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A Xmas Chao Praya Catfish


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Was it weighted or guessed ?

Because the way you stand with the fish it would be real hard to lift it if it was really 47.5 kg. I just tried it with 2 25k kg weights and unless your having the weight under you shifing backwards its real hard to do.

Not calling you a liar just mean to say that many fish are grossly over estimated. To overcome that problem i ordered a pair of scales.

Not saying its not a great fish it is.. Just the weight seems off.

Edited by robblok
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Was it weighted or guessed ?

Because the way you stand with the fish it would be real hard to lift it if it was really 47.5 kg. I just tried it with 2 25k kg weights and unless your having the weight under you shifing backwards its real hard to do.

Not calling you a liar just mean to say that many fish are grossly over estimated. To overcome that problem i ordered a pair of scales.

Not saying its not a great fish it is.. Just the weight seems off.

No mate I am not a liar!!! the fish was weighed on new scales checked against other scales, the fish was lifted up by 2 people and handed to me to have the photo taken is that good enough for you!!! do you honestly think I would try and lift a fish of this size up by myself and risk hurting the fish I dont think so.. what do you mean the weight seems off?????????????? bloody hell this is one of the reasons I rarely post on here now is because of people like you oh well up to you!!!

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Hi there cobber. Did it go back in the river? or did you have yum pla dook foo......

The fish was returned to the water hopefully no worse for wear other than having a great big hook in its mouth. Yum Pla Dook I take is a fish dish?

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Was it weighted or guessed ?

Because the way you stand with the fish it would be real hard to lift it if it was really 47.5 kg. I just tried it with 2 25k kg weights and unless your having the weight under you shifing backwards its real hard to do.

Not calling you a liar just mean to say that many fish are grossly over estimated. To overcome that problem i ordered a pair of scales.

Not saying its not a great fish it is.. Just the weight seems off.

No mate I am not a liar!!! the fish was weighed on new scales checked against other scales, the fish was lifted up by 2 people and handed to me to have the photo taken is that good enough for you!!! do you honestly think I would try and lift a fish of this size up by myself and risk hurting the fish I dont think so.. what do you mean the weight seems off?????????????? bloody hell this is one of the reasons I rarely post on here now is because of people like you oh well up to you!!!

Take a chill pill faul mouthing someone does not make your claims more true. I was just disputing the weight and was courtious in doing so. I was asking a reasonable question as scales are not that common here especially the bigger scales. Also lifting a fish is not that easy and i know a lot about weights as i lift a lot and seen people overestimate fishes and calling it weighted. Its just that i have seen bigger fishes then this that weighed less.

And i tried to write it down as nicely as i could without accusing you and you reply like a bat out of hell. Guilty concience or something ?. Anyway if you say it was weighted 2 times then the picture is just not representing the fish as good as it could. That happens at times.

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Hi there cobber. Did it go back in the river? or did you have yum pla dook foo......

The fish was returned to the water hopefully no worse for wear other than having a great big hook in its mouth. Yum Pla Dook I take is a fish dish?

He asked you if you ATE the fish. And he said it was a pla dook (welsh catfish type but smaller)

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Hi there cobber. Did it go back in the river? or did you have yum pla dook foo......

The fish was returned to the water hopefully no worse for wear other than having a great big hook in its mouth. Yum Pla Dook I take is a fish dish?

Glad to hear he was just visiting.... Great catch and release. Congratulations... Yum Pla Dook Foo is one of my favourite Thai dishes, translation - spicy cat fish salad... If you can eat hot - chilli, try it, wonderful. delectable. Oh here's a pic of my catch. Last year.


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This is not to accuse you of anything but doubt your fish is 47.5kg (104 lbs) even the picture or your mekong is not the weight you posted. The most your Chao Phraya weigh is at 50 to 60 lbs. I was at Bungsamran saw some bigger than one you posted and they were 32kg.

Not taking anything from you it's a nice catch but this fish is not in the 100lbs size'

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Was it weighted or guessed ?

Because the way you stand with the fish it would be real hard to lift it if it was really 47.5 kg. I just tried it with 2 25k kg weights and unless your having the weight under you shifing backwards its real hard to do.

Not calling you a liar just mean to say that many fish are grossly over estimated. To overcome that problem i ordered a pair of scales.

Not saying its not a great fish it is.. Just the weight seems off.

No mate I am not a liar!!! the fish was weighed on new scales checked against other scales, the fish was lifted up by 2 people and handed to me to have the photo taken is that good enough for you!!! do you honestly think I would try and lift a fish of this size up by myself and risk hurting the fish I dont think so.. what do you mean the weight seems off?????????????? bloody hell this is one of the reasons I rarely post on here now is because of people like you oh well up to you!!!

Take a chill pill faul mouthing someone does not make your claims more true. I was just disputing the weight and was courtious in doing so. I was asking a reasonable question as scales are not that common here especially the bigger scales. Also lifting a fish is not that easy and i know a lot about weights as i lift a lot and seen people overestimate fishes and calling it weighted. Its just that i have seen bigger fishes then this that weighed less.

And i tried to write it down as nicely as i could without accusing you and you reply like a bat out of hell. Guilty concience or something ?. Anyway if you say it was weighted 2 times then the picture is just not representing the fish as good as it could. That happens at times.

Wow would you like to show me where there is any foul mouthing in my reply to you??? my first post mentioned that the fish had been weighed!!!! you mention it was weighed 2 times have you actually read my 1st post the fish was weighed once then the scales were checked against another set. anyway do I care what you think err let me think NO!!!!! and this is just the reason why I will not be posting on this forum again..

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This is not to accuse you of anything but doubt your fish is 47.5kg (104 lbs) even the picture or your mekong is not the weight you posted. The most your Chao Phraya weigh is at 50 to 60 lbs. I was at Bungsamran saw some bigger than one you posted and they were 32kg.

Not taking anything from you it's a nice catch but this fish is not in the 100lbs size'

Well what can I say to a person that knows everything, the fish was weighed, the scales were checked so what you say is just a joke. and I am laughing...

I suppose my questions to you and another person should be.. were you there, no I dont think so, did you witness the weighing, no I dont think so, do you know what you are talking about, no I am sure of that, I and the 4 other people that were there are sure and that is all that matters.. have a great new year I certainly plan to and hopeing to catch bigger...

Edited by kenny999
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No mate I am not a liar!!! the fish was weighed on new scales checked against other scales, the fish was lifted up by 2 people and handed to me to have the photo taken is that good enough for you!!! do you honestly think I would try and lift a fish of this size up by myself and risk hurting the fish I dont think so.. what do you mean the weight seems off?????????????? bloody hell this is one of the reasons I rarely post on here now is because of people like you oh well up to you!!!

I call that foul mouthing and not being polite. While i tried to state my words so they would not offend you. Anyway i see others also think its not the weight you say it is. So it must be the picture.

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This is not to accuse you of anything but doubt your fish is 47.5kg (104 lbs) even the picture or your mekong is not the weight you posted. The most your Chao Phraya weigh is at 50 to 60 lbs. I was at Bungsamran saw some bigger than one you posted and they were 32kg.

Not taking anything from you it's a nice catch but this fish is not in the 100lbs size'

That was what i was thinking too. So either the picture was taken badly or ............

Still its a nice fish nobody can deny that.

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This is not to accuse you of anything but doubt your fish is 47.5kg (104 lbs) even the picture or your mekong is not the weight you posted. The most your Chao Phraya weigh is at 50 to 60 lbs. I was at Bungsamran saw some bigger than one you posted and they were 32kg.

Not taking anything from you it's a nice catch but this fish is not in the 100lbs size'

That was what i was thinking too. So either the picture was taken badly or ............

Still its a nice fish nobody can deny that.

Look if I came across as rude then I appoligise, lets get this clear, the fish was weighed on new scales, the scales were checked after with another set of scales, I am a big boy and very strong and I could not lift the fish up by myself 2 people did that for me. I actually thought the fish was going to be 50 kgs before it was weighed so I was close. I have just checked my scales again on a new gas cylinder which weighs 17.5 kgs my scales are spot on. no picture will ever show the true size of a fish unless the picture is taken by a professional. am I annoyed at the post by this Victor person yes you bet I am how can someone come on here and say the fish is alot smaller how does he know that was he there obviously not so its best for him to keep those opinions to himself I am sure you agree...

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This is a forum. Everyone is entitled to voice his opinions. No one accused you of being a liar you brought this up yourself. As you say then "DON'T POST"

This is a forum you say, well I thought it was for people that could travel back in time and be some where else and then tell people what happened actually did not. its not worth posting and I have thought that for a long time because there are always the idiots that have to have a little dig about something.. this is directed at most forums not just this one.

Tight lines Victor me old doubter

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This is not to accuse you of anything but doubt your fish is 47.5kg (104 lbs) even the picture or your mekong is not the weight you posted. The most your Chao Phraya weigh is at 50 to 60 lbs. I was at Bungsamran saw some bigger than one you posted and they were 32kg.

Not taking anything from you it's a nice catch but this fish is not in the 100lbs size'

Well what can I say to a person that knows everything, the fish was weighed, the scales were checked so what you say is just a joke. and I am laughing...

I suppose my questions to you and another person should be.. were you there, no I dont think so, did you witness the weighing, no I dont think so, do you know what you are talking about, no I am sure of that, I and the 4 other people that were there are sure and that is all that matters.. have a great new year I certainly plan to and hopeing to catch bigger...

Yes I was NOT there and this is the reason I doubt the weigh you stated. And I know what I said as I have seen many 100lbs fishes have YOU? And it's obvious you care what others said as every post you rebutted. Perhaps you should verify whether your scales are imperial or metric?

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This is not to accuse you of anything but doubt your fish is 47.5kg (104 lbs) even the picture or your mekong is not the weight you posted. The most your Chao Phraya weigh is at 50 to 60 lbs. I was at Bungsamran saw some bigger than one you posted and they were 32kg.

Not taking anything from you it's a nice catch but this fish is not in the 100lbs size'

Well what can I say to a person that knows everything, the fish was weighed, the scales were checked so what you say is just a joke. and I am laughing...

I suppose my questions to you and another person should be.. were you there, no I dont think so, did you witness the weighing, no I dont think so, do you know what you are talking about, no I am sure of that, I and the 4 other people that were there are sure and that is all that matters.. have a great new year I certainly plan to and hopeing to catch bigger...

Yes I was NOT there and this is the reason I doubt the weigh you stated. And I know what I said as I have seen many 100lbs fishes have YOU? And it's obvious you care what others said as every post you rebutted. Perhaps you should verify whether your scales are imperial or metric?

Yes mate caught and saw a hundred pound fish the other day, and of course I care what idiots say, you are a joker verify my scales to be imperial or metric are you serious oh yes you are ha ha take your jealously else where!! please dont reply but then again I do enjoy donuts...

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I have to say this because catching a big fish is very exciting and posting on a forum for others to enjoy is enjoyable, now if people dispute the obvious and reply with idiotic comments like check to see if the scales are in metric or imperial insinuating that the poster is thick and not capable of reading a set of scales that are in kgs then I think it would be better just to not bother posting at all. what does it matter if the fish in question looks smaller in a picture which quite often they do, my fish was weighed and the weight read out by 4 different people, the scales have been checked 3 times so yes the fish was 47.5kgs..

In all my time here in Thailand and posting on many forums you always get the idiots and fools who think it is funny making stupid comments but as they say in this country up to them most of them are key board hereos with no friends.

So will I post any more big fish pictures, no I can not be bothered I would rather just show other fishing lovers away from these forums.

Happy new year to all and lets hope the new year brings bigger fish.

Tight lines...

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Then don't post it;s not lost to anyone. To see pictures of big fishes there are many on the net, You don't contribute much except your own catches, no information on ponds and quarrel with a number of people in this forum.

Well mate its no loss to me either, yes I quarrel as you say but only because of stupid idiotic comments, many pictures of big fish on these forums so you wont miss any more of mine.

Got to go something good on the tv that television.

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Beautiful fish!:)

I just wonder where did you catch it?

Is it a wild specimen from the natural river itself

or one of those "farmed" fishes that they keep and feed in artificial dams for tourists to hook for some baht?:rolleyes:


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Beautiful fish!:)

I just wonder where did you catch it?

Is it a wild specimen from the natural river itself

or one of those "farmed" fishes that they keep and feed in artificial dams for tourists to hook for some baht?:rolleyes:


Its not a wild specimen, its almost impossible to catch those as the Thais over fish the rivers. You will have to go fishing in those artificial lakes. This one was caught in cha am.

I don't see it as any less an accomplishment because Thailand lacks real good natural water. But to be honest you will have to see how hard a water is if a catch is remarkable. A big fish in BSR is less remarkable as for instance one in Shadow lake, Sakuna, Minburi fishing world. Some places are easier then others.

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This is what a 104lb Mekong looks like :weighed in on scales.

I have to say this because catching a big fish is very exciting and posting on a forum for others to enjoy is enjoyable, now if people dispute the obvious and reply with idiotic comments like check to see if the scales are in metric or imperial insinuating that the poster is thick and not capable of reading a set of scales that are in kgs then I think it would be better just to not bother posting at all. what does it matter if the fish in question looks smaller in a picture which quite often they do, my fish was weighed and the weight read out by 4 different people, the scales have been checked 3 times so yes the fish was 47.5kgs..

In all my time here in Thailand and posting on many forums you always get the idiots and fools who think it is funny making stupid comments but as they say in this country up to them most of them are key board hereos with no friends.

So will I post any more big fish pictures, no I can not be bothered I would rather just show other fishing lovers away from these forums.

Happy new year to all and lets hope the new year brings bigger fish.

Tight lines...


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