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5-legged Spider


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I have a 5-legged huntsman spider who cruises my house (I live in the jungle). He was big and ferocious until tonight.

He's sitting on the wall but... only has 5 legs! : Four on one side and only one on the other.

I can't imagine who he may have met in the garden today? Any guesses? :o

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I have a 5-legged huntsman spider who cruises my house (I live in the jungle). He was big and ferocious until tonight.

He's sitting on the wall but... only has 5 legs! : Four on one side and only one on the other.

I can't imagine who he may have met in the garden today? Any guesses?  :o

Lay off the booze for a while and you might see things clearer :D

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I have a 5-legged huntsman spider who cruises my house (I live in the jungle). He was big and ferocious until tonight.

He's sitting on the wall but... only has 5 legs! : Four on one side and only one on the other.

I can't imagine who he may have met in the garden today? Any guesses?  :o

Lay off the booze for a while and you might see things clearer :D

I'm on peppermint tea sweetheart :D Don't you have an imagination when you're sober? :D

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It just got worse!!! :D

Spider is absent tonight. In his place is a ferocious gekko. It just chased a BABY gekko all over the wall ... and ATE IT! :o

Now he's licking his chops :D I can't stand to watch but I can't take my eyes off it.... :D

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I saw a Thai in a restaurant who had a pet beetle. It was a rather largish one and was pleasant to look at. To make it more manageable the Thai had removed all of its legs from the 'knee' down so it could only motivate very slowly.....a novel idea but a bit goulish for my sensitivities.

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u should pm that one to random chance

btw, OT but was demonstrating goat milking and it did just happen that the next in line was our billygoat (his were long low hangers)but i didnt check to see who was who in their head stall, just sat to 'her' side and started to milk and when none came out, i turned to 10 yr old kid audience and said " oops she's already been milked".....and he did NOT enjoy the milking..... :o

crabs (not the personal kind...)are spiders too, and very tasty

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Tonight... the walls are bare of action. However, there is a dead butterfly at my feet being consumed by ants.

What is the meaning of this post? ... apart from the fact that "I think too mut"? :D

Life is but a stage and we are all bit players? Or something like that!

Hammock... :o

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Tonight... the walls are bare of action. However, there is a dead butterfly at my feet being consumed by ants.

What is the meaning of this post? ... apart from the fact that "I think too mut"?  :D

Life is but a stage and we are all bit players? Or something like that!

Hammock...  :o

Oh.. that reminds me of something..

After a couple of months in the village I was starting to get pretty annoyed with the flies. The Electronic Mosquito Zapper just was't quick enough, so I bought a fly swatter.

The fly swatter was a good tonic.

The best thing about the fly swatter though is it produced dead fly bodies, which the ants would eventually find and carry away, he he yes.. carry away. Fascinating.

totster :D

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