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You can think about that woman whatever you like, but the fact of the matter is that most if not all Embassies and Immigrations Offices throughout the world treat foreigners very badly. They deny basic human rights to foreigner, visa applicants and immigrants.

It is a disgrace how - I would say - all countries treat foreigners and I include Thailand and my own home country.

I therefore tend to sympathize with that Thai woman, I know how degrading foreign government agencies can treat people.

Rubbish. Are you even aware of the circumstances of this case. She appeared before a tribunal, she had a judge review the case, what more do you want?

The EU, Canada and Australia are flooded with bogus refugees. Land in many Scandanavian countries & Canada and claim refugee status and within weeks you get welfare, medicare, subsidized housing and access to support services. Do you read the news? Canada gets boatloads of bogus Sri Lankan and Mexican bogus refugees. The USA and Canada have been extremely generous in accepting Haitians. Save your unfounded outdated political views for the next rally in London when some of these peace loving immigrants you feel so sorry for gather to call for jihad against the UK. They are untouchable because they have rights don't you know.


No one should get married unless they know their partner really well, ESPECIALLY if they come from a totally different culture. Scottish men can be quite difficult and I can see there would be a cultural clash with the Thai culture, especially if the Scotman is not familair with Thai ways.

The Thai laws are very unequal. Once a women marries she looses her personal rights and her husband has full control over her. Its a very sad state of affairs; I am not sure what can be done to bring these outdated laws up to date. This is why alot of Thai women do not want to get married, especially ones with careers. Guess Thailand needs a Womans Rights group to lobby for equality for women who are married? Thailand has some strange laws.


“I met Dennis after joining an internet dating service for a laugh. An actress friend had joined the site, but wanted to stop. So I agreed that she could put my photograph up instead.

When you read cr@p like that, you know the whole story is cr@p.

..exactly..she set herself up for all that she got..fancy following it through and airing her dirty laundry with all and sundry..no style..lo so not hi so som nam nah


any wonder Thai broads have the reputation they have.......This one is beyond gold digger......hopefully she will get exactly what she deserves..NOTHING except more shame and ridicule,,


Within months, Mr Booth had flown across the world to be with his new love, and in April 2008 they were married in Scotland, paid for by the Scot.......The following year they holidayed together on Mr Booth’s timeshare yacht in Greece. It was the last time they met.........Herald Scotland

From her home in Thailand, the woman admitted her marriage deteriorated after her regular trips away led Mr Booth to suspect she was having an affair. But she claims the trips were innocent, visiting relatives and her sons from a previous marriage..............

' Last night, Mr Booth refused to comment. But a friend said: 'She was a gold digger and the claim against the Government sums it all up. He got fed up being taken for a mug and told her she was getting no more money. It was fairly obvious what she was getting up to on her various trips abroad.

'When she arrived in Glasgow, Dennis did not tell officials that he no longer wanted to see her, only he had no idea she was coming.'

From the "The Daily Mail "


I don't think that anybody can sue the UK Government - or indeed any government. The UK Government are the representatives of circa 55 million people. So I have one fifty five millionth of a court case hanging over my head?  What nonsense.

Isn't it the case that the European Courts only take on cases after they have failed to be resolved through the relevant countries legal system? McTavish and Co over the border are canny folk and it i said that some pay for their round wi’ empty lemonade bottles (old Scottish saying) so I wouldn't be holding my breath.


Drummond's "news" are always missing a side of the story, it is in general poor journalism.

No offence to AD, but after re-reading the story a 2nd time and failing to find that he tried to talk to the husband, I have to agree.

With this kind of reporting he could my GF's outbursts seem logical and correct too - doesn't mean they are. :)

Well there's a reason for that and I will put the husband's quotes up as they did not come to me until today. Daily Mail was closed yesterday. I was purely writing her side of the story. Another journalist was doing the husband in Scotland.

She does not get off lightly at all and many of her statements are questioned.

The Glasgow Herald stuff is tosh though, its copied from the bangkok post. . She was never suing for 100 million or whatever Thai baht and if she did she would not get it i am sure.

YAWN :rolleyes:


Why should the Scottish lad have to be mindful of the Thai ways if they are in Scotland. I think perhaps we bend backwards to accomodate others cultures but then find that some from those cultures take advantage of that and have absolutely no intention of integrating into OUR culture.

Seems to be happening quite a lot in Australia at the moment.


My father was Scottish and I have a Scottish name! Also I know modern Scottish men can be as worldly as the next man (like my cousins), but some old Scots can be very traditional, shovanistic, etc. I think you know what I mean? This would very much clash with the Thai culture. No offence intended.

As another poster said there is always three sides to the story, his, hers and the truth somewhere in between :) Our canny TV members have pointed out many inconsistencies in the stories :)

PS: I don't want to get into a slanging match, its not my style and I won't lower myself to that. I made my point about the cultures being very different in a traditional Scots context.


Jealousy and lack of understanding of the extent of the need for strong financial ties between expat Thais and their family at home are cause for more than a few break ups.

Most do not become as acrimonious as this one. Some worse though.

Hard to believe he dropped a dime on her with whole scale lies, most imagined from his jealous heart. Clearly this guy just didn't get it, and had old school macho expectations for his wife, and no consideration for her needs. Cheap prick too. What a t..t.

A lot of this story does not add up...I have read through the report and this woman is wrong about a lot of things - especially the Scottish Legal system. And as someone pointed out she had enough money in a bank account to get a Scottish Solicitor and get a divorce. She claims to be well connected in Thailand and cannot get things "fixed".

She obviously scammed the guy driving around in a "borrowed Mercedes car" making out she was a lot better off than she actually was......

maybe the bar girls in Pattaya can club together and rent a limo next time they want to make out they are more than just a "bar girl" to some unfortunate green horn ...

good "Hi So" scam eh !!!

ANY WOMAN that gets involved with a guy with a track record of failed marriages and a taste for Stodgy Scottish wedding cake should be right at the bottom of a list of suitable candidates to get married to....I'm Scottish so I know all about Scottish weddings - I have had one and that one was enough thank you....

A sad state of affairs all round.......but to quote her....she signed up on the internet dating site " for a laugh" well the jokes on her now.... I hope she and millions of others learn that you cannot screw around with other peoples emotions... the advise I offer everyone that mentions this madness " internet dating " to both Farrang and Thai is.....

do you know how bad a person smells, if you contact them via the internet ?:bah:

and some advise for the guys out there on internet land...watch out for a woman scorned, she might write a book about you.....:blink: sheeesh....

I agree with most of what you say. Animatic, I think you're being a bit one sided. There are three sides to every story.

I know a lawyer in Bangkok who specialises in family law and farang thai divorces. There are a large number of cases where thai ladies are scamming farangs - and they do it with some fairly hi so contacts and help. According to him.


You can think about that woman whatever you like, but the fact of the matter is that most if not all Embassies and Immigrations Offices throughout the world treat foreigners very badly. They deny basic human rights to foreigner, visa applicants and immigrants.

It is a disgrace how - I would say - all countries treat foreigners and I include Thailand and my own home country.

I therefore tend to sympathize with that Thai woman, I know how degrading foreign government agencies can treat people.

There is no evidence of her being degraded. Immigration followed procedures and they were reviewed by a judge. More evidence is now coming to light and it is not too supportive of her case.

And of course she was never chained naked to cell bars. Let's get treatment by police authorities in perspective here.


No one should get married unless they know their partner really well, ESPECIALLY if they come from a totally different culture. Scottish men can be quite difficult and I can see there would be a cultural clash with the Thai culture, especially if the Scotman is not familair with Thai ways.

The Thai laws are very unequal. Once a women marries she looses her personal rights and her husband has full control over her. Its a very sad state of affairs; I am not sure what can be done to bring these outdated laws up to date. This is why alot of Thai women do not want to get married, especially ones with careers. Guess Thailand needs a Womans Rights group to lobby for equality for women who are married? Thailand has some strange laws.

EXCUSE ME..........I am Scottish.....Explain "Difficult" Explain your personal knowledge of this.

IF a remark like this had been made against some one from the India / Pakistan / Afghanistan / Egypt / Iraq / Iran...I guess the moderators would have deleted it...

Where do I flash the Race card ???

When did "Jock Bashing" become P.C.

ASK my Thai G.F. what she thinks about me.......She thinks I am the geatest thing since sliced bread.

AND unlike the stereo typical Scotsman of Harry Lauder fame I do not drink like a fish and smoke like a Kipper or keep all my money under the bed in a Bicuit tin.

wake up and smell the coffee Mai Chai and keep your racist opinions OFF Thai Visa. Stick to the topic.

Don't worry, Lonewolf's the odd one out. The rest of us are a perfect blend of Harry Lauder, Rab C Nesbitt and that Russ Abbbott charicature.

I suppose he highlights why the Scots are a difficult race to deal with though - you never know when they;re going to throw their toys out the pram over some perceived slight...

I think the earlier posts to which he refers are entirely on topic, highlighting the challenges of mixed-race marraiges to Scotsmen



My father was Scottish and I have a Scottish name! Also I know modern Scottish men can be as worldly as the next man (like my cousins), but some old Scots can be very traditional, shovanistic, etc. I think you know what I mean? This would very much clash with the Thai culture. No offence intended.

As another poster said there is always three sides to the story, his, hers and the truth somewhere in between :) Our canny TV members have pointed out many inconsistencies in the stories :)

PS: I don't want to get into a slanging match, its not my style and I won't lower myself to that. I made my point about the cultures being very different in a traditional Scots context.

Shouldn't it be MacChai then?

I'm not sure about the shovanistic bit. Does that come from the Glasgow song? 'Ye cannae shov ur granny aff a bus'.


My father was Scottish and I have a Scottish name! Also I know modern Scottish men can be as worldly as the next man (like my cousins), but some old Scots can be very traditional, shovanistic, etc. I think you know what I mean? This would very much clash with the Thai culture. No offence intended.

As another poster said there is always three sides to the story, his, hers and the truth somewhere in between :) Our canny TV members have pointed out many inconsistencies in the stories :)

PS: I don't want to get into a slanging match, its not my style and I won't lower myself to that. I made my point about the cultures being very different in a traditional Scots context.

Shouldn't it be MacChai then?

I'm not sure about the shovanistic bit. Does that come from the Glasgow song? 'Ye cannae shov ur granny aff a bus'.

You've at least shown the scots have a sense of humour


Just another man and money hungry one. She looks like she is trying to get on the gravy train.........not sure she will get anything


How did she arrive at the Edinburgh airport without a proper visa? Surely Thai passports need to obtain a valid visa (visitor/tourist/w/e) prior to their arrival?


How did she arrive at the Edinburgh airport without a proper visa? Surely Thai passports need to obtain a valid visa (visitor/tourist/w/e) prior to their arrival?

Visa's aren't always (probably even not very often) checked outbound.


How did she arrive at the Edinburgh airport without a proper visa? Surely Thai passports need to obtain a valid visa (visitor/tourist/w/e) prior to their arrival?

Visa's aren't always (probably even not very often) checked outbound.

The Thai authorities(or any outbound authority) would have had no reason to challenge the visa. It was only at British immigration that her lengths of stay outside the country and travelling alone seemed to raise alarm bells. Further checks then confirmed their suspicions. That is my understanding. Not a simple case of an expired visa.


How did she arrive at the Edinburgh airport without a proper visa? Surely Thai passports need to obtain a valid visa (visitor/tourist/w/e) prior to their arrival?

No other visa required if you have a residency visa/permit

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