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Thailand Set To Raise Age Of Consent To 20 For Sex With Women?


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I can't link to it, but apparently this measure is now being actively considered by the Thai government.

The idea is to raise the age of legal sex with women to age 20, with the idea of preventing unwanted pregnancies, abortions, etc.

This is not yet law.

However, if it becomes law people will need to be informed about the details of this.

One thing that pops out to me is whether this new law will apply to sex with young men as well. Males of course don't get pregnant.

If there is a new law for heterosexual sex, and a more liberal (existing) law for homosexual sex, that translates as discrimination against heterosexuals. If that occurs, that might be a first in the world (usually the consent laws when unbalanced discriminate against homosexuals). However, discrimination is discrimination, and I feel most people will find such a variance to be unfair.

This is in the early stages yet, but stay tuned.

Edited by Jingthing
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Clearly another example of someone engaging their mouth before their brain.

My understanding is that this has come about to stop unwanted pregnancies, people will still have sex, people will still get pregnant, nothing solved, people before the courts that should not really be there.

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You have no link,so you just plucked this out of thin air or what?

upi can find it in the news section on here in the daily news thread

sorry, I saw it on the BP twitter page, not the news thread on here

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I find this amusing since I was chatting to a medical litigation Thai lawyer friend yesterday about the topic of the age of consent. He was clearing up the issue of parental consent from 15 to 20.

In any event, today's recommendation by the Minister seems to be a continuation of the general tendency towards the infantilisation of women and the angelification of childhood, two processes that Westerners will be familiar with, certainly in the UK and the USA.

No doubt if the Minister is successful in changing the law, in twenty years time, they will want to shift the age of consent to 25, since by then, women's maturation will be re-constructed to the age of 25.

I would like to humbly offer an alternative. Legalise abortion to the liberal levels of the UK. Problem solved. If you have a problem with abortion as a sin (perhaps you are a Buddhist) then don't have an abortion, but don't tell anyone else what to do.

If you tell me that you think abortion is murder then I don't believe you. Your current reaction to abortion in the UK and the USA is a disgrace. If I believed abortion was murder and saw 5 million (or whatever) annual abortions in the UK (compare childhood stranger-danger murders at around 10 a year in the UK) then I would not be able to sleep at night until I had stopped it. I would try to put together the elements for a coup d'etat in the UK to remove such a murderous regime. But you, the anti-abortionist, don't do that. Your position lacks sincerity.

Let's hope this Minister's idea is dumped (along with all the foetus bodies in the local temple) in the festering slum quarters that he is so concerned about.

Edited by Gaccha
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You have no link,so you just plucked this out of thin air or what?

I do have a link but it is a major Thai news source we can't link to here for forum legal reasons. This is real.

At your age, it shouldnt be of concern. The rule of the land lifts the age of consent, you abide to the law as set, no problem.

I can imagine someone married to a 19 yo might object to this sort of legislation, but seriously a man as old as yourself JT really shouldnt be married to a woman that young :lol: OR man for that matter.

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You have no link,so you just plucked this out of thin air or what?

I do have a link but it is a major Thai news source we can't link to here for forum legal reasons. This is real.

At your age, it shouldnt be of concern. The rule of the land lifts the age of consent, you abide to the law as set, no problem.

I can imagine someone married to a 19 yo might object to this sort of legislation, but seriously a man as old as yourself JT really shouldnt be married to a woman that young :lol: OR man for that matter.

What are you on about? There is no gay marriage (and what does marriage have to do with sex anyway?) in Thailand and if old dudes (or ladies for that matter) want to sleep with legal age males or females, that isn't anyone's business but the parties involved.

Next ...

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What are you on about? There is no gay marriage (and what does marriage have to do with sex anyway?) in Thailand and if old dudes want to sleep with legal age males or females, that isn't anyone's business but the parties involved.

Next ...

I will work backwards thru ur post.

1stly, if the LAW of the land states the legal age of consent is to be 20, then it DOES become the business of people other than parties involved. Surely you understand that.

Secondly, my comment about marriage didnt relate to gays in Thailand.

Whats so hard to understand about it JT, ATM you don't go after people under the legal age of 18 (assuming ur talking about age of consent for a male) & in the future if they change it to 20, then so beit. Capiche? Is it really worth getting so worked up about.....sheish :rolleyes:

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OK. Then there is nothing to argue about. Of course people should follow the law, whatever the law is. I also think most westerners think an age of consent as high as 20 is rather medieval. That would definitely be way higher than the international mainstream age of consent.

I don't even need to do a poll about this. I would bet the house most people here would consider age 20 a very high age of consent.

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Our neighbour in Isan has two daughters and both were pregnant before they were eighteen. The fathers were local boys their age. I don't think a law will change anything.

Now if it's way to control prostitution for young girls, it's a very good idea.

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OK. Then there is nothing to argue about. Of course people should follow the law, whatever the law is. I also think most westerners think an age of consent as high as 20 is rather medieval. That would definitely be way higher than the international mainstream age of consent.

I agree. :D

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Our neighbour in Isan has two daughters and both were pregnant before they were eighteen. The fathers were local boys their age. I don't think a law will change anything.

Now if it's way to control prostitution for young girls, it's a very good idea.

Theres no doubt about it JG.

However, imagine if you threw a wealthy foriegner into the mix. Imagine the negotiations centering around baht and how they might go upwards in this scenario.

I can understand that this may be a concern for a farang in his 20ies pursuing the young lovely's but thats it.

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A lot of 18 and 19 year old bar girls are going to be pretty unhappy, if this proposal ever comes into law...

Not to mention their bosses....

But, Jing is right, in that this is a serious proposal stemming from the whole fuss over teen-age pregnancies and, particularly, the discovery recently of the aborted foetuses at the wat in Bangkok...

The proposal being put forward would be an amendment to the current criminal law, with criminal penalties prescribed for violations.

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Just like raising the drinking age to 20.....the kids will still find their alcohol.

No doubt but also some others will be finding themselves in prison for having sex with ... ADULTS, with consent. 20 is an adult age with no grey area whatsoever.

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Next they'll start discussing banning spaghetti strap tops because they show too much. Oh, wait they already have discussed this. Some of these ministers are simply out of touch with reality. All that is needed is to teach sex ed. at school. Your typical kid out in the sticks knows to stick it in and wiggle it about but that is about it. Neither the boys nor the girls have any idea about contraception.

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Next they'll start discussing banning spaghetti strap tops because they show too much. Oh, wait they already have discussed this. Some of these ministers are simply out of touch with reality. All that is needed is to teach sex ed. at school. Your typical kid out in the sticks knows to stick it in and wiggle it about but that is about it. Neither the boys nor the girls have any idea about contraception.

Strangely many do. Seems since the introduction and ads on rubbers, many young ladies are raising cash for their school fees without worry. :huh: Seen loads of hi - so guys with girls in uniform in out of the way restaurants. No not me. :D

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Next they'll start discussing banning spaghetti strap tops because they show too much. Oh, wait they already have discussed this. Some of these ministers are simply out of touch with reality. All that is needed is to teach sex ed. at school. Your typical kid out in the sticks knows to stick it in and wiggle it about but that is about it. Neither the boys nor the girls have any idea about contraception.

The people need to be kept in line with strict laws and severe penalties for breaching them. :Dave:

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Next they'll start discussing banning spaghetti strap tops because they show too much. Oh, wait they already have discussed this. Some of these ministers are simply out of touch with reality. All that is needed is to teach sex ed. at school. Your typical kid out in the sticks knows to stick it in and wiggle it about but that is about it. Neither the boys nor the girls have any idea about contraception.

The people need to be kept in line with strict laws and severe penalties for breaching them. :Dave:

I went to a party and this hi - so teacher (50) l know turned up with a girl of about 16 on his arm, obviously a pupil.

Yep, and he is happily married. :huh:

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Clearly another example of someone engaging their mouth before their brain.

My understanding is that this has come about to stop unwanted pregnancies, people will still have sex, people will still get pregnant, nothing solved, people before the courts that should not really be there.

My answer and view on this too.

Maybe the next thing will be prosecuting all the people who have had kids when they were under the age of 20 years old.:lol:

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Your typical kid out in the sticks knows to stick it in and wiggle it about but that is about it. Neither the boys nor the girls have any idea about contraception.

That must be why according to CIA Factbook Thailand has a fertility rate lower than the US, France, Australia, Norway, etc...

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