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NATO forces in Afghanistan end 2010 with highest death toll since war began

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I guess it should be pointed out that Australia is not part of NATO and has nothing to do with this thread. If anyone is really interested in staying on topic.

I hate to nitpic but I think Australia has a lot to do with this topic. If you read the opening report there is a line that states "In 2010, NATO and its partner allies reported a total COALITION death toll of at least 709," This leads me to believe that the topic is about coalition forces and not specifically NATO forces. Australia along with 40+ other countries is part of this coalition and is playing an active combat role suffering casualties. The heading of the topic states NATO FORCES end with highest death toll but there is no mention anywhere of the toll inflicted on NATO forces just the coalition toll. I think the heading of this topic should have been "NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) end with the highest toll"

Australia is part of ISAF and death toll for ISAF in 2010 is 711 (10 Australians)


The death toll is rising by the day. Just read about another Dane that got killed. Does anyone know the objective of this war/occupation? What has to be achieved to be able to declare victory and cease the occupation of Afghanistan?


The death toll is rising by the day. Just read about another Dane that got killed. Does anyone know the objective of this war/occupation? What has to be achieved to be able to declare victory and cease the occupation of Afghanistan?

NATO has committed until about 2014 but other countries are starting to pull out. Australia has committed to NATO and may stay even after 2014 god only knows why. I don't think there is any real objective and it seems like a pointless and sad loss of life by all ivolved. Russia tried for about 10 yers and eventually pulled out went home. There will be no victory by anyside and will take time to work out a retreat plan that saves face for all involved.


The death toll is rising by the day. Just read about another Dane that got killed. Does anyone know the objective of this war/occupation? What has to be achieved to be able to declare victory and cease the occupation of Afghanistan?

After almost ten years there now I am beginning to believe the objective there is American pride.


The death toll is rising by the day. Just read about another Dane that got killed. Does anyone know the objective of this war/occupation? What has to be achieved to be able to declare victory and cease the occupation of Afghanistan?

NATO has committed until about 2014 but other countries are starting to pull out. Australia has committed to NATO and may stay even after 2014 god only knows why. I don't think there is any real objective and it seems like a pointless and sad loss of life by all ivolved. Russia tried for about 10 yers and eventually pulled out went home. There will be no victory by anyside and will take time to work out a retreat plan that saves face for all involved.

George it must be great to know more than NATO, Australia and all the other powers that be that have put troops in Afghanistan. One wonders why they don't consult you on a daily basis.

Just taking a shot in the dark I don't think many countries involved in Afghanistan would agree with you. They obviously think it is worth the cost and loss of life involved.

I have always thought NATO was in Afghanistan because they couldn't occupy Pakistan who are the real bad guys but I couldn't back that up unless Wikileaks has some information on the issue.

Since you are an Australian and since you think Australia is deeply involved in this thread why don't you tell us why Australia is involved in Afghanistan. Maybe if you came up with some solid information about why Australia was helping NATO it would make more sense to discuss it in this thread. Certainly if enough Australians didn't want Australia to help NATO they would not help NATO. America left Vietnam because a President was elected on a pledge to get America out of Vietnam. I am sure the same kind of thing would happen if enough Australians thought it was necessary to get out of Afghanistan. I can only assume that the Aussies want to be there.


The death toll is rising by the day. Just read about another Dane that got killed. Does anyone know the objective of this war/occupation? What has to be achieved to be able to declare victory and cease the occupation of Afghanistan?

NATO has committed until about 2014 but other countries are starting to pull out. Australia has committed to NATO and may stay even after 2014 god only knows why. I don't think there is any real objective and it seems like a pointless and sad loss of life by all ivolved. Russia tried for about 10 yers and eventually pulled out went home. There will be no victory by anyside and will take time to work out a retreat plan that saves face for all involved.

George it must be great to know more than NATO, Australia and all the other powers that be that have put troops in Afghanistan. One wonders why they don't consult you on a daily basis.

Just taking a shot in the dark I don't think many countries involved in Afghanistan would agree with you. They obviously think it is worth the cost and loss of life involved.

I have always thought NATO was in Afghanistan because they couldn't occupy Pakistan who are the real bad guys but I couldn't back that up unless Wikileaks has some information on the issue.

Since you are an Australian and since you think Australia is deeply involved in this thread why don't you tell us why Australia is involved in Afghanistan. Maybe if you came up with some solid information about why Australia was helping NATO it would make more sense to discuss it in this thread. Certainly if enough Australians didn't want Australia to help NATO they would not help NATO. America left Vietnam because a President was elected on a pledge to get America out of Vietnam. I am sure the same kind of thing would happen if enough Australians thought it was necessary to get out of Afghanistan. I can only assume that the Aussies want to be there.

My understanding is that Australian defence force personnel are deployed in Afghanistan because of the UNZUS treaty which states if a member country Australia and USA [NZ no longer a part] is attack then the other member countries are obligated to assist the attacked country militarily. After the 9/11 attack the USA exercised that treaty and therefore we have Australian combat troops operating under the the NATO flag in Afghanistan today. In,which I will remaind you, 21 brave soul have made the ultimate sacrifice for. Would you call that solid enough Mr Mark45y ?


So, in other words, most Australians want to be in Afghanistan so that the US will help them if they are attacked by Indonesia or someone else - they are looking out for their national interests. That is how the world works. ;)


No, we are in there because the US asked us. That's it, plain and simple. The Australian govt did say that at the time, we would not send troops until requested. The US govt asked and we obliged.

We do this not because the US will assist if we are invaded. Countries don't need to invade us, they are just buying us anyway.

Just because we have troops there doesn't mean the public agrees with it or wants them there. This was a big reason Howard got voted out, not just his govt but out of his own electorate.



This off topic but i find it absurd for anybody to think that Australia is in any danger of invasion from any country be it Indonesia or China. In fact Australian ties with China are the best they have ever been and are only getting stronger.


So you need no help and do not want to help, but are doing it anyway - even though Howard is long gone. That simply does not compute. :blink:

Who said we didn't need help if we were invaded?

No we do not want to help because we were lied to by Dubbya and conned into helping to assist in a war based on lies. We assisted in WW1 and WW2 and yes, in those wars we wanted to assist because they were 'genuine'.

Howard has gone, but we gave our word and agreed to assist, we stick by that even though we don't want to.

Does that compute?


So you need no help and do not want to help, but are doing it anyway - even though Howard is long gone. That simply does not compute.

Who said we didn't need help if we were invaded?

...Does that compute?

Not when I look at your last post. :blink:

We do this not because the US will assist if we are invaded. Countries don't need to invade us, they are just buying us anyway.


So where did I say we didn't need help?

I said the reason we committed troops wasn't because the US would help us.

That is not the same thing.

We also committed troops to East Timor, much to Indonesia's chagrin. Certainly didn't do it for our own good.

But in any event, it's getting way off topic. I suppose we aren't officially a part of NATO but our allies are and when they request assistance and we agree then by default we are part of NATO for that conflict.


Why doesn't America start acting like a friend and stop insisting that Australians DIE for thier little war? I ask you this a very simple question, Why should an aussie die for bloody America?

Because Australia wants the US to help them if Indonesia - or someone else - attacks. You scratch our backs and we scratch yours. That is how it works. ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The biggest joke I have ever heard. The only reason the U.S would repay the Australian deaths for thier war in Afaganistan is if Australia became the 53rd state and that will never happen. America is not a friend of Australia and will not help unless thier is something to be gained. I would rather be ruled by Indonesia ant day than be called a $%$^

The Australia Bank [ASX: NAB] had to borrow USD$4.5 billion from the US Federal Reserve during 2008 and 2009.

And Westpac Banking Corp [ASX: WBC] needed USD$1.09 billion in January of 2008 and 2009.

You are welcome.

Just for the fun of it. How many people in Australia do you think would rather be part of Indonesia?

I'm sure that without deterrents, Indonesia might like to grab a piece of Northern Australia sometime. They are the 4th most populous country with over 230 million and hardly anyone lives in the northern part of Australia. There's maybe half a million people living in the northern parts of the Western and Northern Territories.


There is plenty of land in the northern part of our country and I wouldn't care if they took it., they are welcome to it. No need to bring weapons, except for shooting crocodiles. Probably a bit of water may also be handy.

But why bother, just buy it like everyone else is doing, our country is basically for sale.

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