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Don't Panic Over Claims Bangkok Might Be Under Seawater In 20 Years: Lecturers

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Bangkok may well flood; but rising sea levels will not be the cause.

Yep, there is an elephant in the room, but people won't worry about that if they are too busy watching us de-fang the paper tiger.

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So rather than start being proactive in their approach to what seems to be an inevitable problem, let's revise the data so it's not a problem.  

The point is, BKK is suffering from subsistence, the sea levels are most likely rising--whether your a global warming believer or not--and erosion is a major problem.  Time to start some serious consideration for sea walls, slowing erosion and doing the things necessary to eliminate or minimize subsistence.  

....or we can wait for another very bad rainy season, flooding and high tides.  

<br />
<br />Almost instantly the climate change hoax morphs into discussion of Tsunami.<br /><br />Their argument is so weak.<br /><br />"bangkok MIGHT be underwater" yeah & I might win the lottery.<br /><br />Global alarmists.<br /><br />Come back when you have emperical evidence.<br /><br />It''s all scare mongering till then.<br />
<br /><br />So you need some proof. May be you should visit Phuket when there is full moon. A good time then is around 12:00 when seawater level is on its high. In Kohsireh Phuket Town everyone can see pretty good whats going on. Streets are already under water and this was not happen some years ago. I am sure there are other places, not only in Thailand where you can see the same things. <br /><br />But anyway, if up to me seawater can rise more and wash away all these people messing around with OUR planet. Most of so called humans running around these days just give a f..k whats really happend. <br />The damage of natural enviroment is just not in the daily massmedia programm...GUESS WHY  <br /><br />Oilcompanys and Global firms destroying our planet for the sake of some bankers and billionaires while the normal idiot still needs a car which uses more then 10L of Gasoline (2,5 Gallon for our US friends) <br />Google for Oilsand and Canada. Its unbelivable what is going on there and the Arctis is next. We doesnt deserve a place like earth! most of humans for sure dont<br />
<br /><br /><br />

This post exposes an odious thread that runs right through the green movement - that humans are the problem and we need to be culled.

So, who's for the chop first? I guess all the skeptics should be rounded up and executed. As absurd as that may sound there are plenty of eco-fascists who would support it.

As fer the Real Climate site, it is the house organ of The Team; Gavin Schmidt, Michael Mann and all those other wonderful fantasists who brought us the ClimateGate scandal. its alarmist rhetoric is only matched by its lack of credible science.

Oh dear.

So, who's for the chop first? I guess all the skeptics should be rounded up and executed.

Well, now you mention it....

Yes, indeed.


'What shall we do with they climate skeptics if they won't SHUT UP?"

Very revealing video thanks for the link.

Those poor fools don't realise they are being played like violins by the same groups poised to make trillions from carbon taxes, and to tighten their grip of control over the public via carbon rationing.


It's pretty obvious that Bangkok's long-term future is somewhere between dire and non-existent but at the same time, it's not going to disappear beneath the waves by lunchtime next Thursday.

It's pretty obvious that every city on the planet's future is somewhere between dire and non-existent. Have a look back at history. We live in a constantly changing dynamic world. Cities come and go. If/when Bangkok starts getting flooded then people will start moving elsewhere. Some of the great cities of ancient times no longer exist, but it makes no difference because others took their place. Look at Detroit - it's crumbling back to dust. I don't know why anyne cares. The world moves on. If Bangkok ceases to exist it won't happen over a week end, it will happen of 100+ years and no-one will notice. The change will be so slow that the people living there at the time won't know any different - unless they read their history books.

It's pretty obvious that every city on the planet's future is somewhere between dire and non-existent. Have a look back at history. We live in a constantly changing dynamic world. Cities come and go. If/when Bangkok starts getting flooded then people will start moving elsewhere. Some of the great cities of ancient times no longer exist, but it makes no difference because others took their place. Look at Detroit - it's crumbling back to dust. I don't know why anyne cares. The world moves on. If Bangkok ceases to exist it won't happen over a week end, it will happen of 100+ years and no-one will notice. The change will be so slow that the people living there at the time won't know any different - unless they read their history books.

Yes some cities have come and gone but the process is//will be happening much faster and the number of people involved and the lose of wealth is dramatically higher than at any point in the past. And if Bangkok ceases to exist in a century, millions are going to notice. Do you think that the (ex) inhabitants of New Orleans didn't notice what happened to them? Of course they did. And the fact that people have always suffered doesn't lessen or eradicate the reality of suffering now or in the future.


as there is either no manpower or technology avaiable to pump millions of Liters back out of the town.

House by the pond 2?

Hi, Much of East Anglia (United Kingdom) is naturally below see level. The same goes for Holland. The Dutch designed a great pumping system.


It's pretty obvious that every city on the planet's future is somewhere between dire and non-existent. Have a look back at history. We live in a constantly changing dynamic world. Cities come and go. If/when Bangkok starts getting flooded then people will start moving elsewhere. Some of the great cities of ancient times no longer exist, but it makes no difference because others took their place. Look at Detroit - it's crumbling back to dust. I don't know why anyne cares. The world moves on. If Bangkok ceases to exist it won't happen over a week end, it will happen of 100+ years and no-one will notice. The change will be so slow that the people living there at the time won't know any different - unless they read their history books.

Yes some cities have come and gone but the process is//will be happening much faster and the number of people involved and the lose of wealth is dramatically higher than at any point in the past. And if Bangkok ceases to exist in a century, millions are going to notice. Do you think that the (ex) inhabitants of New Orleans didn't notice what happened to them? Of course they did. And the fact that people have always suffered doesn't lessen or eradicate the reality of suffering now or in the future.

Point taken about New Orleans. But I think in Bangkok people are talking about a gradual flooding. If there are 10 million people here now and then it drops by 1 million every decade, it is so slow that most people won't notice. A gradual drop in population isn't noticed by people that live in a city. If you live in Bangkok there is no way for you to know (just from day to day life) if there are 6, 8 or 10 million people living here.

Another point is that on these forums people always say that the authorities aren't doing anything about the flooding/possible flooding in BKK. But I read an article a week or two ago about a huge drainage system that was being installed in some part of Bangkok. I can't remember where it was but it was pretty huge and increased the capacity to remove floodwater something like 10-fold (could have been more or less). So the fact is that people are doing something about it. But on the other hand they will continue to build on flood plains, just as they do in most countries.

But most of this is just alarmist talk. Venice is under water and also a beautiful and thriving city.

The same is said about London and New York, although they don't have forums like this to spread the alarm.

Climate scientists need money. Spreading alarm is an easy way to get lots of it.

If there are 10 million people here now and then it drops by 1 million every decade, it is so slow that most people won't notice. A gradual drop in population isn't noticed by people that live in a city.

A change in population of a million people a decade would be incredible. You might not notice the difference day-to-day but it would have really significant economic effects. But, of course, you probably won't have a million people a decade leaving. You'll have almost nobody leaving and then a catastrophic event will prompt large numbers to leave at once. But at least as significant as Bangkok is the whole industrial belt around the area which is no higher than Bangkok itself and there's no way that the whole region can be defended. Sure, parts can be but it's just not feasible to defend the entire area. As for Venice - it's a fraction of the size of Bangkok and is subject to ongoing efforts to save it.

If there are 10 million people here now and then it drops by 1 million every decade, it is so slow that most people won't notice. A gradual drop in population isn't noticed by people that live in a city.

A change in population of a million people a decade would be incredible. You might not notice the difference day-to-day but it would have really significant economic effects. But, of course, you probably won't have a million people a decade leaving. You'll have almost nobody leaving and then a catastrophic event will prompt large numbers to leave at once. But at least as significant as Bangkok is the whole industrial belt around the area which is no higher than Bangkok itself and there's no way that the whole region can be defended. Sure, parts can be but it's just not feasible to defend the entire area. As for Venice - it's a fraction of the size of Bangkok and is subject to ongoing efforts to save it.

People will continue to move into Bangkok until there is a real reason not to. The Official numbers put the population at 9mn. That probably represents only 60% of the total population. The whole policy of the country is so Bangkok centric, that the population will continue to rise for a very long time to come, until maybe there is a catastrophe some time off in the distant (or not too distant future), or until the government starts encouraging more investment up country to give people a reason to stay.

If there are 10 million people here now and then it drops by 1 million every decade, it is so slow that most people won't notice. A gradual drop in population isn't noticed by people that live in a city.

A change in population of a million people a decade would be incredible. You might not notice the difference day-to-day but it would have really significant economic effects. But, of course, you probably won't have a million people a decade leaving. You'll have almost nobody leaving and then a catastrophic event will prompt large numbers to leave at once. But at least as significant as Bangkok is the whole industrial belt around the area which is no higher than Bangkok itself and there's no way that the whole region can be defended. Sure, parts can be but it's just not feasible to defend the entire area. As for Venice - it's a fraction of the size of Bangkok and is subject to ongoing efforts to save it.

I don't agree that next to no-one will leave. If properties start getting flooded year in a year out then people will leave. I would certainly leave any town if I got flooded a few years in a row as it's just not good.

I know this is 30 years and not 10, but in between 1951 and 1981 the population of London fell from around 8.2 to 6.6 million. It wasn't an economic catastrphe at all. In fact London is still doing very well.

These things just sort themselves out. I think people worry too much. If there really is a catastrphic flooding in BKK in 20 years all the old-timers on here will be dead anyway. New old-timers will have stopped coming because they would have seen some previous floods on the news. They will go elsewhere. That's how things sort themselves out. There may be the odd disater here or there around the world, but that's life. Very sad, but that's what the world is like and what it's always been like.

It's laughable that people quote climat figures over last 10-100 years, or whatever, when the world has been around for billions of years. UK was once connected to mainland Europe. Is it is catastrphe that it's no lionger connected? No. Does anyone care? No. These things happen and will continue to happen. No point losing any sleep over it. What will be will be.


This isn't the same group of obviously 'in-the-know' Chula lecturers who were quoted in the paper earlier in the year saying something along the lines of;

"due to thailand being so far from the poles, melting ice would take many years to 'run' all the way down the globe until it finally got here :blink: "
, was it? ;)

The main problem is that Bangkok is subsiding (90% + of the overall problem). The ground is sinking, making it appear, that the sea is rising.

The real sea level rising is a minor problem (less than 10%).

If Bangkok was not subsiding, people probably would not even notice the rise in sea level.

Cities sinking, is a problem in many parts of the world. London and Venice are often mentioned.

We humans do not help, by over-pumping ground water, and everyday we bring more concrete into these cities, thereby increasing the weight on the soil underneath.


So you need some proof. May be you should visit Phuket when there is full moon.

I feel so sad for Phukhet.

But think of the upside. Rising sea levels will wash away all the garbage you folks like to throw on the beaches.

It was said that the Tsunami was fantastic for removing beer bars illegally built on the ocean front. I dunno.


The main problem is that Bangkok is subsiding (90% + of the overall problem). The ground is sinking, making it appear, that the sea is rising.

The real sea level rising is a minor problem (less than 10%).

If Bangkok was not subsiding, people probably would not even notice the rise in sea level.

Cities sinking, is a problem in many parts of the world. London and Venice are often mentioned.

We humans do not help, by over-pumping ground water, and everyday we bring more concrete into these cities, thereby increasing the weight on the soil underneath.

Agree with you. Sea levels are not rising, Bangkok sits on a clay bed which is slowly subsiding. (These global warming Morons need to be shut down) :angry:

<br />
<br />Almost instantly the climate change hoax morphs into discussion of Tsunami.<br /><br />Their argument is so weak.<br /><br />"bangkok MIGHT be underwater" yeah & I might win the lottery.<br /><br />Global alarmists.<br /><br />Come back when you have emperical evidence.<br /><br />It''s all scare mongering till then.<br />
<br /><br />So you need some proof. May be you should visit Phuket when there is full moon. A good time then is around 12:00 when seawater level is on its high. In Kohsireh Phuket Town everyone can see pretty good whats going on. Streets are already under water and this was not happen some years ago. I am sure there are other places, not only in Thailand where you can see the same things. <br /><br />But anyway, if up to me seawater can rise more and wash away all these people messing around with OUR planet. Most of so called humans running around these days just give a f..k whats really happend. <br />The damage of natural enviroment is just not in the daily massmedia programm...GUESS WHY  <br /><br />Oilcompanys and Global firms destroying our planet for the sake of some bankers and billionaires while the normal idiot still needs a car which uses more then 10L of Gasoline (2,5 Gallon for our US friends) <br />Google for Oilsand and Canada. Its unbelivable what is going on there and the Arctis is next. We doesnt deserve a place like earth! most of humans for sure dont<br />
<br /><br /><br />

This post exposes an odious thread that runs right through the green movement - that humans are the problem and we need to be culled.

So, who's for the chop first? I guess all the skeptics should be rounded up and executed. As absurd as that may sound there are plenty of eco-fascists who would support it.

ME! ME! ME! :lol: btw. The greatest health hazard is ignorance, same goes for mother nature and YES, ignorant ppl make me crazy.

Guess you know the old Cree speech:

"Only when the last tree has died and

The last river has been poisoned and

The last fish has been caught,

Will we realize that

We cannot eat money"

And yes, I hate also the often forgotten killing of the Indian Tribes in America and Canada. Even now these days, polluters of natural enviroment dont leave them alone in peace and try to kill the last small tribe in their reservate (concentration camp) while poison their rivers. THATS NEWS but not worth a story in massmedia!

There are for sure ways to safe Bangkok, but not as long somebody put profit in front of saving natural enviroment. And I belive furthermore that we will see much more natural disasters in future....Snow in Isaan or Chiang Mai should be a start :jap: :rolleyes:


Almost instantly the climate change hoax morphs into discussion of Tsunami.

Their argument is so weak.

"bangkok MIGHT be underwater" yeah & I might win the lottery.

Global alarmists.

Come back when you have emperical evidence.

It''s all scare mongering till then.

Hoax? What more evidence do you need? Every new year setting heat records, glaciers melting... etc. Head-in-the-sand much?


So you need some proof. May be you should visit Phuket when there is full moon.

I feel so sad for Phukhet.

But think of the upside. Rising sea levels will wash away all the garbage you folks like to throw on the beaches.

It was said that the Tsunami was fantastic for removing beer bars illegally built on the ocean front. I dunno.

Sorry but you are either a kid or a fool. I personally never left any garbage back somewhere behind....except of some so called humans I met in my life

showing the same behaviour like you do.

People which are so ignorant and see everything around (incl. the earth) as a joke or made for their personal fun are the problem. Comments like yours are

not just stupid, they are more than annoying


The global warming morons want you out of your car & into a bus or a train.

It is liberty they want to steal.

Expect some backlash.

What utter &lt;deleted&gt;. The whole world cannot sustain everyone living it up, 3 cars in the garage, aircon on full, big screen TV on in every room (with no one watching...) etc. That is pretty darn obvious.

I've never even owned a car in my life and I never felt limited in my liberties because of it.


Perhaps the findings will only be backed by scientific evidence after Bangkok has already been submerged. Even if the possibility is somewhat small, it seems worth investing substantially in preventative measures because: 1) if it does happen the results would be catastrophic; and 2) the preventative measures should also alleviate the suffering caused by annual floods which are routinely diverted to the provinces to the North of Bangkok by selfish public officials. Of course, the government is delighted to have a reason not to spend money on flood prevention.


Yes, the evidence for man-made global warming grows every day...


....that is, if you have a mindset like the Creationists, the Millerites or the Raelians. That's why it's so futile to argue with these people



I mean comon - this global Warming farce and all the alarmists - who do they think they are?

We have never had so many cars, vehicles or used this much oil (natural resources) or burnt so much crap since the earth began - ok thats true...

We have never removed this many trees, or built up so many power sources or pumped so much of our crap into the sea since earth began, yes true also...

And we have never raped the sea or disrupted the natural balance of all life to such extremes as we do now - okay ill go with that too...

But you have to all agree the earth is Still Flat, no?

until someone proves otherwise - The earth is still Flat

And whats this about a few gadgets saying otherwise... Ill only belive the world is round when i see it with my own eyes - and not on google maps...

Whats an ICE AGE anyway?

We can just bomb Iraq and take all their oil to keep us warm - i mean thats not hard...

Why doesn't the world see that Capitalist values and thinking will ensure our destruction comes so much faster...

and then - we have the MOON - which we already own by the way and have been planning to Market and sell for a while now...

Ice age getting you down?

No problem!!!

Enjoy a whiter complexion on the Moon

Contact us now to view our showroom units.

Only 1 million left - Dont be left on earth when that tidal wave hits..


Deluxe Moon Villa with no garden, no trees, nothing green, just everything you dreamed of.

a Box with nothing but you dreams to fill...

It's pretty obvious that every city on the planet's future is somewhere between dire and non-existent. Have a look back at history. We live in a constantly changing dynamic world. Cities come and go. If/when Bangkok starts getting flooded then people will start moving elsewhere. Some of the great cities of ancient times no longer exist, but it makes no difference because others took their place. Look at Detroit - it's crumbling back to dust. I don't know why anyne cares. The world moves on. If Bangkok ceases to exist it won't happen over a week end, it will happen of 100+ years and no-one will notice. The change will be so slow that the people living there at the time won't know any different - unless they read their history books.

Yes some cities have come and gone but the process is//will be happening much faster and the number of people involved and the lose of wealth is dramatically higher than at any point in the past. And if Bangkok ceases to exist in a century, millions are going to notice. Do you think that the (ex) inhabitants of New Orleans didn't notice what happened to them? Of course they did. And the fact that people have always suffered doesn't lessen or eradicate the reality of suffering now or in the future.

Thank you for such a sane reply. Some people just can't see things if they move slow enough I guess.


I think you need a new GPS device.

Areal Maps of BMA show the same data ... looks accurate to me.

We're not living in the Netherlands. There hasn't been any land reclamation. A bit of draining to get rid of the swamps ... but 9 metres?

There are klongs in these areas that drain out to the river and the sea. How exactly do they do that if they are 9 metres below sea level?

Yes, there are some pumps ... but 9 metres?? A 3 to 4 storey building?

The lowest point in Holland is -7 meters, close to Rotterdam. Of course this is the result of land reclamation but with a good system of dikes, dams and locks this was already no problem centuries ago let alone today with modern drainage pumps. You simply need to know what you're doing. Dutch companies are now busy reinforcing hundreds of miles of US coastline and adjacent areas at the Mexican Gulf. It seems there's much more work in the future!

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