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My Thai wife and I are planning to go to KL in January to apply for a 1yr non imm O. at the Thai Embassy. My passport is valid until June, but I note that a validity of at least 18 months is required at the time of application.

Since the Brit Embassy suggests a minimum waiting period of 4 weeks, it was time to sort it as soon as possible.

Everything went smoothly from the word,'Go.'

On the downloaded application form, I did not have the decleration or photo countersigned. London FCO suggest no need if appearance hasn't changed much.

I took a chance and did not have the pics checked at the Embassy, despite the high criteria required. And I did not send my passport, just the data page copy.

The lady at the DHL counter [4th floor, Emporium] was pleasant and efficient, knowing exactly what she was doing. I was provided with 2 tracking codes for HK shipment and for return to Thailand.

My post was delivered and signed for at HK the following day, [pm] A few days later I checked my credit card account which showed the required amount had been removed 3 days after receiving.

10 days after posting at the Emporium and not trying the forwarding tracking code yet, I was pottering about in the garden, when a brightly colored DHL van came around the corner.

Now thats what I call good service.


Very encouraging and thanks for the report.For no very good reason I had come to the conclusion that local renewal would be a pain, and had been thinking of a one day renewal when next in the UK.Your report suggests local renewal works very well.


I think the key here is DHL my experiences with the post here is not encouraging and your report is good, I was speaking to my daughter in th UK telling her that I think DHL is the best way to get things here but I have a query, I live in Nakhon sawan, do DHL read English versions of the Thai addresses or do I have to write in Thai?


I think the key here is DHL my experiences with the post here is not encouraging and your report is good, I was speaking to my daughter in th UK telling her that I think DHL is the best way to get things here but I have a query, I live in Nakhon sawan, do DHL read English versions of the Thai addresses or do I have to write in Thai?

I put this question to the DHL lady. I also asked if apart from my phone no. on the delivery package, would it be helpful to have my wife's no. on also.

Her answer; 'No, all our delivery people can read, write and speak English."


I think the key here is DHL my experiences with the post here is not encouraging and your report is good, I was speaking to my daughter in th UK telling her that I think DHL is the best way to get things here but I have a query, I live in Nakhon sawan, do DHL read English versions of the Thai addresses or do I have to write in Thai?

I put this question to the DHL lady. I also asked if apart from my phone no. on the delivery package, would it be helpful to have my wife's no. on also.

Her answer; 'No, all our delivery people can read, write and speak English."

This is excellent news, I might get some presents and supplies I cannot find here :D


Speed of delivery from DHL can depend on your location in Thailand.

I had a package sent from the UK via DHL to my home which is in Tak Province.

On arrival in Bangkok the package was transfered into the Thai postal system (express delivery).

I received the package the next day after Bangkok, so no complaints. But the final leg did depend on the efficiency (or otherwise) of my local post office.

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