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Driver Of Sedan In Bangkok Horror Road Accident Was A 16-Year Old Girl

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I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

If they ride 3 to 5 on a motorbike here and 8+ adults in a compact car, I certainly don't find it hard to believe they put 4-people in the back row of a van.

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I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

I got into one of these vans a while ago and counted 19, yes 19! people in it. I got out at the first opportunity, never again.

Yeah mate, I've got absolutely NO interest in beating this up. Im not telling lies. I have seen this plenty of times. My wife explained after using these buses for many years that she normally sees the extra seats being used in the PM rush & also sometimes in the morning depending on where the buses are loaded full at.

Its highly unlikely that you would encounter this in the middle of the day.

Even with 15 people on board, 3 in each row, 3 in the front, a full tank of fuel, all the bling and the extra seats added, most of these mini-busses would exceed their GVM weights. My guess is, thats what these academics are going on about.

Its a side issue, those vans travel millions of kilometres every year in this place, at those weights without drama, however, when things go pear shaped & some idiot collides with one of them, it may have some effect on the drivers ability to control it, any vehicle loaded to its maxium or over is in the same boat, its why vehicle manufacturers specify maxium weights.

Another side issue is seat belts. Vehicle standards, safety etc etc.

The real issue here is why did that other vehicle collide with the van.


I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

If they ride 3 to 5 on a motorbike here and 8+ adults in a compact car, I certainly don't find it hard to believe they put 4-people in the back row of a van.

ANYONE that wants to see this can just pop down to Victory Monument this afternoon during the peak hours and watch them load the vans. I would bet both my swingers that this will be seen.


ok, with this one i may be wrong. my gf say in the big vans they load 4 people/row, in the small ones 3.

but even i did some rides at rush hour i never saw 4 people in a row within between 50 and 100 rides (didnt count).


"Footage from traffic cameras shows a brief moment in the accident - a burst at the point of impact from the white Honda Civic she was driving for about 70 metres to standstill - before the van veered off the lane, and out of camera view."

Am I being completley stupid here or does the above quote make no sense?

I have read it over and over but it just makes no sense to me in any way.


The report states the 16y old driver was also killed. Guess she and her family have paid already.

I must have missed something here....where does it say she was killed?

All it says is that she has not been charged yet.

HL :huh:

Sad, that there're always people who read something else.Bangkokians are sometimes really rich and they don't care about a driver's license at all.

Anyways, it would just be a fine. But what a tragedy!! I feel so sorry for many Thais.

High school students at my former school being 16, ( lower north-east) drove by with a 7 series BMW on campus, speeding all around school.

Did a teacher, or somebody else say something? Of course, not.

Living in the "Isan" is a much different ball game. Nobody's wearing a helmet after 4.00 pm, because the cops are off duty.

Students sit on top of Pick Ups or trucks on their way to school, uncountable. Don't want to think about what would happen, if there'd be only a little crash.

. Seat belts will never built in 40 years old busses. You can see many people dying here, but it's 'normal' here, also when it might sound weird to you...




If people learn to belt up, such death could be prevented, or at least minimised. I guess the little girl is belt up, hence she walks.

Others should learn to Shut Up!!!

Never mind Piangrudee's belt thing. It surely can save lives, but not all. Especially those con men on electric chair.

On the case, if Ms. Pear is at fault, she will serve times. Thai laws do have mercy on the youngsters, still they will be punished in line with damage/ injury severity, and their age.


if i am involved into an accident i would try to help help help and not call some stupid insurance or the parents or my best friend. they cant help at this time.

but good she saved her bag, hmm? better to take care the bag than the victims... OMG

Help someone 5 meters down, dead, on the road below? How, ask if they are ok?

You have been part of many serious accidents have you?

Pathetic claiming to know anything about what they are thinking because people react different under severe stress and trauma.


I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

I took a van for 2.5 years to work (previous employment) and we had 4 people in the back most mornings going in and some days going back...

Your experience count for squat.


And what did she "twitter" ?

heres the pic of the girl. from what she twittered after the accident she was more excited than concerned...


No proof that she did, she might have been scrolling her phone-book to call her parents, insurance company etc, as most people would...

if i am involved into an accident i would try to help help help and not call some stupid insurance or the parents or my best friend. they cant help at this time.

but good she saved her bag, hmm? better to take care the bag than the victims... OMG

Almost every accident I hear about in Thailand it is reported that "The driver ran away . . ." Perhaps for self survival from angry mobs and/or Thai police, the first thing Thai people do is make sure someone that can help them knows about the accident and where they are??? Then help others as one can. At least she didn't "run away" as so many others do. Thailand is MUCH different than a western country regarding mobs, police, and the like. This is no defense at all for her driving without a license and underage (if all of that is true), but it would explain her not immediately rushing to help. Also if she is in shock, she might not even think of helping someone else.


this is the message she posted on bb or twitter. got from dek-d



"I just hit the van a minute. don't know how many people die 555 (hahaha) so exciting will upload picture.

update.. it would seem that this is not the same person as the driver... or so other people are saying.... :whistling:

FAKE done in poor taste. The twitter-account name is completely different...


I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

I took a van for 2.5 years to work (previous employment) and we had 4 people in the back most mornings going in and some days going back...

Your experience count for squat.

Thats a bit harsh TAWP. Obviously on the route & during the times he takes the rides, they're not at 4 people per row. He's just stating what he saw. I've been here a while, not as long as some but a while & Ive taken a few thousand minibus rides and have noticed on different routes during the peak times, they will cram them it. IT ALL COMES DOWN TO MONEY.

A van with 18 x 25 baht, will make more money than a van with 14 x 25 baht. ;) ....about 100 baht more, i think :blink:


The simple solution is to require that all passenger vehicles be fitted with a tachograph as in Britain and Europe. Even my school minibus had a tacho fitted.


The simple solution is to require that all passenger vehicles be fitted with a tachograph as in Britain and Europe. Even my school minibus had a tacho fitted.

& let the modifications to those tachographs commence.

Its absolutely pointless fitting safety gear to the vehicles, if the use of the safety gear isnt Policed.


How about a driver monitor system that records the vehicles speed as well as the drivers behaviour such as bursts of acceleration or excessive braking? Couple that up to a really, REALLY annoying over-speed warning inside the cab and a strobe light outside on the roof (like in Singapore) so that the vigilant Thai traffic cops (I know, I know) have an easier job of catching a speeder BEFORE the inevitable accident? Restrict these vehicles to left and center lanes only?

Where did you get the idea that Singapore cabs have a strobe light on the roof to indicate speeding? They did have a bell inside the taxis before, but it was insufficiently annoying to be effective.


The Thai forums are going beserk about this, comments are mostly about not helping anyone... And that media lied about that she was hurt... And that many pictures first shown covering the accident were later taken down... And that the rich will go free and Thais forget too easily

The facebook account that is collecting "likes" showed 80 comments in one single minute, was at 75,000 at lunch time, is now up to 100,000. sorry 101,000 now... 102,500...

Anyone want to "like"?



How about regulations giving the drivers of the minivans and taxis a shift of 10 hours per day, however, to regulate this would be problematic.

Taxis work to a shift, though how long I have no idea. But certainly such a regulation could be enforced - given the will. Installation of equipment similar to that used in US and European long-haul trucks would enable accurate checking. Unfortunately, it doesn't legislate for under-age drivers. And there are any number of those - unless I've misread the legal minimum - riding around on motorcycle, and usually three-up ....


TAWP: I am going to take your word that it's a fake. I can't imagine anyone being in a serious crash and having their wits together enough to twitter anything. Relatively minor crashes can be fairly traumatic; a crash like that one would no doubt leave a person pretty disoriented for a time.


The 15 year old daughter of a resident in our village drives her mother and younger brother around our city. I was more than stunned to see this happen. But she comes from a very wealthy family who thinks they can do anything and get away with it.

I wonder whether the 16 yo girl in that sedan that caused this accident on the freeway had a driver's license. They should the parents for letting an under aged person to drive on the freeway.

I wonder that some people can't read properly. Doesn't it say so many times that she's too young to have a driver's license?



TAWP: I am going to take your word that it's a fake. I can't imagine anyone being in a serious crash and having their wits together enough to twitter anything. Relatively minor crashes can be fairly traumatic; a crash like that one would no doubt leave a person pretty disoriented for a time.

Well people have been saying on twitter/facebook that the name on the tweet is not the correct one and to leave that girl alone, 'hisoboko' is the correct one I believe and her twitter account has not gone private so messages can not be read on there. there is always the chance that she has 2 twitter accounts.


Excuse me for being so crass, but from a Thai perspective, how will this affect the sin sot value of little miss hi-so?

It will shoot up if she is seen to be untouchable in the eyes of the law

Yep, a few baht can buy a lot more nah.

Plus, Daddy will be looking to cover his payouts.


TAWP: I am going to take your word that it's a fake. I can't imagine anyone being in a serious crash and having their wits together enough to twitter anything. Relatively minor crashes can be fairly traumatic; a crash like that one would no doubt leave a person pretty disoriented for a time.

I don't know of course but we can clearly rule out that she tried to help anyone who was hurt. I would not rule out that she stood there updating twitter a few minutes after the accident. I would like to know the truth but we will never know I suppose

I used to drive 30,000 km per year on motorcycle in Bangkok in the early 90s and when everybody had to stop in the traffic jam the accident caused, then I just continued to zig-zag until I reached the accident scene. I saw the most horrendous accidents, so many that I don't want to think about it, I also saw one disturbing habit that some displayed.

Observation: Some people would do nothing to help accident victims, more poorer people would check and try to help the accident victims than rich people. This is judging from the (value of the) cars they drove. I have seen quite a few expensive cars causing accidents where the motorcycle driver was badly hurt, I have seen (the rich) driver walk out of his car, move away a bit from the bleeding victim (stand on the side of the car not facing the bleeding victim), pick up his mobile and call his insurance company. Not one look at the bleeding victim. Not one look. I looked extra careful after I had seen it once and I can confirm the behaviour, I have seen it more than once

So could this 16 year old girl had done the same? Why not?


I see the government have made their usual kneejerk response, talking about improving the laws, but as has been pointed out many times there is no point as they are just ignored and there is nobody to enforce them


if i am involved into an accident i would try to help help help and not call some stupid insurance or the parents or my best friend. they cant help at this time.

but good she saved her bag, hmm? better to take care the bag than the victims... OMG

Help someone 5 meters down, dead, on the road below? How, ask if they are ok?

You have been part of many serious accidents have you?

not anyone involved but injured in this accident was dead on road below. maybe u read the news first and start discuss after you have all information, please!

beside this, i have seen 3 serious accidents in my live with fatalities and sadly i know how the majority reacts :-(


Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

So the jury is back already " if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims" and "hopefully she will get done for something"

What sort of sicko can come up with such comments?

In many countries one can get a drivers licence at 15 and this has not resulted in a disproprtionate number of 15yo's being involved in RTA's fatal or otherwise.

"In many countries one can get a drivers licence at 15..............." But not in this country, which is where she was driving. As for the rest of the sentence, I will think that you may find that young drivers DO make up a disproportionate number of RTAs, and even more so for fatal RTAs.


And what did she "twitter" ?

heres the pic of the girl. from what she twittered after the accident she was more excited than concerned...


No proof that she did, she might have been scrolling her phone-book to call her parents, insurance company etc, as most people would...

I know it's unlikely, but she could also be calling for an ambulance. A quick look at the history on that phone might be interesting. If there is no emergency service call, just a tweet "Oh guess what just happened to me..............." then its a pretty obvious case of callous disregard. Why isn't she helping the injured? Or is this picture well after the incident?


Inappropriate post deleted. Considering 8 people have lost their lives, lets try to show some human empathy here, people.


I am losing the last bit of respect some posters here deserve.

Please go ahead, be involved in a tragic accident - and THEN tell me how you think OTHERS should react.

Too much Hollywood movies or medical drama TV-shows...

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