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British Kiddie Fiddler Suspect Arrested In Thailand


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Assuming this guy is guilty, let's show some compassion, too. Anyone who is sexually attracted to an 18 month old baby needs some help as well as some prison.

Are you serious? Or are you just trying to rile people up?

If he's guilty of sexually molesting an 18 month old child, and selling photos/videos of the molestation, we should show compassion?

I guess the second coming has happened and I was asleep.

Welcome back.

FYI Sex in Japan with a 12 year old is quite legal in Japan (apparently)! :o

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Seems to be averaging one a week at present..Will they extradite him or is this the last we'll hear of it?Back in Australia for Xmas and even they have got problems with child pornography being found to have been downloaded from the offices of State Paliament!!!Surprise,surprise ,they have decided not to investigate any longer...and wait for it...not bring in the police!!!!(I kid you not!!)Corruption is alive and kicking (along with N.S.W State parliamentary low life scum!)Laws...for whom??? Absolute joke and they think we'll buy it...wrong!!!

HELL!........wheres the opposition on this one ?

Well probably keeping their mouths shut sailor and going along with the rest of the low life scum portraying to be representing good law abiding NSW citizens( I wonder why?)...Ohhh and the NSW Labour Government has 'shut down'..not just for Xmas ,but till the March election!!!Not a bad holiday by anyones standards..Rotten to the core this lot ..never mind people slagging Thailand..this lot aren't any better !!!

Edited by sydneyjed
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So much conflicting stuff here that I have difficulty in deciding for myself what even approximates to reality. One report states that RTP issued ( or requested and issued one by a magistrate. I do not know the procedure) a warrant for this creature's arrest in 2001. Where did that gem come from? No proof or confirmation that I have seen.

Leaving the UK is a doddle. Go to Belfast, cross the border, fly out of Dublin, hence no controls to circumvent or record of leaving the UK. Don't have to be a latterday Jackal to know that.

If this miserable specimen of humanity hadn't faced a judge, and presumably a jury, and hadn't been weighed off then the Thai Immigration authorities would have no reason to suspect him. Being a Brit he could obtain a visa at the point of entry AFAIK. Nor would UK Immigration prevent him from leaving. Innocent until proved guilty, remember? As a condition of police bail, the Leicestershire Constabulary could have demanded that he deposit his passport. It seems that they didn't think that he would fly the coop. If he said that he didn't have a passport I have my doubts whether they would have checked this out.

If a warrant for his arrest in the UK had been obtained after he did not meet his bail conditions I would hope that the Passport Office would have been informed so that obtaining a new passport, at least in his name, would have been prevented. Although no mention of having an out of date passport and not having a current visa has been made it seems safe to assume that that was the case. It also seems sensible to assume that since RTP did not have a current address for him ( he was picked up when collecting mail ) then he did not subject himself to reporting every 90 days. That RTP were informed that he was using a postbox in Korat Muang must have been passed by the UK force chasing after this evil man.

Is that a fair summation?

I would hazard a guess that the UK cops searched high and low for a while and then put the case on the back burner. No doubt there were murders, bank robberies,assaults to contend with and resources were switched to cases where there was a greater chance of success in obtaining convictions. At the risk of being labelled racist it needs to be pointed out that Leicester has a very large Asian immigrant population and they are not renowned for being law abiding. Unpalatable though it may be considered maybe it was thought that since the fugitive was abroad and unable to practice his evil ways in the UK then there were more pressing matters to attend to. Then bingo, another paedophile gets arrested and it is found that he has been in touch with the Thai based villain and he might be easily apprehended. Mere conjecture on my part of course and maybe deserving of dumping in the rubbish bin as does much of what is written on TV.

The hang them high crowd might care to follow the lead below. It shows what can easily happen unless the application of the law is left in the hands of the proper authorities. At the time I was living not too far away from this place, a working class housing estate peopled by, for want of a better phrase, those basic in outlook and education. It was so easy for them to put their brains and sensibilities in neutral and form themselves into a mob.


555555555555555 Working class housing estates. basic outlook and education, their brains in neutral, get involved in mobs, I,m from one of these areas, not being upper class, does NOT mean you automatically get into situations, Lords, kings, vip, government, from stockbroker belt, Church of England, have been some that have put their brains in neutral.

I didn't say that living on a council housing estate automatically qualifies for anything but it does beg the question why don't a lot more there make a greater effort to improve their lot in life? I know the Kingstanding estate and it is not a good idea to go there after dark. In this case irate people not directly involved chose to burn the man's house down. As I remember they were all young tearaways. I can well understand that his neighbours wanted him moved out of the area but it wasn't his neighbours who took action. They made a request to Birmingham Council which was denied. I dare say that a lot of the tenants wanted the young tearaways moved elsewhere too.

BTW I started life in reduced circumstances and lived on a London council estate for the first fifteen years of my life. I still remember losing all my little friends because I won a scholarship and went to a Grammar school when I was eleven years old. I was different so I didn't fit in any more. How dare I be cleverer, work harder and harbour ambitions?

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Without any doubt this is a horrific crime, but what amazes me is how does anyone get the opportunity and access to abuse children of this age range without knowledge of parents/carers etc. I am in no way defending this piece of st but other people are supplying him with infants for his deprived habit.

What is being done to find these other people.

Maybe it's time to take a serious look at friends and neighbours we associate with and ask the question. It's a harsh type of reality but the fact is it could be happening in our suburbs where we live.

I know I could inform on anyone involved in this type of activity. Just a thought


It is hardly an horrific crime. Molestation is the fondling and touching of. Get some perspective and then you may be able to consider the facts. Serial killers commit horrific crimes Howard. 'Uncles' with a neighbour's kid on their knee do not. They molest. Perspective.

Furthermore, I hope your error is merely spelling and not freudian when you describe his habit as being 'deprived'. Are you encouraging him or did you mean 'depraved'?

I know you are well meaning and that's commendable. But trust me, don't go spying on your neighbours.

It is hardly an horrific crime. Molestation is the fondling and touching of.housepainter if it was your kids or grandkids would you still feel the same way? I think not. Maybe some kids would not be affected by it, but others might. I STRONGLY believe that all kids have the right to grow up free of this predatory type of behaviour.Maybe if it makes you feel better we should say "low life,scum sucking terrible acts" but horrific is a suitable adjective for most of us.

Just as I said, I think housepainter will get shot down with his scaling down, using fondling,molestation. What he may have done over the years IS sick to the extreme. Please no do-gooders on this. its horrific to its victims--remember o.k. maybe not to you my bookworm housepainter friend.

It is molestation. Their word. Not mine. There is no scaling down. There is fact. Molestation. It is you who seek to scale up the silly old man, a pervert, a photographer of kids, a fondler, a molester. That is his crime and yes it is repulsive but he is not another pedophile murderer. Yet what he is is a pervy old man. Littl more than that.

You need to keep a sense of perspective.

As for my kids ....................yes, I'd be grateful they fell into his touching, fondling hands rather than those of a hardened murdering pedophile who would have repeatedly raped them beofre burying them somewhere in a forest where they'd never be found.

It's called dealing with it realistically through having the maturity and a sense of perspective. It's pain but pain that be can be coped with. The death of a child can not. And old Grandad is not a child killer.

Too many of you simply make the right noises but don't have an original thought or anything new or of value to add to the debate. You are told not to 'hang 'em high' and yet form some sort of piano wire club.

Victims survive. It's too late for the dead.

You can't claim to speak for 'the majority' [most of us] and should stick to voicing your own opinion as I have mine. You have that right as do I.

What I can say is that degrees of response need to be measured. This is a small scale crime in which the victims are very likely to fuly recover from. I hope so. There are no cellars. There are no years of incareration. There is no incest or fathering of children. He's not Belgium or Swiss or French or German and besides we don't have cellars.

He remains a small scale offender and will be dealt with accordingly without having his offending equipment - his hands - removed.

And finally, do beware those who make the loudest noise on such cases. Their motivations may well be suspect. I at least show tolerance and more understanding than some masquerading on here as whiter than white, hangings too good for them.

And again .... you really ought to get out more: molestation is not necessarily damaging to a child. They are made of stronger psychological stuff and survive unharmed both physically and psochologically, partly due to their inability to fully comprehend what takes place.

We are on the same page in some respects but you clearly show that you've never dealt with serious sexual abuse as you are unable to grade it as the law does. Hence the original charge of molesting. For that is what took place and I refer you to a dictionary definition: to disturb or annoy [ consider that, as I get disturbed by loud music and annoyed by waiting in queues] to accost; that is approach to, speak to, to solicit sexually. You see we are light years from sexual sadism, sodomy and rape. It is the degrees of mildness within the law that saw this charge [molestation] brought as the perpetrators actions were at that low level.

You have to accept these facts.

Think on.

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Without any doubt this is a horrific crime, but what amazes me is how does anyone get the opportunity and access to abuse children of this age range without knowledge of parents/carers etc. I am in no way defending this piece of st but other people are supplying him with infants for his deprived habit.

What is being done to find these other people.

Maybe it's time to take a serious look at friends and neighbours we associate with and ask the question. It's a harsh type of reality but the fact is it could be happening in our suburbs where we live.

I know I could inform on anyone involved in this type of activity. Just a thought


It is hardly an horrific crime. Molestation is the fondling and touching of. Get some perspective and then you may be able to consider the facts. Serial killers commit horrific crimes Howard. 'Uncles' with a neighbour's kid on their knee do not. They molest. Perspective.

Furthermore, I hope your error is merely spelling and not freudian when you describe his habit as being 'deprived'. Are you encouraging him or did you mean 'depraved'?

I know you are well meaning and that's commendable. But trust me, don't go spying on your neighbours.

It is hardly an horrific crime. Molestation is the fondling and touching of.housepainter if it was your kids or grandkids would you still feel the same way? I think not. Maybe some kids would not be affected by it, but others might. I STRONGLY believe that all kids have the right to grow up free of this predatory type of behaviour.Maybe if it makes you feel better we should say "low life,scum sucking terrible acts" but horrific is a suitable adjective for most of us.

Just as I said, I think housepainter will get shot down with his scaling down, using fondling,molestation. What he may have done over the years IS sick to the extreme. Please no do-gooders on this. its horrific to its victims--remember o.k. maybe not to you my bookworm housepainter friend.

What's wrong with doing good? Surely that's the opposite of what he is "alleged" to have done.

The later reports do seem to suggest more serious offences than the first which didn't give much detail. I think the heading using the phrase "kiddie fiddler" doesn't help either. Whilst any molestation of children is wrong (or of adults if non consensual ) there are varying degrees. Obviously torture or violent sexual assault maybe ending in murder is wrong in the extreme but most cases of child molesting are of a lesser degree although still wrong. In these cases there is likely to be little or any physical damage, it's the psychological harm which is the problem.

These effects can themselves be of varying severity or may not happen at all. If the molester is a close family member, maybe even a parent then extreme consequences for the perpetrator can make the victim feel guilty as they can feel it's their fault. While society will feel sympathy for the victim, if the effect of the crime is to distort their own view of sexual practices that sympathy will quickly turn to hatred as soon as they become adults. I remember an interview with a guy who had abused his son but not violently as far as I know. He was asked if he felt guilty about what he had done. He replied "Not at all. My father did the same to me and it did me no harm". We do learn right and wrong from our parents but they can be wrong as well.

Some molesters know it's wrong and want help and can be helped. Others can't and children need to be protected from them. We know these type of offences can damage children.We also know that mothers who smoke during pregnancy can harm a child before it's born. What about people who risk their children's health by smoking either directly or by making it more likely they will smoke. what about parents in Thailand and elsewhere who put their children's health at risk by letting them ride a motorcycle without a helmet or ride in a car without a seatbelt or don't wear one themselves. Should they rot in jail as well?

One final point. I don't approve of sensationalist terms such as sicko, beast, monster, evil and vile to name just a few. I used to know a guy called Mark Hanson. He was membership secretary at the ferret club I joined with my daughter. One week when we arrived we were told thet mark had committed suicide. I knew he was unemployed and assumed this may have been part of the reason. I and some of the other members attended a memorial service for him. It was suggested that the club should present a prize to one of the younger members on a regular basis as he was always very good with them. Mark was an extremely nice guy. Shortly afterwards the BBC broadcast a series called "The hunt for Britain's paedophiles" The last programme dealt with Mark Hanson. Google mark hanson paedophile for more information. The point is using the words shown above gives the impression that these people are almost a different life form easily distinguishable from the rest of us. From my experience they aren't. They are perfectly normal human beings often as in Mark's case able to communicate very well with children in a way I wish I could. They just have this problem that their preferred sexual perversion (let's be honest most of us have them) is unacceptable as the consent that is normally given by adults taking part can't be given by children. If you think they are very different from us you will probably miss them.

Sorry just thought of something. I remeber a study that was done in the USA which showed a lot of people, well probably mainly men, fantasise about sex with children. This was mainly around early teens or slightly younger. Of course these were only fantasy.

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Why did it take over 10 years to issue the arrest warrant? When did the British find out he was here?

Surely if he was charged and then escaped then he must have been released on bail? Pretty smart to release an alleged child "kiddy fibbler" and allow him to keep his passport. The British Police are sometimes very dumb! Anyway the chap is here now. Clearly he arrived with a valid passport and during his 12 year stay the passport expired and he never left the Kingdom. So now the Thai's have him. My advice is build the case here, if guilty imprison him here. If he goes back to the UK he will end up in a sex offenders block, away from other prisioners and protected for his own safety. He can also liaise with like minded kiddy fiddlers in his nice secluded block. Better keep him here and see how he enjoys the abuse he will receive from the other Thai prisioners. Enjoy!

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So why is it they are always found in Thailand? and why is it that it is a known place to run to? Feed him to the sharks!

Probably not always found in Thailand. Who post in Thaivisa all the busts in the other countries of Asia?

Aaah yes, but the bitter irony, as far as the Thai Authorities are concerned, and which farang posters on TV are all too familiar, is that the 90 Day Report is intended to enable the Immigration Authorities know precisely where 'baddies' are, and can be found and deal with :whistling:

As if.......

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Seems to be averaging one a week at present..Will they extradite him or is this the last we'll hear of it?Back in Australia for Xmas and even they have got problems with child pornography being found to have been downloaded from the offices of State Paliament!!!Surprise,surprise ,they have decided not to investigate any longer...and wait for it...not bring in the police!!!!(I kid you not!!)Corruption is alive and kicking (along with N.S.W State parliamentary low life scum!)Laws...for whom??? Absolute joke and they think we'll buy it...wrong!!!

"My Dog" at this rate Thailand wont have any eldery farangs left :blink:

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One down and how many child molesters need to go? You are Right about Human Rights in foreign jails but, what about the Right of the children who are suffering? My take and opinion.

I'm sick and tired of people like this obviously disgusting guy. Had a very weird day at school, where an Indian got fired molesting a 12 year old in a toilet at school.

A chat with an older Thai English teacher was telling me what I already knew. They started to hate foreigners because of people like this (*&^%(_

They're the reason why everything's getting more difficult and we all get only a one year contract. What a sick world, I can't eat now, after reading what this guy did.

18 months old? I wanna cry..............

That's a little harsh considering the regularity that reports of molestation by Thai teachers appear in the Thai press.

Lets not forget, we are talking about infants, toddlers, dogs, movies, big money, victims lifelong hangups. Forget FONDLING. This guy is EVIL. together with who was in on the act. I,ve heard of some stories in my life but this is as bad as it gets

Oh'... so you know this man then? :o

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So why is it they are always found in Thailand? and why is it that it is a known place to run to? Feed him to the sharks!

Maybe it is an easy place to hide out and there is many people willing to supply the product for thier lust for a couple of hundred baht. Wth the amount of these people being rounded up in the last few weeks there must be hundreds if not thousands of them in the country.

Just think about this:

If Pakistan and other similar M------im counties rounded up their boy lovers the entire male population would be in jail.;)

And the boy and his parents thank the surrogate uncle for the "experience" in these countries. :unsure:

Edited by newermonkey
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It does beggar belief that this sicko can avoid any form of immigration or residence checkups in 12 years of living here - unreal!

Nasty, digusting events and too often, reported people like this seem to gravitate this way to LOS and SEAsia....go figure.

Brewsta :angry:

If it was Cambodia or Vietname he'd probably not even be caught...

and in some Arab countries he would be hailed as a great Imam :blink:

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Says a lot about doing background and character checks doesn't it?How many more could there be masquerading in jobs where positions of trust are paramount?Start there first and you may or maynot have a shortage of English teachers in a very short space of time here!

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  • 6 months later...

Bangkok Hilton for life :angry::bah:

Nope. UK prison for 3 years...

Paedophile who fled to Thailand is jailed

A paedophile extradited from Thailand to Britain has been jailed for three years for accessing more than 11,000 indecent images of children.


David Charles Taylor (66), formerly of Worthington Lane, Breedon on the Hill, jumped police bail after being caught with 7,556 images on his computer in 1998. He wrote to the police saying he had left the country due to "stress" and denied being in a paedophile ring.

Having fled to Thailand, he continued accessing child pornography, downloading a further 3,792 images. An international arrest warrant was issued but attempts to find him proved fruitless, until he was captured in a Thai post office on December 19. Taylor spent three months in a Thai prison, before being returned to Britain in March.



Leicester Mercury - July 15, 2011

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