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Cheap, Nice Takeaways


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Hey, can anyone tell me of any cheapish nice takeaways in Bangkok (around the Doakanong area). The only ones I know of are McDonalds (urgh), Pizza Company (very expensive) and Chefs XP (had some nice food from there but everything is really overpriced). If anyone know of anything, any cuisine, please can you let me know with a website address if possible or someway to see the menu. I'm thinking ahead to tonight already, got some friends coming over and I cannot cook to save my life haha.

Cheers guys! :D

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I wondered when the stupid replies would start. My mum always said if you don't have anything relevant to say don't say anything at all. I am looking for somewhere nice for a takeaway meal - somewhere that delivers as I do not have transport. If anyone knows of anywhere again please let me know with a phone number and menu if possible.

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Do you mean Take-away or delivery?

If it is just take-away then the smart remark is true, you can go to any street vendor or any resaraunt near by and get take-away. Just tell them how many people and they will even bring to your room when finished (I mean the street vendors)

I found that Pizza Company is extremelly cheap compared with Pizza Hut. I used to get something like (1 Med pizza with many toppings, bottle of coke, 6 pieces of chicken and garlis toast) for like 299 baht.

Iether then that just the typical KFC (1150) and like you said Pizza Company (1112)

Or you could "google" places in your area and I'm sure most will deliver.

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I mean delivery. I do not have any transport so I would have to get a taxi to a street vendor which seems a bit pointless if there is anywhere else to eat out. I used to really enjoy the cheesey max pizzas from the Pizza Company (they dont do them any more) but the normal pizzas just seem really expensive for what they are. You're looking at around 400 baht for a large pizza on its own now :(

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I mean delivery. I do not have any transport so I would have to get a taxi to a street vendor which seems a bit pointless if there is anywhere else to eat out. I used to really enjoy the cheesey max pizzas from the Pizza Company (they dont do them any more) but the normal pizzas just seem really expensive for what they are. You're looking at around 400 baht for a large pizza on its own now :(

Hmmm better put a "food donation" entry fee when your guests arrive lol. Or just buy 2 bottles of Lao Khao for 80 baht each and get everyone so drunk they wont want food or will foget about eating. hehe.

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I mean delivery. I do not have any transport so I would have to get a taxi to a street vendor which seems a bit pointless if there is anywhere else to eat out. I used to really enjoy the cheesey max pizzas from the Pizza Company (they dont do them any more) but the normal pizzas just seem really expensive for what they are. You're looking at around 400 baht for a large pizza on its own now :(

Hmmm better put a "food donation" entry fee when your guests arrive lol. Or just buy 2 bottles of Lao Khao for 80 baht each and get everyone so drunk they wont want food or will foget about eating. hehe.


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I mean delivery. I do not have any transport so I would have to get a taxi to a street vendor which seems a bit pointless if there is anywhere else to eat out. I used to really enjoy the cheesey max pizzas from the Pizza Company (they dont do them any more) but the normal pizzas just seem really expensive for what they are. You're looking at around 400 baht for a large pizza on its own now :(

Hmmm better put a "food donation" entry fee when your guests arrive lol. Or just buy 2 bottles of Lao Khao for 80 baht each and get everyone so drunk they wont want food or will foget about eating. hehe.


Could try Food by phone (google it) not sure if they deliver to your neck of the woods but worth a try maybe?

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I mean delivery. I do not have any transport so I would have to get a taxi to a street vendor which seems a bit pointless if there is anywhere else to eat out. I used to really enjoy the cheesey max pizzas from the Pizza Company (they dont do them any more) but the normal pizzas just seem really expensive for what they are. You're looking at around 400 baht for a large pizza on its own now :(

Hmmm better put a "food donation" entry fee when your guests arrive lol. Or just buy 2 bottles of Lao Khao for 80 baht each and get everyone so drunk they wont want food or will foget about eating. hehe.


Could try Food by phone (google it) not sure if they deliver to your neck of the woods but worth a try maybe?

Thanks John. I've gone with chefs xp now but will check them out too for future reference.

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I agree with Powderpuff.

ChefsXp deliver from pretty much all of the restaurants in Bangkok. Unlike Food by Phone who add commission onto every dish, ChefsXp charge you the same as the restaurant. They take their commission from the restaurant owners. 60bt for delivery in the whole of Bangkok.

I highly reccommend BBQ Sandwich King, Mafiosi Pizza, Le Petit Boulanger and Bradmans Sports Bistro. Great food from all these places, and as I said, ChefsXp don't mark up the food like Food By Phone.

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I mean delivery. I do not have any transport so I would have to get a taxi to a street vendor which seems a bit pointless if there is anywhere else to eat out. I used to really enjoy the cheesey max pizzas from the Pizza Company (they dont do them any more) but the normal pizzas just seem really expensive for what they are. You're looking at around 400 baht for a large pizza on its own now :(

Go for the two x-pan for the price of one, best deal they have at under 300B :)

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I wondered when the stupid replies would start. My mum always said if you don't have anything relevant to say don't say anything at all. I am looking for somewhere nice for a takeaway meal - somewhere that delivers as I do not have transport. If anyone knows of anywhere again please let me know with a phone number and menu if possible.

You better let me have a word with your Mum to clarify the difference between takeaways and deliveries :-)

If you think Chef's XP is pricey why not get a phone number off one of your local end of Soi motorcycle taxi drivers and whenever you are feeling hungry call up for some healthy Thai takeaway food to be delivered to your front door, would be cheaper than the food chains. Many locals often do this.

I'd stay off the cheesy max pizzas you expressed a fondness for as well if you want to stay in shape.

Good luck.

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Cant imagine what food from those places mentioned through Chefs XP would be like by the time they reach Dao Khanong?! Highway and tolls too so no motorbikes?

Out there I would think you would have to stick with the places in the back of the true visions guide as they are delivered from local branches......KFC, PIzza, MK etc etc

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