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Tot Or 3Bb - And Also Satelite/Cable Tv

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Appreciate your opinions regarding which internet provider.

I've only been in Thailand about 5-weeks so still getting a feel for the place. Just about to sign a contract on a house in Saraburi and now looking for an ISP.

With True not available here it looks like the main players in Saraburi are ToT or 3BB. With current promotions both work out very similar in terms of installation and monthly cost.

Question is, in your experience which ISP would you say provides the best service. I'm thinking actual Vs advertised connection speed and reliability.

I have read a few posts here on TV and both ToT and 3BB both have horror stories, but then forums tend to highlight the bad points and overlook the good. At the moment I'm leaning towards ToT.

Regarding Satelite/Cable TV options I've only come across True Vision here. There may well be others but I haven't found an office/dealer for them yet.

I'm looking for something with good English language program selection. Not interested in the Sports Channels but like to keep up to date with Global News and watch a few movies. I have a 9-year old daughter so kids channels also relevant.

True Vision seem to have a good selection on their Gold package but they seem a bit pricey. Advice/opinions on this very welcome.



It really depends on the area and building you live in. In Thailand, you don't have many options in many areas or buildings. Also the performance of various ISPs vary dramatically, from area to area.


Check with people who live around you

With all the variables here in Thailand only those who are in your immediate neighborhood can give you the correct information regarding what is best value and service in your location

The reason True is so high is because they have pretty much a monopoly with no other big players in the direct sat TV market

But that being said, there may be a local cable company that "borrows" the feed from True and may be a better value, so check around


Thanks for the replies guys and the advice.

Looks like a bit of door knocking is the order of the day.

I'll see what others in the area are using and how they get on with it.



Whatever phone company that provides the current line to your house, may be your only choice of a internet provider and/or whatever internet concessionaire has the right to provide internet service over phone company XYZ lines. That's my situation here in western Bangkok where TOT owns/rules the lines in my immediate area. I have the TOT 6Mb plan and it works fine for generic browsing and emailing, except it don't do steaming video well--a lot of pausing. It has also been very, very reliable uptime-wise. I also had JINET before but it was a little pricey so I went back to TOT after they came out with they newer/higher speed plans about a year ago. It all depends on what rights other companies may have to string a line to you in your area. When it comes to internet in Thailand, location, location, location is a major factor. While your moobaan may seem to have unreliable/slow internet the next moobaan over may have reliable/fast internet even if everybody in the two moobaans have the same internet provider. The quality/speed of your "local" circuits make a big difference....location, location, location.

Based on the type of shows you mentioned that you want to watch, your TV provider choices are probably TrueVisions, TrueVisions, or TrueVisions. TrueVisions pretty much rules the roost in Thailand when it comes to providing western/English language shows, news, kids shows, movies, etc., along with a bunch of Thai channels.


Hi Pib,

Thanks very much for the info, very informative and had a bit of a chuckle about the Satellite TV options that are available.

However, I may just go with True Vision instead :rolleyes:



Certainly check with neighbors, but as I understand it, 3B is distinguishable from TOT as they use their own broadband cable, while TOT is ADSL,piggy backs on their phone lines.

I recently changed from TOT to 3B when 3B installed their broadband cables to my mooban. Service is more reliable than TOT although the speeds are about the same.

I have only been "out of service" once in two months on 3B and a quick call to their call center and I was advised it was a province wide failure that would be repaired in a couple hours and it was!


Certainly check with neighbors, but as I understand it, 3B is distinguishable from TOT as they use their own broadband cable, while TOT is ADSL,piggy backs on their phone lines.

I recently changed from TOT to 3B when 3B installed their broadband cables to my mooban. Service is more reliable than TOT although the speeds are about the same.

I have only been "out of service" once in two months on 3B and a quick call to their call center and I was advised it was a province wide failure that would be repaired in a couple hours and it was!

Again it's location, location, location.

In regards to 3B: Some areas 3B, is piggybacked on TT&T phone lines, not broadband cable. Some areas their response is absolutely horrible. Some areas it is not available at all. In one area of Jomtien, I have a friend who has 3B. His service is extremely poor and slow. The technicians are out several times a month. He tells me it is down at least one or more times a day, and has to use an Edge dongle as a backup. Yet his neighbor who uses the same provider experiences no problem.

In some condos, apartments, and villages you only can use the provider supplying it. You don't have a choice.

In some areas, there are no cabled broadband/ADSL services available.

In some areas their are no internet options at all.

Location, location, location.

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