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Thai Police Chief Announces New Crackdown On Drugs, Gambling

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Ok, for all you "Precise Prissies", if you had bothered to read what I wrote it said:

If I'm not mistaken, I read a statistic the other day that said they have the highest murder rate (per capita) of any country in the world.
Now, what part of "If I'm not mistaken" do you not understand or comprehend? It means I could be right, or I could be wrong. I didn't state it as a FACT, but as "something I read".

Sheesh, I think some of you people really need to get a life and stop "nit-picking" at every little thing.

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Ok, for all you "Precise Prissies", if you had bothered to read what I wrote it said:

If I'm not mistaken, I read a statistic the other day that said they have the highest murder rate (per capita) of any country in the world.
Now, what part of "If I'm not mistaken" do you not understand or comprehend? It means I could be right, or I could be wrong. I didn't state it as a FACT, but as "something I read".

Sheesh, I think some of you people really need to get a life and stop "nit-picking" at every little thing.

That's a pretty lame excuse for posting complete rubbish. If you read it somewhere then tell us where. Otherwise it just looks like you made it up.

"If I'm not mistaken" usually means you think you are right but there is a slight chance you are wrong. If you think there's only a 50% chance you are right then probably better not to bother posting it. These threads would be even more tedious than usual if everybody started using fictitious statistics to back up their point of view.


Ok, for all you "Precise Prissies", if you had bothered to read what I wrote it said:

If I'm not mistaken, I read a statistic the other day that said they have the highest murder rate (per capita) of any country in the world.
Now, what part of "If I'm not mistaken" do you not understand or comprehend? It means I could be right, or I could be wrong. I didn't state it as a FACT, but as "something I read".

Sheesh, I think some of you people really need to get a life and stop "nit-picking" at every little thing.

That's a pretty lame excuse for posting complete rubbish. If you read it somewhere then tell us where. Otherwise it just looks like you made it up.

"If I'm not mistaken" usually means you think you are right but there is a slight chance you are wrong. If you think there's only a 50% chance you are right then probably better not to bother posting it. These threads would be even more tedious than usual if everybody started using fictitious statistics to back up their point of view.

Personally I find the threads get tedious BECAUSE of the nit pickers not the original posters like the one who posted about something he had read. Just read between the lines and read what he said about if I am not mistake.

Anyway it all sounds feasible too whilst the police seem ineffectual at solving real crime rather than chasing things like soft drugs and gambling which should not be a crime anyway in an enlightened grown up society.


Simpler and more intelligent just to legalise and licence the sale and use of soft drugs known to be less or no more harmful than Alcohol and Tobacco, and also legalise gambling for adults as it should be up to each individual what he spends his money on. Not something you should legislate against. If they did this then it would avoid a lot of police bribery money and corruption AND give the police more time to crack down on hard drug dealers in death, pimps, protection rackets and other serious anti social crimes instead of wasting time of taking away peoples normal harmless to others freedoms. Allowing the use and sale of Alcohol and not say Pot seems hypocritical to me and as you see in most enlightened western countries soft drugs like Marijuana are now either being legalised or treated as acceptable by law enforcement authorities. Come on Thailand I love you but wake up and lets get real crime cracked.

To borrow a phrase from the hard of thinking - If you don't like it here why not go home? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Simpler and more intelligent just to legalise and licence the sale and use of soft drugs known to be less or no more harmful than Alcohol and Tobacco, and also legalise gambling for adults as it should be up to each individual what he spends his money on. Not something you should legislate against. If they did this then it would avoid a lot of police bribery money and corruption AND give the police more time to crack down on hard drug dealers in death, pimps, protection rackets and other serious anti social crimes instead of wasting time of taking away peoples normal harmless to others freedoms. Allowing the use and sale of Alcohol and not say Pot seems hypocritical to me and as you see in most enlightened western countries soft drugs like Marijuana are now either being legalised or treated as acceptable by law enforcement authorities. Come on Thailand I love you but wake up and lets get real crime cracked.

To borrow a phrase from the hard of thinking - If you don't like it here why not go home? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Dear oh dear please read my post carefully. BECAUSE I SAID I LOVE IT HERE okay!!!! No harm in trying to get them to reconsider laws here that are obstructive unnecessarily and allow more police time to be spent on catching and locking up the real serious criminals as it will make my chosen country a better place to live for me, you and most Thai nationals too. The law changes I was discussing here will have little effect directly on me personally but just feel it is a waste of valuable police time and encourages more corruption.

IF gambling and taking soft drugs WERE important to me then obviously you are right in so far as I would have to consider why I still live here, but even so just going home is not only as you say for the hard of thinking but defeatist too, much better to at least try to get the authorities here to re-evaluate some of these outdated laws and make it an even better place to live for most folk. Personally I have hardly ever gambled, only like on the Grand National and small stake card games when I was a young man, but have occasionally smoked pot at times back in the UK during my life and harmlessly enjoyed it so see no reason why it should be illegal to use it anywhere especially seeing that alcohol is a legal drug. I am an old man now and retired here happily and relaxed so these issues do not directly affect me any more but still important freedom issues for us all to think about. I prefer it here to the UK anyway where it is cold, expensive and a rip off place, but they are at last these days more liberal and sensible re these restrictive unnecessary police time consuming prohibition laws we are discussing here. History has shown that prohibition never works in a free society and causes more troubles than it set out to try and cure.


Thailand is usually every year in the top 3 with South Africa being number one.

Please quote your source, my limited googleing skills show a different story to the one you speak of

Here is one www.nationmaster.com seems to be more less bias play around with it interesting but then it mostly based on what government report.

Here they have Thailand #14 but Thailand has a high domestic violence. I do not see the Congo or Chad even listed there. Then Zimbabwe #16 come on.

Anyway they can all be arranged. I myself find Thailand here in Chiang Rai much safer then the US and I lived south of Seattle in a town with a low crime rate.

I guess we can make out of all what we want.


Let’s try to look at things from an objective point of view. I would say the overwhelming majority of us “falang” who live here, and especially those of us who have built families here, love this country and the people for a whole list of reasons. Those could be from it being simply less expensive here than in some of our own countries, to the weather, which those of us who don’t like the cold, or for medical reasons simply can’t take the cold any more.

However, despite our love for this country and the Thai people in general, that doesn’t mean we can’t have opinions, or express those opinions, in regards to many of the “negatives” that seem to permeate Thai society, especially in the government sectors, where corruption is rampant from top to bottom.

While some of us sometime express those opinions in ways that perhaps come across as “Thai Bashing”, that may not always be the case, but simply the way the person writes something on a particular subject. I couldn’t even begin to make a complete list of all the things I see here that simply are not “right”. Not comparing them to any other country, but simply using “right” as in “morally & socially right” for a country which is supposedly Democratic in nature, and Buddhist by belief.

Democracy itself comes in many forms, with various countries developing their own particular style of it, and in that respect Thailand is not much different, except for the fact that I sometimes wonder if they really and truly do understand the concept of democracy, which I doubt most of the time.

As for Buddhism, in my opinion it’s merely a concept that most profess to believe in, but only when it suits their needs. Greed, corruption and money are the driving forces in this country, and to be honest, in most others as well.

I think many of us make comments that are more “tongue in cheek” than serious but, unfortunately, there are those who do take those comments seriously, unable to see them for what they are, and then proceed to try and “bash” the ones who made the comment, or fall back on the all too familiar “if you don’t like it here, go back to where you came from”. This, to me, is a completely childish, not to mention asinine comment to begin with.

We all are aware of the 1,001 scams that go on daily, the two and three tiered pricing, the corruption throughout the government, and especially the police force, the pirated good and DVD’s, not to mention the porn and other things that take place right under the auspices of those who are supposed to be guarding people against such things. Yes, we complain about it, but we do so because most of us are from societies where we do understand what is right and wrong, both morally and socially, so we speak out about it, which is our right to do here on TV.

We speak out about it because we wish there were things we could do to help bring about the changes to make Thailand a better place for everyone, not just to suit our particular fancies, wants and needs, and that includes the 64,000 Thai who live here.

If you don’t like something that someone posts, then respond in an intelligent manner as to why, or point out their mistakes in something without resorting to comments which imply the person is an idiot, or has no idea what they are talking about. By attacking them you are only showing your own ignorance and lack of intelligent, rational thinking. So, as the old saying goes: “Engage brain before running mouth”.


Thailand ... the Hub of Crackdowns.

Hopefully, cracking down on the corrupt police isn't just talk and leads to some action and actual results.

Wichen said the Royal Thai Police have a clear approach to cracking down on gambling machines and drugs.

The drug lords will even know way before the brown brooms, or through them, whenever somethings going on. Will it ever change?

I doubt it. As long as money is power, things will always be like that. I need a nose of Somtham now....

Thanks for telling me that I need to be more careful. Chock dee maak Khun Tammruaat...


Thailand is usually every year in the top 3 with South Africa being number one.

Please quote your source, my limited googleing skills show a different story to the one you speak of

Here is one www.nationmaster.com seems to be more less bias play around with it interesting but then it mostly based on what government report.

Here they have Thailand #14 but Thailand has a high domestic violence. I do not see the Congo or Chad even listed there. Then Zimbabwe #16 come on.

Anyway they can all be arranged. I myself find Thailand here in Chiang Rai much safer then the US and I lived south of Seattle in a town with a low crime rate.

I guess we can make out of all what we want.

Anyway they can all be arranged. I myself find Thailand here in Chiang Rai much safer then the US and I lived south of Seattle in a town with a low crime rate.

Are you on acid man?


Let's try to look at things from an objective point of view. I would say the overwhelming majority of us "falang" who live here, and especially those of us who have built families here, love this country and the people for a whole list of reasons. Those could be from it being simply less expensive here than in some of our own countries, to the weather, which those of us who don't like the cold, or for medical reasons simply can't take the cold any more.

However, despite our love for this country and the Thai people in general, that doesn't mean we can't have opinions, or express those opinions, in regards to many of the "negatives" that seem to permeate Thai society, especially in the government sectors, where corruption is rampant from top to bottom.

While some of us sometime express those opinions in ways that perhaps come across as "Thai Bashing", that may not always be the case, but simply the way the person writes something on a particular subject. I couldn't even begin to make a complete list of all the things I see here that simply are not "right". Not comparing them to any other country, but simply using "right" as in "morally & socially right" for a country which is supposedly Democratic in nature, and Buddhist by belief.

Democracy itself comes in many forms, with various countries developing their own particular style of it, and in that respect Thailand is not much different, except for the fact that I sometimes wonder if they really and truly do understand the concept of democracy, which I doubt most of the time.

As for Buddhism, in my opinion it's merely a concept that most profess to believe in, but only when it suits their needs. Greed, corruption and money are the driving forces in this country, and to be honest, in most others as well.

I think many of us make comments that are more "tongue in cheek" than serious but, unfortunately, there are those who do take those comments seriously, unable to see them for what they are, and then proceed to try and "bash" the ones who made the comment, or fall back on the all too familiar "if you don't like it here, go back to where you came from". This, to me, is a completely childish, not to mention asinine comment to begin with.

We all are aware of the 1,001 scams that go on daily, the two and three tiered pricing, the corruption throughout the government, and especially the police force, the pirated good and DVD's, not to mention the porn and other things that take place right under the auspices of those who are supposed to be guarding people against such things. Yes, we complain about it, but we do so because most of us are from societies where we do understand what is right and wrong, both morally and socially, so we speak out about it, which is our right to do here on TV.

We speak out about it because we wish there were things we could do to help bring about the changes to make Thailand a better place for everyone, not just to suit our particular fancies, wants and needs, and that includes the 64,000 Thai who live here.

If you don't like something that someone posts, then respond in an intelligent manner as to why, or point out their mistakes in something without resorting to comments which imply the person is an idiot, or has no idea what they are talking about. By attacking them you are only showing your own ignorance and lack of intelligent, rational thinking. So, as the old saying goes: "Engage brain before running mouth".

Totally agree with your reply to the (if you dont like it go home) comment, this is what the forum is about-constructive criticism, the same as others who are the best scholars, and point out spelling mistakes, they make me sick, so called clever dicks. and your old saying sums them up. It always looks on the surface that its what ( we ) want for Thailand, all were doing is saying have another look at this way or that, surely thats not a bad thing.


IF, IF, IF, they said the staff ( police ) will not take bribes any more, if your nicked, your nicked, l think the populous would take more notice of these so called crack downs. :)


Might be worth the BiB starting this "New Crackdown" at the end of Sukhumvit soi 13 if the money passing hands is anything to go by. The foreign exchange outlet recently set up there seems to be doing a roaring trade. The problem with this approach may be the lack of funds this could produce in bail etc for the New Years commissioners meal. Seems the best way to combat this problem is for groups of 6 or 7 policeman to stand together on Rama 4 and stop the cars as they pass. That will keep them fit and also keep the criminals off the street.


Let's try to look at things from an objective point of view. I would say the overwhelming majority of us "falang" who live here, and especially those of us who have built families here, love this country and the people for a whole list of reasons. Those could be from it being simply less expensive here than in some of our own countries, to the weather, which those of us who don't like the cold, or for medical reasons simply can't take the cold any more.

However, despite our love for this country and the Thai people in general, that doesn't mean we can't have opinions, or express those opinions, in regards to many of the "negatives" that seem to permeate Thai society, especially in the government sectors, where corruption is rampant from top to bottom.

While some of us sometime express those opinions in ways that perhaps come across as "Thai Bashing", that may not always be the case, but simply the way the person writes something on a particular subject. I couldn't even begin to make a complete list of all the things I see here that simply are not "right". Not comparing them to any other country, but simply using "right" as in "morally & socially right" for a country which is supposedly Democratic in nature, and Buddhist by belief.

Democracy itself comes in many forms, with various countries developing their own particular style of it, and in that respect Thailand is not much different, except for the fact that I sometimes wonder if they really and truly do understand the concept of democracy, which I doubt most of the time.

As for Buddhism, in my opinion it's merely a concept that most profess to believe in, but only when it suits their needs. Greed, corruption and money are the driving forces in this country, and to be honest, in most others as well.

I think many of us make comments that are more "tongue in cheek" than serious but, unfortunately, there are those who do take those comments seriously, unable to see them for what they are, and then proceed to try and "bash" the ones who made the comment, or fall back on the all too familiar "if you don't like it here, go back to where you came from". This, to me, is a completely childish, not to mention asinine comment to begin with.

We all are aware of the 1,001 scams that go on daily, the two and three tiered pricing, the corruption throughout the government, and especially the police force, the pirated good and DVD's, not to mention the porn and other things that take place right under the auspices of those who are supposed to be guarding people against such things. Yes, we complain about it, but we do so because most of us are from societies where we do understand what is right and wrong, both morally and socially, so we speak out about it, which is our right to do here on TV.

We speak out about it because we wish there were things we could do to help bring about the changes to make Thailand a better place for everyone, not just to suit our particular fancies, wants and needs, and that includes the 64,000 Thai who live here.

If you don't like something that someone posts, then respond in an intelligent manner as to why, or point out their mistakes in something without resorting to comments which imply the person is an idiot, or has no idea what they are talking about. By attacking them you are only showing your own ignorance and lack of intelligent, rational thinking. So, as the old saying goes: "Engage brain before running mouth".

Well, what if I feel like he is acting like an idiot, You mean I can't say that? You ar out of your _____ mind aren't you

I have seen toooooo many times here where the person that is writing does not know what he is talking about or is ignorant that it is unbelievable. I get red lined here quit often and oh well so what , but I will say what I want.


Police given 1 month to net drug dealers

By The Nation

The government launched a crackdown on narcotics yesterday and set a one-month time frame for the arrest of targeted dealers and seizure of drugs.

Speaking to senior officers and police generals yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the police force needed to deliver immediate and substantial results in a month's time and make subsequent progress in the following months to match the public's expectations.

The targeted areas are the North, where drugs are most smuggled into Thailand; Bangkok, where drug abuse and sales are most widespread; the three southernmost provinces, where drugs are used to fund insurgency; and in 175 districts classified as areas where business in drugs most flourishes.

Suthep said the police needed to take drastic but non-violent action, though "extrajudicial measures were permitted" if suspects resisted arrest or acted in a hostile manner.

In the much-heralded case against an Ayutthaya-based drug gang wanted for the shooting of a 12-year-old boy, a key suspect yesterday turned himself in, citing fears for his own safety.

Mana "Lui" Roijampa denied that he had driven the getaway car for high-profile drug-dealing brothers known by their aliases Jib and Joke Phai Kheo. Mana faces drug- and arms-possession charges and has been denied bail.

In Loei province, police arrested six people, including a minor, in three simultaneous raids in Muang district and seized 7,000 amphetamine tablets as well as Bt2 million in cash. The three houses searched by police were allegedly used by a gang of amphetamine traders as rendezvous points. Police also seized a handgun and four motorcycles possibly used for delivering drugs.

In Satun, a village head's assistant was arrested at a road checkpoint for possessing 34 amphetamine tablets. Ratchana Ritjom allegedly carried a handgun and has been charged with possessing a weapon in addition to the drugs-related offence.


-- The Nation 2010-12-22


Ok, for all you "Precise Prissies", if you had bothered to read what I wrote it said:

If I'm not mistaken, I read a statistic the other day that said they have the highest murder rate (per capita) of any country in the world.
Now, what part of "If I'm not mistaken" do you not understand or comprehend? It means I could be right, or I could be wrong. I didn't state it as a FACT, but as "something I read".

Sheesh, I think some of you people really need to get a life and stop "nit-picking" at every little thing.

You are mistaken; i.e. you are wrong.


Ok, for all you "Precise Prissies", if you had bothered to read what I wrote it said:

If I'm not mistaken, I read a statistic the other day that said they have the highest murder rate (per capita) of any country in the world.
Now, what part of "If I'm not mistaken" do you not understand or comprehend? It means I could be right, or I could be wrong. I didn't state it as a FACT, but as "something I read".

Sheesh, I think some of you people really need to get a life and stop "nit-picking" at every little thing.

You are mistaken; i.e. you are wrong.

Thailand is number 1 for murdering with firearms, number 14 for all.



You are mistaken; i.e. you are wrong.

Thailand is number 1 for murdering with firearms, number 14 for all.



(source cited in Wiki ----- (never trust wiki without looking at the source) http://www.unodc.org...ce-Systems.html

Source material for nationmaster's flawed statisics

SOURCES: The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention); The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention); Amnesty International; Wikipedia: Gun violence ; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention);World Health Organization: World report on violence and health, 2002; International Centre for Prison Studies - World Prison Brief; Fifth Annual BSA and IDC Global Software Piracy Study

Let's try to look at things from an objective point of view. I would say the overwhelming majority of us "falang" who live here, and especially those of us who have built families here, love this country and the people for a whole list of reasons. Those could be from it being simply less expensive here than in some of our own countries, to the weather, which those of us who don't like the cold, or for medical reasons simply can't take the cold any more.

However, despite our love for this country and the Thai people in general, that doesn't mean we can't have opinions, or express those opinions, in regards to many of the "negatives" that seem to permeate Thai society, especially in the government sectors, where corruption is rampant from top to bottom.

While some of us sometime express those opinions in ways that perhaps come across as "Thai Bashing", that may not always be the case, but simply the way the person writes something on a particular subject. I couldn't even begin to make a complete list of all the things I see here that simply are not "right". Not comparing them to any other country, but simply using "right" as in "morally & socially right" for a country which is supposedly Democratic in nature, and Buddhist by belief.

Democracy itself comes in many forms, with various countries developing their own particular style of it, and in that respect Thailand is not much different, except for the fact that I sometimes wonder if they really and truly do understand the concept of democracy, which I doubt most of the time.

As for Buddhism, in my opinion it's merely a concept that most profess to believe in, but only when it suits their needs. Greed, corruption and money are the driving forces in this country, and to be honest, in most others as well.

I think many of us make comments that are more "tongue in cheek" than serious but, unfortunately, there are those who do take those comments seriously, unable to see them for what they are, and then proceed to try and "bash" the ones who made the comment, or fall back on the all too familiar "if you don't like it here, go back to where you came from". This, to me, is a completely childish, not to mention asinine comment to begin with.

We all are aware of the 1,001 scams that go on daily, the two and three tiered pricing, the corruption throughout the government, and especially the police force, the pirated good and DVD's, not to mention the porn and other things that take place right under the auspices of those who are supposed to be guarding people against such things. Yes, we complain about it, but we do so because most of us are from societies where we do understand what is right and wrong, both morally and socially, so we speak out about it, which is our right to do here on TV.

We speak out about it because we wish there were things we could do to help bring about the changes to make Thailand a better place for everyone, not just to suit our particular fancies, wants and needs, and that includes the 64,000 Thai who live here.

If you don't like something that someone posts, then respond in an intelligent manner as to why, or point out their mistakes in something without resorting to comments which imply the person is an idiot, or has no idea what they are talking about. By attacking them you are only showing your own ignorance and lack of intelligent, rational thinking. So, as the old saying goes: "Engage brain before running mouth".

Well, what if I feel like he is acting like an idiot, You mean I can't say that? You ar out of your _____ mind aren't you

I have seen toooooo many times here where the person that is writing does not know what he is talking about or is ignorant that it is unbelievable. I get red lined here quit often and oh well so what , but I will say what I want.

If you feel that someone is acting like an idiot, and you respond with sarcastic comments and name calling, then you have lowered yourself to his level, or even below. If you don't agree with them, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. If someone writes something and you feel he doesn't know what he's talking about, or is, as you put it: "ignorant", then show yourself to be a better person by informing him of his lack of knowledge by directing him to proper websites or articles so he can find out what's right. Name calling and abusive language only serves to show your own ignorance and lack of social skills. Intelligence over Emotion is the key. If you can apply that, then the entire forum, regardless of topic, will be a better place for everyone.


You are mistaken; i.e. you are wrong.

Thailand is number 1 for murdering with firearms, number 14 for all.



(source cited in Wiki ----- (never trust wiki without looking at the source) http://www.unodc.org...ce-Systems.html

Source material for nationmaster's flawed statisics

SOURCES: The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention); The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention); Amnesty International; Wikipedia: Gun violence ; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention);World Health Organization: World report on violence and health, 2002; International Centre for Prison Studies - World Prison Brief; Fifth Annual BSA and IDC Global Software Piracy Study

Sorry, I agree, the wrong google check.


Let's try to look at things from an objective point of view. I would say the overwhelming majority of us "falang" who live here, and especially those of us who have built families here, love this country and the people for a whole list of reasons. Those could be from it being simply less expensive here than in some of our own countries, to the weather, which those of us who don't like the cold, or for medical reasons simply can't take the cold any more.

However, despite our love for this country and the Thai people in general, that doesn't mean we can't have opinions, or express those opinions, in regards to many of the "negatives" that seem to permeate Thai society, especially in the government sectors, where corruption is rampant from top to bottom.

While some of us sometime express those opinions in ways that perhaps come across as "Thai Bashing", that may not always be the case, but simply the way the person writes something on a particular subject. I couldn't even begin to make a complete list of all the things I see here that simply are not "right". Not comparing them to any other country, but simply using "right" as in "morally & socially right" for a country which is supposedly Democratic in nature, and Buddhist by belief.

Democracy itself comes in many forms, with various countries developing their own particular style of it, and in that respect Thailand is not much different, except for the fact that I sometimes wonder if they really and truly do understand the concept of democracy, which I doubt most of the time.

As for Buddhism, in my opinion it's merely a concept that most profess to believe in, but only when it suits their needs. Greed, corruption and money are the driving forces in this country, and to be honest, in most others as well.

I think many of us make comments that are more "tongue in cheek" than serious but, unfortunately, there are those who do take those comments seriously, unable to see them for what they are, and then proceed to try and "bash" the ones who made the comment, or fall back on the all too familiar "if you don't like it here, go back to where you came from". This, to me, is a completely childish, not to mention asinine comment to begin with.

We all are aware of the 1,001 scams that go on daily, the two and three tiered pricing, the corruption throughout the government, and especially the police force, the pirated good and DVD's, not to mention the porn and other things that take place right under the auspices of those who are supposed to be guarding people against such things. Yes, we complain about it, but we do so because most of us are from societies where we do understand what is right and wrong, both morally and socially, so we speak out about it, which is our right to do here on TV.

We speak out about it because we wish there were things we could do to help bring about the changes to make Thailand a better place for everyone, not just to suit our particular fancies, wants and needs, and that includes the 64,000 Thai who live here.

If you don't like something that someone posts, then respond in an intelligent manner as to why, or point out their mistakes in something without resorting to comments which imply the person is an idiot, or has no idea what they are talking about. By attacking them you are only showing your own ignorance and lack of intelligent, rational thinking. So, as the old saying goes: "Engage brain before running mouth".

Well, what if I feel like he is acting like an idiot, You mean I can't say that? You ar out of your _____ mind aren't you

I have seen toooooo many times here where the person that is writing does not know what he is talking about or is ignorant that it is unbelievable. I get red lined here quit often and oh well so what , but I will say what I want.

If you feel that someone is acting like an idiot, and you respond with sarcastic comments and name calling, then you have lowered yourself to his level, or even below. If you don't agree with them, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. If someone writes something and you feel he doesn't know what he's talking about, or is, as you put it: "ignorant", then show yourself to be a better person by informing him of his lack of knowledge by directing him to proper websites or articles so he can find out what's right. Name calling and abusive language only serves to show your own ignorance and lack of social skills. Intelligence over Emotion is the key. If you can apply that, then the entire forum, regardless of topic, will be a better place for everyone.

let me get this right...are you now complaining because other posters have lowered themselves to your level?

Why don't you show yourself to be a better person and admit that the statement you made about Thailand having the highest murder rate in the world is completely untrue? Nothing to do with accusing you of Thai bashing or anything else you mentioned in your lengthy post, I'd just rather people didn't make things up to support their opinions.


Pity they don't have a crackdown on BiB that are making money out of the druggies and letting them go to make more money from them in the future. Check out the BiB big houses and motors near Lao. :rolleyes:


Thailand ... the Hub of Crackdowns.

Hopefully, cracking down on the corrupt police isn't just talk and leads to some action and actual results.

Not a chance.


So were having a crackdown on crack.  

There is very little crack in Thailand.

Funny fact about the US: While the difference in Cocain and Crack is small the substance difference it is in mandatory minimum sentences and average jail-terms for dealers and users in the ratio of 20:1 on length of incarceration. Perhaps because crack is mostly used in ghetto's and poor suburbia, while cocaine is used by a lot of wealthier people, including politicians.

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