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I am in the situation of the need to find out the exact ingredients of certain products, as for now soap and some herbal pills. One reason obviously is because I want to know that the ingredients is what they claim to be, another bacause I want to export this to Japan and Europe, and the company importing also ask for a list of the ingedients (that goes for Japan).

If, on the other hand, a Thai official "testing company" (I would imagine connecting to some university or something like that) would provide a list of ingedients of the product with a nice stamp, it would be possible to proof the ingredients inside, for example that organic products do not contain any sort of chemicals etc.

It would be nice to have a official documents to show. Do anyone know if this exsists in Thailand, or am I dreaming ??

Thank you for your time.



Thailand is a major exporter of food products so you are certainly not the only one with this requirement. There are laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture (which, as far as I remember perform free tests) in addition to private bodies, some of them recognized worldwide.

Sorry that I do not have any links right now - will try to find some later.


I would very much appreciate that ...

Been trying all over at different official offices etc.

Looks like in Thailand theese things are not in the open. But I have a feeling that if I was Thai, information would be accessable. Maybe I am wrong though .. Just a feeling...

Well well. Maybe I will do the testing in Japan then. It is quite easy, cost a littlebit more I suspect, but the places are easily found on the internet.

Long live the tecnology.


  • 1 month later...

What you need is gas chromatograpy. I guess some medical companies, the hospitals and the universities have them. Problem is you need a gigantic database of all the various compounds available, and THAT may be hard to find in Thailand.

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