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Mother Of Girl Involved In Bangkok Tollway Accident Attends Funeral Of Victim


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I see a glimmer of hope for the young lady who caused the accident. She has a mother who has a lot of courage and a fair amount of compassion.

Come on, I personally think it's all an act. She's just trying to save the family name and 30,000B compensation what a joke. I really do hope this underage teen driver gets what should be coming to her but I highly doubt she'll get in any trouble. Imagine if that was one of you Sons or Daughters who died in such a way and some lady was offering 30,000B compensation. I would through it back in her face.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion but it shocks my senses that you think so little of your fellow humans to believe this woman doesn't feel awful about the deaths of 9-people who her daughter appears to have been at least largely responsible for. But more shocking is why you appear to want to believe this rather than the logical as this women is losing face big time by doing what she is doing and the article clearly states the offering was "token compensation" and the family member took it ... again, I would put a lot more credibility and care into the victim's family and what the believe than a poster here who seems hell bent on believing the worst in people.

Maybe I wrong but I've lived here long enough (12yrs) to see to many cases like this. Using the big last name as a get out of Jail free card, pay some money for it to disappear, losing face, etc. Maybe she has remorse but the family has lost face because of this and need to regain creditably again and going to these funerals she is trying to do that. I don't agree she is losing face by going to these funerals but she's trying to regain it. Ok some of it for sure is remorse but a lot of it is saving face. Even if the underage driver is at fault there is no way she will get in any trouble. Money, Big Last Name, Military Dad and so on. She has no worries. The police are charging her because of how many people are pissed off over this. If this was in North America she would be in a lot of trouble no matter what. This is my opinion but may not be yours.

I love Thailand but these types of stories really do make me feel disappointed with Thai laws and how things are run here.

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"token compensation" is not full compensation or even meant as compensation but as what it says .. a "token" gesture less than a week after the crash. Lets not turn a good gesture into a bad one .. none of the families have yet rejected these token offerings and their opinions certainly weigh more than ours.

There is nothing yet to indicate the parents knew she was driving and in fact the mother denied they knew and believed used words to the effect of being shocked. It has been reported this was a friends car. The police have said they are looking into both things.

My point is... the parents 'should' have know where there 16 year old was - my problem is the Thai's lack of responsibility - for just about anything from driving to animal welfare to their kids.

In this case the answer 'I didn't know'

I don't think this is a Thai only issue. Parents all over the world don't know where their 16-year olds are once they leave the house. I will reserve my judgement about the parents blame in this until more facts come out but do believe the family has been doing the best they can to address this tragic event and there is not more we can ask for at this point (less than a week after the accident).

You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

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Come on, I personally think it's all an act.

Pretty much from the start of the fracas, the mother has been the picture of dignity and sincerity. If you think they couldn't have gotten their daughter out of the country, you are kidding yourselves. And, although I haven't raised any children myself, I'm gonna estimate that's a pretty untenable spot for any parent (to have the ability to whisk their child away into safety, but under immense pressure not to try and skirt any potential personal responsibility).

Throw in a visceral mob and a judicial process which may well be unfairly pressured to "make an example out of her", and I can quite see how a mother could quite easily rationalise her way into temptation there...

And yet this mother has done the exact opposite.

I cannot imagine the courage required to go to the funeral of another mother's child, who died as a result of an accident involving your child (who lived).

I think cheap shots at this particular mother say a lot more about those making them, than anything else. They are as tacky as she has been dignified.

The police are charging her because of how many people are pissed off over this.

I love Thailand but these types of stories really do make me feel disappointed with Thai laws and how things are run here.

I couldn't agree more. The judicial system should not be coerced by mob rule.

Whether it's rioting after a corrupt PM received a slap on the wrists (eventually), or threatening violence if a Court doesn't deliver a specific verdict, or demanding a child with a prestigious last name be hung out to dry for her childish immaturity.

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I wondered as well about where the father is. My guess he is the one who is doing whatever maneuvering needs to be done in the political/cultural circles. But that's just my guess. He's the one who has the most face to lose.

The girl's mother is courageous in my eyes. She could have been met with less than a warm welcome. The victim's mother has spoken very true words and not particularly kind. Regaining face? Probably. There's more going on than sincerity, but it's a start.

In the court of public opinion, this mother is doing what she can. She's protecting her family and her daughter and her family's honor--at least what's left of it.

The girl should be charged and face the full brunt of justice, but let's give credit where credit is due in a very tragic situation. Hopefully her daughter will face justice and not revenge.

I hope we don't end up with 10 victims. (the cause of the accident)

Any speculation about how this would be handled if this would have been a pickup filled with Isan laborers instead of well educated people. Or better yet, Burmese workers?

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Either the journalist is being disparaging of their efforts, or something is lost in translation.

Making 'token' gestures in terms of giving cash to say sorry would be considered extremely insulting.

token gesture

an action or a decision that is so small or inconsequential as to be only symbolic. Offering to pay for my dinner was only a token gesture. That does little to make up for my inconvenience.

In this situation, it would have been far better for the family to simply say, they contributed to the cost of the funeral.

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She has no worries. The police are charging her because of how many people are pissed off over this. If this was in North America she would be in a lot of trouble no matter what. This is my opinion but may not be yours.

I disagree in terms of her not facing any legal consequences but I think right now she already has a lot to worry about given that 9-people have died and I believe the vast majority of people in this position (privileged/rich or not) would be more concerned about this than any legal consequences at this point.

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"token compensation" is not full compensation or even meant as compensation but as what it says .. a "token" gesture less than a week after the crash. Lets not turn a good gesture into a bad one .. none of the families have yet rejected these token offerings and their opinions certainly weigh more than ours.

There is nothing yet to indicate the parents knew she was driving and in fact the mother denied they knew and believed used words to the effect of being shocked. It has been reported this was a friends car. The police have said they are looking into both things.

My point is... the parents 'should' have know where there 16 year old was - my problem is the Thai's lack of responsibility - for just about anything from driving to animal welfare to their kids.

In this case the answer 'I didn't know'

I don't think this is a Thai only issue. Parents all over the world don't know where their 16-year olds are once they leave the house. I will reserve my judgement about the parents blame in this until more facts come out but do believe the family has been doing the best they can to address this tragic event and there is not more we can ask for at this point (less than a week after the accident).

You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

Tragic as this accident was, I have not yet seen any positive proof that the girl was more to blame than the van driver, who, as she was one of those killed, can't answer any accusations of her culpability.

But, as we all know, the average van driver everywhere in the world is generally acknowledged as always speeding, always cutting up the traffic .

When we have more positives from the video's and police reports, we can then cast the blame.

But right now I am doubtful.

I think the mother has behaved well, with courage, but the Father should have been more visible, surely?

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"token compensation" is not full compensation or even meant as compensation but as what it says .. a "token" gesture less than a week after the crash. Lets not turn a good gesture into a bad one .. none of the families have yet rejected these token offerings and their opinions certainly weigh more than ours.

There is nothing yet to indicate the parents knew she was driving and in fact the mother denied they knew and believed used words to the effect of being shocked. It has been reported this was a friends car. The police have said they are looking into both things.

My point is... the parents 'should' have know where there 16 year old was - my problem is the Thai's lack of responsibility - for just about anything from driving to animal welfare to their kids.

In this case the answer 'I didn't know'

I don't think this is a Thai only issue. Parents all over the world don't know where their 16-year olds are once they leave the house. I will reserve my judgement about the parents blame in this until more facts come out but do believe the family has been doing the best they can to address this tragic event and there is not more we can ask for at this point (less than a week after the accident).

I agree how parents think the 16 year olds are at a friends, when they are out clubbing and partying, it wasn't the parents car, it was a friends, how many parents have had that done to them behind their backs?

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Have been to two funerals in the last year, one was a family member, the whole did not cost 100,000 baht as another poster suggested, it was probably half that amount, remember a funeral is not just one day but many days, then the cremation.

For the Mother to go to the Funeral took courage, but also she knew she would not be turned away. At all funerals money is given in envelopes to the family of the deceased, this is a token gesture, lets remember that.

Maybe it is a show from the mother to reduce the anger at her child and also the courts decision when the girl is charged, maybe it is a true heartfelt gesture, who knows!!! time will tell.

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Either the journalist is being disparaging of their efforts...

In this situation, it would have been far better for the family to simply say, they contributed to the cost of the funeral.

I suspect you're right on both counts above. I'm quite certain the family was not attempting to publicise the amount; it was surely intended to be a gesture to assist with the funeral costs.

But the journalist seems to believe the amount is newsworthy.

I guess they should have come in throwing millions of baht around. I'm sure that would have played out much better... unsure.gif

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You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

There is nothing to suggest it was the parents or her car, so where is the above statement coming from?

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You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

You should do some more research on this matter before you continue to post things as fact that are inaccurate and/or based on no facts as is the case withe both your statements..

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Personally, I also think that the mother is deeply sorry for her daughter's actions and wants to make amends as much as she can. It is brave of her to attend the funeral(s) of the victims and to offer a 'token' gift as a sign of her sorrow and regret.

However, if this accident hadn't caused so much of an outcry and was accepted as another daily statistic, would she have attended the funeral(s) and given the 'token'?

No matter what, the girl should be charged to the full extent of the law as well as her parents, but I doubt it.

Moo Ham: Out on bail

Duangchalerm: No witnesses

Santika Pub Owners: Nothing so far

:boring: yawn :coffee1:

Agree and also the age is now creeping when it is thought to actually be 15 from people in the know and reports said 16 at first and this one now 17. Get her to 18 on the next report and she can be prosecuted correctly. Either way the parents unfortunately have to live with the guilt of knowing their offspring caused so many deaths and knowing they did nothing to stop her youthful arrogance towards law by driving without a license. It may be that life is cheap in Thailand but money solves all issues here an this will go away due to the prestige of their name. It's a pity justice can be blinded corruption.

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Either the journalist is being disparaging of their efforts...

In this situation, it would have been far better for the family to simply say, they contributed to the cost of the funeral.

I suspect you're right on both counts above. I'm quite certain the family was not attempting to publicise the amount; it was surely intended to be a gesture to assist with the funeral costs.

But the journalist seems to believe the amount is newsworthy.

I guess they should have come in throwing millions of baht around. I'm sure that would have played out much better... unsure.gif

I'm not sure about the use of the word Token but it would not surprise me if you are right based on The Nation's reporting of this incident as a whole as compared to the other English Bangkok paper. They have been leaving a number of things out.

But it did stand out to me that reporting of the amount served little purpose in reporting especially since it was reported the money they had given to other victim's family at the hospital was 20k and not 30k. I actually wondered if they reported the right amount given this could be taken as an insult to other families and am sure is not something the girl's family wants to do..

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Pay a little money and prostrate at the feet of the Mother of the child your Daughter killed?

Yeah, that makes everything better.

"I am sorry for losing my son who was a good man. You still have your child who joins you for dinner, but I no longer have any," she said."

Send a signal.

Come on guys ..Sh*t happens, It was a horrific accident as we all know, but this is not England or America , we live in Thailand, and we are seeing Thai justice at work for better or for worse, I know where I would rather be..!! This young girl has to live with this for the rest of her life, Her parents have to live with her for the rest of their lives, And we who stay here, we have to live with Thai justice for the rest of our lives while here, Have some compassion , the dead are dead and the living go on... RIP with this very sad affair.............

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Either the journalist is being disparaging of their efforts...

In this situation, it would have been far better for the family to simply say, they contributed to the cost of the funeral.

I suspect you're right on both counts above. I'm quite certain the family was not attempting to publicise the amount; it was surely intended to be a gesture to assist with the funeral costs.

But the journalist seems to believe the amount is newsworthy.

I guess they should have come in throwing millions of baht around. I'm sure that would have played out much better... unsure.gif

Unfortunately, when it comes to cash passing hands in this country, the amount is ALWAYS mentioned. The giver expects some respect for their munificence. It is a distinctly Asian thing (like Sinsot), and no amount of time I spend here, will remove the idea that discussing how much you spend, or wealth that you have, or extreme visible shows of wealth are in extremely bad taste.

The family wouldn't give money, thinking that the amount wouldn't get mentioned, in which case, 30k seems pretty derisory considering the probable available funds. However, there will be a certain amount of people in the country who will feel, "oh well, they gave 30k, that is quite a lot of money.' There will also be a lot of people thinking that "Hmmmm, they are just trying to buy good publicity".

I will take it as it is, and think, well they did something, but 30k is chump change to these people, and she did it more to do something apparently charitable, without much thought whatsoever.

Hence, why I said, it would have been better to simply announce we are assisting with the costs of the funerals without putting a figure out in the public domain.

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You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

You should do some more research on this matter before you continue to post things as fact that are inaccurate and/or based on no facts as is the case withe both your statements..

I only post what i read on this forum.


Or do you want to say that posts of members of this forum are not accurate?Since you are also a member that must include you then..

The post where someone provided the fact that she was only 15 years old I can't be bothered to look up,but I'm sure you can.

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Either the journalist is being disparaging of their efforts...

In this situation, it would have been far better for the family to simply say, they contributed to the cost of the funeral.

I suspect you're right on both counts above. I'm quite certain the family was not attempting to publicise the amount; it was surely intended to be a gesture to assist with the funeral costs.

But the journalist seems to believe the amount is newsworthy.

I guess they should have come in throwing millions of baht around. I'm sure that would have played out much better... unsure.gif

so why 30,000? why not just pay for the whole funeral? for all the victims? as another posters said - better the family say 'we have met the costs of all the victims funerals' where's the father? doesn't do him much credit does it? sending his wife and not going himself - I would have been impressed if the whole family went.

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Tragic as this accident was, I have not yet seen any positive proof that the girl was more to blame than the van driver, who, as she was one of those killed, can't answer any accusations of her culpability.

But, as we all know, the average van driver everywhere in the world is generally acknowledged as always speeding, always cutting up the traffic .

When we have more positives from the video's and police reports, we can then cast the blame.

I'm not sure what you have seen Wellington & I agree with your statement regarding waiting for the police reports before blame can be laid but regarding the van drivers culpability (as you put it), nothing has been levelled at the van driver whatsoever, other than, a lane change of some description. There has been quite a bit of noise actually outlining the general nature of this particular van drivers general driving & its opposite to your statement about average van drivers. I think its grossly unfair to make such a broad statement as to say that the 'average van driver..........".

What needs to happen is each drivers actions should be closely examined in the moments leading up to the collision. It sounds from the latest media reports that the Police already intend to demonstrate what the conclusions of their investigations are by taking action against a particular person. There must be a reason for that.

Its definately illegal to travel along a motorway well above the speed limit, on a crowded roadway, flashing your lights and expecting to other road users to clear a path because your in a hurry to return a car, however, given the right set of circumstances its not illegal to change lanes. Theres a huge difference. If the van driver indeed check the lanes prior to diverging & there was no vehicles within a safe distance & there was no reason for the van driver to expect that someone was going to be travelling at high speed well above what is regulation, then how could they be blamed for merely changing lanes?

If there was an act of dangerous driving leading up to the time of the collision, then its highly likely, given that it wasnt a deserted highway, that there were witnesses that saw what happened (including any manner of driving immediately prior to the collision) and hopefully they had the sense to pass this information onto the Police.

I am sure there will be more information about this incident other than the poor quality highway video and a couple of broad statements made by the mother of one of the parties.

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You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

You should do some more research on this matter before you continue to post things as fact that are inaccurate and/or based on no facts as is the case withe both your statements..

I only post what i read on this forum.


Or do you want to say that posts of members of this forum are not accurate?Since you are also a member that must include you then..

The post where someone provided the fact that she was only 15 years old I can't be bothered to look up,but I'm sure you can.

There are many posts by members of this forum that are not accurate. Yours is one of them. Don't believe everything you read.

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You mean,when their 16 years old leave the house in their own car?Don't think that happens all over the world.

By the way from another thread onhere it is revealed that she was 15 and even not 16 years old.

You should do some more research on this matter before you continue to post things as fact that are inaccurate and/or based on no facts as is the case withe both your statements..

I only post what i read on this forum.


Or do you want to say that posts of members of this forum are not accurate?Since you are also a member that must include you then..

The post where someone provided the fact that she was only 15 years old I can't be bothered to look up,but I'm sure you can.

Your link only led to a post where on the previous page a poster states:

" Not only may she be 18 years old but according to another website the car belonged to her. She posted a picture on June 23 showing the car and saying how proud she was of it. I have no idea if this page is fake or real. " (i edited the bold to highlight)

On top of this, a few posts later, it was shown that this wasn't even the same car.

My original advice still stands especially given the viral hatred that this incident has produced. There is no reason to fan the flames more with inaccurate info or opinions stated as facts. We all make mistakes so, no you should not blindly just believe what is posted here by me or by anyone.

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Tragic as this accident was, I have not yet seen any positive proof that the girl was more to blame than the van driver, who, as she was one of those killed, can't answer any accusations of her culpability.

But, as we all know, the average van driver everywhere in the world is generally acknowledged as always speeding, always cutting up the traffic .

When we have more positives from the video's and police reports, we can then cast the blame.

I'm not sure what you have seen Wellington & I agree with your statement regarding waiting for the police reports before blame can be laid but regarding the van drivers culpability (as you put it), nothing has been levelled at the van driver whatsoever, other than, a lane change of some description. There has been quite a bit of noise actually outlining the general nature of this particular van drivers general driving & its opposite to your statement about average van drivers. I think its grossly unfair to make such a broad statement as to say that the 'average van driver..........".

What needs to happen is each drivers actions should be closely examined in the moments leading up to the collision. It sounds from the latest media reports that the Police already intend to demonstrate what the conclusions of their investigations are by taking action against a particular person. There must be a reason for that.

Its definately illegal to travel along a motorway well above the speed limit, on a crowded roadway, flashing your lights and expecting to other road users to clear a path because your in a hurry to return a car, however, given the right set of circumstances its not illegal to change lanes. Theres a huge difference. If the van driver indeed check the lanes prior to diverging & there was no vehicles within a safe distance & there was no reason for the van driver to expect that someone was going to be travelling at high speed well above what is regulation, then how could they be blamed for merely changing lanes?

If there was an act of dangerous driving leading up to the time of the collision, then its highly likely, given that it wasnt a deserted highway, that there were witnesses that saw what happened (including any manner of driving immediately prior to the collision) and hopefully they had the sense to pass this information onto the Police.

I am sure there will be more information about this incident other than the poor quality highway video and a couple of broad statements made by the mother of one of the parties.

Actually the girl involved clearly stated the van was making unsafe lane changes. The same girl who stated that the accident would either not have happened or not has been as bad had she not been speeding. She also didn't say how fast she was going so not sure about your comment "well over" the speed limit.

Without going back to the news report, I believe the girls quotes stated the van was continuing to move back and forth between lanes. She signaled the van with her lights to pass (as is the practice here) and the van moved back into the other lane but as she began to pass the van came back into her lane and they collided.

Given the girls admissions, I don't believe she is lying. I also don't believe, at this point, she didn't see the van and ran into from behind. It appears to me that the van's spinning and rolling, at least at this point, is inline with its rear side being struck (think Pit Maneuver) causing the van to spin out. Also would indicate the lack of initially noticeable paint transfers or indication the cars had collided (as initially reported) since it takes so little force to cause a vehicle (especially a van) to spin out from such contact.

This possible scenario fits well given the results and what we are hearing ... the the Van moved into her lane as she began passing and the front side of her car came into contact with the rear side of the van.

As for putting weight of sole fault into the fact that the reports of what the girl will be charged with on Wednesday .. lets both wait and see until Wednesday (and verdict) but more importantly and with all do respect to the dead, you can not ticket or charge a dead person (the van's driver).

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it seems the family hired a good PR agency to consult them on how to keep a good image in front of all the press etc. ...

i'm always amazed how thai people manage to put a monetary value on anything. so does that mean in the mother's eyes, this particular victim's life was worth 30,000?

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Without going back to the news report, I believe the girls quotes stated the van was continuing to move back and forth between lanes. She signaled the van with her lights to pass (as is the practice here) and the van moved back into the other lane but as she began to pass the van came back into her lane and they collided.

When you say "as is the practice here", i know what sort of driving maneuver you are talking about. It usually involves driving up fast right onto the back bumper of another car, tailgating, and then flashing the headlights to intimidate the driver ahead to pull aside. I experience this practice almost everyday. Sometimes people even do it when i am sitting in traffic with cars ahead of me and to either side. Quite how they expect me to get out of their way, i have no idea. Levitation perhaps?!

Anyway, whether it be the practice here or not doesn't make it an acceptable way to drive. It's dangerous, arrogant and against the law.

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Without going back to the news report, I believe the girls quotes stated the van was continuing to move back and forth between lanes. She signaled the van with her lights to pass (as is the practice here) and the van moved back into the other lane but as she began to pass the van came back into her lane and they collided.

When you say "as is the practice here", i know what sort of driving maneuver you are talking about. It usually involves driving up fast right onto the back bumper of another car, tailgating, and then flashing the headlights to intimidate the driver ahead to pull aside. I experience this practice almost everyday. Sometimes people even do it when i am sitting in traffic with cars ahead of me and to either side. Quite how they expect me to get out of their way, i have no idea. Levitation perhaps?!

Anyway, whether it be the practice here or not doesn't make it an acceptable way to drive. It's dangerous, arrogant and against the law.

Exactly! put it down to sheer selfishness - something happens to Thai's when they get behind the wheel or on a bike - no letting people out of soi's, no regarding for parking and no INDICATION which really pisses me off

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