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Need Help To Identify The Location In The Posting

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Hi Guys

Sorry to trouble you. Need some help here. I have a friend wife have disappear after went back to chiangrai. he is not able to contact her for the last 2 weeks. his wife went back for 2 mths... and she been using his credit card from the day she went back.

So need someone from here to help out and identify the company location and what type of business they do as the credit card did not state what was it. she been charging it during that period and still charging.

1. Ruentip hotel ? is this hotel within chiangrai town and is it near little duck hotel?

2. TG Fone-B if i remember i saw his statement written as Big C location.

3. Chokmongkol? I help to do a search it seems to be a lawyer firm..

4. Lim Cheng Heng??? Nothing stated on the statement whether is a goldsmith shop or other business..

If you know any of this please post it here. So i can feedback to my friend. Thanks alot buds and wish everyone a merry xmas. Cheers

1. Ruentip hotel ? is this hotel within chiangrai town and is it near little duck hotel?

Thinknet map shows this as Long 99d 49m 49.0s : Lat 19d 53m 19.6s Ratsadonbamung road just off Highway 1 about 207 metres from Wat Sanpako


Thanks mate

I also found out for point 3. Chokmongkol is actually a goldsmith shop. found it in the Google map

I suspect 4. Lim Cheng Heng is also a goldsmith shop....

Tomorrow i will let him know....

1. Ruentip hotel ? is this hotel within chiangrai town and is it near little duck hotel?

Thinknet map shows this as Long 99d 49m 49.0s : Lat 19d 53m 19.6s Ratsadonbamung road just off Highway 1 about 207 metres from Wat Sanpako


Can anyone verify whether is this a short time hotel for couple? looks like it a short time hotel...

1. Ruentip hotel ? is this hotel within chiangrai town and is it near little duck hotel?

Thinknet map shows this as Long 99d 49m 49.0s : Lat 19d 53m 19.6s Ratsadonbamung road just off Highway 1 about 207 metres from Wat Sanpako


I would have thought her name and photograph would have been better , rather than finding out where shes spending money on his credit card. If I see a nice lady covered in gold near that hotel , I will see if she can buy me Christmas Lunch , I wouldnt mind having that slap up lunch where Will27's going :D


They don't allow this on the forum sunholidaysun1, bahnoo's friend may be a wonderful guy being seriously wronged, but there are instances where the lady has a very good reason for wanting to keep away from her husband/boyfriend, and there is no way of determining which is which.

The simple solution would be to pull the pin on the credit card and move on, but somemen have difficulty in letting go.


They don't allow this on the forum sunholidaysun1, bahnoo's friend may be a wonderful guy being seriously wronged, but there are instances where the lady has a very good reason for wanting to keep away from her husband/boyfriend, and there is no way of determining which is which.

The simple solution would be to pull the pin on the credit card and move on, but somemen have difficulty in letting go.

Indeed. Just suspend the Credit Card temporarily. Just a phone Call.

No point getting taken to the cleaners whilst your looking for the Lady :(


I would have thought her name and photograph would have been better , rather than finding out where shes spending money on his credit card. If I see a nice lady covered in gold near that hotel , I will see if she can buy me Christmas Lunch , I wouldnt mind having that slap up lunch where Will27's going :D

As is the norm with you, an insensitive and carelessly thought out post. It is great fun to make merry with the hardship or heartbreak of another, isn't it?

There are many possibilities here but you have assigned only one to the OP.

The first, in my mind, is that the woman has already perished due to foul play and someone else is using the card. It is quick cash to buy gold with a credit card, sans PIN, and then resell the gold the same day.

Many, many other possibilities and a lot of them do not include the woman being in the wrong here. And as Scea mentioned, we don't know the whole story. All of us aren't married to bad women.


I must admit I thought simliar to Sunny.

If he suspects fraud then he should contact the fraud team at the bank the credit card is registered. They'll be all over it.


I must admit I thought simliar to Sunny.

If he suspects fraud then he should contact the fraud team at the bank the credit card is registered. They'll be all over it.

And I suspect there is more to the story. Anyone with sense, or limited financial resources, knows to cancel the card, especially if those types of charges are appearing. So, my thought process leads me to think he cannot cancel the card because it is not his or he does not want to cancel it because he will lose track of her and not be able to get her back. Or................................................... So many "or". Think about it.

My life experiences have given me some insight into these kinds of things. And I have seen a woman handed back to a man who did a fair job of representing Satan. She was given up by well-meaning people who had no idea of the real reason she chose to leave him and disappear. In the end, her one salvation was that the man was a coward with everyone except for her. When I approached him to put a stop to his BS, he sought protection and he didn't bother her again.

I am not saying that this is the case with the OP's inquiry. I am saying, it is always good to keep an open mind and to reserve judgement. If anyone needs to KNOW the facts, it is easy enough to contact the OP, get the details of the woman, go to the shops where the card is being used, get some answers and follow up. I just never understand the way the minds of some assign simple judgments to such things. It can be a dangerous practice. Having blood on your hands is not a thing of small consequence, regardless of how "innocent" your motives were.

If the OP wants help from me, I can assure you I can find her, even though I have other things to be doing. But if he wants my help, I will help. However, I'll make my own decisions about what to do with that information when I have found her. On the other hand, it is a simple matter for the person who is looking for her to find her himself or to have someone he trusts find her for him.


Yeah, ofcourse theres more to the story. he did say she had been using his credit card ;-

and she been using his credit card from the day she went back.

The Odds would suggest that she's done a runner for what ever reason. he needs to cancel the credit card and maybe she will contact him . Sorry for being Cynical my friend :)


Yeah, ofcourse theres more to the story. he did say she had been using his credit card ;-

and she been using his credit card from the day she went back.

The Odds would suggest that she's done a runner for what ever reason. he needs to cancel the credit card and maybe she will contact him . Sorry for being Cynical my friend :)

No apple pie for you next time.laugh.gif


His friends wife has been using his friends credit card since she came back 2 months ago and she has been in Chiang Rai doing some shopping and hasnt been seen by his friend for the past 2 weeks ???

So if she is using his credit card for 2 months , since she came back , what is the problem with using it for the past 2 weeks ?

If the story is genuine ? then I would think anyone with any sense would cancel the card, also , what makes you think that every place would allow her to use the credit card when its not in her name , pin numbers not known , signature different ?

Something Fishy here I think but seeing as a couple of you want to be Private Dicks, good luck , your looking for what may I ask ??


As is the norm with you, an insensitive and carelessly thought out post. It is great fun to make merry with the hardship or heartbreak of another, isn't it?

There are many possibilities here but you have assigned only one to the OP.

The first, in my mind, is that the woman has already perished due to foul play and someone else is using the card. It is quick cash to buy gold with a credit card, sans PIN, and then resell the gold the same day.

Many, many other possibilities and a lot of them do not include the woman being in the wrong here. And as Scea mentioned, we don't know the whole story. All of us aren't married to bad women.

OK, sunny probably shouldn't have wrapped his comment up in some follow through banter from another thread, but I think you were a little harsh on him for what it is worth.

He did make a decent point that it might be easier to locate someone who is missing by circulating her details and photo (even if not permitted here), than by following a trail of where she or someone using the card, has already been (and of course left) but I agree with the sentiments and also with the other guys sayin there are always at least three sides to a story.

Best advice is contact the POLICE or an english speaking lawyer who can help with contacting the police.


Yes, if it was me in another, far away country, needing such services here in Thailand, I would certainly buy into the process of going with the man, group or company who is known to have no qualms with asserting their allegiance to the highest bidder. Hell, I would probably just send them another one of my own credit cards with their name on it to make it easier on everyone.

Pics and details, as you and SD mentioned, is good. But again, in the wrong hands, it could well be a death sentence for an innocent victim.

The thoughtlessness of his other sentiments just further cement the continuing picture that he feels so compelled to have associated with him on this forum.


ThaiVisa make it pretty plain that they don't want this forum used as a people finder other than in the most general terms.

For reasons mentioned, it may endanger the person being searched for with repercussions.

I believe there a number of genuine PIs around though, I recall one advertising on Stickman. :ph34r:

Edit: I note no one picked up on this but when there was a query about whether the hotel was a "short time Hotel" it crossed my mind that if she WAS plying her trade in the oldest profession she can't be too successful if she has to pay for the room herself... B):lol: :lol:


And I admit to being completely asleep at the switch on this one.

Don't know how it escaped my notice.

As kindly pointed out above, TV doesn't allow "missing persons" threads. We've turned down requests from hugely important and well known security agencies for info seeking, and tracking of people.

From the forum rules, that every member agreed to when joining:

"28) Not to post missing person posts except with the explicit approval of admin (email support[at]ThaiVisa.com)."

This is the Thai Visa owner's policy.

Best wishes to the OP's attempt to find his "friend's" escaped lady.

The subject is closed, and thanks CR members for your patience and understanding.

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