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Plane, America And A Toe-Biter


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Was at the cargo today with a Shih Tzu who is now on her way to be reunited with her owner :), and my Pit-pug who wanted to go pai tio. Do they tell me that Thai Airways does not take short-nosed dogs on international flights anymore because of a high percentage of casualties due to breathing problems. Yikes!!!

Luckily the little doggy on my lap (we were just watching George Carlin together

This man sure knew how to say it!) does not have such a short muzzle. So, no worries there.

Her affectionate very movable and playful behavior and her looks are those of a pug. The long muzzle and non-bulky eyes tell that she must be a mix. Her age is estimated at around 7 weeks old with a current body weight of 1.5 kilo's. A little pissed of at the moment, though, because for typing this post I need to raise my arm on which she wants to rest her tiny head.

She was a bit mal-nutritioned when found. Doing better now. Currently on a raw food diet, dewormed already, but not yet vaccinated. We prefer to take it easy there and nurse her back into splendid health first. So far so good.

She was found wandering the streets on her own till her rescuer took her in. Now she is with me to strengthen up and in the meantime looking for a loving, caring and trustworthy home.

This is her in full glory: biting toes, chairs,trousers, and toys, total puppy fun. Well, she's just plain gorgeous and cute, don't you think?!


If you would like to see little Madam then, please, give me a ring (08 triple 9 78 one four six) and drop by.

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