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Singapore Thinks Asian Allies Corrupt, Incompetent: Cables

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Bilahari was also critical of the Thai government in 2008, labelling then premier Thaksin Shinawatra as "corrupt" along with "everyone else, including the opposition." Opposition leader is Mark.

don't think so,i was in loei on sept 19/2006 when he got axed,dream on.

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Where would Singapore be if Malaysia and Thailand cut off their food?

Malaysia will bide their time and choke Singapore into submission.

Food security, Singapore has none.

singapore has lots of money,they can get food from anywhere.its about supply and demand and of coarse price.malaysia and thailand are cheaper than further afield. :jap:


The singaporeans have been fleeced by their rulers for ages for the right to own a car, to hire a maid, to use the roads etc., so the singaporean government can sink billions of taxpayers money into Lehmann Brothers, AIS and others.

very well said, but I give the government credit for being able to put things in a nice way to the citizens.

I can list a whole bunch of bull crap that has been spoon fed to the republic.

Hence said, who am I?

I am a Singaporean; and Thailand is my Mexico. :D

I see things in a different way and calls myself "not the typical Singaporean". I do not get blinded by false fact feeding or news sugar coating.

But I need an electric blanket in Thailand!! lol..

What a piece of news, good day to all. It's beautiful today, nice and warm.


very good.maybe we can have a beer in your mexico next month. :D


LKY's daughter in-law (Temasek holdings) did'nt complain about Taksin being 'corrupt'. Bought up his shares with a smile on their faces.

And your point is?

That a clever crook is still a crook. Taking advantage of corruption does'nt leave your hands un-dirty. I thought it was obvious.

No it's not obvious at all.You need to read up on the details of the Temasek sale not just grunt out a Pavlov dog (Thaksin crook, Thaksin bad) reaction.The sale was legitimate and was supported by key elite Thai institutions such as Siam Commercial Bank.There were some tax irregularities certainly but the campaign against the deal only gained traction when Thaksin's domestic enemies saw it as leverage.

I was referring to the Sg side being crooked as well for taking advantage of a situation which they are clearly intelligent enough to fully understand.

And, of course the sale was 'legitimate' , but define 'legitimate'. Taksin tweaks the law first, then makes 'legitimate' sale.

This does'nt make it in his own countries best interest now does it? Just because something is lawful at the time does'nt make it right.

There is however some limit to the Singaporeans level of corruption ie. Do you think majority shares in Singapore Telecom will ever be sold off to a rival ASEAN country?


LKY's daughter in-law (Temasek holdings) did'nt complain about Taksin being 'corrupt'. Bought up his shares with a smile on their faces.

That a clever crook is still a crook. Taking advantage of corruption does'nt leave your hands un-dirty. I thought it was obvious.

No it's not obvious at all.You need to read up on the details of the Temasek sale not just grunt out a Pavlov dog (Thaksin crook, Thaksin bad) reaction.The sale was legitimate and was supported by key elite Thai institutions such as Siam Commercial Bank.There were some tax irregularities certainly but the campaign against the deal only gained traction when Thaksin's domestic enemies saw it as leverage.

The Temasak sale was twisted to enable the Shinawatres to pay zero tax. Perhaps in a warped interpretation of the law, it was legal, but in every other sense (moral, correct, setting an example for youngsters, etc) it was disgusting. It would be like if I had a neighbor farmer with many banana trees planted along our mutual wall. Many of the banana bunches drooped over on to my side of the wall. I picked them all one night and filled five pick-up trucks. When he found out the next morning, I simply smiled and said, "hey sucker, the bananas were on my side of the wall, so they were mine. Tough toenail, dummy."

I enjoy Wikileaks, it's wrong, immoral and things will never be the same from now on. The closet doors have opened and all the skeletons are out. Some we knew, some we suspected, some we guessed, but some we never knew, keep them coming.

Enjoy it while you can, because starting last week, all diplomatic talk will be a lot more guarded - therefore less will be offered and less revealed. In a more secretive world, bad things (worse than are going on now) are more likely to happen. When a diplomat wants to speak candidly, he/she will stop themselves and instead not speak their minds. Relationships between countries will deteriorate. That's the legacy of Wikileaks.


Where would Singapore be if Malaysia and Thailand cut off their food?

Malaysia will bide their time and choke Singapore into submission.

Food security, Singapore has none.

I think that would be hard to achieve. Malaysia and Thailand are not the only food exporters exclusive to Singapore. Aussie pork is very much relished in Singapore.

What would happen to the trade economy if the money from exporting food stops suddenly because someone higher up wants to starve Singapore?

Will singaporeans die of starvation first? Or will Thailand and M'sia traders/food producers be poorer from income losses?

When you're the one buying, you are in the driving seat.

It used to be water isn't it? Till the desalination plants and the Newater program got up?

I can foresee the same with food.


From the same sources as newater?

I'd sooner live on a diet of pla lah!


Lee Kuan Yew created a new position for himself something like, 'Tutorial Minister, or Advising Minister' (singaporeans help me out here), but truthfully long retired. With salary of nearly 4 Million SG$ per year. That's more than the US President, more than LOTS of Presidents.

Pots calling Kettles black. What a joke.

Singapore ministers may be the highest paid in the world....but they are the poorest....just look at the ministers and MP of other Asean countries...they built palaces and even "White House" style home to stay....bank accounts are bloated, where do all these money come from...the people... :bah:



Face it, Singaporeans look down on everyone, including their own, if they are not Chinese. This is one of the most racist societies in ASEAN!

The authoritarian Singapore government does not tolerate any dissent and will sue, then jail, then bankrupt, then bar from politics, any popular opposition leader who dares speak against it.

By the way, this is the government most admired and envied by past PM Thaksin.

The part about looking down on non-Chinese, appreciate if you can elaborate? Singapore values racial harmony and the current President is of Indian ethic?

About oppositions who dare to speak against, I fully agree.

The position of president of Singapore is meerly a ceremonial figurehead with no power or authority. His only responsibility is rubber stamping the annual budget. That is it.

I recall he was not elected in his first term as he was the only canidate because nobody else in power wanted the job. They practically had to beg him to take the job. And, yes, he is indian decent



Face it, Singaporeans look down on everyone, including their own, if they are not Chinese. This is one of the most racist societies in ASEAN!

The authoritarian Singapore government does not tolerate any dissent and will sue, then jail, then bankrupt, then bar from politics, any popular opposition leader who dares speak against it.

By the way, this is the government most admired and envied by past PM Thaksin.

The part about looking down on non-Chinese, appreciate if you can elaborate? Singapore values racial harmony and the current President is of Indian ethic?

About oppositions who dare to speak against, I fully agree.

The position of president of Singapore is meerly a ceremonial figurehead with no power or authority. His only responsibility is rubber stamping the annual budget. That is it.

I recall he was not elected in his first term as he was the only canidate because nobody else in power wanted the job. They practically had to beg him to take the job. And, yes, hive their e is indian decent

Singapore says they value racial harmony as long as the indians stay in Little India, and the Malays drive their motor bikes back home to Johor Bahru at night.

Unfortunately these are just words and slogans.


Where would Singapore be if Malaysia and Thailand cut off their food?

Malaysia will bide their time and choke Singapore into submission.

Food security, Singapore has none.

Singapore has survived since being kicked out of Malaysia and has become one of the first-world country..a country others talk about....Malaysia has been trying to run down Singapore and threatening to cut off water, food etc etc but just look at Singapore today...It may be a small dot but it would not allow other countries to bully it.

Try ask Malaysia to attack Singapore then you will see the end result...


Where would Singapore be if Malaysia and Thailand cut off their food?

Malaysia will bide their time and choke Singapore into submission.

Food security, Singapore has none.

Singapore has survived since being kicked out of Malaysia and has become one of the first-world country..a country others talk about....Malaysia has been trying to run down Singapore and threatening to cut off water, food etc etc but just look at Singapore today...It may be a small dot but it would not allow other countries to bully it.

Try ask Malaysia to attack Singapore then you will see the end result...

Singapore is in a very strong position. It won't get "cut off".

Also it left the federation. it was not kicked out by any means

Bilahari was also critical of the Thai government in 2008, labelling then premier Thaksin Shinawatra as "corrupt" along with "everyone else, including the opposition
Thaksin wasnt PM in 2008.

So we can assume that the PM was Abhisit and both he and the Reds were corrupt ...

Anyway you spin it, it comes out the same. B)

Abhisit was PM for a whole 16 days in 2008.

He would probably fall into "the opposition" category in the above statement.

Bilahari was also critical of the Thai government in 2008, labelling then premier Thaksin Shinawatra as "corrupt" along with "everyone else, including the opposition
Thaksin wasnt PM in 2008.

So we can assume that the PM was Abhisit and both he and the Reds were corrupt ...

Anyway you spin it, it comes out the same. B)

Abhisit was PM for a whole 16 days in 2008.

He would probably fall into "the opposition" category in the above statement.

Somchai and Samak where the PTP PM's during 95 percent of 2008. So there is a 95 percent chance that is who they are referring to, as being corrupt and untrustworthy. And since both guys were Thaksin's puppets, with no power or authority of their own, we can understand the reference to "Thaksin's" 2008 government.

Spin that - :lol:



Face it, Singaporeans look down on everyone, including their own, if they are not Chinese. This is one of the most racist societies in ASEAN!

The authoritarian Singapore government does not tolerate any dissent and will sue, then jail, then bankrupt, then bar from politics, any popular opposition leader who dares speak against it.

By the way, this is the government most admired and envied by past PM Thaksin.

Visit a few asean countries, papabob, then comment

The part about looking down on non-Chinese, appreciate if you can elaborate? Singapore values racial harmony and the current President is of Indian ethic?

About oppositions who dare to speak against, I fully agree.

The position of president of Singapore is meerly a ceremonial figurehead with no power or authority. His only responsibility is rubber stamping the annual budget. That is it.

I recall he was not elected in his first term as he was the only canidate because nobody else in power wanted the job. They practically had to beg him to take the job. And, yes, hive their e is indian decent

Singapore says they value racial harmony as long as the indians stay in Little India, and the Malays drive their motor bikes back home to Johor Bahru at night.

Unfortunately these are just words and slogans.


On the other hand the report is around 3 years old.

In politics and history quite a short time.

I just wonder where all the fuzz is about.


Somchai and Samak where the PTP PM's during 95 percent of 2008. So there is a 95 percent chance that is who they are referring to, as being corrupt and untrustworthy. And since both guys were Thaksin's puppets, with no power or authority of their own, we can understand the reference to "Thaksin's" 2008 government.

Spin that - :lol:

Except that they also said "including the opposition". Basically, they've said all Thai politicians are corrupt. It may be a generalization, but it's hard to argue with.


Singapore is in a very strong position. It won't get "cut off".

Also it left the federation. it was not kicked out by any means

Politically it was kicked out though LKY and the Tunku shaked hands amicably....Malaysia then was making things difficult for Singapore as LKY wanted a Malaysian Malaysia...equal treatments for all races..whereas the Malay ultras strongly objected..they still think Malaysia belong to the Malays..and today the thinking is still there...


LKY's daughter in-law (Temasek holdings) did'nt complain about Taksin being 'corrupt'. Bought up his shares with a smile on their faces.

And your point is?

That a clever crook is still a crook. Taking advantage of corruption does'nt leave your hands un-dirty. I thought it was obvious.

No it's not obvious at all.You need to read up on the details of the Temasek sale not just grunt out a Pavlov dog (Thaksin crook, Thaksin bad) reaction.The sale was legitimate and was supported by key elite Thai institutions such as Siam Commercial Bank.There were some tax irregularities certainly but the campaign against the deal only gained traction when Thaksin's domestic enemies saw it as leverage.

And BTW, since I was referring to the Singapore side, but you assumed I was referring to Taksin....

I guess that makes YOU the pavlov dog!!!

Woof Woof!!:lol:


These reports have glaring omissions to those first published in the Fairfax press in Australia, see The Age or the Sydney Morning Herald. Again nothing really new mentioned but more surely to come......


Lee Kuan Yew created a new position for himself something like, 'Tutorial Minister, or Advising Minister' (singaporeans help me out here), but truthfully long retired. With salary of nearly 4 Million SG$ per year. That's more than the US President, more than LOTS of Presidents.

Pots calling Kettles black. What a joke.

I am not a Singporean but Lew Kwan Yew first became Senior Minister after retirement from 30 years as PM in 1990. After Goh Chok Tong had finished his stint keeping the PM's seat warm for LKY's son, Lee Hsien Loong, in 2004 the new position of Minister Mentor was created for LKY, while Goh Chok Tong slipped into the Senior Minister role.

Singapore is a developed Asian country which doesn't mean there is no corruption, nor indeed are Western countries corruption free. It means that the corruption is much more refined and much harder to pin down. Refined it may be but having one party maintain a stranglehold on political power, the judiciary and the media, while one family hogs the key corporate and political positions doesn't really add up to a transparent society (e.g. the PM's wife was elevated from a lowly civil service job to be CEO of Singapore's sovereign wealth fund with disastrous results that are never fully disclosed). Some may prefer the overt corruption of other Asian countries where politicians can at least get booted out by hook or by crook and one party and family being in power for 50 years is impossible.


And BTW, since I was referring to the Singapore side, but you assumed I was referring to Taksin....

I guess that makes YOU the pavlov dog!!!

Woof Woof!!:lol:

Touche! I stand corrected.


LKY's daughter in-law (Temasek holdings) did'nt complain about Taksin being 'corrupt'. Bought up his shares with a smile on their faces.

And your point is?

Doh - do we have to explain everything to you? wacko.gif


LKY's daughter in-law (Temasek holdings) did'nt complain about Taksin being 'corrupt'. Bought up his shares with a smile on their faces.

And your point is?

Doh - do we have to explain everything to you? wacko.gif

And your point is?


LKY's daughter in-law (Temasek holdings) did'nt complain about Taksin being 'corrupt'. Bought up his shares with a smile on their faces.

And your point is?

Doh - do we have to explain everything to you? wacko.gif

And your point is?

I guess the smile on their faces fits the OP: corrupt & incompetent allies


Not sure what gives the singaporean government (or anyone in singapore, for that matter) the right to point their finger at anyone !

The singaporeans have been fleeced by their rulers for ages for the right to own a car, to hire a maid, to use the roads etc., so the singaporean government can sink billions of taxpayers money into Lehmann Brothers, AIS and others.

When it comes to moral integrity, the biggest joke of them all is singapore!

Agree 1000%!

My Singaporean friends would agree with this analysis and also add that freedom of speech in Singapore is worse than in countries such as Thailand and Malaysia, not that it is so good in them either.

I am a Singaporean and I do not know personally know any Singaporean who think that they are fleeced by our government for the right to own a car, to hire a maid or to use the road. If we look at these issues from various perspectives, things happened for a reason. As a result we can be better off than if we can easily own a car etc etc etc or other countries that are that way. Whether the government implemented the best solutions to the problems we faced is another issue to debate. But if anyone is to complain, maybe proposing a better solution is more constructive.


He hit the nail on the head with this quote, "He attributed the relative decline of Japan's stature in the region to Japan's 'stupidity, bad leadership, and lack of vision,'" it added.

Spot on the money.



yeah right :lol: I know Japan, but where on the map is Singapore? Is that the tiny little Chinese State, ruled by Chinese and build with Chinese money? The nice hole where you get a workpermit imidiately if you show a chinese passport but have to wait 4 weeks if you are caucasian? We are one family they like to sing in S`pore....a big chinese family which still hates Japan for its acomplishments ?


“Bilahari was also critical of the Thai government in 2008, labelling then premier Thaksin Shinawatra as "corrupt" along with "everyone else, including the opposition.”

Funny, I thought Dr. Thaksin was deposed in 2006.


Somchai and Samak where the PTP PM's during 95 percent of 2008. So there is a 95 percent chance that is who they are referring to, as being corrupt and untrustworthy. And since both guys were Thaksin's puppets, with no power or authority of their own, we can understand the reference to "Thaksin's" 2008 government.

Spin that - :lol:

Except that they also said "including the opposition". Basically, they've said all Thai politicians are corrupt. It may be a generalization, but it's hard to argue with.

I won't argue - except to say that I don't think Abhisit is corrupt. I just like to point out the inaccuracy of the previous poster's time line.

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