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Don't Panic Over Claims Bangkok Might Be Under Seawater In 20 Years: Lecturers


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Naturally they have ignored the fact ,that Bangkok and the surrounds are on a major esturine flood plain, that the new airport has blocked much natural drainage, that excessive water extraction is causing subsidence, that increasing amounts of suburban paddy fields are being concreted over reducing drainage and increasing run off.

Ignore rising sea level, ignore tsunami, Bangkok is doomed anyway, 20 years seems a reasonable estimate.

the end is near! BKK sinners repent or move to Pattaya :whistling:

:lol::cheesy: thanks for the laugh Naam. You twit. :cheesy:

PS: Global warning is DEFINATELY taking place. Yesterday that had snowfall in parts of NSW (& this is the middle of their summer).

The worlds all fekked up with douchebags.

Edited by neverdie
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Almost instantly the climate change hoax morphs into discussion of Tsunami.

Their argument is so weak.

"bangkok MIGHT be underwater" yeah & I might win the lottery.

Global alarmists.

Come back when you have emperical evidence.

It''s all scare mongering till then.

"It's all scare mongering till then" ??

This comment speaks as though ignorance were a virtue.

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This is a golden opportunity - sure the talk of 20 years might be scaremongering but if you tell people its a hundred years or more they just shrug their shoulders because they know it wont be their problem. The reality is that it would take decades to complete an orderly transfer of a city the size of BKK - I feel that it is not too early to begin the planning of a new commercial hub for Thailand which can be designed around 21st century needs. Just think about it - to be sure of saving important heritage sites there would be a need to move them stone by stone - I imagine moving the royal palace could be the work of 30 years or more.

Even if ways were found to save BKK for the longer term - the new city would breathe life into Thailand and relieve traffic and overcrowding in the old city - its a win win idea.

Edited by gbswales
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Yes, the evidence for man-made global warming grows every day...


....that is, if you have a mindset like the Creationists, the Millerites or the Raelians. That's why it's so futile to argue with these people

Thats right, I never understood anyway what snow had to do with global warming :rolleyes:

btw, trees and gras are NOT growing, I sit in my garden and watched it many times....absolutely nothing happend ;)

It is just useless to expect brain in a dayfly or discuss things people cant see with their own eyes :jap:


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Seriously though, if anyone out there who has fallen for the climate change [aka global warming] scam happens to own a mansion on a quarter acre anywhere on the gulf or Andaman coasts wants to settle for a tenth [or preferably a twentieth] of its value please make a note of my details and let me know the very minute you decide to panic. I'll be there in a flash with the cash. Oh lawdy yes ah will.

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Having worked as a corporate attorney for over 20 years, I can tell you first hand these studies are basically contrived between some hack politician and one of his contributors he owes something to looking to lay the groundwork for a big, and usually needless, contract of some kind involving public money. I've seen it at least a dozen times over my career, especially by defense and construction contractors in the US and twice in Asia where numbers and facts were simply created out of thin air to justify some public expenditure as payback for political support. It's the marriage of corrupt politics and unethical business practices at its best! When Vegas starts giving odds that Bangkok will be under water in 10 years I'll take it more serious!

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I fully believe the opinion that Bangkok will be underwater in 20 years time. In fact I reckon it'll be a lot sooner. Probably by June next year. I also think that locating the capital to Isaan would be an eminently sensible idea.

BTW. For sale. 1 rai of land with house. Rural location but less then 15 minutes drive to Central Plaza Khon Kaen. 100 million baht or nearest offer. PM me.

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<br />
<br />Almost instantly the climate change hoax morphs into discussion of Tsunami.<br /><br />Their argument is so weak.<br /><br />"bangkok MIGHT be underwater" yeah & I might win the lottery.<br /><br />Global alarmists.<br /><br />Come back when you have emperical evidence.<br /><br />It''s all scare mongering till then.<br />
<br /><br />So you need some proof. May be you should visit Phuket when there is full moon. A good time then is around 12:00 when seawater level is on its high. In Kohsireh Phuket Town everyone can see pretty good whats going on. Streets are already under water and this was not happen some years ago. I am sure there are other places, not only in Thailand where you can see the same things. <br /><br />But anyway, if up to me seawater can rise more and wash away all these people messing around with OUR planet. Most of so called humans running around these days just give a f..k whats really happend. <br />The damage of natural enviroment is just not in the daily massmedia programm...GUESS WHY  <br /><br />Oilcompanys and Global firms destroying our planet for the sake of some bankers and billionaires while the normal idiot still needs a car which uses more then 10L of Gasoline (2,5 Gallon for our US friends) <br />Google for Oilsand and Canada. Its unbelivable what is going on there and the Arctis is next. We doesnt deserve a place like earth! most of humans for sure dont<br />
<br /><br /><br />

This post exposes an odious thread that runs right through the green movement - that humans are the problem and we need to be culled.

So, who's for the chop first? I guess all the skeptics should be rounded up and executed. As absurd as that may sound there are plenty of eco-fascists who would support it.

ME! ME! ME! :lol: btw. The greatest health hazard is ignorance, same goes for mother nature and YES, ignorant ppl make me crazy.

Guess you know the old Cree speech:

"Only when the last tree has died and

The last river has been poisoned and

The last fish has been caught,

Will we realize that

We cannot eat money"

And yes, I hate also the often forgotten killing of the Indian Tribes in America and Canada. Even now these days, polluters of natural enviroment dont leave them alone in peace and try to kill the last small tribe in their reservate (concentration camp) while poison their rivers. THATS NEWS but not worth a story in massmedia!

There are for sure ways to safe Bangkok, but not as long somebody put profit in front of saving natural enviroment. And I belive furthermore that we will see much more natural disasters in future....Snow in Isaan or Chiang Mai should be a start :jap: :rolleyes:

Agree with teatree.

While there may be a global warming problem, moskito's rhetoric is yes, eco-fascist, green ideology, almost religious - it's crap.

Rhetoric like

"deserve a place like Earth"

"mother Nature"

"killing Indian Tribes" (what the hell does this crime have to do with protecting nature or global warming?)

bla bla bla

"it's all humans' fault"


the next step is often to apply anthropomorphism on our environment.

Stop that crap.

We humans use the planet - there is no right or wrong in doing so, we just must be careful not to destroy our habitat in the process, so that the planet will be able to sustain humans until we find a way to migrate somewhere else, before the planet will have reached the end of its lifecycle - because regardless of what we do today, in many years the planet will become inhabitable anyway.

If you look at who pollutes most, it's not the guys driving SUVs.

It is the USA's, Russia's, China's and third world's energy consumption, private and industrial.

Take measures there first instead of annoying the hell out of people who are already relatively restrained in their resource use, just because these are the people you can reach.

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Stop that crap.

We humans use the planet - there is no right or wrong in doing so, we just must be careful not to destroy our habitat in the process, so that the planet will be able to sustain humans until we find a way to migrate somewhere else, before the planet will have reached the end of its lifecycle - because regardless of what we do today, in many years the planet will become inhabitable anyway.

If you look at who pollutes most, it's not the guys driving SUVs.

It is the USA's, Russia's, China's and third world's energy consumption, private and industrial.

Take measures there first instead of annoying the hell out of people who are already relatively restrained in their resource use, just because these are the people you can reach.

If you start seeing the world as our mother (without her we are also not here) I can tell you, I at least never USED my mother!

I guess you have not such a big plan of science but for sure not of distances in space. Next star like our sun is Alpha Centauri, about 4,36 lightyears away, dont bother me with the distance in km or miles or a future plan living on the moon <_<

Next to USA, Russia and China you forgot CANADA, which is currently the third biggest polluter of CO² thx to the refining of oilsand. And btw, China is in front of USA. To answer your question what this have to do with the indian tribes you should educate yourself a bit better and check for the oilsand mining and HOW they do it. It is proofed that the chemicals used in this process are deadly poisonous contaminated the rivers the tribes using for fishing....but its ok to sacrifice some peasants for the greater good and stable gasoline prices in the USA (btw, a Gallon is about 7-8 USD atm in Europe) :blink:

I am relatively uncaring about who I am anoying with my posts and who likes my mindset or not, all I know is that there are people using the internet not just for porn or checking on stockmarkets and its a good way to wake some people up.....Ask Asange, he is my hero :lol:

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The issue is two fold. Rising seas is only a minor part of the issue for Bangkok.

The other, much more important factor which was not addressed by these lecturers, is the fact that Bangkok is sinking.

Here's a record of an original CNN article about Bangkok sinking:


Interestingly, apparently there is a conspiracy to cover up this story; notably this referenced and recorded article on CNN ( http://edition.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/10/22/thailand.water.rising.ap/index.html ) has recently been deleted, even though it is standard policy for CNN.com never to delete any previous articles.

Please note these issues do not affect other areas of Thailand in general. Within Thailand, this is a problem specific to Bangkok.

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Just got done reading through all the posts. Most were nonsense. There was some good ones. Some were educational and some were humorous actually quite good..

Global warming is a fact it is a natural phenomena. Weather man has any thing to do with it is up to debate. Common sense tells us that to put into the atmosphere the amount of garbage we do over a period of at least 200 years has to have some effect. That is just common sense.

What the effect is can and will be argued over. People citing Glaciers melting with plenty of scientific support behind it say man has a large part in it. Others say Glaciers melting have nothing to do with it. They of course are overlooking the scientifically proven fact that a Glacier will reflect some of the heat that hits it back where as water and land will absorb it.

The problem with all the posts was they were based on past conditions or present conditions. Not a one of them considered that conditions change. I might have missed one if I did sorry.

Based on the history of the earth we find land disappears in a warming trend. That means things will change. If by some fluke we have hit it at it's hottest things will continue to change only the results will be different..

Not sure how many people read the article but it was slanted towards Bangkok being under water by a Tidal Wave.I personally agree with the Author that won" happen.

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Just got done reading through all the posts. Most were nonsense. There was some good ones. Some were educational and some were humorous actually quite good..

Global warming is a fact it is a natural phenomena. Weather man has any thing to do with it is up to debate. Common sense tells us that to put into the atmosphere the amount of garbage we do over a period of at least 200 years has to have some effect. That is just common sense.

What the effect is can and will be argued over. People citing Glaciers melting with plenty of scientific support behind it say man has a large part in it. Others say Glaciers melting have nothing to do with it. They of course are overlooking the scientifically proven fact that a Glacier will reflect some of the heat that hits it back where as water and land will absorb it.

The problem with all the posts was they were based on past conditions or present conditions. Not a one of them considered that conditions change. I might have missed one if I did sorry.

Based on the history of the earth we find land disappears in a warming trend. That means things will change. If by some fluke we have hit it at it's hottest things will continue to change only the results will be different..

Not sure how many people read the article but it was slanted towards Bangkok being under water by a Tidal Wave.I personally agree with the Author that won" happen.

Spot on.

Nearly all posts had a grain of truth. Yes, the language used by some can make one think it is all crap. Unfortunately, none of it is all crap. Climate change is with us. (I liked the comment that said in essence; I never see anything grow – I’ve watched my Garden for hours). Those that keep calling for evidence must be blind. Being caught up with the credence of a prediction of when BKK will go under is rather missing the point. It will – when, is of secondary importance.

I am sure that there is a lot can be done to put off the catastrophe. Call in the Dutch seems a good idea for the immediate future of the next wet season, as well as for the relatively far future.

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no mention of the major river running through it. No mention of tides.

The whole article is as soggy as a dishrag.

However, Bangkok could use a big flush. It's a city with bad planning and lax management - world famous gridlock, nearly no parks, virtually no jogging trails, black fungus covering every building, tangles of black wires along every street, the list goes on....

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Stop that crap.

We humans use the planet - there is no right or wrong in doing so, we just must be careful not to destroy our habitat in the process, so that the planet will be able to sustain humans until we find a way to migrate somewhere else, before the planet will have reached the end of its lifecycle - because regardless of what we do today, in many years the planet will become inhabitable anyway.

If you look at who pollutes most, it's not the guys driving SUVs.

It is the USA's, Russia's, China's and third world's energy consumption, private and industrial.

Take measures there first instead of annoying the hell out of people who are already relatively restrained in their resource use, just because these are the people you can reach.

If you start seeing the world as our mother (without her we are also not here) I can tell you, I at least never USED my mother!

I guess you have not such a big plan of science but for sure not of distances in space. Next star like our sun is Alpha Centauri, about 4,36 lightyears away, dont bother me with the distance in km or miles or a future plan living on the moon <_<

Next to USA, Russia and China you forgot CANADA, which is currently the third biggest polluter of CO² thx to the refining of oilsand. And btw, China is in front of USA. To answer your question what this have to do with the indian tribes you should educate yourself a bit better and check for the oilsand mining and HOW they do it. It is proofed that the chemicals used in this process are deadly poisonous contaminated the rivers the tribes using for fishing....but its ok to sacrifice some peasants for the greater good and stable gasoline prices in the USA (btw, a Gallon is about 7-8 USD atm in Europe) :blink:

I am relatively uncaring about who I am anoying with my posts and who likes my mindset or not, all I know is that there are people using the internet not just for porn or checking on stockmarkets and its a good way to wake some people up.....Ask Asange, he is my hero :lol:

Well, nobody fuc_ked your mother Earth to make you!

The planet is more like a branch on which we sit, better we don't cut it!

About Alpha Centauri, I don't know, but what I know is that either humans find a way to move to other planets, or humans eventually disappear.

It is a fact, and I'm not really interested in discussing sci-fi.

But if you think about it, global warming is the same, just sooner.

About Canada, no, I didn't forget them. The Canadians produce the CO2 when the oil gets extracted. Reduce energy consumption, and the canadian CO2 production will also be reduced.

I don't say you Mother Nature nuts are wrong, I just say you are nuts!

The ecosystem is not a sentient being.

Read Descartes and Voltaire again, but please forget about Rousseau, that tree-hugging looney.

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Having worked as a corporate attorney for over 20 years, I can tell you first hand these studies are basically contrived between some hack politician and one of his contributors he owes something to looking to lay the groundwork for a big, and usually needless, contract of some kind involving public money. I've seen it at least a dozen times over my career, especially by defense and construction contractors in the US and twice in Asia where numbers and facts were simply created out of thin air to justify some public expenditure as payback for political support. It's the marriage of corrupt politics and unethical business practices at its best!

Agree, that's another facet of the story. Though I believe that parts of Bkk will have standing water in the near future, there is a money to be made in that. There has been serious talk about a giant levee around Bangkok supported by a bunch of giant pumps. There are several reasons why that wouldn't work, yet it would generate a lot of revenue for some Chinese-Thai fat cats with good political connections. The same sorts who got Thai government contracts for hundreds of millions of baht - to bury several tons of rotten fruit which they called 'toxic waste.'

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They were saying this back in 1982 for Gods sake!I know London doesn't exactly have a wet season(well you know what I mean)but they say that without the flood barriers there that every Haleys' comet or Guy Fawkes day it is susceptible to king tides and London would flood without them !Jakarta has already had very serious floods /signs that at some stage it will flood ..(unless they spend shit loads of money on barrier defences) and even then experts are predicting an imminent flood disaster sooner or later ?World weather patterns are all over the shop right now..El Nino one minute and now 'La Nino' the next .. I know we knock metrologists but they did predict the early and severe Winter in Europe(for a change)and the record floods in South East Australia (happening right now)because of La Nino!Will this be 3rd time unlucky for Bangkok during the next monsoon season after two back to back abnormal wet seasons?Let's hope they get it wrong!

Edited by sydneyjed
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