurance, not attached to each driver?

Any Feed back would be good.

Anyone had any experience with Isuzu emergency roadside assistance?


Car Breakdown Servicepdf_button.pngprintButton.pngemailButton.png

Thaivisa - Carworld Breakdown Service

Thaivisa and CarWorld Club are now able to provide Emergercy Roadside Service to people traveling with automobiles Thaivisa Members. The Service provides wide coverage giving 24 hours 365 days service throughout 76 provinces of Thailand. Our Emergency Roadside Service provides to mobilize your broken down vehicle, transport your vehicle to a safe location, or transport to a service garage of your choice. We have maintained a well trained and experienced team of service mechanics, towing units and with these service teams that spread out in every corner of Thailand we can ensure a prompt response no matter how far our member vehicles may be located.

With a Call Center that operates 24 hours a day our members will never be without assistance.



I have CWC provided when I purchased my used car. We had to use them once for a short distance flatbed tow and had no problems if not a little bit slow but I'm also not sure my wife completely understood our policy when she spoke to them as our coverage is not like the ones listed and I'm more apt to believe she misunderstood since they charged us for some of it but it was within the posted distances..

Plus they said one tow per year and I don't think that is right either..

<br />Yep Like anything here can be for sure if you're not privy to your coverage amounts...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

All I can report is that some 2.5 years ago I was in a small (2 car) convoy with a friend from Bkk to Chiang Mai.

At lunch time, after several hesitations, his car stopped and refused to go furthur quite a long way south of Tak on a narrow hard shoulder.

He was a fully paid up member of this organisation and, as soon as we realised the problem was truly invisible, he called them up.

In short, it took them almost 4 hours to find us and winch the car onto the flat truck. We then followed in my car (Very slowly) and finally reached his designated garage in Chiang Mai just before midnight.

There WAS a suggestion from the truckers of an extra payment, which he rapidly brushed aside.

If only my car had a tow hook on the back and if his had one on the front, we'd have been home in time for tea!

In brief, the service worked, but not well. What DID impress us was the fact that 5 Thais stopped to offer help or advice during the 4 hour wait. Two pretty schoolgirls on bikes, 2 truck drivers (with no tow ropes) and a REALLY charming policeman who told World Car Whatsit to "dam_n well hurry up because these people are in a dangerous position."

Our advice? Just ensure you have lots of time, break down, and meet nice people!!

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