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Non-Imm "O", Family And/Or Visiting Friends?

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Is Non-Immigrant "O" for visiting friends as well as family? I noticed on this forum that Houston was recommended as a place to apply (I'm in New York). I emailed them. They responded that it was for visiting family. I want to get a multiple entry/1year visa. Is this a case of turning a "blind eye" when you apply as long as you provide an address in Thailand (I do have a friend living there)?

Secondly, I looked at the application form from the New York consulate. It says that if a visa is declined there is no refund? This is not stated on the Houston office application.

Is this true?

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OK second question first - A Non-Imm 'O' is available as both single entry and multiple entry - the latter just allows you to leave and return to Thailand without voiding the Visa.

Now to your first. The Visa laws are quite vague and open (as many Thai laws are) and every embassy and consulate seems to have a different take on them. If on consulate says one thing and another says something different, then go with the one that says the right thing for you. If you don't know then ask them before sending a cheque.

The firends or family is one of the vague issues. In the UK, Hull follows the letter of the law rather than the spirit as maintained (and for ever changing) by such as the Embassies and immigration. Therefore, Hull allows Non-Imm "O" for visitng a friend (you would be very unlikely to get an extension based on it then - so you would need a multi and do 90 day border runs). Some other consulates (and all the Embassies as far as I know) will not give it for "friends". So, hunat around - or ask here what's the best USA consulate to use.

PS: There are other ways to skin the same cat. What are you actually after? (not which Visa. but length and type of stay - i.e. will you visit and leave often - will you wish to work here - are you over 50 - would you be willing to study (as a student) here - etc). Also, does your friend own a company that would be willing to write you a letter offering you a job (that will be enough to get a 'B' visa - though not an extension or workl permit - unless he actually does hire you of course!)

Edited by wolf5370
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Thanks for the feedback guys. Here is my situation. I do have a friend there. I have been offered a job teaching (I have a degree and some past experience). The teaching position is not a legal one, cash in hand so no WP/visa on that count. I am over 50 but cannot afford the B800,000 in the bank. I want to live there without the necessity of having Thailand too frequently and applying for new visas outside the country..

I doubt that my friend could get me a "B' visa. If I can get a multiple entry at least it gives me 12-15 months in the country depending on issuance date. The longer I can stay visa trouble free the better. Perhaps, after living there some time I can get a legal position at another school and change my status.

I am basically trying to find the best option.

I appreciate any advice. i will call Portland and Dallas and see what they say. If anyone has more advice please let me know.


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Hi Mario, ending up in a Thai jail is not the most joyous of prospects! Is this law ever applied? I have not come across it mentioned on this forum. However, I am a newbie and may have missed it.

I did read on one post that up to 90% of English teachers are in fact working illegally which seems to suggest that it is a risk that many people take.

Back to the visa situation, Lite Beer, you had said that the US was not multiple entry friendly. I have dual citizenship, the other one being Irish. Do you know if that would be a better place from which to apply?

Thanks again!

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Probably the only places that will issue a Multi Entry Non Imm O Visa for visiting friends would be 2 or 3 Consulates in UK.

As said working illegally is not recommended. People do get fined and deported after spending time in the Immigration Detention Center.

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I inquired via email at the Houston a Multi"O" visa to visit my thai daughter last week and was told no problem.

I need provide copy of her id card and BC.

Not sure if they will give u that to visit friends or everyone and his mother would be doing it. Have heard u can only get as single entry

Cost $175 fpor multi entry

IF your over 50 u can get a single entry and then once your in Thailand go to the US embassy and get a letter saying you have an income of more than 65,000 baht/month. then go to imigration and get a one year extension.

Note if ur caught working, ( not likely BUT it does happen) u will be deported and prehaps blacklisted

Edited by phuketrichard
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Your age makes you eligable for a non-O visa, try to get a multiple from a honorary consulate in the US based on retirement. Untill you actually go for an extension of stay, you can get a work permit on a non-O entry, as the visa doesn't tell the reason why it is issued.

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I am not sure I follow the reasoning on the retirement visa. Don't I have to provide B800,000 in a Thai bank in order to qualify for a retirement visa? As I mentioned in a prior post, this is not an option for me - do not have the funds.

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I am not sure I follow the reasoning on the retirement visa. Don't I have to provide B800,000 in a Thai bank in order to qualify for a retirement visa? As I mentioned in a prior post, this is not an option for me - do not have the funds.

You do not need a bank balance to be issued a Non Imm O Visa for retirement.

For a 12 month extension based on retirement you need 800,000 Baht in the bank OR 65,000 monthly income OR a combination of the two.

As you say the extension would be of no use if you wanted to work.

With a Non Imm O Visa you could work.

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Lite Beer, everything I have read regarding qualification for a non-imm O visa for retirement states that you must meet the requirement of the 800,000/65,000 rule in order to be issued this type of visa. I have not read anywhere where they will give you a free pass for 1 year before being asked to provide the financial info as proof.

Am I missing something here?

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Lite Beer, everything I have read regarding qualification for a non-imm O visa for retirement states that you must meet the requirement of the 800,000/65,000 rule in order to be issued this type of visa. I have not read anywhere where they will give you a free pass for 1 year before being asked to provide the financial info as proof.

Am I missing something here?

Yes you are.

Those financial requirements are for a 12 month Extension of Stay for retirement. Obtained from Immigration.It is not a Visa.

A Non Imm O Visa obtained from a Thai Consulate does not have those requirements.

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There are two things, a visa which is a permit to travel to Thailand and a permission of stay and the extension of that. The visa is given by a Thai consulate and ha its own rules for issuing. The extension of stay is given by immigration and has different rules.

Some Thai conuslates do indeed want to see you have a minimum income or money in the bank, but a lot of Thai consulates don't ask. Especially honorary consulates. It is just a question of vsiting the websites of some consulates in the US and check their requirements.

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very few consolutes will issue u a non "o" Multi for retirement UNLESS u show them u have the money in the bank, PLus if ur in the states and ap;ly for the retirement VISA u need a medical check up and police clearnece. ( whihc u do not need if u apply for the extension in Thailand

They will issue u a single entry and then u can extend in Thailand.

Lite and others; u can NOT work on a type "o" visa u need a business visa. Yuu can CHANGE from a type "O" to a type "B" but u can do that with a tourist visa as well

From the consolute in Houston;

Non-Immigrant Visa

Documents Required:

- Passport or travel document valid for no less than 6 months

- One visa application form completely filled out and signed (signature must match that in passport).

- Two passport-size photographs (2"x2") (photocopy or photo taken from Photostat will not be accepted). Photographs must have a light color background with a full- face view of the person without hat or dark glasses. Photos must be taken within 6 months of application

- A copy of recent bank statement or evidence of adequate finance ($500 per person and $1,000 per family)

Non –U.S. citizens must also provide the following:

- Copy of permanent resident alien card with employment verification or a copy of valid US visa with employment verification letter

- If self-employed, copy of business license or business registration indicating the applicant’s name

Purpose of Visit:

This type of visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for the following purposes:

F – To perform official duties. In addition to the requirements set forth above, applicants for an F visa must provide a letter of invitation on official letterhead stating the objective of the visit

B – To conduct business/to work. In addition to the requirements above applicants for a B visa must provide the following:

(1) Foreigners who wish to conduct business in Thailand must provide the following documents:-

• Letter from applicant’s company indicating the applicant’s position, length of employment, salary and purpose of visit(s) to Thailand

• Letter of invitation from trading or associated partners/ companies in Thailand • Corporate documents of associated partners/companies in Thailand

(2) Foreigners who wish to work as teachers in Thailand must provide the following documents:

• Letter of acceptance from employing institute school in Thailand

• Evidence of educational qualification such as diplomas or teaching certification

• School license or business registration, list of shareholders and school profile

• Applicant’s resume

• Police certificate verifying that applicant has no criminal record or equivalents or letter issued by authorized agencies in applicant’s country

Additional Information:

• Applicant’s family members (i.e. spouse, parents and children who are unmarried and under 20 years old) are eligible to apply for a Non-immigrant Visa (category “O”) and will be allowed to stay for a period of 90 days but no longer than 1 year. The documents required are following:

- Proof of relationship with applicant such as marriage certificate or birth certificate. - A copy of applicant’s passport and a copy of a valid Thai visa or valid work permit.

ED - To study, to come on a work study tour or observation tour, to participate in projects or seminar, to attend a conference or training course, to study as a foreign Buddhist monk. In addition to the requirements above, applicants for an ED visa must provide the following:

(1) Foreigners who wish to study in Thailand must provide the following documents:

• Letter of acceptance from the concerned schools/ universities or institutes

• School license or business registration

(2) Foreigners who wish to participate in projects or seminar, to attend a conference or training course in Thailand must provide the following documents:

• Letter from applicant’s company indicating the applicant’s position, length of employment, salary and purpose of visit(s) to Thailand

• Letter of invitation or acceptance from the concerned companies/ organizations or institutes with business registration or business license

M - To work as a film-producer, journalist or reporter. Applicants for an M visa must seek approval from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand

R - To perform missionary work or other religious activities with the concurrence of the Thai Ministries or Government Departments concerned. Applicants for an R visa must seek approval from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand

RS - To conduct scientific research or training or teaching in research institute. Applicants for an RS visa must also provide a letter of invitation from the concerned research institutes with the institute business registration or business license

O - Other activities as follows: To stay with the family, perform duties for a state enterprise or social welfare organizations, to receive medical treatment, to be a sport coach as required by Thai Government, to be a contestant or witness for the judicial process.

(1) In addition to the requirements set forth above, foreigners who wish to stay with family in Thailand must provide the following documents:

• If you are a former Thai citizen, proof of Thai citizen such as Thai passport, Thai identification card, Thai house register or Thai birth certificate

If you want to visit as a spouse or family member (son or daughter), proof of relationship such as a copy of marriage license or birth certificate with a proof that your spouse or family member is a Thai citizen

(2) Foreigners who wish to perform duties for the state enterprise or social welfare organizations, to receive medical treatment in Thailand must provide the following documents in addition to the requirements set forth above:

• Letter of invitation or acceptance from the concerned companies/ organizations or institutes with business registration or business license

(3) Foreigners who wish to be a sport coach as required by Thai Government, to be a contestant or witness for the judicial process in Thailand must provide the following documents in addition to the requirements set forth above:

• Letter of invitation or acceptance from the Thai Government or concern organizations Visa

Processing Fees:

Visa processing fee:

single entry - $65

multiple entries - $175

Validity of a visa:

single entry - 3 months.

multiple entries - 1 year.

Period of stay:

Travelers with this type of visa will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 90 days per entry.

Extension of stay:

Those who wish to stay longer or may wish to change their type of visa must file an application for permission at the Office of Immigration Bureau located on Soi Suan Plu, off South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, Tel (662) 287-3101 to 10 or at http://www.immigration.go.th The extension of stay as well as the change of certain type of visa is solely at the discretion of the Immigration officer.

Non-Immigrant Visa Category “O-A” (Long Stay/Retirement)

We can no longer issue “O-A” (Long Stay/Retirement) Visas. You must apply through the Embassy or one of the Consulates General as listed on Page 1.

Edited by phuketrichard
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A non immigrant O visa is a normal visa issued for "other" reasons and for up to 90 day stay(s). It is not tied to retirement but that could be a valid reason to issue if over age 50.

A non immigrant O-A is issued for retirement and provides a one year stay on entry. For that proof of funds, police report and medical are all required.

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Retirement Visa

Non-Immigrant Visa O-A

*** Non-immigrant visas will not be issued for such purposes as tourism, seeking employment opportunities, looking for a school for teaching or studying purposes, etc.

*** The Consulate will consider the application on a case-by-case basis and may ask for additional documents.

Purpose of visit

To stay in Thailand for a retirement purpose. (Category O-A)

Validity of visa

The validity of visa is one year.

Period of stay

Travelers with this type of visa will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period up to 1 year.


Fee for Non-Immigrant O-A (Retirement/Long-Stay) Visa is $175.

The fee must be paid in the form of MONEY ORDER or CASHIERS CHECK only payable to ROYAL THAI CONSULATE GENERAL LOS ANGELES. Personal of company checks are NOT acceptable.

*** Regulations are subject to change without notice.***

Qualifications of an applicant

1. A foreign national whose age is 50 years or above. (on the date of submitting the application)

2. Not being prohibited from entering the Kingdom under the Immigration Act. B.E. 2522 .

3. Having the nationality of or the residence in the country where his/ her application is submitted.

4. Having no criminal record against the security of Thailand and the country of his/her nationality, or the country of his/her residence.

5. Not having prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535)

(Leprosy, Tuberculosis [T.B], Elephantiasis, Drug addiction, Alcoholism, 3nd step of syphilis)

Required documents

(*** One original and 3 copies. Document 5 7 must be notarized.***)

Make three sets of copies of the original notarized documents.

1. 4 application form |Download|

2. 4 photos

(Passport-type photo, 2” x 2”, color, front-view, taken within 6 months, and write your name and last name on the back of each photo).

3. 4 copies of a passport (the picture page) with the original passport. (A passport valid at least 18 months)

4. 4 copies of Personal Data Form. |Download|

*5. 4 copies of - bank statement showing a deposit at the amount not less than 800,000 Baht

- or an income certificate with a monthly salary of no less than 65,000 Baht

- or a deposit account plus a monthly income of no less than 800,000 Baht a year.

(In the case of the bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank is to be presented)

*6. 4 copies of police verification

stating the applicant has no criminal record issued by the authority concerned

of his/her nationality or residence. (the verification must be valid not more than 3 months)

*7. 4 copies of a medical certificate |Download|

issued from the country where the application is submitted,

showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 (B.E. 2535)

with the name and address of the doctor. (the certificate must be valid no more than 3 months)

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Phuketrichard said - Lite and others; u can NOT work on a type "o" visa u need a business visa. Yuu can CHANGE from a type "O" to a type "B" but u can do that with a tourist visa as well.

Incorrect you can work on a Non Immigrant O visa, many foreigners married to Thais and working in Thailand prefer to use a Non Imm O visa/extension instead of a Non Imm B, as a B is issued because you have a job, when you lose the job you lose your permission to stay if on an Extension, if you are on an O type you do not have to leave the country.

You could get a Non Imm O from Hull for visiting friends, come here and get a job, no problems and no need to change the Visa.

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to work you need a work permit.

to obtain a work permit u need a type "B" visa

B – To conduct business/to work. In addition to the requirements above applicants for a B visa must provide the following:

(1) Foreigners who wish to conduct business in Thailand must provide the following documents:-

You can not get a opwkr permit with a type "O" visa

read the quote above about non immigrant visas.

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to work you need a work permit.

to obtain a work permit u need a type "B" visa

B – To conduct business/to work. In addition to the requirements above applicants for a B visa must provide the following:

(1) Foreigners who wish to conduct business in Thailand must provide the following documents:-

You can not get a opwkr permit with a type "O" visa

read the quote above about non immigrant visas.

That is taken from the Website of a Consulate/Embassy outside of Thailand, the reality is different.

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If you are coming to Thailand for employment the type B visa would be the normal issue by a Consulate to allow entry into Thailand. But that does not mean you can not obtain a work permit on another type of non immigrant visa entry. Work permits are not issued by Consulates.

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You could still come here on an O for visiting friends, look for a job and take it, use your O Visa to assist you in getting your workpermit. Or someone married to a Thai that has gone back to his home country, returns to Thailand with his wife, uses the marriage Visa to come back and gets a job, uses his O for the WP. There are many posts on here where foreigners have changed from a B visa to O extension, as I stated if you lose the job you lose your permission to stay, if you are on an O Visa you can stay as you are here on marriage grounds.

Woops I mean extensions, if on B - bye bye, if on O after losing job you stay.

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