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Poster Of The Month!


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Anyway, tuky still has the "button" so now how many mates does tuky have?
:o too true, too true, add Tuky to my fave poster list. I'll do a proper one when I'm at home on the net.
Shouldn't be out at night, this town is full of wuffians.

said Elma Fudd. :D

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You know I've always been your friend tuky.... :D

Of course my dear, be they nearly half my age (like you) or over double my age (Jai Dee) I love you all :o:D

(BTW Ice, for that comment you now have immunity against the button :D )

As for BKK Mad... :D


The only reason i didn't put you on the list Tuky, was well, it didn't need to be said it was so obvious :D ............... As with all Super Moderators of course, phew nearly slipped up there. And now do i get immunity also :D

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I have to give my vote to Lopburi3 just as I have done in the past when this question was asked. He is always helping people and answering questions to which he has a lot of answers. There were a couple times when I needed help with a question and he never told me he was too busy or something. Super nice guy and a great source of information. :o Thanks for all your help to everyone Lopburi3!

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And of course everyone forgets tukyleith, who is one of the top ten posters (4000+ posts)...however he remains quite forgotten. However he does help a lot of people, he tries to steer threads in the right direction, he answers questions, he helps to resolve conflicts.

But, like many other extremely valuable members he is not that funny, or contraversial, so as with the aforemention quiet members he is easily forgotten...:D

He's quite humble too...... :o:D

The funniest poster is Bilko....what happened to him?

I vote for best poster also Lopburi3.......because his posts are accurate. A lot of people post and their info is......shall we say......less than correct :D

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First of all  I want to thank you for admin to give me a  chance for join in TV  forum (now i feel like Miss Universe's vow):D
george, huski and  Dr.PP

for me its hard to say who is the best poster here..all TV memb who post ,some are fun some give me good infomation.

anyhow for now ,TOP POSTERS for me are

Jeff1, Boo,Wolfie,sbk, tytus,

britmaveric, Ice Maiden, stumonster, davethailand,Kat

Lovely Cutie,Siamesekitten,Milk_l,dereklev,Boon Mee


meom,buadhai,thomas merton,gburns57au

Iampart10,,TizMe,The Dude, chownah, Thomas_Merton,

loong,totster, Jai Dee ,Thetyim,Kayo,khall64au


meadish_sweetball,daleyboy,The Gentleman Scamp


methinks i might miss somebody for my appreciate poster ....too many ...sorry

Bambi :D:D:D:D:D:D

well, I'm never going to talk to you again :o


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I reckon everyone's pretty good here on TV... to nominate a single member for outstanding posts would not give credit to all the others that help make up the ThaiVisa community.


For example, how about some names that haven't made it into this thread yet... george, Darknight, chuchok, jayenram, cdnvic, monty, bronco... etc. The list goes on... all great posters in their own rights and great personalities.


All we gotta do though is help tukyleith get over his "button fixation"... :o

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And of course everyone forgets tukyleith, who is one of the top ten posters (4000+ posts)...however he remains quite forgotten. However he does help a lot of people, he tries to steer threads in the right direction, he answers questions, he helps to resolve conflicts.

But, like many other extremely valuable members he is not that funny, or contraversial, so as with the aforemention quiet members he is easily forgotten...:D

Don't feel bad Leith, nobody's mentioned tutsi either although he's not posted much of late and he does have a good wit - bit too caustic for dr. PP & George sometimes. :o

Besides Blondie, I'd like to nominate Bambi as she's been a lot of help and funny too! :D

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First of all  I want to thank you for admin to give me a  chance for join in TV  forum (now i feel like Miss Universe's vow):o
george, huski and  Dr.PP

for me its hard to say who is the best poster here..all TV memb who post ,some are fun some give me good infomation.

anyhow for now ,TOP POSTERS for me are

Jeff1, Boo,Wolfie,sbk, tytus,

britmaveric, Ice Maiden, stumonster, davethailand,Kat

Lovely Cutie,Siamesekitten,Milk_l,dereklev,Boon Mee


meom,buadhai,thomas merton,gburns57au

Iampart10,,TizMe,The Dude, chownah, Thomas_Merton,

loong,totster, Jai Dee ,Thetyim,Kayo,khall64au


meadish_sweetball,daleyboy,The Gentleman Scamp


methinks i might miss somebody for my appreciate poster ....too many ...sorry

Bambi :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Not much to say, really. Sniff. This is my 200th post. Should have been a very special moment. Sniff. All I ever wanted was... was... a friend. So I joined TV... and no-one likes my posts.

So what if they are generally pompous, self-opinionated and reveal an anally-retentive fixation for getting spelling, punctuation and grammar right. And who cares if they contain dubious facts, outmoded views and unsubstantiated assertions on subjects that no-one has any interest in, anyway?

They were my thoughts. Just mine. It was the best I could do.

I'll get my coat.

(sound of slow footsteps and a gently closing door in the distance).

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Not much to say, really. Sniff. This is my 200th post. Should have been a very special moment. Sniff. All I ever wanted was... was... a friend. So I joined TV... and no-one likes my posts.

So what if they are generally pompous, self-opinionated and reveal an anally-retentive fixation for getting spelling, punctuation and grammar right. And who cares if they contain dubious facts, outmoded views and unsubstantiated assertions on subjects that no-one has any interest in, anyway?

They were my thoughts. Just mine. It was the best I could do.

I'll get my coat.

(sound of slow footsteps and a gently closing door in the distance).

We could always start a "Troll" of the month especially for you Sadman, if you like :D Only messin mate :o

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How times change?

Ask this question, say 2 months ago, and on everyone's list - perhaps not always at the top - would be The Gentleman Scamp.

Now only BambiNa remembers.

Yes folks, we are all just ships in the night.


That 's not true! I'm selling Scampy t-shirts in the Bambina Appreciation thread -only 99 baht (last price mister...) :o

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Not much to say, really. Sniff. This is my 200th post. Should have been a very special moment. Sniff. All I ever wanted was... was... a friend. So I joined TV... and no-one likes my posts.

So what if they are generally pompous, self-opinionated and reveal an anally-retentive fixation for getting spelling, punctuation and grammar right. And who cares if they contain dubious facts, outmoded views and unsubstantiated assertions on subjects that no-one has any interest in, anyway?

They were my thoughts. Just mine. It was the best I could do.

I'll get my coat.

(sound of slow footsteps and a gently closing door in the distance).


What a drama queen :o

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