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Really you would say that to your child? You advocate the lynch mob mentality? Maybe I am from a different world but I would advocate to my children that people saying such things are bad people and it is wrong to go out kill someone for any reason.

You are being dishonest and putting a lot of words in my mouth that I did not say. What a surprise. :shock1:

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I wouldn't mind knowing why the Swedish prosecutors don't question him now. I mean, they want him extradited for questioning, why does he have to be in Sweden to be questioned. He's in jail now, they are there now, go question him. He obviously has a right not to answer anything, why would that change just because he was in Sweden?

What is it about being in Sweden that would make the questioning more special.

If one was cynical would could think that a certain govt is putting pressure on the another govt to get him over there as extradition would be easier than it would be from the UK.

Just my thoughts on this mess.

Sweden is where the alleged crimes were committed, not England.

He will go on trial in Sweden if the charges are found to be chargeable offenses.

He will spend time in Swedish jails if he is found guilty.

Where else should he go?

Where did I say he shouldn't go to Sweden for trial. I didn't ask where he should go on trial. Read my post a bit more closely. I asked why the swedish authorities don't question him the UK, they are both there. Why does he have to go to sweden to be questioned?

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No it wasn't dissproved that there has been no calls for his assassination.

Why did you leave off the "High profile Americans" part? I'll tell you why, because it isn't true. :rolleyes:

For people who claim to be about the truth, Assange supporters sure seem to avoid it rather often.

I was quoting the newspaper, if you don't think they are being truthful then take it up with them.

I'm not an Assange supporter, I don't care what he does. I'm a supporter of what he has done is not illegal.

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Espionage is illegal. Damaging national security is illegal.

That does not mean that other countries will cooperate in allow him to be extradited, but if he does stand trial for what he did, he will most likely be convicted and justly.

Espionage? It's not that clear in Assange's case. Even the USA is figuring out what laws have actually been breached (hence no charges yet), whlist that silly Australian PM who quickly "judged" is now moderating her language.

As for damaging national security, that's a matter of interpretation. What has Assange done that is so different from a 60minutes expose?

I think the USA in this instance is pretty hyprotical when it preaches "freedoms of speech and expression" to the rest of the world but when such freedoms do not suit its own agenda, it cries foul. I am glad the British justice system is less quick to fall in line with the USA point of view and the Australian government ought to learn from that more considered approach.

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I wouldn't mind knowing why the Swedish prosecutors don't question him now. I mean, they want him extradited for questioning, why does he have to be in Sweden to be questioned. He's in jail now, they are there now, go question him. He obviously has a right not to answer anything, why would that change just because he was in Sweden?

What is it about being in Sweden that would make the questioning more special.

If one was cynical would could think that a certain govt is putting pressure on the another govt to get him over there as extradition would be easier than it would be from the UK.

Just my thoughts on this mess.

Sweden is where the alleged crimes were committed, not England.

He will go on trial in Sweden if the charges are found to be chargeable offenses.

He will spend time in Swedish jails if he is found guilty.

Where else should he go?

Where did I say he shouldn't go to Sweden for trial. I didn't ask where he should go on trial. Read my post a bit more closely. I asked why the swedish authorities don't question him the UK, they are both there. Why does he have to go to sweden to be questioned?

I answered your question. Those are the reasons the Swedish authorities don't simply question him in London.

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No it wasn't dissproved that there has been no calls for his assassination.

Why did you leave off the "High profile Americans" part? I'll tell you why, because it isn't true. :rolleyes:

For people who claim to be about the truth, Assange supporters sure seem to avoid it rather often.

It isn't true ?

I don't know if you consider Bob Beckel to be a High Profile American but surely 100+ Millions of Americans know who he is....

You need to become more familiar with American television. Beckel is a Democratic party operative with little to NO national following.

He is just another talking head...as are many people that expound on TV.

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How would parents answer, sitting at the dining table, if their kids ask, "Daddy/Mommy....is it allowed to shoot and kill people like that man says?"

Something like, "Only if they are criminals who are disseminating stolen documents that are damaging national security, little Johnny." :whistling:

That would be backing vigilante action which is illegal, so I doubt anyone should be teaching their kids such abhorent ideas. FYI Assange is not a crimianl as he has not been found guilty in court of anything. Many would argue that wikileaks are aiding US national security by exposing a foreign policy that puts US interests and citizens lives at risk and which is being hidden by the government and their corporate mateys.

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Espionage is illegal. Damaging national security is illegal.

That does not mean that other countries will cooperate in allow him to be extradited, but if he does stand trial for what he did, he will most likely be convicted and justly.

Espionage? It's not that clear in Assange's case. Even the USA is figuring out what laws have actually been breached (hence no charges yet), whlist that silly Australian PM who quickly "judged" is now moderating her language.

As for damaging national security, that's a matter of interpretation. What has Assange done that is so different from a 60minutes expose?

I think the USA in this instance is pretty hyprotical when it preaches "freedoms of speech and expression" to the rest of the world but when such freedoms do not suit its own agenda, it cries foul. I am glad the British justice system is less quick to fall in line with the USA point of view and the Australian government ought to learn from that more considered approach.


I see the US authroites are now trying to manufacture evidence against Assange by trying to coerce Manning into a plea deal to stitch Assange up. No surprise there. Wondr if this baltant attempt at perverting the course of justice will continue. Woner if even the coprorate media will worry about this

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No it wasn't dissproved that there has been no calls for his assassination.

Why did you leave off the "High profile Americans" part? I'll tell you why, because it isn't true. :rolleyes:

For people who claim to be about the truth, Assange supporters sure seem to avoid it rather often.

I was quoting the newspaper, if you don't think they are being truthful then take it up with them.

I'm not an Assange supporter, I don't care what he does. I'm a supporter of what he has done is not illegal.

Then my apologies to you.

But none to Assange supporters.

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So now it will really get dirty for him?!. I hope his family are well protected. But this is also a test to see if cyberspace can be controlled - I hope not. Then there is the possibility of him being paid off - but he seems to be a man of principle. So many choices. Maybe he will by abducted by aliens? Seriously, I really do hope ALL the leaks come out, but I guess that's optimistic.

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Here is a short qoute from the latest BBC article on this.

Mr Assange is accused of having unprotected sex with a woman, identified only as Miss A, when she insisted he use a condom.

He is also accused of having unprotected sex with another woman, Miss W, while she was asleep.

Are there any Swedes reading this who can tell me when the "law" on having sex with a woman without a condom was actually passed? I agree its not a good idea, but is it a "law" now in Sweden?

Sounds like b-----t to me.


I agree.

But even if it is, charges have been filed and need to be answered. If the police are looking for me because someone lied to them about something I didn't do, that doesn't mean I can just avoid the police because I know I didn't do it.

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As for damaging national security, that's a matter of interpretation. What has Assange done that is so different from a 60minutes expose?

60 Minutes investigates an issue over weeks and presents their results. Assange just posted 250,000 stolen gov't documents and hoped for something juicy to come out of it. Night and Day.

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As for damaging national security, that's a matter of interpretation. What has Assange done that is so different from a 60minutes expose?

60 Minutes investigates an issue over weeks and presents their results. Assange just posted 250,000 stolen gov't documents and hoped for something juicy to come out of it. Night and Day.

And you have not seen any 60 Minutes expose (or any other media reports) disclosing stolen government or classified documents????? I suggest you ask Mr Google...:whistling:

In any event, I just read that the Australian Federal Police announced that "...neither WikiLeaks not its founder Julian Assange has committed any crime in Australia over the leaking of official United States government documents". This comes despite Prime Minister Julia Gillard labelling the actions of the group "illegal" two weeks ago.

Edited by doggie888888
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I wouldn't mind knowing why the Swedish prosecutors don't question him now. I mean, they want him extradited for questioning, why does he have to be in Sweden to be questioned. He's in jail now, they are there now, go question him. He obviously has a right not to answer anything, why would that change just because he was in Sweden?

What is it about being in Sweden that would make the questioning more special.

If one was cynical would could think that a certain govt is putting pressure on the another govt to get him over there as extradition would be easier than it would be from the UK.

Just my thoughts on this mess.

Sweden is where the alleged crimes were committed, not England.

He will go on trial in Sweden if the charges are found to be chargeable offenses.

He will spend time in Swedish jails if he is found guilty.

Where else should he go?

Where did I say he shouldn't go to Sweden for trial. I didn't ask where he should go on trial. Read my post a bit more closely. I asked why the swedish authorities don't question him the UK, they are both there. Why does he have to go to sweden to be questioned?

I answered your question. Those are the reasons the Swedish authorities don't simply question him in London.

Please show me where you answered my question.

Why don't the Swedes question him in the UK, why do they have to extradite him to Sweden to question him?

I would understand if they had actually charged him with an offence, of course they would want him in Sweden to face the charges. But he hasn't been charged, so why do they want him there. What can they do in Sweden that they can't do in the UK?

All very strange, Assange answered all their questions before and they dropped the charges. He went to London and told the Swedish authorities where he was staying. They could contact him at any time. But instead they want him extradited.

Seems like big brother flexing muscles.

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Sweden is where the alleged crimes were committed, not England.

He will go on trial in Sweden if the charges are found to be chargeable offenses.

He will spend time in Swedish jails if he is found guilty.

Where else should he go?

Where did I say he shouldn't go to Sweden for trial. I didn't ask where he should go on trial. Read my post a bit more closely. I asked why the swedish authorities don't question him the UK, they are both there. Why does he have to go to sweden to be questioned?

I answered your question. Those are the reasons the Swedish authorities don't simply question him in London.

Please show me where you answered my question.

Why don't the Swedes question him in the UK, why do they have to extradite him to Sweden to question him?

I would understand if they had actually charged him with an offence, of course they would want him in Sweden to face the charges. But he hasn't been charged, so why do they want him there. What can they do in Sweden that they can't do in the UK?

All very strange, Assange answered all their questions before and they dropped the charges. He went to London and told the Swedish authorities where he was staying. They could contact him at any time. But instead they want him extradited.

Seems like big brother flexing muscles.

Why do you keep asking me these questions? I have given you my perceived reasons why he is not being questioned in London. If that doesn't satisfy you, get on a plane, fly to London and ask the Swedish Prosecutors why they don't interrogate him in London.

Flex your own muscles for a change.

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That works both ways as you are the one asking questions that only the Swedish prosecutes can answer correctly. :whistling:

My wife does me that way from time to time. She will ask me something I couldn't possibly have the answer to, such as..."Why is that man driving like he is?"

Since I really don't know the answer I will try and offer alternatives. Such as...

Maybe he is a new driver.

Maybe he has car trouble.

Maybe his wife is in the car asking him questions. (That one doesn't go over very well)

My last resort will always be...Maybe the guy is just not very smart.

She normally agrees with this one. :D

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How would parents answer, sitting at the dining table, if their kids ask, "Daddy/Mommy....is it allowed to shoot and kill people like that man says?"

Something like, "Only if they are criminals who are disseminating stolen documents that are damaging national security, little Johnny." :whistling:

Well that explains it, you must have been raised that way. Thanks for the insight.

Spreading documents are worse a crime than spreading 'democracy' via the barrel of a gun, starting wars that kills hundred of thousands of people?

Or can we kill those people too?

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Mankind has settled its differences with wars since the beginning of its existence. If you think that you can put a stop to it somehow, have at it. However, disseminating stolen documents and violating national security is still a crime and it is very possible that Mr. Assange will have to answer for it.

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No it wasn't dissproved that there has been no calls for his assassination.

Why did you leave off the "High profile Americans" part? I'll tell you why, because it isn't true. :rolleyes:

For people who claim to be about the truth, Assange supporters sure seem to avoid it rather often.

It isn't true ?

I don't know if you consider Bob Beckel to be a High Profile American but surely 100+ Millions of Americans know who he is....

You need to become more familiar with American television. Beckel is a Democratic party operative with little to NO national following.

He is just another talking head...as are many people that expound on TV.

"High Profile American"


But of course, everybody who said there weren't any High Profile Americans, calling for assassination of Assange, will disagree, even if they would allow to shoot Assange, as another member cryptical wrote....<_<

But, you're correct if you speak about talking heads, there are many on TV but of course, YOU wouldn't belong to them, would you ? :rolleyes:


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I don't know if you consider Bob Beckel to be a High Profile American but surely 100+ Millions of Americans know who he is....

Come on. 99% of Americans had no idea who he was until the recent media attention and in two weeks he will be completely forgotten. He is not a "high profile" anything. :D

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Mankind has settled its differences with wars since the beginning of its existence. If you think that you can put a stop to it somehow, have at it. However, disseminating stolen documents and violating national security is still a crime and it is very possible that Mr. Assange will have to answer for it.

You didn't answer the question.

Ok, help me out here, yes and no suffices as a reply:

- It is your statement that anyone disseminating stolen documents are open to be killed by anyone for their crimes?

- Do you also think that crimes of worse nature should give the same, or worse, treatment?

- Do you think that disseminating stolen documents is a worse crime than murder, rape, incest etc?

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Mankind has settled its differences with wars since the beginning of its existence. If you think that you can put a stop to it somehow, have at it. However, disseminating stolen documents and violating national security is still a crime and it is very possible that Mr. Assange will have to answer for it.

You didn't answer the question.

Ok, help me out here, yes and no suffices as a reply:

- It is your statement that anyone disseminating stolen documents are open to be killed by anyone for their crimes?

- Do you also think that crimes of worse nature should give the same, or worse, treatment?

- Do you think that disseminating stolen documents is a worse crime than murder, rape, incest etc?

Don't hold your breath....... He never answers a straight forward question.

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I don't know if you consider Bob Beckel to be a High Profile American but surely 100+ Millions of Americans know who he is....

Come on. 99% of Americans had no idea who he was until the recent media attention and in two weeks he will be completely forgotten. He is not a "high profile" anything. :D

Not only some should learn the meaning of "High Profile" again and maybe some were too young to realize that Bob Beckel was Walter Mondale's Presidential Campaign Manager back in 1984.

But apart from that, to claim that 99% of the Americans have no idea who Bob Beckel was/is isn't aware that Fox News Channel reach more than 100+ Million American Households (multiply that number by 2.56* to keep the total low...at around 250 Million Americans able to watch Fox News) next to the fact that Bob Beckel is also a columnist in USA TODAY, a daily newspaper which has a nation wide circulation of 1.8 copies and remains the widest circulated print newspaper in the United States.

And, I'm not even talking about the exposure on Internet both Fox and USA Today have amongst Americans.

Knowing this, it's totally incorrect (to put it mildly) to claim that 99% of the Americans had no idea who Bob Beckel is/was.

That would be the same as saying that Americans are no-brainers and dummies when it comes to their own media news sources and claiming they are not watching tv or reading/watching/learning other media.

In 2010, in response to the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks disseminating various leaked classified material, Bob Beckel and Bo Dietl called for the assassination of the website's spokesman Julian Assange [4]


* http://www.infopleas...a/A0005055.html


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